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运用条件价值评估法(CVM)对云南省内4所高等职业院校的273名教师对教学督导的认知与态度进行问卷调查。结果显示,86.21%的教师支持教学督导工作。影响教师支持意愿的因素包括督导的评价作用、督导有效性、督导工作到位程度以及督导制度完善性和督教关系等。回归模型显示,督导的有效性、听课评价作用、督导到位程度和督教关系对高职教师的支持意愿影响较大。教学督导是高职院校加强教师能力建设的重要环节,在工作中应充分了解教师的认知和态度,以获得他们的支持。  相似文献   

教师的督导与评价对提高教学质量具有重要作用。文章阐述了教师督导与教师评价在基本目的、基本原理、过程的范围、参与者间关系的本质、观察程序、专家意见的性质、教师个人的看法等方面的区别,以及在督导体系中如何实行两者互补的方式。  相似文献   

从教师专业发展与教师督导的关系出发,可以发现教师督导是教师专业发展有效实施的必要保障,教师专业化发展也为教师督导的长远发展提供可能性。但我国在教师督导上存在一定的问题:教师督导观念落后;职能定位模糊;督导人员队伍设置不合理;教师督导主体与内容单一,其形式有待改进;教师督导法制建设不匹配;教师督导校本机制缺乏。基于此,本研究提出了应建立以学校为本的教师督导,借鉴欧美的同伴指导,加强对教师"学"和"研"的督导。  相似文献   

教师自由和教师权威是教育领域中探讨的两个重要问题,近年来也越来越受到关注。不过对二者的研究都是独立进行的,本文尝试将二者结合起来加以比较,找到二者之间的内在紧密联系和二者中存在的一些共同之处,比如他们和教师权力的关系、与学生自由的关系等等。对教师自由和教师权威的研究,必定也会带来一些师生关系方面的反思。  相似文献   

教师督导对提高教师教学水平起着重要的作用,在教育竞争日益激烈的今日,法国对教师督导的要求也越来越高。法国中小学教师督导制度得到了全国近一半教师的肯定和认可,有效地促进了法国教师的专业发展。文章从法国中小学教师督导评估的过程出发,对督导前、督导中、督导后三个阶段进行介绍,为我国中小学教师督导的改革和发展提出了开启校长与督学合作评估模式、重视教师督导内容的拓展与更新、注重对教师督导评价结果的公开和奖惩等建议。  相似文献   

美国教师督导的内容及其有益借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国的教学督导对教师的成长起到十分重要的作用。我国高校的督导工作应借鉴美国的督导内容和方法,明确督导工作的目的,督导者和教师关系平等,督导方法科学合理,做好督导结果的沟通反馈工作,并注重教师的教学反思和教师校本培训,以促进教师发展。  相似文献   

本文对英国中小学校教师评价指标体系(含括英国政府所颁布的教师教学行为评价指标和英国教育标准局对中小学校教师进行督导评价时所使用的评价指标)进行了深度的研究和述评,旨在为我国教师评价指标体系的构建提供借鉴。  相似文献   

教师督导:教师专业发展的新视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师督导是指通过对教师实施监督和指导,以促进教师专业发展的活动。在国外教师专业发展的相关研究中,教师督导已经成了一个新兴而热门的话题,然而国内的研究还为之甚少。本文从教师督导的概念、特征着手,对教师督导的发展缘由及内容策略作了具体的介绍,以期对我国教师专业发展有所启发。  相似文献   

区分性教师督导体系是美国近十年来发展的一种新的教师专业发展体系,该体系承认处于不同专业发展阶段的教师有着不同的发展需求,应为不同的教师提供不同的专业发展活动和评价方式,支持和促进教师专业发展,最终达到改进教学和提高学生学习效果的目的。文章通过对该体系的发展和理论模式的综述,认为构建区分性教师督导体系,对我国教师专业发展有着现实意义。  相似文献   

教师督导:教师专业发展的新视完   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师督导是指通过对教师实施监督和指导,以促进教师专业发展的活动。在国外教师专业发展的相关研究中,教师督导已经成了一个新兴而热门的话题,然而国内的研究还为之甚少。本文从教师督导的概念、特征着手,对教师督导的发展缘由及内容策略作了具体的介绍,以期对我国教师专业发展有所启发。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyse Irish school placement cooperating teachers’ supervisory experiences when involved in various structures of communities and explore factors which enabled or challenged them in cultivating relationships with school placement stakeholders where there is no formal system of supervision established in schools in the Republic of Ireland. Describing learning as a social process, research implies the significance of the development of relationships, membership within communities and identity construction. Using a qualitative approach, it was found that by formally engaging in a supervisory process, cooperating teachers experienced each of these characteristics to varying extents resulting in different supervisory experiences. The different configurations of membership allowed cooperating teachers to contribute towards school placement collaboration.  相似文献   

Early career teachers face a range of challenges in their first years of teaching and how these challenges are managed as career implications. Based on current literature, this paper presents a model of early career teacher resilience where resilience is seen as a process located at the interface of personal and contextual challenges and resources. Through a semi-structured interview the challenges faced by 13 Australian early career teachers and the resources available to manage these challenges are examined. Findings show that beginning teachers experience multiple, varied and ongoing challenges and that personal and contextual resources are both important in sustaining them through the beginning year(s) of their teaching careers. The study emphasises the critical roles played by family and friends and the importance of relationships in the resilience process. Implications for future research and teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

This article describes the teacher lore of Torey Hayden, its emphasis on a pedagogy of caring, and its use in preservice teacher education to address affective outcomes. Eight concepts that make up caring relationships and are reflected in Hayden's wisdom of practice are discussed. Four separate studies are then described examining the outcomes of reading Hayden on preservice and inservice teachers' affective understandings and skills. In the first two studies reading Hayden was more effective than reading professional texts in promoting positive attitude changes toward children with disabilities. In the third study decreased punitiveness toward classroom behavior management was associated with the therapeutic impact of reading Hayden. In the fourth study inservice teachers, who had read Hayden in preservice coursework over a 10‐year period, rated her stories as a strong influence in preparing them to teach and in shaping their current teacher practices, attitudes, and identity. Reasons why Hayden's teacher lore had a positive influence on teachers' affective development are offered. Hayden's philosophy of attachment and loss in forming relationships is discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe the effects that parent perceptions of their relationships with teachers have on parent involvement. After providing a brief review of literature identifying the importance of parent–teacher relationship formation, the authors provide suggestions for early childhood educators that will help them establish and maintain productive relationships with the families that they serve.  相似文献   

Drawing on the experience of carrying out a literature review commissioned to support the Review of Teacher Education in Scotland, this paper discusses the role of literature reviews within the movement for ‘evidence-based policy’ making. The first part of the paper discusses the purposes of such reviews and some of the misconceptions that may be associated with them. Several critical questions that shape the work of reviewing are identified. By examining the particular case in which the authors were involved, it is demonstrated how the establishment of terms of reference and definitions of scope are critical factors in determining the outcome of such a project. But so too are the relationships established between those undertaking the project and the commissioners of the work. The conclusion is that reviewing literature is much more of a deliberative process than is commonly understood.  相似文献   

While legislation is in place for the promotion of inclusive education in Serbia, the adoption of teaching practices that support diversity in schools is still lacking. This study looks at teacher perceptions of students at risk (SaR), their relationships with peers and the teachers’ own roles as sources of support, using a sample of 94 interviews with teachers analysed using qualitative content analysis. The SaR from Roma population and poor backgrounds are found to be perceived positively by their teachers, but most teachers failed to perceive their influence on the improvement of academic performance and peer relationships. Perceptions of students with disabilities varied in tone across the dimension positive-depending on the type of disability-negative. Teachers who spoke affirmatively about them expressed readiness to cooperate with parents and colleagues, emphasising the importance of socialisation. Recommendations for teacher education are discussed, including diversity awareness and encouraging more flexible understanding of teacher roles.  相似文献   

As part of a cross-cultural collaboration, a teacher performance assessment (TPA) was implemented during 2009 in three Malaysian institutes of teacher education. This paper reports on the TPA for graduating primary teachers in Malaysia. The investigation focused on the pre-service teachers’ perceptions about whether the TPA provided them with an opportunity to document successfully their professional learning and professional practice. Successful completion of the Malaysian TPA was closely aligned to successful relationships, support and collaboration between Malaysian lecturers and pre-service teachers, and between pre-service teachers and their classroom teachers. Overall, the TPA did provide pre-service teachers with an opportunity to focus on the connection between theory and professional learning during field-work, and to become reflective evidence-based practitioners. Recommendations for improving the assessment of pre-service teachers are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines changes in teaching habits reported by teachers when they see themselves on video. It is a longitudinal study in which 43 student teachers participated in the first step during their teacher education. When the teachers saw themselves teaching, they were surprised by certain habits and wrote that they wanted to change them. Two years later, eight of these teachers video recorded their teaching again. The interpretation is based on pragmatic philosophy and Mead’s concepts of ‘I’ and ‘me’. In the interviews, it becomes clear that the majority of the teachers in different ways had changed their habits. It is not only a question of new habits but also of the refinement of previous habits. Four categories of changed habits are presented: shift in the opportunity to speak in favour of the participants, reduced service orientation, reduced control, and building relationships.  相似文献   

There is a growing concern about the struggles of early career teachers and an understandable questioning of the preparation being offered by teacher education courses. Are our preservice teachers being given workable strategies and techniques to allow them to survive the early years? Is it strategies and techniques that are primarily at issue here? Could it be that there is something more fundamental, to do with an underlying philosophical understanding about human nature, the desire to learn and the need to relate? I want to suggest that instruction about strategies and techniques is too often built on an insecure and incompatible foundation of assumptions about the nature of the world of sentient beings and their relationships. Ontology matters. Philosopher Spinoza divided the world of thought into ideas that were adequate – contributing to our well-being, potency and happiness – and those that were inadequate – leading us to feel weak, at the mercy of outside forces, and sad. I want to argue, with Spinoza, that inadequate ontologies lead to a sense of impotence and frustration, and that adequate ideas – a stronger ontology – can underpin and sustain a more durable pedagogy. I explore this idea by looking at some classroom events through a Spinozean lens.  相似文献   

对高师生进行教师职业行为训练是高等师范教育培养学生职业能力的重要途径。但是,要使真正发挥作用,必须要融入到整个培养体系之中。同时,在实际训练中,还要处理好行为训练与人格培养、相关课程之间的关系,处理好集体训练与人别矫正的关系。  相似文献   

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