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在蛰伏了失意的2010赛季后,德尔·波特罗展开倦缩的翅膀,像闪电一样划破阴霾的夜空,重新闯入人们的视野,就如当年在法拉盛的一飞冲天,阿根廷人带着无比的信心和勇气,极速回归到顶尖高手的行列。 相似文献
德尔波特罗和纳尔班迪安宣布退出上海劳力士大师赛,不免让喜爱阿根廷网球的球迷失意。不过,另一位不显山露水的帅哥级球员,与阿根廷名将扎巴雷塔、德尔波特罗同出自“网球之乡”坦迪尔的摩纳哥今年却在上海一飞冲天。 相似文献
推荐理由:2005年世界青年女篮锦标赛上.中国国家青年女篮创造了历史,获得铜牌。队中表现最好的刘丹也创造了历史,进入赛会最佳阵容。刘丹是近几年国内女篮崭露头角的新星,2006年WCBA季后赛,她所在的沈部队在半决赛中将此前四连冠的八一队挡在了决赛之外,爆出了本赛季WCBA最大的冷门。在随后的总决赛上,刘丹又在三场比赛中得到72分,带领沈部队取得职业化以来最好的成绩——WCBA亚军。在国内篮球人目光都集中在姚明身上时,女篮中一个优秀的中锋也在迅速成长。 相似文献
每一次人们讨论“最杰出的统治者”的时候,总是首先想起皮特·桑普拉斯和罗杰·费德勒,不过认真翻阅一下网球历史,我们才意识到,斯黛芬·格拉芙或许才是一个更为伟大的名字,之所以这样说不只是因为她在1988年不可思议地完成了“金满贯”,更因为她拥有一张就连桑普拉斯和费德勒都很难超越的成绩单。在格拉芙所统治的时代,她好像给网球场施加了魔法,才留给我们一连串令人目眩的纪录:22座大满贯冠军奖杯、107个巡回赛奖杯、377周排名世界第一……1988年9月,斯黛芬·格拉芙实现了“年度大满贯”,即在一个赛季中赢得澳网、法网、温网和美网。而在短短一周之后,她又摘下汉城奥运会网球女单项目的金牌,成就了“金满贯”的伟业,而那时她才只有19岁零3个月大。 相似文献
为你,我用了半年的积蓄飘洋过海来看你。为了这次相遇,我连见面时的呼吸都曾反复练习。收拾行囊时,忽然想起了台湾歌手娃娃的那首经典歌曲《飘洋过海来看你》。十多年前,它曾流行一 相似文献
采用文本分析法,将体育作为传播活动,对体育偶像崇拜现象进行了符号学分析和阐释学解读。认为体育偶像崇拜是体育的传播效果,其前提是体育是人的动物性本能,受众对偶像进行崇拜是为了满足超越与安全感的心理需求,偶像的本质是崇拜者群体的首领,偶像崇拜心理主要通过想象产生,作为人类活动,体育偶像崇拜有明显的文化特征。 相似文献
大学体育应以“生存教育”为目的 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
体育如何在大学教育中发挥其自身的对人才培养的作用,是大学体育研究的重要课题。运用文献资料的研究方法,分析了大学体育的特点和作用,阐述了大学体育的目的应该围绕着有利于大学生“生存”需求而确定,大学体育应该以“生存教育”为目的。 相似文献
stunts实为一种力的自我测试运动,它来自于南美的民间游戏。深入的分析与初步的实践证明,它可作为教学课的素材与活动课的教材。与此同时,本文为教材内容的更新,寻找理论依据与操作程式。 相似文献
Sean Dunne 《Sport in Society》2017,20(7):924-937
This article utilizes Walter Benjamin’s concept of the dialectical image to contextualize racial narratives in the contemporary United States. It examines techniques employed by the National Basketball Association (NBA) in the racial packaging of its product, which includes the selection of commentators, the content of commentary, the NBA’s dress code and the NBA’s minimum age requirement. Following this packaging, the NBA then projects the resulting commodification of black masculinity to its fans as phantasmagoria. Moving beyond a critique of these phantasmagorical racial narratives, this article incorporates the NBA’s commodification of black masculinity within a dialectical image that also includes written and visual texts found within the reactions to the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin. This dialectical image is used to illuminate tensions that carefully packaged racial narratives such as those found in the NBA attempt to keep hidden. 相似文献
唐露铭 《中华武术(研究)》2020,(2):97-98,103
为进一步促进武术通过广西向东南亚的发展,本文基于布迪厄“场域理论”,提出建设中国武术文化场域,提升中国武术的符号价值。在充分认识和理解东盟各国的文化、历史、宗教信仰以及本土武术文化基础之上,通过加强武术词汇翻译,提升武术传播者的东盟语言能力;充分利用“儒家文化圈”文化共通之处,发挥中国武术文化内涵之用;激发武术文化场域各要素间的有机配合,推进官方及民间武术传播的“走出去”。 相似文献
Joan Marian Fry 《Sport, Education and Society》2013,18(2):141-162
Abstract This study drew on the life history approach, specifically life story through interview, to examine a bellwether case of an experienced teacher implementing a new senior high school subject in the area of physical and health education. Discussions with the teacher focussed on power relations at her school as they affected and were affected by the implementation process. Two theoretical approaches were used to analyse the data. First, Ball's micro‐political conceptual frame (power, goal diversity, ideological disputation, conflict, interests, political activity, and control) was used to provide a meaningful basis for discussing her political activity. Second, in focussing specifically on power Gore's framework of four conceptions of power (‐as‐property, ‐as‐dominance, ‐as‐productive, and ‐as‐creative energy) took the analysis to a deeper level to probe how the teacher conceptualised, dealt with, and mobilised power. These analyses revealed that in implementing the new subject she had to deal with disputed ideologies about the nature of physical education within her department and about the relative value of different subjects between her department and other faculties. She also had to contend with the pervasive ideology of mind over body as reflected in the traditional curriculum championed by the principal. What strongly came through in this study was the teacher's strategic approach to deal with opposing forces, particularly how she negotiated avoiding direct confrontation with those who represented administrative power in her school. Besides teachers requiring substantial subject matter and content pedagogical knowledge (Shulman, L., 1987), as with Sparkes, Templin and Schempp's examination of physical education as a marginalised subject (Sparkes, A., Templin, T. & Schempp, P., 1990), this research suggests that those introducing a curriculum innovation need to understand the micro‐political forces that operate within their schools and to develop strategies that deal with those forces and to use them to advantage. Effective strategies, in this context, were associated with reducing professional isolation through developing professional networks and balancing a non‐confrontationalist approach with the need to take a stance on an ideological position. From this study, it is clearly evident that curriculum implementation is a political activity. 相似文献
布鲁是蒙古民族的传统体育运动项目之一。有着悠久的历史,布鲁运动有着它独特的表现形式,它对民族文化的发展和民族体育运动的广泛普及起着积极的推动作用。 相似文献