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在全面推行赏识教育的背景中,许多人完全否定了惩罚的教育作用。对于惩罚已经出现了许多认识上的混乱和实践上的误区。关于教育惩罚的合理性、教育惩罚的作用以及教育惩罚实施过程中应该注意的问题等急需进行理论上的探讨,以加强对惩罚教育的理性认识。  相似文献   

在全面推行赏识教育的背景中,许多人完全否定了惩罚的教育作用.对于惩罚已经出现了许多认识上的混乱和实践上的误区.关于教育惩罚的合理性、教育惩罚的作用以及教育惩罚实施过程中应该注意的问题等急需进行理论上的探讨,以加强对惩罚教育的理性认识.  相似文献   

教育惩罚是教育手段之一,是教育应有之意。随着人文主义思潮的兴起,,教育惩罚的地位和作用受到人们的质疑,因此,对教育惩罚进行研究,揭示教育惩罚应有地位与作用,探讨教育惩罚运用的方式,具有重要意义。从教育惩罚的涵义谈起,论述教育惩罚的合理性和非理性,着重论述教师实施有效教育惩罚的策略。  相似文献   

本文在当前众多对教育惩罚研究的基础上,肯定了把体罚排除在外的教育惩罚的教育作用;继而分析了教师的道德品质对正确、合理地运用教育惩罚的重要影响,阐明了在采用惩罚这一教育方式的同时,应该注重培养教师包容、宽厚的道德品质,趋利避害,以发挥教育惩罚的积极作用。  相似文献   

随着素质教育观念的不断深入,尊重学生人格和个性差异,表扬和激励学生,已成为教育者的共识,但与此同时,由于人们对惩罚在教育中的作用还不能正确认识,也造成了当今教育惩罚的窘境。教育惩罚是否是一种必要的教育手段?应如何把握惩罚的尺度?如何保证惩罚的效果?本期话题针对以上问题对教育惩罚进行了讨论。  相似文献   

合理地使用惩罚是教师的专业权利和义务,然而,在全面推行赏识教育,呼吁尊重学生人格的教育背景中,许多人对因不当惩罚过激反应而完全否定了惩罚的教育作用。因而,对于惩罚已经出现了许多认识上的混乱和实践上的偏颇。本文从心理学理论相关研究的视角,探讨惩罚的心理机制、实施惩罚教育的心理学意义及心理策略,以加强教师对惩罚教育的理性认识。  相似文献   

阐述了惩罚的涵义、理论依据和实践依据,提出了惩罚在教育中的作用及使用惩罚时需要注意的问题。  相似文献   

近年来各种不合理、不合法的教育惩罚现象,受到社会各界普遍声讨,如何能够最大限度地抑制惩罚教育的弊端,发挥其积极有效的作用,本文试从学校、家长、教师和社会方面提出了一些教育策略,解决如何在教育过程中,合理的运用惩罚教育,发挥其积极有效作用。  相似文献   

曾霞  谢鹏云 《考试周刊》2012,(41):176-177
针对中小学惩罚过度的情况,本文认为,一方面,惩罚教育不等同于体罚,教师应该合理地使用惩罚,防止因随意性的惩罚而酿成悲剧。另一方面,惩罚作为一种教育手段,在教育中具有不可替代的作用。教育中恰当地使用惩罚对维护教育秩序和促进学生社会化具有重要意义。本文分析现今教师无度惩罚学生的现象,揭示和反思学校教育中惩罚教育实践所存在的问题,并提出解决的策略,以达到落实惩罚教育的效果和切实改善教师使用惩罚教育的情况,使教师能够科学地运用惩罚教育。  相似文献   

梁红梅 《文教资料》2008,(3):143-144
举国上下反对体罚教育的今天,许多教师"闻罚丧色",不敢对学生施以惩罚教育了,造成了教育力度的不足.分清惩罚与体罚的界限,适当运用惩罚手段于教育,对于教育效果具有积极的作用.  相似文献   

安抚、批评、惩罚与表扬、奖励等激励方法一样,都是幼儿教育中可用的重要手段,但幼儿毕竟是幼儿,安抚、批评、惩罚必须讲究科学,如安抚孩子不宜进行负诱导,批评孩子不能一"批"了之,慎用惩罚手段,这都是幼儿教育中的一些基本原则。家长和老师要从孩子的生理心理特征出发,按照幼儿教育的规律,避免因安抚、批评、惩罚不当,而造成对孩子的身心伤害。  相似文献   

The West Indian child is usually loved by its parents or caretakers, but is frequently subjected to corporal punishment unsuitable to the age and stage of its development and excessive in relation to the alleged offence. The debate on whether the persistent use of what is considered excessive punishment as the means of instilling obedience in children, centres around the parents' African heritage or learned behaviour from the institution of slavery. Socially and economically disadvantaged parents under stress seem to displace their frustrations and anxieties on the children through corporal punishment which often assumes ritualised characteristics. The community in general and the parents in particular need help through appropriate education, to change their attitudes of accepting excessive corporal punishment as the means of imposing discipline upon children.  相似文献   

Objective: The major aim was to describe parental attitudes to physical punishments and examine their sociodemographic correlates. A related aim was to assess the association of parents’ own experience of physical punishment with attitudes to punishment of children.Method: A cross-sectional survey was conducted during the second week of December, 1996 in five general clinics covering the major administrative areas of Kuwait: 337 Kuwaiti mothers and fathers with at least one living child were contacted; 95% were successfully interviewed using a structured questionnaire.Results: Eighty-six percent of parents agreed with physical punishment as a means of child disciplining. Agreement with punishment was higher in case of serious misbehaviors such as stealing (63%), sniffing glue and using drugs (77%). Multiple regression results showed that parent’s lower level of education and Bedouin ethnicity were positively associated with agreement on physical punishment. Larger percentages of parents who had experienced physical punishments themselves agreed with such punishment to discipline their children, but this was not statistically significant.Conclusions: In recent years education has become widespread for both sexes. An inverse association between educational level and agreement on physical beating suggest that attitudes to this form of child disciplining are changing. Those with a Bedouin ethnic background still adhere more strictly to the traditional forms of child disciplining including physical beating. There is a need for conducting research on the possible negative psychosocial impacts of physical punishment in view of findings from other countries.  相似文献   

Objective: The major aim was to describe parental attitudes to physical punishments and examine their sociodemographic correlates. A related aim was to assess the association of parents’ own experience of physical punishment with attitudes to punishment of children.Method: A cross-sectional survey was conducted during the second week of December, 1996 in five general clinics covering the major administrative areas of Kuwait: 337 Kuwaiti mothers and fathers with at least one living child were contacted; 95% were successfully interviewed using a structured questionnaire.Results: Eighty-six percent of parents agreed with physical punishment as a means of child disciplining. Agreement with punishment was higher in case of serious misbehaviors such as stealing (63%), sniffing glue and using drugs (77%). Multiple regression results showed that parent’s lower level of education and Bedouin ethnicity were positively associated with agreement on physical punishment. Larger percentages of parents who had experienced physical punishments themselves agreed with such punishment to discipline their children, but this was not statistically significant.Conclusions: In recent years education has become widespread for both sexes. An inverse association between educational level and agreement on physical beating suggest that attitudes to this form of child disciplining are changing. Those with a Bedouin ethnic background still adhere more strictly to the traditional forms of child disciplining including physical beating. There is a need for conducting research on the possible negative psychosocial impacts of physical punishment in view of findings from other countries.  相似文献   

作为对学生越轨行为的规治手段,“教育惩戒”源于学界对体罚、惩罚现象的批判。伴随教育惩戒的权力失落与呼吁回归,其发展经历了戒尺文化阶段、人道主义阶段、全面抵制阶段,到目前的立德树人阶段。这一历程不仅受制于社会进步和先进教育思潮的作用,历史发展和社会结构变迁也成为教育惩戒权失落与回归的浓厚底色。如今,教育部已出台《中小学教育惩戒规则(试行)》纲要并正式施行,学界也从心理学、伦理学等多学科视角对教育惩戒的价值性和必要性进行论证,但教育惩戒仍缺乏实践土壤,面临惩戒手段失当、惩戒程度失准、惩戒对象失变和惩戒干预失重等多重困境。而要促使“惩戒”向“教育惩戒”转变,真正实现为教育而惩戒,使惩戒遵守教育目的和教育规律,需要促进教育惩戒的合法化、加强教育惩戒的合目的性、规制教育惩戒的合伦理性、追求教育惩戒的艺术性。这些或将成为教育惩戒落地生根的可能路径。  相似文献   

Beyond Justice     

The central argument of this paper is that it is inconsistent to both morally educate children and to punish them. This is because the aims of punishment, according to the traditional theories, are, in the case of children, incompatible with the aims of moral education. Finally it is suggested that as no obvious general justification of the punishment of children is forthcoming, therefore the onus of justification must rest with those who, in a particular case, wish to punish children.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The main objective of this study was to test a structural model of the antecedents and socioemotional consequences of mothers' use of physical punishment on children in two-parent families. METHOD: Mother-child data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, based on a sample of 1397 4- to 9-year-old children, were used to test a structural model derived by the author from previous research. The hypothesized model was revised; the revised model was cross validated on a split-half sample, and estimated separately by age group, gender, and race/ethnicity. RESULTS: The revised model fit the data well and was supported by cross-validation. Poverty, maternal birth age, parents' education, maternal depression, and marital conflict were directly or indirectly related to mothers' frequent use of physical punishment. Frequent use of physical punishment was directly related to children's socioemotional problems, as were maternal depression and marital conflict. Few subgroup differences were found. CONCLUSIONS: Main findings indicate that the effect of poverty on mothers' use of physical punishment is indirect, and is mediated by maternal depression and marital conflict. Depressed mothers spank their children more frequently and experience higher levels of marital conflict, which, in turn, is directly related to their use of physical punishment. Younger, more educated mothers spank their children less often. Children who are spanked more frequently exhibit more socioemotional problems.  相似文献   

在社会主义初级阶段,受趋利等因素的影响,人性恶找到了发作的温床,表现为社会犯罪现象凸显。国家依法惩处罪犯,一方面,维护了社会的秩序和稳定,但另一方面,他们的未成年子女(以下简称“特定子女”)也在法律惩处中遭到连带和殃及,从而又影响了社会的和谐稳定。从思想政治教育的视角,社会稳定的高度、关注民生的良心,探讨了对“特定子女”帮扶的社会主义理念原则:在经济理念上的民生原则,在思想理念上的疏导原则,在教育理念上的保障原则,在发展理念上的法制原则。  相似文献   

A look at corporal punishment and some implications of its use   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The author notes several legal, social, philosophical and educational attitudes common to Canada and the United States which have, for centuries, characterized the uses of corporal punishment with children. Specifically, corporal punishment is viewed as a technique for developing discipline within the school system. Inconsistencies in both Canada and the U.S. are noted regarding court decisions and their application in the classroom. Recent revisions to The Ontario Child Welfare Act are discussed in light of its implications for parents and teachers who physically punish their children or students. Research findings related to corporal punishment and their implications for schools are cited. Negative side-effects of administering punishment are also described. The evidence suggests that corporal punishment besides being an ineffective learning technique, is not the uncomplicated, quick solution many may think it. The author concludes by proposing that because of their important role in the lives of developing children and considering the resources devoted to teacher training, teachers should be held as legally accountable for their use of corporal punishment with children as parents are. As well, he indicates the need for (1) increased teacher training in the areas of child management, classroom management and interactional processes; (2) greater opportunity to devise creative problem-solving strategies; and (3) a re-ordering of priorities at universities, colleges and faculties of education which would benefit not only teachers, but ultimately their students.  相似文献   

江峰 《学科教育》2014,(2):3-12
教育惩罚的争议性问题可概括为两组:一是教育性和必要性问题,二是正当性和适用性问题。后者在实践上更受关注,但前者在理论上是更为基础性的、决定性的。康德教育学中有对这两组问题的一整套回答,并且其中还蕴含了一个对教育学而言是意义更为重大的儿童心灵学说。这一学说蕴含在康德对教育惩罚施加了什么痛苦、这种痛苦何以能使人向善这一问题的回答中。但随着哲学心理学逐渐为科学心理学所取代,康德教育学中的儿童心灵学说及其遗留问题,今天已淡出我们的视线。  相似文献   

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