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林朝霞博士在<实践美学与后实践美学在论争中发展>一文中追溯了实践美学和后实践美学交锋和各自发展的历程,理出了实践美学和后实践美学及新实践美学在争鸣中发展的学理脉络.但是,作为对当代中国美学发展的概观和综述,该文把实践美学和后实践美学的论争从对立和斗争的角度谈论,忽略了后实践美学和新实践美学是在实践美学的基础上发展以及各美学流派是在中国当下文化语境中发展的事实.文章不乏对后实践美学的褒扬之辞,但没有正视后实践美学理论本身的缺陷.本文认为对实践美学与后实践美学论争的论说要抓住几个关键问题,界定清楚概念和范畴,澄清论证交锋所在.  相似文献   

实践科学发展观是党的十七大做出的战略决策。实践科学发展观就是要用科学发展观指导实践、服务实践和检验实践。指导实践就是以科学发展观为指导,努力提高实践主体的素质和实践活动的自觉性,不断优化实践活动过程。服务实践就是充分发挥科学发展观的社会功能,大力推进社会主义现代化建设。检验实践就是要把科学发展观作为审视、分析和评判实践活动的重要依据。  相似文献   

针对电子技术专业培养目标的要求和实践教学的现状,从构建相对独立的实践教学体系、优化实践教学内容和方法、加强校内外实践教学基地建设、开放实验室和实践基地、强化课外实践活动等5个方面进行实践教学改革.通过实践教学改革,培养了学生的创新精神和实践能力,提高了实践教学质量,取得了良好的效果.  相似文献   

高校实践教学是高校师生基于学习性与社会性的教学互动所推行的,与教材体系、课程体系与教学体系相互关联的各种教学实践活动的总称。实践教学是师生传接知识的实践方式,是师生认识和检验知识真理性以改造主观与客观世界的实践过程,是师生认知、把握和评判教学实践对象的科学程式和有效方法。实践教学具有实践逻辑的优先性、实践思维的真理性、实践过程的互动性和实践价值的客观性四重特性。实践教学的变革趋势主要表现为实践教学手段的信息化、实践教学活动的社会化、实践教学改革的国际化和实践教学体系的科学化。  相似文献   

论教育理论与实践的本然统一——从实践哲学的角度观照   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
现实中人们探讨教育理论和实践的关系多是从理论哲学的角度切入的,但这种角度不仅不会统一教育理论与实践,反而导致了教育理论和实践的分裂。教育理论和实践之所以分裂,是由于近代以来科学对实践哲学的僭越。在实践哲学视野中,理论和实践、教育理论和教育实践是截然不分的。因此,只有重新重视实践哲学,教育理论与实践才能复归统一。  相似文献   

陈瑞丰 《出国与就业》2011,(20):167-168
根据马克思实践视.大学生树立科学的职业理想,应该从实践去思考和理解.职业实践存在技术实践和道德实践两个维度.技术实践维度上,职业实践是个体生命能力的展开和自我确证;道德实践维度上,职业实践是个体本真的创造性生存,个体在实践中肯定自己,自由地发挥自己的体力和智力,个体因为职业实践满足自身需要而自在和快乐,并感到幸福,职业...  相似文献   

关于实践价值的哲学思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实践价值是实践效益和实践效率的辩证统一,追求实践价值就是“实践求功”.“实践求功”就是在实践中力求用最小的代价,追求最大价值和良性循环的实践过程.追求实践价值有助于实践主体获得现世幸福,有助于实践主体在实践中自觉地追求实践活动的高效性,有助于激励实践主体发奋图强成为竞争场上的优胜者.追求实践价值必先实事求是,必须悉心研究实践活动的一般规律,更需掌握实践活动的特殊规律,另外,还需巧妙利用、创造和转化各种主客观、内外部条件.  相似文献   

大学生社会实践的现状及路径探析   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
社会实践是高校对学生进行素质教育,培养学生创新精神和实践能力,加快大学生社会化进程的重要形式.加强和改进大学生社会实践要完善大学生社会实践的教学培养体系和计划,加强社会实践基地建设,增强大学生社会实践的针对性和实效性,完善大学生社会实践的考核评价机制.  相似文献   

当前,大学生社会实践活动存在的问题主要有:学生参与要求和实际参加率反差明显,社会实践偏重于形式而忽视实际效果,社会实践活动的功利化倾向明显,社会实践活动中诚信不足。确保大学生社会实践教学不流于形式,改革社会实践活动,要建立实践教学的长效机制,保证社会实践活动制度化和规范化;建立社会实践教学的评估考核机制,构建思想政治理论课社会实践教学平台;加强组织和领导,保障思想政治理论课实践教学制度建设;增加社会对大学生社会实践的帮助和支持,推进社会实践的开展。  相似文献   

分析了机械工程专业传统实践教学中存在的主要问题,通过优化实践教学内容,并从实践教学方法和实践教学手段的创新方面讨论了推进实践教学改革的措施,结合课外实践创新与实习模式建立科学合理的实践体系,研究多元化实践教学模式,提高学生实践能力和创新能力。  相似文献   

Reflective practice has potentially positive effects on an organization’s capacity to focus on student learning and teaching practices. In an effort to comply with policy and provide teachers with opportunities to reflect on their practice, districts, schools, and teachers have turned to various models that feature collaborative experiences. One such model is the Critical Friends Group (CFG), focusing on the improvement of practice and learning experiences for children, using protocol-driven structured conversations. This article examines the mechanisms that support and sustain reflective practice within a community of practice and utilizes Wenger’s three dimensions of practice – mutual engagement, joint enterprise, and shared repertoire. The study followed a CFG in an elementary school using ethnographic case study methods to conduct a close examination of CFG meetings, protocol use, and analysis of teacher interviews. The propensity to ‘look out’ at school-wide issues vs. looking in at classroom practices, perceptions about feedback on classroom practice, and using protocols to guide conversation emerged from the data as prominent mechanisms in communities of practice. CFG facilitators and coaches, as well as participants must be explicit about the purposes of their work and protocol use alone does not ensure a focus on student learning and teaching practices.  相似文献   

从师范教育伊始,高师院校实践教学经历了萌芽、形成、完善与丰富四个阶段。当前,立足卓越教师的培养目标,需要重新审视已有实践教学形态,完善实践教学体系。根据实践教学功用、空间与方式,高师院校存在着由课程实践教学、专业实践教学与社会实践教学构成的体系,不同的教学形态之间又具有内在的逻辑关系。事实上,高师院校实践教学运行中政府、社会、高校之间职能分离的现象较为严重,需要形成实践教学主体共识,优化体制机制,增强实践教学的系统性,确保实践教学体系有序运行。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the mental practice literature as well as more current research on the effect of specific mental preparation strategies on skilled performance. A synopsis of the mental practice literature indicated that mental practice was generally effective in enhancing performance. For maximum effectiveness, mental practice should be used in conjunction with physical practice and should not be thought of as a replacement for physical practice. The degree of effectiveness of mental practice is dependent on a number of variables, such as conceptualizing ability, previous experience, task type, and length of practice session. Recently, researchers have begun to study the effect of specific mental preparation on motor performance. Some of the more popular techniques include imagery, selfefficacy statements, attentional focus, preparatory arousal, and relaxation. In addition, several recent techniques such as stress innoculation training and visuomotor behavior rehearsal use a combination of the techniques. Although preliminary empirical research is encouraging, more controlled outcome studies are necessary to determine the effectiveness of these techniques in enhancing skilled performance.  相似文献   

The argument developed in this paper is that a focus on practice provides some resolutions to methodological problems facing Bourdieuian scholarship in education. In order to develop Bourdieu's work on practice to account for the interactions between practices, this paper presents a conceptualization of practice as chains of production and consumption. The first part of the paper reviews the account of practice offered by Bourdieu both embedded in practice games and as field effects. The second part of the paper introduces practice chains of production and consumption as a way to conceptualize practice by drawing on a case involving print journalists’ involvement with policy makers over the course of an Australian policy review. The final section presents a discussion of this conceptualization and highlights the potential of the concept for further research in understanding the processes of educational policy development.  相似文献   

While there are numerous pedagogical innovations and varying forms of professional learning to support change, teachers rarely move beyond the initial implementation of new ideas and policies and few innovations reach the institutionalized stage. Building on both site ontologies and situated learning in communities of practice perspectives, this paper explores the theory of practice architectures to offer a different and legitimate perspective on sustainable curriculum renewal. Specifically, a practice architecture either enables or constrains particular practice and constitutes the construction of practice from semantic (e.g. language), social (e.g. power relations) and physical (e.g. materials) spaces. Through the juxtaposition of practice architectures with an empirical illustration of longer term pedagogical change, the paper argues that for pedagogical change to be sustained a practice architecture that relates to an innovation’s intended learning outcomes and the contexts in which an innovation can be used needs to be created. Consequently, the theory of practice architectures can guide reform programmes. Curricularists can begin programmes with a pre-planned approach to assist, (a) teachers’ understanding of how to use an innovation, and (b) the deconstruction and reconstruction of practice architectures to support an innovation’s survival.  相似文献   

Developmental theory and teachers' practice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Central to this paper is the question: do teachers have to use developmental theory? The discussion is in three parts. In the first two parts, two reasons for a negative reply are examined. The first reason (practice precedes theory) is shown to have support in educational discussions but is rejected on three counts: the tacit basis of knowing, the theory-laden nature of observational judgments and the prevalence of developmental aims in education. A second reason (practice has a priority over theory) is also shown to have reasonable backing, since theorising is itself a practice. There are two counter-arguments. Firstly, it is an open question whether one practice can or must be used to improve another distinct practice. Secondly, the use of theory in reflection on practice is necessary for the proper characterisation of skilful practice. In the final Section, it is argued that the specific character of teachers' practice has yet to be explored systematically. Three different interpretations of the notion of development-taken from common sense, psychometric theory and develomental psychology-are shown to be present in recent educational discussions. Reflective practice is necessary for their elaboration and evaluation.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of medium of instructional practice, task difficulty, and gender on continuing motivation. A total of 139 fifth and sixth graders with previous computer experience completed an initial drill and practice learning task in one of the two media formats (computer or paper/pencil) at either a hard or easy difficulty level. Subjects' choice of practice medium for a second learning task was the measure of continuing motivation. Sixty-seven of the 69 computer subjects (97 percent) chose to return to practice on the computer, whereas only one of 70 paper/pencil subjects (one percent) chose to return to practice in the paper/pencil form. p<.001. Questionnaire data indicated that computer subjects also evaluated their own performance on the instructional practice task significantly more highly, reported the task to be significantly more interesting and easier, and had a greater desire to study more of the subject matter.  相似文献   

The organization is often the overlooked level in social work's ecological perspective. However, organizational realities exert a profound influence on human development and well‐being as well as the nature and quality of social work practice. This article describes a model of teaching organization theory and practice which requires master's social work students to assess their school of social work as well as their field placement agencies. Teaching organization theory and practice experientially may help students understand how organizations influence practice and empower them to see organization practice as a legitimate and important aspect of their work.  相似文献   

强化技能训练培养学生实践能力   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
魏杰 《辽宁高职学报》2003,5(1):128-130
高职教育的核心在于学生职业能力的培养,因此,要建立以实际能力培养为主线,理论与实践两个独立并存且相互联系的教学体系。理论教学要为实践教学服务,切实加强实践教学环节,强化专业技能的训练,使实践教学成为高职教育的一大特色。  相似文献   

通过对高职路桥专业公路勘测实践教学的研究与实践,结合路桥专业公路勘测实践教学的组织实施,加快了公路勘测实践的教学课程体系与实习基地建设,逐步探索出面向高职路桥专业学生的公路勘测实践教学的新模式,完善了路桥专业的实践教学体系,对培养高职学生的职业技能具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

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