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温丽静 《考试周刊》2014,(27):68-69
词典是学生学习英语的重要工具,如何运用词典辅助英语教学,自然是要探索的问题。本文旨在探讨词典在应用英语教学中的重要性,以及如何指导学生选择切合自身实际的词典,运用词典学好应用英语。  相似文献   

本文以词典学的用法理论为基础,对常用英语通用词典中的用法说明进行系统地梳理与归纳,并探讨了利用英语词典中的用法说明信息进行英语实体教学的必要性与可行性。  相似文献   

在传统词典研究范式的基础上,提出并论证了“社会词典学三角”.社会词典学三角包括编纂者、使用者、词典和社会四大要素,以及四个三角形、三个定点辐射图和三个投射坐标轴.该三角较好地架设和解释了社会词典学相关要素间的学理关系,是社会词典学学理建构的一种尝试,同时又为我们观察和阐释不同的词典现象以及词典实践提供了相应的分析模型、研究视角和工作路径.  相似文献   

<正>Cognitive lexicography(认知词典学/认知辞书学)这一术语虽然早在Quine(1978)"Use and Its Place in Meaning"一文中首次使用,但是基于认知语言学的词典学研究却是近20年来的事情。认知词典学可以定义为以体验哲学为其哲学基础,以认知语言学为其理论基础,以各类词典编纂的过程和结果及其相关因素为其研究对象,以词典微观结构中的释义、配例和标注为其研究重点,以基于语料库的使用模式调查为其方法特色,兼顾知识表征和用户接受视域的词典学研究新范式。  相似文献   

丁健 《文教资料》2009,(30):45-46
在认知语言学的影响下,词典学也发生了认知研究转向。词典编纂是整个词典学中的重要一环,词典释义是词典编纂的重要方面。本文旨在从研究者们论述的认知词典学的主要理论、原则和方法中,综述认知语言学理论对词典释义的重要指导意义。并强调在释义中引入符合读者群的认知语义结构能为词典释义增添新的活力,能让读者满意的释义模式也必然要吸收认知语言学的精髓。  相似文献   

以有道网络词典和金山词霸的手机应用为例,着重分析使用网络词典出现的利弊,研究中国国内网络词典对英语学习者学习习惯和学习技能的影响。明晰网络词典存在的利弊问题及其对英语学习者英语学习习惯和英语技能的影响,将有利于英语学习者合理有效地使用网络词典,扬其长避其短,进行英语学习策略和学习方法的调整和完善,培养自主学习能力。  相似文献   

英语文体学作为一门高校英语专业课程在我国已经过了二十几年的发展,但成熟的英语文体学教学体系尚未形成。在文体学教学过程中,词典是一个不可或缺的因素,但词典功能尚未充分利用。文体的主要表现形式,如语音、语相、词法、句法、语用等,也是词典呈现的主要信息点。另一方面,词典学研究早已关注语词的文体特点,词典编者也已采用多种形式表现语词的文体信息。本文尝试分析英语文体学教学中的词典功能,并从词典选择和词典查询两方面探讨英语文体学教学的词典使用策略。在词典选择方面,本研究从为英语文体学教学服务的角度出发,探讨相关的词典类别;在词典查询方面,分别从宏观结构和微观结构角度分析词典中呈现语词文体信息的主要途径。正确而充分的词典使用将提高英语文体学教学的效率。  相似文献   

安礼艳  熊虞 《考试周刊》2007,(40):88-89
释义不仅是词典编纂的中心任务,也是词典内容的核心。语义理论与词典释义一直以来都有着密切的关系。语义网络与词典释义的结合必然使词典学理论获得极大丰富。新的词典释义模式也会使词典编纂更加科学化。本文以动词为切入点,在对动词语义网络结构进行分析的基础上,指出汉语学习词典中存在的问题,力图为建立汉语学习词典中动词的优化释义模式献出绵薄之力。  相似文献   

本文以《汉英词典》( 第三版)中的A字部为例,从词典学和翻译学两个角度指出了该词典中存在的一些翻译问题并提出了修改建议。文章认为,合格的双语词典翻译者应该既深愔译事又通晓词典学常识。  相似文献   

近几年来,我国的词典编纂工作十分兴盛:专门研讨词典编纂工作的《辞书研究》出刊了,专业性的辞书出版社建立了,词典学方面的专著有的已经问世(如胡明扬、谢自立等的《词典学概论》),有的即将出版.各种类型的大中小词典更象雨后春笋,陆续编成,先后发行了.一向不为人们熟悉的词典学逐渐变成了热门学科,面对词典学的这一发展盛况,我想就词典编纂工作与语言学的复兴以及词典学中值得讨论的某些问题,谈谈自己的一点看法.  相似文献   

In textbooks, foreign (second) language reading proficiency is often evaluated through comprehension questions. In case, authentic texts are used as reading material, such questions should be prepared by teachers. However, preparing appropriate questions may be a very demanding task for teachers. This paper introduces a method for automatically evaluating proficiency, wherein comprehension questions are not required. This method assesses a learner's reading proficiency on the basis of the linguistic features of the text and the learner's reading time. A reading model following this method predicted reading proficiency with an ER (error rate) of 18.2%. This ER is lower than those of models proposed in previous studies. Furthermore, the ER of the authors' reading model for various learner groups classified by their RS (reading speeds) was examined. The result of this examination showed that the error rate was the lowest for the group of learners with fast RS.  相似文献   

从对比中英语言异同入手,结合石油地质科技文献的特点,阐述了中英互译中应当注意的13个基本原则,包括语序调整、长短句转换、时态转换、修辞手法改变、省略与补充等方面。每一原则下辅助以例句加以说明,解释其应用的具体语境、翻译思路、修改方法。最后指出翻译石油地质科技文献的难点不在于语言而在于专业,应合理利用辅助工具,在保证译文质量的前提下提升翻译速度。  相似文献   

This paper has made an investigation on the current writing teaching mode among English majors in normal universities in China, by means of questionnaire, interview and class observation. The study finds out that the current writing teaching mode is not purely product approach or process approach. In fact, the two approaches to writing co-exist in today's English writing teaching, with product approach to writing enjoying a relatively dominant place. Problems are discovered of this writing teaching mode, such as students' inactive involvement in the class. Then, this paper focuses on the teachers and students to find out the reasons. At last, the author proposes MAP-CORE framework for English writing class.  相似文献   

This research is attempting to examine the effectiveness in the application of ICT (information and communication technology) and standardize courseware in ETeMS (English for Teaching Mathematics and Science) or PPSMI (Pengajaran and Pembelajaran Sains and Matematic dalam Bahasa Inggeris) in English program in the Malaysian secondary school system. Five dimensions of secondary school (type of school, demographic, leadership quality, teaching and learning culture, and teachers' personal and working experience) were examined to determine the maximizing usage of TEC (technology-enhanced classroom) in the learning program. In general, there is a significant difference among factors stated above with maximizing usage of TEC in teaching and learning of science and mathematics in English program. The learning culture is also closely related. In addition, the school and teaching staff are another two essential factors found to be the strong fundamental of maximizing the usage of technology in TEC teaching and learning with towering quality. This study represents an addition to the extant literature on maximizing the usage of technology-enhanced teaching and learning towards the excellence of education in the secondary school system. The maximizing usage of TEC teaching and learning environment within the secondary school system is pivotal towards achieving high quality human capital and improving the efficiency and integrity of technology-enhanced learning of science and mathematics in English program. This study provides further groundwork to assist existing education managers to improve work quality and deliver the maximizing usage of TEC teaching and learning towards the excellence in secondary education.  相似文献   

In order to explore effective ways to develop Chinese English learners' communicative competence, this study first briefly reviews the advantages of communicative language teaching (CLT) method which widely practiced in the Western countries and analyzes in details its obstacles in Chinese classroom context. Then it offers guidelines for compromising the communicative approach with the traditional Chinese approach. Finally, it puts forward some principles and techniques for English teaching practice in the Chinese environment.  相似文献   

English as a foreign language has been a subject in middle school of China for years. Teachers and educators generation by generation have been trying to find an optimal method of teaching foreign language to help students master it better. After unceasing exploring, traditional teaching pattern has been im- proved and new teaching approaches appear such as Task-based language teaching and com- municative language teaching. However, what- ever teaching methods English teachers use in the class, they should not ignore the cultural input in English teaching. The successful and efficient English teaching should transform the single language teaching into the combination of language teaching and cultural teaching. The thesis is concerned with the significance of culture in English teaching. More specifically, some consideration will be given to the reasons and ways of teaching culture.  相似文献   

This paper investigated how phonological differences affect mutual intelligibility by means of the phono-statistic measure developed by Yang (2006). To illustrate the correlation between accent and intelligibility, this paper compared American English with Taiwan English, an expanding-circle variety of English spoken in Taiwan. This sound comparison provides insight into phonological intelligibility, separating the subjective factors of human judgment in supplement to participant-based research on perceptual intelligibility between two varieties of English.  相似文献   

Weak effectiveness of bilingual education is an especially obvious phenomenon in non-key universities of China where students have poorer English ground and bilingual curriculums are unconstructive designed partly because of the scarcity of teaching resources. This paper discusses failures of these unconstructive curriculum systems from the view of cognitive learning and points out that just because of the lags in BICS and CALP of students in non-key universities, metacognitive process should be substantially considered and completely integrated in construction of bilingual curriculum system including aspects of bilingual allocation, subject design, bilingual arrangement and prepostive training. This paper takes International Business Specialty in non-key universities as an example and highly involves writer's teaching experiences.  相似文献   

It is said that improving movement habits is effective way to solve the problem of obesity. However, there are many people who are unable to form a habit of exercising for reasons, such as "feeling troublesome to go to the gym" and "getting sick of exercise at home due to the monotony". Previous researches have proposed systems that provide virtual reality environment for enjoying interactive exercising. In this paper, the authors describe a virtual tennis system that can control a game mode to let a user maintain an appropriate exercise load based on an estimation of the user's heart rate state. The author has created a Bayesian network model for heart rate state estimation. The probabilities of heart rate states can be calculated by using the model, and then the heart rate state which has the highest probability is selected as an estimation result. The author has evaluated the virtual tennis system experimentally and ascertained the effectiveness of the system to appropriate exercise load maintenance.  相似文献   

This study examines the relation between the social adjustment in the classroom and the role of aggressor or victim, in school violence situations. Participants were 1,635 students (aged 14-18 years old), from a representative sample, with different levels (compulsory secondary education, specific/initial training courses and vocational programs). Students filled out a questionnaire that included measures of types of violence (exclusion, verbal violence, physical violence), from the point of view of the three roles that are implicated (aggressors, victims and observants), and a sociometric questionnaire. The variables measured were: frequency of school violence (exclusion, psychological violence and physical violence) and the peer status (rejected, controversial, neglected, average or popular). The statistic analyses used were χ^2- and F- tests. From the results we can point out the importance of these variables in the school violence situations. The implications of these findings and the relevance for preventive programs are discussed.  相似文献   

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