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数学教学与信息技术的深度融合既是时代的潮流,也是培养、提升学生数学核心素养的内在需求,在教学中,数学教师要合理利用GeoGebra、几何画板、超级画板、图形计算器等信息技术工具,调动学生学习的主观能动性,培养学生的空间想象、逻辑思维和自主探究等能力,从而提升学生直观想象、数学抽象、逻辑推理、数学建模等高中数学核心素养.  相似文献   

超级画板:获取数学基本活动经验的优秀认知平台   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数学基本活动经验,是指学生开展数学活动的一种或几种基本策略、基本模式和基本方法.大致可分为行为操作的经验、心理操作的经验、思考的经验、复合的经验.学生在超级画板动态功能和可视化功能的支持下,于直观中培养"心理成像能力",在变式中体验到"做数学".超级画板是获取数学基本活动经验的优秀认知平台.  相似文献   

合理利用数学教育软件可以帮助学生更有效地学习数学,提高数学解题能力和数学思维能力.作为数学教育软件的超级画板与微软Math 3.0,在高中生数学学习中的运用各有千秋.微软Math 3.0更注重学生对高中数学知识的学习与巩固,但却忽视了对学生的数学思维能力与创新能力的培养.超级画板更强调学生的实践活动,通过自己的亲身实践而获得对数学知识的深刻理解,体验数学思想方法的真谛,领悟数学的本质,使"学习方式的变革"落到实处.  相似文献   

在初中数学教学中,开展数学实验是当前数学教学改革和实践的一个新动向。超级画板以其简易的作图功能和动态效果。成为一种辅助数学教学的有效工具。本文阐述运用超级画板开展数学实验,对弥补传统数学实验的不足、突破教学难点和培养学生的探索能力和思维能力方面起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

<正>现在的信息技术已经运用于数学教学、数学学习、数学创作和数学研究等活动中的探索与实践.特别是超级画板将信息技术和教学等深度结合起来,试图突出强调信息技术在初中教学中的效益与效率.一、在课堂数学教学中超级画板的辅助优势超级画板就是智能化知识型教育平台,同时也是Z+Z智能教育平台,它是由我国数学家张景中院士主持研发的新型  相似文献   

本文尝试以超级画板在数学课堂教学中的应用研究为视角,通过分析超级画板在课堂教学中的优势,结合相关教学案例提出超级画板在有效课堂教学中的应用策略:发挥动态作图功能,加深学生的数学理解;构建动态"数学实验室"环境,促进知识的有效生成;挖掘超级画板的工具价值,提高探究性教学的有效性。  相似文献   

高中数学相比较初中阶段数学的难度系数更大,逻辑思维要求更强,以至于很多学生学习起来较为吃力,这就需要教师改变传统的教学方法,强调新型教学模式的应用,将抽象、复杂的数学知识变得简单、形象。超级画板作为现代科学技术支持下的新型教学模式,非常适合高中阶段的数学教学,例如,圆锥曲线,概率问题等借助超级画板展开教学,难度系数大大降低,学生学习起来也轻松许多。文章结合作者自身的教学经验,就高中数学教学中超级画板的应用展开了一系列的探讨,首先就超级画板进行了简单的介绍,然后分析了超级画板在高中数学教学中的应用价值,最后就高中数学教学中超级画板的具体应用展开了探讨。  相似文献   

超级画板为数学教学提供了一个有力的教育平台.利用超级画板,对解析几何的部分内容进行探究,得出有关圆锥曲线及其伴生圆和伴生线结论,并在不经意间"捕捉"到高考真题.这表明超级画板不仅是进行探究学习,还是进行高考备考的有力平台.并以此显示出超级画板在数学探究性教学中的重要作用.  相似文献   

超级画板在数形结合和动态展示方面有着强大的功能,能很好地弥补传统数学教学的不足.在解析几何的教学中,应用超级画板可以帮助学生加强对解析几何概念的理解,帮助学生探索定点和最值问题,优化解析几何的教学方式.  相似文献   

改造数学使之更适宜教学是教育数学的任务.张景中院士主持开发的"超级画板"为教育数学思想的实践提供了强有力的支撑.在教育数学思想指导下,将"超级画板"运用于高师数学专业《中学数学研究》课程教学改革实践,并渗透教育数学思想,以函数为例引导学生进行了多层次的探索与实践,使学生对知识的形成获得了良好的认知体验,对相关知识的掌握更加牢固,对不同知识之间相互联系的理解更加深入,有效地提升了学生的数学思维水平.《中学数学研究》的教学应该做到:突出"研究"的味道;探寻不同数学知识之间的结合点;发挥超级画板的优势;转变思维方式以提高效率.  相似文献   

Many students find math difficult, but those who are intrinsically motivated learn and do well even when they face obstacles. Here, we examine an environmental factor that might affect students' intrinsic motivation in math: namely, teachers' beliefs about success in math. Do teachers perceive elementary school math as a domain that requires an innate ability, and does this belief relate to students' intrinsic motivation in math? Our study explored these questions in a sample of 830 German fourth graders and their 56 teachers. Teachers reported stronger beliefs in the role of innate ability for math than for German language arts. In addition, the more teachers believed that math requires innate ability, the lower was the intrinsic motivation of their low-achieving students. These results suggest that teachers’ beliefs that math success depends on innate ability may be an important obstacle to creating a classroom atmosphere that fosters engagement and learning for all students.  相似文献   

Helping prospective teachers develop the beliefs, knowledge, skills, attitudes, and practices necessary to meet the needs of diverse learners in the US is critical given that the teaching force remains overwhelmingly White, monolingual, and middle class and the student population is increasingly diverse. Teacher education programmes, in particular, are faced with the arduous task of creating courses and other experiences for prospective teachers that help mitigate some of the challenges that diverse learners encounter in public schools. The results of a course that attempted to help prospective teachers gain a richer understanding of diversity is reported in this article. Particular attention is placed on the stability and change of the prospective teachers’ beliefs and practices around diversity and learning to teach as a result of the course. The results suggest that the extent of change in prospective teachers’ beliefs and practices was linked explicitly to their interactions and experiences with diverse individuals and contexts. The development of international immersion partnerships is suggested as a means to help US prospective teachers develop the consciousness, skills, and knowledge necessary to teach culturally and ethnically diverse students in ways that optimise teaching and learning.  相似文献   

朗读指导是小学语文教学中重要环节。针对低年级学生的朗读实际,应重视进行基础性的朗读指导。教师在教学中要教给朗读技巧,使学生"会读";把握朗读环境,让学生"美读";优化评价语言,促学生"乐读"。从小学低年级起抓好扎实的朗读基础,才能逐步提高朗读水平。  相似文献   

培养学生的数学探究能力成为初中数学教学的焦点和主题。文章根据教育学、心理学研究学生学习数学的心理,通过实例探讨培养学生自主探究数学的途径在于:创设"想"的氛围,激发探究兴趣;创设"动"的氛围,加强实践操作;创设"问"的氛围,鼓励参与探索。同时,提供生活实例,让学生灵活运用数学;创设成功情景,让学生在数学中体验成就感。如此,方能让学生通过自己的动手操作,在积极参与教学活动的过程中去体验、亲近和应用数学,最终真正成为数学学习的主人。  相似文献   

反思能力作为教师的一种专业能力,已经成为日益兴盛的一种教育思潮。对于即将走上工作岗位的准教师而言,培养教师的反思意识与反思能力就是抓住了教师专业发展的关键。本文论述了反思性教学的背景、意义,探讨培养英语准教师反思能力的有效途径,以帮助他们成为合格的专业英语教师。  相似文献   

自学能力的培养是一个长期、系统的过程。职高生的数学自学能力基本没有,要让他们自己学数学,则需要提高他们自学数学的能力。如何在教学过程中发挥教师的“拉、扶、放”的作用,通过课内和课外两个角度阐述。课堂上通过阅读能力的培养即引读、细读和精读三个环节,教他们学会去阅读数学教材;课外从培养课前预习的习惯入手:定要求、拟提纲、作检查,督促和帮助他们养成良好的数学学习习惯。  相似文献   

The present longitudinal study examined the cross-lagged relations between parental causal attributions of children’s math success to children’s ability, parental help, children’s math performance and task persistence. A total of 735 children, their mothers, fathers and teachers were assessed twice – at the end of the second and the third grades. Children were tested in math and parents filled out questionnaires measuring causal attributions. Children’s task persistence was reported both by parents and by class teachers. The results of path analyses indicated mutual negative effects between mothers’ and fathers’ help attributions and children’s math performance, and a positive effect of mothers’ ability attributions on children’s math performance. Cross-lagged relations were also found for children’s math performance and task persistence. However, relations between parental attributions and children’s task persistence were evident only for fathers’ ability attributions. The findings emphasise the importance of examining both mothers and fathers, home and school context.  相似文献   

实施体验式教育是师范院校培养自主发展型教师的重要教育形式,是小学教育专业构建学术与专业一体化教育模式的重要组成部分,体现了小学教育专业人才培养与需要的整体性建设的思想。体验式教育能够为小学新课程标准的实施培养具有开放式的知识结构、较强的综合能力、创造性地完成教学任务的小学教师。  相似文献   

This paper shows that high school math and science teacher gender affects student interest and self-efficacy in STEM. However, such effects become insignificant once teacher behaviors and attitudes are taken into account, thus pointing towards an omitted variables bias. Teacher beliefs about male and female ability in math and science – as well as how teachers treat boys and girls in the classroom – matter more than teacher's own gender. The student fixed effects estimates also highlight that creating a positive learning environment and making math and science interesting are pivotal in engaging students in these subjects.  相似文献   

The use of computers and technology in mathematics education affects students’ learning, achievements, and affective dimensions. This study explores prospective Turkish primary mathematics teachers’ views about the use of computers in mathematics education. The sample comprised of 129 fourth-year prospective primary mathematics teachers from two different universities in Turkey. Data consisting of participants’ written responses were qualitatively analyzed and categorized according to TPACK. Results show that the prospective teachers’ views about computers and their use in mathematics are usually positive. They enjoy working with computers, even though they are only able to perform relatively minor calculations with computers. They stated that improved use of computers can help them to learn and teach mathematics more effectively. However, they did not feel confident about their ability to teach mathematics using computers.  相似文献   

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