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Maternal separation in young pigtail (M. nemestrina) monkeys results in an agitation-depression reaction that is a useful animal model of the behavioral and physiological consequences and separation and loss experiences in humans. In this study, 5 social-group-living bonnet (M. radiata) monkey infants were separated from their mothers for 4 days, and behavioral, physiological, and sleep-pattern changes were monitored. Behavioral and physiological changes were consistent with an agitation reaction. There was evidence of depression in both behavioral and physiological measures; these changes were not as pronounced as in pigtail infants, however. All infants were adopted by another adult female during separation. Our findings suggest that, in bonnet monkey infants, adoption by a female within the social group ameliorates the response to loss.  相似文献   

Scharf M 《Child development》2001,72(1):236-251
Employing a quasi-experimental design, this study explored the long-term effects of different childrearing ecological contexts. Participants were 131 adolescents (aged 16-18) from four groups: some who lived in a city, some from a kibbutz familial setting, some from a kibbutz communal setting, and a transitional group that included adolescents raised in a communal setting as young children who moved to a familial sleeping arrangement before the age of six. Adolescents' state of mind with regard to attachment and representations regarding separation were examined. Participants were administered the Adult Attachment Interview, the Separation Anxiety Test, and background questionnaires. The group raised in a communal setting in the kibbutz showed a higher incidence of nonautonomous attachment representations and less competent coping with imagined separations than did the other groups. By contrast, the transitional group was comparable to the city and the kibbutz familial groups. These results are discussed in light of the plasticity and adaptability of children to changed circumstances.  相似文献   

论艺术语言的创造过程是 一种审美发现   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
艺术语言的创造过程,实际上是一种审美发现。它的审美价值论的意义是非实证的,它与现实的经验现象界的意义不同,它归属于人的情感世界。它有的没有指标,但却有意义,有的指称相同,但意义却不同,呈现为一种动态的言语和语义的表述形式。同时,它又按发话主体的特点规范着意蕴之象,体现了艺术语言既定的指谓与表达系统,它有自己特有的规律与范式。  相似文献   

儿童依恋类型的影响因素分析及安全型依恋的培养   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对影响依恋形成的几个因素进行了分析,这些因素来自父母、家庭以及儿童自身三方面,并且针对这些影响因素我们提出了相应的应对策略,对于培养安全型依恋的儿童具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

由于反诉问题的理论复杂性,以及各地法院掌握尺度不一,给案件的审理带来很多问题,也给当事人维权增加了诉讼成本,通过相应案例分析,从实例角度来给大家介绍反诉问题,以供大家理解理论及案件实务处理时得以参考.  相似文献   

技术对文艺的发展有重要影响。技术技巧是文学艺术的有机部分。技术对文艺的发展有积极的正面影响。科技的发展,特别是在科学技术居于社会至上地位的时代,“技术主义”可能会成为致艺术于死地的“杀手”,而弃绝技术技巧的文艺思潮则意味着艺术家“江郎才尽”。文学艺术应是“美”和“术”的合成。  相似文献   

在自然科学、社会科学与人文科学的知识分类框架下,教育学不应简单地依附于任何一方,而应明确地取向于学科开放、科际整合、视野融合。在学科性质上,教育学应超越人文科学与社会科学的两分法,并积极主动地汲取自然科学前沿研究的有益养分,通过学科开放、科际整合与视野融合,最终将教育学建设成真正意义上的成熟的综合性学科。  相似文献   

This study assessed 43 gifted adolescent females in the United States and Germany over a 4‐year period. Initially the girls were assessed during their 7th or 8th grade and again for this current study during their 11th or 12th grade. Factors that were examined included the daughters' attachment to and psychological separation from their mothers, while the study also focused on their gender roles, instrumental (masculine) characteristics, and career aspirations. Results showed that within 4 years, these gifted girls had grown less attached, but at the same time had become psychologically closer to their mothers. Additionally, the German girls became more masculine in their characteristics while the Americans became more feminine. All of the girls developed more traditional gender roles and their desires of attaining leadership or expert roles within their future careers diminished.  相似文献   

文艺辞章学是汉语修辞学中既注重实用、又注重艺术性,深受广大读者青睐的一门分支学科,建立文艺辞章学对丰富辞章学的研究具有重要意义。通过从建立该学科的理论基础、理论框架入手,概括的描述了这门学科的研究范畴及学术价值。  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted in which the face-name mnemonic was applied to the task of associating 14 artists' names with two styles of their artwork, portraits and thematic paintings. Following study of the 28 items, mnemonic students outperformed “own best method” control students on both immediate and delayed matching tests. Further, mnemonic students maintained that advantage on a two-day delayed “transfer” test that required the identification of “new” paintings by the same artists. In addition to replicating prior positive mnemonic artwork-learning findings, we found that thematic paintings are generally easier to associate with names than are portraits — likely because they are more distinctive, and because they provide a more “target-rich environment” for making mnemonic associations. Implications of our findings for remembering artwork and other picture-word content mnemonically in educational and real-world contexts are discussed.  相似文献   

通过对图案概念的认识 ,分析比较古今中外绘画的种种密切联系与共性。说明任何艺术作品都是取之于自然、来源于生活 ,优秀的艺术作品是离不开本土文化与传统的。  相似文献   

赵乐 《安康学院学报》2005,17(6):119-120,124
美术史的学习,必须从知识的层面入手,了解历史变革和发展的脉络,了解艺术思潮的衍变,了解艺术家的简要生平,了解其创作经历,了解主要艺术作品的主题和内涵等.美术史的学习,有助于我们对作品的了解,可提高我们的欣赏水平.但是,真正使我们进入艺术欣赏核心的,永远是艺术作品本身.  相似文献   

当前中小学艺术课程存在诸多“异化”现象,如课程目标功用化、课程内容空心化、课程实施虚无化等。为避免艺术课程异化,就必须让艺术课程观回归,即要让人们认识到艺术就是艺术,它有其独特的存在价值,这种价值是其它任何课程不能僭越和取代的。从这个角度看,中小学艺术课程应是“无用”的、“美”的、“体验”的课程。同时,为了实践这一回归后的艺术课程观,应采取以下对策:从“成人”的角度认识艺术课程;以“专业”的方式实施艺术课程;从“开放”的体系评价艺术课程。  相似文献   

技术不等于艺术,技术是艺术的精神载体,它是将艺术家的情怀、情感、一系列想法通向艺术品诞生的纽带和桥梁.艺术不是技术能解决的问题,它是才能、智慧对技术的控制与选择,这便是工匠与艺术家的区别所在.好的艺术品,它能丰富人们的生活,怡悦人们的心情,启发人们的思想,使人们的视野更加开阔,品格更加高尚,灵魂更加纯洁,精神更加振奋.技术本身并不具有价值.它只是艺术的精神载体,只有当它被强有力的精神支撑时才显出耀眼的生命光芒.  相似文献   

This study examines the contributions of temperamentally and nontemperamentally based emotional reactions to the organization of social interactive behavior within the Strange Situation to better understand the emotional underpinnings of attachment system functioning. At 12 1/2 and 19 1/2 months, temperamental fear (assessed via maternal report) was related to independent per-episode dimensions of social interactive and distress behavior. Fear was moderately correlated with both distress and interactive dimensions at each age. Path-analytic models revealed that temperamental fear had direct effects on interactive behavior and also indirect effects mediated by preceding distress reactions. However, residualized measures of "context-specific" distress (with temperamental variance removed) were still highly consistent across Strange Situation episodes and also significantly predicted subsequent social interactive behavior; furthermore, stable distress reactions from 12 1/2 to 19 1/2 months significantly predicted concurrent stability in social interactive behavior. We discuss likely sources of "context-specific" emotional influences on Strange Situation behavior and also age-related differences in these findings.  相似文献   

Child-mother attachment and the self in six-year-olds   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Bowlby has proposed that child-parent attachment is important in the child's representation of self. In this study, the child's representation of self was examined in connection with child-mother attachment in a sample of 52 white, middle-class 6-year-olds. Children were seen in 2 play sessions, 1 month apart. Quality of attachment was assessed in each session based on the child's behavior on reunion following a laboratory separation of approximately 1 hour, using a system devised by Main and Cassidy. Aggregated attachment ratings and classifications were assigned based on the child's behavior in both reunions. Assessments of the self consisted of (a) assessment of the self within the relationship with the attachment figure (an incomplete doll stories procedure), (b) assessment of the child's perceptions of how an unspecified "other" views him or her (a puppet interview), (c) direct assessment of global self-esteem independent of the attachment relationship (the subscale of global self-esteem from Harter's Perceived Competence Scale for Children), (d) a second direct assessment of global self-esteem (an interview with the child), and (e) assessment of feelings of competence and acceptance in specific domains that may be precursors of self-esteem (Harter's Scale of Perceived Competence and Social Acceptance for Young Children). Significant, albeit modest, connections between attachment and the self were established; furthermore, specific patterns of self-perceptions were related to particular patterns of attachment.  相似文献   

动画是我国现代儿童喜爱的视觉艺术形式。动画不仅给儿童带来前所未有的视觉体验和快乐,同时也为学生的芙术学习提供了全新的资源,动画与儿童关术的学习、发展发生了直接联系:本文通过分析儿童在芙术发展各阶段接受动画的特点、动画在儿童芙术中产生的积极作用,为构建动画艺术与儿童芙术的教学渠道提供了教学依据:  相似文献   

文章从东方"神创艺术"论、"神创艺术"的基本观点和"艺术要表现出神气和神的无限性"等3个方面,论证了东方艺术起源论和艺术本质论的特点,并在此基础上对东、西方艺术起源论和艺术本质论的差异进行了比较。  相似文献   

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