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都说三百六十行,行行出状元,我们抢粉者也不例外.所谓抢粉,其实是指抢早餐.中国人口问题太严重,从我们学校那个每次下课都被暴多人围得水泄不通的食堂就可以深刻地体现出来.因此,要是你身手不麻利,买到一碗粉都很成问题.……  相似文献   

<正>The essay tries to reflect on"queer"and(its)"future/futurity"through a perspective from"outside."The socalled"perspective from outside"first implies that,it is a kind of thinking provoked by the encounter of different cultures,languages,views,and horizons.Also,the"outside"reflection is mainly inspired by the experience of reading and translating  相似文献   

提出组件系统的回归测试重点是对更新组件与其他组件之间以事件为单位的交互重新测试.给出了一种基于新的组件测试关联模型(CTAM)的组件系统回归测试方法.首先对需要进行回归测试的组件群体进行波动分析,得出群体中组件受系统改动的影响度,然后根据影响度选择复用先前的测试用例,生成最小回归测试用例集.与传统方法相比,该模型建立在组件间交互事件统计信息的基础上,分析了组件间的复杂关系,更适用于组件系统的回归测试.  相似文献   

Consider the mixed-effect coefficient semiparametric regression modelZ=X'α+Y'β+g(T)+e, whereX, Y andT are random vectors onR p×R q×[0, 1], α is a p-dimensional fixed-effect parameter, β is a q-dimensional random-effect parameter (Eβ=b, Cov(β)=Σ),g(.) is an unknown function on [0, 1], e is a random error with mean zero and variance σ2, and (X, Y, T) and (β,e), β ande are mutually independent. We estimate α,b andg(.) by the nearest neighbor and the least square method. In this paper, we prove that estimations of α,b have asymptotic normality and obtain the best convergence raten −1/3 for the estimation ofg(.). Project supported by the NSFC and the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province.  相似文献   

现代医学的发展和社区健康需求的增长,对高职高专护理人才提出了新的要求,为适应新的要求,应该从以下四个方面开展人才培养模式的改革:一是改革护理教学内容;二是开展新型教学与训练项目;三是培养相应的社区服务技能和素质;四是培养自身长远发展的素质和能力;改革护理人才培养模式,可以从密切关注市场需求,创新教学方法,改革考核制度等方面入手。  相似文献   

林黛玉是曹雪芹《红楼梦》中的女主人公。她博古通今,才华横溢,但在"女子无才便是德"的封建社会,她和宝玉之间的爱情最终成为一场悲剧。她的悲剧是历史的必然。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Landslide is one of the most serious geological hazards in mountain areas. Globally, they cause hundreds of billions of dollars in damage, and hun- dreds of thousands of deaths and injuries each year (Aleotti and Chowdhury, 1999). Over the past fewdecades, scientists have shown an ever increasing interest in this natural hazard. One of the study fields is to produce landslide susceptibility map, i.e. a map portraying the spatial distribution of the future susceptibility of s…  相似文献   

以皖北五沟矿井1011采掘工作面的测井钻孔资料及岩土试验报告为依据,按照该采掘面的实际情况,按照一定建模原则,设计两个计算模型:走向模型Ⅰ和倾向模型Ⅱ,分析开采后上覆岩层移动演化特征,分别从覆岩横向、竖向移动规律进行探讨,从而预测冒落带的分布、导水裂隙带的高度。  相似文献   

Detecting plant health conditions plays a key role in farm pest management and crop protection. In this study, measurement of hyperspectral leaf reflectance in rice crop (Oryzasativa L.) was conducted on groups of healthy and infected leaves by the fungus Bipolaris oryzae (Helminthosporium oryzae Breda. de Hann) through the wavelength range from 350 to 2 500 nm. The percentage of leaf surface lesions was estimated and defined as the disease severity. Statistical methods like multiple stepwise regression, principal component analysis and partial least-square regression were utilized to calculate and estimate the disease severity of rice brown spot at the leaf level. Our results revealed that multiple stepwise linear regressions could efficiently estimate disease severity with three wavebands in seven steps. The root mean square errors (RMSEs) for training (n=210) and testing (n=53) dataset were 6.5% and 5.8%, respectively. Principal component analysis showed that the first principal component could explain approximately 80% of the variance of the original hyperspectral reflectance. The regression model with the first two principal components predicted a disease severity with RMSEs of 16.3% and 13.9% for the training and testing dataset, respec-tively. Partial least-square regression with seven extracted factors could most effectively predict disease severity compared with other statistical methods with RMSEs of 4.1% and 2.0% for the training and testing dataset, respectively. Our research demon-strates that it is feasible to estimate the disease severity of rice brown spot using hyperspectral reflectance data at the leaf level.  相似文献   

创新人才培养和课程体系建设密切相关,是高等教育改革和发展的要求,也是高等教育质量体系中,最基本和最为主要的内容;探讨了过程装备与控制工程专业的发展和特点,以更好地适应人才市场的变化与发展;根据教育规律,制定课程建设的长期目标和规划,探讨本专业课程设置和学时分配、有特色的教材体系建设、规范的教学模式和完善教学手段、适应社会发展的教学方法,研究理论和实践教学方法模式的结合,适应新时期人才培养需要和高质量要求,提出课堂教学与实践教学全方位融合的教学组织模式,为教学改革、提高教育质量提供可靠的保障。  相似文献   

介绍了目前常用的三种温度监测电路,应用设计与编程,并举例说明。同时给出了与单片机80C196KB的接口及采用PL/M-96编写的程序。  相似文献   

依据回归分析方法,计算多组实验所测单摆周期T与幅角θ数据的T~2θ和T2~θ2的几种拟合指标:剩余平方和Q,剩余标准差S,相关指数R2。比较各项拟合指标,得出单摆周期T与幅角θ的最佳线性拟合是T2~θ2拟合关系。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、专家访谈、逻辑分析法对京津冀体育产业圈一体化发展的优势与机遇、成绩与不足进行理论与实证分析,研究表明京津冀体育产业发展在经济、区位、资源、政府支持等方面具有很大的优势。但京津冀体育产业存在起步晚、发展不平衡、规模偏小、沟通融合不够等不足。在此基础上提出加快京津冀体育产业圈一体化发展的策略:统筹思想,走集群发展道路;大力发展优势体育产业,积极培育潜优势体育产业;整合资源.走非均衡协调发展的道路。  相似文献   

师范生免费教育:一种理性回归   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
师范生免费教育是这次两会最受瞩目的一个政策,在我国近代师范教育的时间并不长,但是培养的优秀教师为我国的建设培养了大批的人才。从我国的师范教育由不收费到收费的历史的回顾,直接引出了这次师范生免费的紧迫性、以及该项政策的实施的措施及意义。尽管是在局部实行,但是它的作用必然是影响深远的。我们的师范教育也必将迎来一个新的春天。  相似文献   

This study explores the factors affecting the development of academic excellence on a group of 33 high-achieving engineering students. Participants were interviewed individually to explore several personal and contextual aspects of their past and current academic pathways. The results obtained reflect three main contributions to the conceptualization and understanding of excellence in academic contexts: the need to adopt a multidimensional and dynamic view about the concept of excellence; the existence of a variety of possible pathways and environmental conditions to achieve excellence; and the understanding of excellence as a process undergoing continuous development, which thrives within the family context and school environment, and that seems to be continuously nurtured by individuals in interaction with their contexts.  相似文献   

本文就韩国学者金贞培在其《韩国民族的文化和起源》一书中关于因燕国境内多为貊族 ,从而认定卫满及燕满亡民为“朝鲜人系统”的观点展开论述。本文认为民族是一个历史的范畴 ,许多古代民族不断分化融合到其他民族中去 ,并成为这其他民族不可分割的一部份 ,因而将貊族完全认为“朝鲜人系统”是错误的。无论卫满和燕满是不是貊族 ,他们都是中国人 ;卫满朝鲜的成份是不容否认的。  相似文献   

20世纪三四十年代广西地方政府利用国家和社会两方面的力量,使国家的社会动员能力和控制能力依靠强大的行政网络得到了极大加强。抗战时期广西所出动的人力物力奠定了广西“模范省”的地位,但是这时期的社会动员是依靠政府的权力和体制上的权威而建立的,社会与地方政府之间的关系呈现显性的依附和隐性的抗拒。在社会动员能力的扩张下,政府汲取社会资源的体制不可遏制的膨胀造成了强大社会动员力下社会负担和社会成本的加剧,最终增强了地方社会的离心力,使地方社会难以整合。  相似文献   

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