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The media have repeatedly reported that Pope John Paul II had officially admitted the error of the Catholic Church as far as Galileo is concerned and ‘rehabilitated’ him. Apart from enthusiastic, often exaggerated, headlines and comments, careful considerations of the details of the Pope's initiative lead to a different picture: despite the good intentions expressed at the beginning of the process, 13 years later it ended up as a failure, since the Pope's summary is vague and useless.  相似文献   

伊德面对胡塞尔对伽利略的批判而为伽利略辩护,认为望远镜具有透明性。这错失了真正的问题,即伽利略试图将经由望远镜的所见确立为唯一的实在。基督教对质料之抵抗作用的废除、存在论二分向主客二分的转换、伽利略等人对数学的强烈信心,使得数学在亚里士多德主义的自然哲学跌落的背景下上升为唯一不受欺骗的感官。望远镜经由数学的权威而获得权威,成为"独眼"。世界因此失去纵深感,生活世界的意义沉淀在图像之中。伊德正是由于忽视了望远镜背后的这些意涵,才误以为对望远镜的运用能够扭转数学化的不良影响。  相似文献   

Vertesi J 《Endeavour》2004,28(2):64-68
In their race to provide the ultimate guide to the moon, two 17th-century astronomers proposed lunar maps and nomenclatures that they hoped would gain international currency. But the names we use today were those proposed by the Jesuit, a friend of Galileo's persecutors, in a book whose purpose was to refute the Copernican system once and for all. We now believe that Riccioli was wrong about the universe, but why do we still use his nomenclature? The keys to this foundational visual debate in astronomical image-making are the moon maps themselves.  相似文献   

This essay analyzes Einstein's relativity revolution as part of a long-term development of knowledge in which the knowledge system of classical physics was reorganized in a process of reflection, described here as a "Copernican process." This process led in 1905 to the introduction of fundamentally new concepts of space, time, matter, and radiation. On the basis of an extensive historical reconstruction, the heuristics of Einstein's creation of the general theory of relativity, completing the relativity revolution, is interpreted as a further transformation of the knowledge of classical physics, starting from conceiving gravitation as a borderline problem between field theory and mechanics. The essay thus provides an answer to the puzzle of how Einstein was able to create a theory capable of accounting for a wide range of phenomena that were discovered only much later.  相似文献   

The aim of Galileo's tidal theory was to show that the tides were produced entirely by the earth's motion and thereby to demonstrate the physical truth of Copernicanism. However, in the Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems Galileo did not explain some of the most significant aspects of the theory completely. As a consequence, the way the theory works has long been disputed. Though there exist a number of interpretations in the literature, the most widely accepted are based on ideas that are not explicitly articulated by Galileo in the Dialogue. This essay attempts to understand the way the theory functions in terms of Galilean physics. It is an interpretation of the theory based solely on Galileo's arguments--and one that reveals it to have had some unrecognized consequences. This interpretation indicates that Galileo's theory would not have worked in the manner he described in the Dialogue.  相似文献   

从伽利略、.笛卡尔到牛顿:新解近代科学革命   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过考证近代科学革命中伽利略、笛卡尔、牛顿三者的思想承继脉络,文章认为,众多涉及近代科学革命的历史描述存在某种夸大伽利略、弱化笛卡尔的思想倾向。这种倾向揭露了在科学史的描述中存在着“异化”现象,科学史的“异化”源自哲学、心智、政治、地域、媒介上的偏见,而这些偏见在深层又折射了科学历史甚至科学的社会建构性。  相似文献   

国际子午线会议是19世纪世界时间标准化最重要的环节。在北美和欧洲,铁路和电报的出现已经成为了国家时区系统创立的先兆,时间标准的统一问题迫切要求通过一些国际协定加以解决。在国际子午线会议上被通过的7条决议,标志着格林尼治被正式采纳为本初子午线,为全球的经度和时间确立了一个基点。国际子午线会议的真实影响与意义值得探讨。  相似文献   

Precision and reliability of timescales are of importance in many situations, in particular in satellite navigation systems (i.e., Galileo system). Motivated by the necessity to improve the precision and the reliability of such clock signals, we have explored the possibility to exploit control theory in clock steering methods. First of all we provide a more robust theoretical framework for the analysis of the process. Two novel control algorithms are here proposed aiming to meet metrological specifications. Numerical simulations have been performed in order to evaluate the performances of the new control systems.  相似文献   

西方近代科学诞生于文艺复兴后的16世纪,发源地是意大利,奠基者是哥白尼、达·芬奇、培根、伽利略等人。西方近代科学的诞生及其在此后的迅猛发展有其文化方面的必然性,这些文化因素主要包括:古希腊深厚的自然哲学思想,文艺复兴运动中被弘扬的人文主义精神,西方哲学中的“主客二分”思想所导致的实验方法的诞生及其普遍运用,基督教鼓励信徒探索自然界奥秘的传统。  相似文献   

1633年发生在罗马的伽利略宗教审判不仅是关于新旧宇宙观的争论,而且是科学和神学斗争的一次正面交锋,是科学史上的重要事件。本文选取了几幅描绘伽利略审判的艺术作品,通过对它们进行分类、对比及细节分析,并结合作品的时代背景和社会原因,讨论了不同立场的艺术家在创作作品时所持的观点和艺术视角,分析了以视觉形象表现出来的不同时代公众对伽利略审判事件的认识,从而揭示科学、艺术和时代的关系。  相似文献   

We assess the benefits from transatlantic collaboration in technology policy for publicly‐funded R&D space projects such as Galileo, a proposed European radio‐navigation space project. An industrial organisation methodology is employed to model negative security spillovers of ‘unilateral’ space projects such as Galileo, or space‐based anti‐ballistic missile defence, on the public sector of the other region (the US vs. the European Union). The findings imply that transatlantic co‐ordination in technology policy is required to allow the respective space industries (in the US and the European Union) to exploit the benefits of cross‐border strategic research partnerships (SRPs). This coordination not only reduces the costs of the respective programmes, but also addresses security concerns.  相似文献   

科学变革中参照系的作用与意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒙爱军 《科学学研究》2007,25(5):823-830
 科学史上的每次重大变革总是伴随着相应参照系的改变,甚至某些变革本身就是在参照系的基础上进行的.日心说与地心说的不同,实际上是两个参照系原点选择的不同;近代力学通过惯性原理确定了惯性参照系,从而使各物理量获得统一的经验和理论意义,并由此区别于古代力学;而狭义相对论革命则是在相对性和光速不变性原理的基础上,以新的变换关系(洛伦兹变换)代替了经典力学的变换关系(伽利略变换)而实现的.参照系作为连接主客体的实践中介系统,通过投影和变换而确定一定学科的经验-理论符号系统,并通过原点、维向的选择和重构使科学变革得以实现.  相似文献   

影子银行体系的坍塌是此次金融危机的根源所在,其具有的严重金融脆弱性和巨大系统性风险给全球经济带来沉重打击,对全球金融体系产生了深远影响。如何使影子银行阳光化,克服其脆弱性,更好的发挥融通资金的系统重要性功能,成为各国普遍关注并迫切寻求解决的问题。文章探究了金融危机中影子银行体系存在的严重脆弱性,并针对我国影子银行体系的现状及潜在风险,得出加强影子银行监管、实现金融体系稳定的一些启示。  相似文献   

清末中日数学交流是现代中国数学史中的重大事件。在政府和民间的共同努力下,通过日本,中国引进和建立了现代数学教育制度。与此同时,留学日本的中国人将大量日文数学教科书翻译成中文,并且回国担任数学教师。在他们的努力下,中国的数学教育实现了现代化,中国数学也融入世界数学主流中。  相似文献   

Policy makers seek to identify an institutional framework that facilitates the commercialization of publicly funded R&D, while simultaneously addressing innovation market failure. In the space industry, the formation of such a framework is complicated by national security considerations and the fact that numerous sovereign nations are often included in the commercialization process. This paper analyses how multi-public partnerships with industry can promote commercially viable space programs, resolve market failures, and address transatlantic security concerns. The benefits and policy implications of the formation of such transatlantic multi-public-private partnerships (TMP3) are illustrated based on a case study of the design of a major European public-private project in the space industry: the Galileo space-based navigation system.  相似文献   

"大科学工程"的组织建设能力标志着一个国家核心的、原始创新能力,也是一个国家制造工业水平的展现,是国家综合科技竞争力、经济竞争力的重要体现。进入21世纪,随着我国科技实力的提升,中国迫切需要以崭新的面貌和地位加入国际大科学合作。为进一步提高中国在国际大科学工程管理的参与能力,完善国际大科学工程的国内组织机制,为国内下阶段"以我为主"组织实施国际大科学工程积累组织管理经验,笔者结合中国参与的ITER计划、伽利略计划等国际科技合作计划的经费投入方式进行了比较研究。  相似文献   

高校图书馆管理的创新研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张永军 《情报科学》2008,26(1):29-33
混沌理论是关于非线性系统的一门新兴科学,混沌理论的兴起颠覆了经典理论的基本假设,其世界观和方法论震撼了整个学术界.管理领域受混沌理论影响,产生了许多有价值的理念和方法.本文从混沌理论的核心概念出发,并根据高校图书馆管理系统的混沌特性,探讨了混沌理论指导下的高校图书馆管理新思维.  相似文献   

伽利略的数学理性主义导致他对于自然现象解释的根本变革。他从古希腊原子论中异化出了数学实在论,将关于自然现象的解释由亚里士多德式的目的论解释异化为描述性解释。在经验主义方面,早期的伽利略就赞同亚里士多德关于解释性原理必须从感觉经验资料中归纳出来的观点,并且在几何学空间上以量的区别代替了亚里士多德的质的区别,并发展出了“检验自然”意义上的关于实验的观念。在帕多瓦时期的研究中,他对将经验(espefienza)作为科学研究的工具有了更多的信心,他发现诉诸感觉证实往往是很方便的。这使他实现了把自然规律作为可测量的数学关系来表达的目标,从而达到了理性主义与实验主义相结合的科学精神境界。  相似文献   

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