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While covering news in institutions of higher learning, I learned of some thought-provoking occurrences concerning certain top graduate students. One day, a noted specialist of a national key university looked for his graduate students and found one missing. This student had left for a two-week stay in his home town on personal matters. In another key university, two graduate students regarded by a municipal-level academic organization and foreign experts as the pick of doctoral students, could not resist temptations of the outside world and made mistakes. Another graduate student who came in first in a university competition in his discipline was expelled for a serious violation of college discipline.  相似文献   

韩雅 《海外英语》2014,(12):36-36
狗狗日在中国的一家商店里,一只狗正在和顾客们打招呼。店主莫清给她的宠物狗穿了一条牛仔裤和一件T恤来欢迎和吸引顾客。狗狗坐在商店门前的台阶上。老板说:“他很有礼貌。有客人进来的时候。他就会叫几声表示欢迎。”多有礼貌的狗狗呀!想念朋友一名逃犯请求政府让他回到原来的监狱。这是为什么呢?因为他想念他的朋友。37岁的瓦希尔·伊万诺夫从2005年3月越狱之后一直在逃亡。他说:“我受不了了。我已经在监狱里待了九年,完全无法适应监狱外的生活。我想念我的朋友,做一个自由的人让我感到很痛苦。”保加利亚旧扎戈拉监狱的监狱长立即让伊万诺夫回到了监狱,他将继续服刑两年,以服满11年刑期。他很可能会因为逃狱而增加刑期。  相似文献   

徐增向来被视为金圣叹七律分解说的承传者,其《说唐诗》也被视为继承和发挥金圣叹学说的批评实例。近年有学者对两者的关系提出了新的见解。依据湖北省图书馆所藏稀见钞本《九诰堂集》,从梳理徐、金两人的交往始末入手,比较两家的诗学论说,可以发现:徐增对金圣叹的七律分解说既有继承,也有一定程度的改造和修正。具体表现在:(1)扩大分解法的适用范围;(2)消解七律分解的普适性;(3)重新解释七律前后两解在结构上的动力关系;(4)补充说明分解和起承转合的关系。徐增通过这些改造和修正避免了金圣叹分解说的机械性,最终形成自己解说唐诗的特点。徐增说唐诗的方法及其中体现的诗学观念与金圣叹各有特色,比较两家的诗歌批评,可以对清代的结构诗学获得比较完整的认识,澄清历来相沿的先入为主之见。  相似文献   

朱熹早年仕泉按事安溪之际,曾游凤山,并留下通玄观题辞,可作为其“出入释老”、“驰心空妙”之补证;其题“清溪八景”,存一佚七,有心者继续寻觅,或许会有新的发现;《泉州同安鹤浦祖祠堂记》的“附记”部分,与“正文”显非一体,是为伪作;青年朱熹仕泉期间,曾游历潮州。然而,潮州方志与民间流传的关涉梁克家的一诗一序,均系伪托朱子之作。  相似文献   

Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) is widely used in educational research to compare means on multiple dependent variables across groups. Researchers faced with the problem of missing data often use multiple imputation of values in place of the missing observations. This study compares the performance of 2 methods for combining p values in the context of a MANOVA, with the typical default for dealing with missing data: listwise deletion. When data are missing at random, the new methods maintained the nominal Type I error rate and had power comparable to the complete data condition. When 40% of the data were missing completely at random, the Type I error rates for the new methods were inflated, but not for lower percents.  相似文献   

Generally, a person who is diagnosed as dyslexic remains diagnosably dyslexic all his/her life. However, occasionally, an individual compensates for his/her difficulties in some way, and by adulthood is no longer diagnosably dyslexic. In what ways are these compensated dyslexics different from both dyslexics and nondyslexics? We compared IQ, achievement test, and spelling error scores in adult dyslexics, adult nondyslexics, and adult compensated dyslexics (N=25) in the two studies reported here. The second study differed from the first in that the subjects were matched for age, education, IQ, and SES. In both studies, compensateds were significantly different from nondyslexics on the WRAT Spelling subtest and Reading Quotient scores. In the second study the compensateds differed from the nondyslexics in total raw score and average reading speed on Gray Oral Reading Test. On the other hand, they were different from dyslexics on all reading and spelling variables in both studies, except for PIAT Reading Comprehension in Study 2. Finally, in Study 2, the compensateds were different from both dyslexics and nondyslexics in average reading speed. In conclusion, it appears that compensation does not result from differences in IQ, education, or SES, though it may be influenced to some extent by sex. Compensateds appear very similar to nondyslexics in their reading and spelling skills; however, there appears to be a difference in the automaticity with which they apply these skills.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— In recent years, educators have been looking increasingly to neuroscience to inform their understanding of how children’s brain and cognitive development are shaped by their learning experiences. However, while this new interdisciplinary approach presents an unprecedented opportunity to explore and debate the educational implications of neuropsychological research, a good model for this dialogue is lacking. This is in part because relatively little is known about the relationships between cognitive, emotional, and neurological development, in part because of a dearth of research methods designed to rigorously connect issues of learning and development to neuropsychological strengths and weaknesses, and in part because neuropsychological studies are rarely presented in a format that is conducive to meaningful cross‐disciplinary dialogue with educators. To begin to address these issues, in this article, I present the complementary cases of Nico and Brooke, two high‐functioning adolescents, who have suffered the removal of an entire brain hemisphere (Nico his right and Brooke his left) to control severe epilepsy. Through presenting a neuropsychological study of these rare boys’ emotion and affective prosody (vocal intonation) through the developmental lens of an educator, I reinterpret the neuropsychological findings for what they reveal about how the boys leveraged their emotional and cognitive strengths to learn important skills for which they were each missing half of the normally recruited neural hardware. While Nico’s and Brooke’s results seem on the surface to contradict expectations based on neuropsychological findings with adults, they combine to reveal a compensatory logic that begins to elucidate the active role of the learner as well as the organizing role of emotion in brain development, providing a jumping‐off point for discussion between educators and neuroscientists and a model for connecting neuropsychological strengths and weaknesses to learning.  相似文献   

巴金创作的《憩园》是以文学的方式对那些曾经帮助、关心过作者自己的众多女性的一次纪念,正是在与她们的交往中巴金终于完成自己思想意识中的一次重要转变,使其在"我控诉"的创作信条下多了一个"我同情"的创作宗旨,而"控诉"和"同情"这两种互为矛盾的情感交织纠缠在一起,最终形成《憩园》独特的叙事风格和令人费解的叙事动机。  相似文献   

本文主要论述清代文坛从袁枚到龚自珍个性思想的发展和推进。二人都重视“人”、“我” ,袁枚主张以人为本 ,带有古代民本思想 ,而龚自珍则提出“众人之宰 ,自名曰我”的命题 ,标志着近代人文思想的开端。都追求个性解放 ,重“情” ,而袁枚所作的是一种个体实践 ,可以说是“自立者” ,龚自珍在此基础上疾呼变革束缚人的专制制度 ,并立志“疗梅” ,为众人解缚。他们都可称的上“狂” ,都带有一定程度的叛逆色彩 ,并且都有一个共同的特点 ,即对才气的自信与自负。但二人又有着明显的差异 ,袁枚的狂仍可被统治阶级接纳和包容 ,最终走向了逸 ,可算是“狂处士” ;龚自珍却成为让朝廷上下无不心惊胆战的变革者、启蒙思想家 ,可算是近代的狂者。  相似文献   

叶宪祖是晚明著名戏曲家,他一生著述宏富,所撰传奇六种,杂剧二十四种。他的戏曲著述,无论其思想内容,还是其艺术成就,堪称明代剧坛上有深远影响的重要作品。叶宪祖在明代戏曲史乃至整个中国戏曲史上占有重要的地位。  相似文献   

Howard Woodhouse 《Interchange》2000,31(2-3):135-157
The paper analyses a debate from 1936 between Alfred North Whitehead and Robert M. Hutchins over the role of the business universities today. Their contrasting views on vocational training in the modern university underlines the ways in which the logics of education and the market differ. I argue that Whitehead's support for the business school stemmed from a belief in private corporations fulfilling the same role as the Catholic Church in defending the "great liberty" of mediaeval universities. This belief is contradicted by other statements of his that business corporations destroy the very craft required for academic work. Finally, I suggest ways in which both authors might respond to a current situation at my own university where applied research for business is subsidized with millions of dollars from the base budget. While both would have been opposed to the threat this poses to university autonomy, Hutchins' critique of the logic of the market makes his the strongest position.  相似文献   

If acquiring a foreign language is a highly individual process—part cognitive part affective, part information based part discovery based—the methodology of creating teaching/learning situations must take (next to linguistic issues) the individual into account: his learning style, his needs, interests, etc.

The article has two distinct emphases: (I) a cognitive, applied linguistics emphasis and (II) an affective, learner‐centred emphasis. By way of conclusion the implications of (I) and (II) for teacher training are involved.  相似文献   

冯至的记行长诗《北游》不仅呈现了诗人北游过程中的所见所闻和所思所想,而且发出了诗人因不甘沉沦,执着追求而导致灵魂裂变时沉闷的声音。诗作中关于人生无路的悲哀,个体存在的孤独,生与死的秘密等问题的探索,表明此时的冯至已具备了探索现代性的初步自觉。该文试图对《北游》的现代性作出解读,并试图从昨日的沉淀、现实的赐予、外来的养分三方面对这种现代性的产生作出阐释。文章认为,正是冯至对现代性的这种自觉,为他30年代留学德国时亲近存在主义哲学和存在主义诗人里尔克等作了思想上的准备,更为他40年代《十四行集》的成功面世奠定了第一块基石。  相似文献   

我们家是一个快乐的中产阶级家庭。和许多美国人一样,我们有一套房子和两辆车。家中有两个爱子。我喜欢自己的生活:无论是在家教育孩子,还是在学校教音乐课,我都倾注了满腔热忱。但是我仍然觉得似乎少了什么:我渴望有个女儿。  相似文献   

村上春树作为在当今世界范围内受到广泛认可的作家之一,其作品除了探究现代人孤独游离的精神状态之外,还展现出了其富有社会责任意识的一面。即通过作品中的中国因素,引出原罪意识,然后对日本的历史尤其是二战期间包括侵华战争在内的充满暴力与邪恶的历史进行了揭露、追究,发掘出日本文化中暴力性因素的源头和传承,进而反省和思考日本民族的未来,从而在某种意义上实现了社会责任与道义的救赎。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to describe and analyse the role of a teacher's caring and enthusiasm in an inclusive science classroom. Using stories, interviews, and action research, it is revealed that this teacher's approach focuses on two major ideas: (a) Combining activity-oriented science curriculum with the building of caring relationships in her classroom; and (b) Developing enthusiasm for science and fulfilling students' personal purposes. A case study of one student labeled as learning disabled is analysed and provides evidence of his remarkable growth in terms of his academic and behavioral performance over a period of two years. Based on the results of this study a number of ways of subverting labeling are suggested and two qualitative hypotheses for further research in this area are proposed. The main suggestion of this study is that thinking behind labels in the context of an inclusive science classroom needs to be revised in light of the role of teacher caring.  相似文献   

罗辛顿·米斯垂是一位印度裔的流散作家,存《费洛查拜格的故事》中着重表现的是人物仵情感上对印度母固的眷恋和温情.从而把移民解释为“身体”移民,也就是一种移民者仅仅表现为身体位置的移动.作情感上依然归属于自已的母固。  相似文献   

Because of Professor Cooley's prosecutorial review, I want to make clear at the outset that my rejoinder is not a codefendant's answer to a plaintiff's replication. Instead, I first attempt to provide an “immanent” analysis of Cooley's indictment, in the sense of dealing with what dwells within his reasoning. A specific philosophical definition of “immanent” reads: taking place within the mind of the subject, but having no effect outside (this does not apply to me as an outsider). I intend to battle with Cooley up close—no “dancing”—my defense against his offense. In the second part, the focus will be on what I think is missing from Cooley's attempt to discredit McLaren and Farahmandpur's book. His decision or failure to deal with what Marx and the most effective Marxists have written, and how some of this provided analyses that could be and/or was acted upon, may be more serious than his beating up on the book's authors.  相似文献   

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