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Business people in multinational environments must deal with a variety of situational barriers and cultural differences, such as time zones, languages, and common practice differences. Learning to accommodate these barriers and differences effectively often takes years of practice. Students who experience some of these barriers and become aware of some of the cultural differences while still in school have the advantage of beginning their practice early. Classroom to classroom videoconferencing (VC) provides an excellent discovery, or active, learning opportunity for business students to interact with, and learn more about, other's cultural similarities and differences. This article presents a case study that describes the videoconferencing interactions experienced by Japanese and U.S. undergraduate business students conducted in three successive years with three different sets of students on each side. In each year, students report learning a great deal about each other's cultures through the discovery learning process; at the same time, faculty learned that some types of discussion vehicles work better than others. Implications for how best to provide a cross‐cultural experience via videoconferencing for students who will soon be in the international workforce are discussed.  相似文献   

Translation of a literary work is never an automatic process but always poses many problems caused by the differences between two linguistic and cultural systems. The difficulty seems to be enhanced if the work to be translated is for children who have little knowledge about the culture from which the text originates. At least, that must be the idea behind the practice of replacing foreign names with familiar ones, a practice still common in English and German translations. The present argument is that this change not only shows a lack of respect toward other cultures but also deprives child readers of the chance to realize the wealth of cultural diversity that surrounds them.  相似文献   

中国空前的改革开放力度,使中国的英语教学领域也因中国社会的飞速发展正在发生着巨大的变化。大批外籍教师在中国英语教学中的参与,给中国的英语教学带来了许多英语及其承载的多姿多彩的英语化。这种英语化的多元性在当今的英语教学中,与中国传统化,包括中国传统的英语教学化既发生冲突,又相互适应。外籍教师与中国本土教师分别为不同化的生物,为不同的化所塑造。在英语教学中,看到中外教师的各自优势,认识到中外教师在教学中搭配的必要性与合理性,是一个十分重要的问题。在这种搭配合作中,一些值得注意的问题不可小视。  相似文献   

语言是文化的反映,翻译是跨文化的桥梁。汉英语言中存在着较大的文化差异,其中颜色词的文化差异极易导致东西方人理解的误区。主要探讨了"黄色"的文化差异及其翻译的问题,力图实现汉英民族不同文化的交流和渗透。  相似文献   

六种颜色词的英汉对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所有文化都有普遍性与特殊性两个方面,不同的语言也是如此。这篇文章通过对英汉两种语言的对比研究,重点讨论了这两种语言中颜色词的不同的文化特征。在颜色词的应用上,英语与汉语有很多相似之处,但是由于在两种不同的文化中,人们有着不同的思维方式,不同民族具有不同的生活环境、文化心理、审美情趣,因此人们对于颜色词的使用也有着很大的差别。只有了解了这一点,人们才能够更好地掌握这两种语言,从而在文化交流中得心应手,畅通无阻。  相似文献   

在全球化的今天,浸染在网络环境下的高职生广泛吸收着各国各民族文化,但由于各种原因,他们对本民族优秀传统文化存在一定程度上的认同危机。如何提升高职生中华民族文化认同已成为职业学校亟待解决的问题,以语文教学培育高职生中华民族文化认同不失为有效路径。通过对现有语文教材内容的整合、重组及重新解读,提炼其中蕴含的中华民族文化精神或要素,建设校本化特色语文课堂;开展中华民族传统文化特色的语文实践活动;结合信息化手段,建设五年制高职语文课程中华民族传统文化资源库,以此增强高职生对中华民族文化的认同,培养热爱祖国、有责任担当的劳动者和接班人。  相似文献   

In discussions about developmentally appropriate practice, the term “social and cultural context” is typically used to refer to the culture of children, their families, and their community. Those discussions do not usually address the unique cultures children sometimes create among themselves. Those cultures have values, rules, and norms that frequently exclude adults. As outsiders, we teachers often react to children’s created cultures by discounting them as something that interferes with education rather than something we can use. However, teachers can incorporate those cultures into their classrooms in effective ways that can enhance children’s motivation and facilitate learning.  相似文献   

真放与旷达--李白苏轼人生态度和诗风比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李白和苏轼有着很大的差异,其中最突出的是个性气质、人生态度等的不同以及由此而产生的诗风之异。同时从“士文化”的角度而言,李白、苏轼各自具有不同的文化内涵,是不同的士文化符号,分别代表着不同的类型。李白和苏轼,都是中国文化史上独特的“这一个”,这就是中国文化史上唯一的真放的李白和旷达的苏轼。  相似文献   

道与逻各斯分别是中西文化传统中具有再生性的核心概念和范畴,它们都对各自的文化、哲学、思想、社会以及文艺学产生了巨大而深刻的影响。在全球化的语境下,比较分析它们的同与异,寻找它们各自的本源性内质,挖掘它们各自深藏的思想资源,探讨二者的互补给中西文化所带来的发展启示,确实是个有趣的话题。  相似文献   

习语是某一语言在使用过程中形成的独特的固定的表达方式。习语是语言的精华,也是一个民族文化与智慧的结晶。由于受不同文化的影响,英汉习语中包含着不同的民族文化特色与文化信息。生存环境、风俗习惯、物质文化、宗教信仰等对英汉习语翻译中的文化差异的形成是不可忽视的因素。  相似文献   

The so called idiom refers to a phrase where the words together have a meaning that is different from the dictionary definitions of the individual words,but must be learnt as a whole.Because of their rich associations and strong nationality,idioms are usually hard for learners to understand and master.But as you know,language is the carrier of culture,and idioms are the cream of a language.Since both English and Chinese idioms have their unique characteristics,the comparison of the two may help us understand the similarities and differences between western and Chinese cultures,bridge the cultural gaps and enhance the effectiveness of cross-cultural communication.Besides that,the comparison can also be instructional in translation theory and translation practice.  相似文献   

This paper examines a group of Chinese educational leaders’ leadership practice changes after undertaking a leadership development course offered by an Australian university in China. It presents their self-reported changes in leadership practice profiles and features selected vignettes. The study was primarily qualitative and interpretative, based on the interview responses of 20 participants. The findings showed that exposure to different perspectives appeared to expand participants’ views and equip them with a wider range of leadership strategies. Despite some observable differences in practices reported by participants from the three sectors (school, educational system, and university), there seemed to be more similarities than variance. The respondents were cautious about radical changes in leadership practice, reiterating that local contexts and cultures must be considered when accommodating Western educational ideas. The study suggests that participants’ self-reported changes in leadership practices resulted from mediation of contextual and cultural conditions rather than the direct transfer of Western ideas and practices into the Chinese context.  相似文献   

中法两国之间有着不同的文化。两种不同的文化之间既有相互联系的共性,也有各自的特性。两种文化之间的翻译之所以成为可能,就是因为存在着共性。同理,汉法两种语言互译中存在的疑难问题,除了语言水平和理解上的障碍以外,很大部分来自于两国的文化差异。因此汉法两种语言的翻译不仅仅是两种语言符号表层指称意义的转换,更是深层意义上两种不同文化之间的相互沟通和移植,翻译既涉及了两种语言,又涉及了这两种文化。  相似文献   

关于文化生态失衡与文化生态建设的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国的文化问题是社会关系问题的表现,通过非物质文化遗产来建设中国的文化生态,就是要调整中国的文化定位和社会关系,把它们的关系重新理顺,成为常态。这就是文化生态建设的基本使命。其中,时空框架是否与非物质文化遗产相匹配,是非物质文化在社会中正常生长的重要条件,我们特别需要探讨如何重建时空框架的中国属性。文化生态建设要让那些曾经被贬低的人的文化得到承认,让他们也有自主的"文化自觉",从而实现社会整体的"文化自觉"。  相似文献   

This paper analyses how and why cultural diversity is relevant to children with speech and language difficulties and the professionals who work with them. The relevance of various aspects of culture including the development of communication skills, language socialisation, adult-child interaction, child care, attitudes, beliefs, and the epidemiology of speech and language difficulties is described and illustrated with examples from the literature in a number of fields. The author encourages all professionals who work with children who have speech and language difficulties to increase their cultural awareness and for training establishments to consider how they may contribute to raising cultural awareness. Further research is needed in this area. A further challenge is to consider whether and how practice should be adapted to take account of cultural diversity.  相似文献   

章通过对英汉习语在语音、语义、结构等方面的特点进行分析,揭示了英汉习语的共性,但由于英汉语言深受各自化的影响,他们之间又有着较大的差异。章又从地理环境、神话传说、语言故事、历史事件、学典故、宗教信仰、民族思维、价值观等方面的差异分析了两的个性特点,以使学习弄清英汉习语的化内涵.在使用习语时表达得体,从而提高英语交际能力。  相似文献   

英、汉语颜色词的互不相等形式及其文化内涵   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
语言作为文化的载体,它浸透了各个民族的不同文化。民族文化的特征、经过历史的积淀而结晶在词汇层面上。文章通过汉英不同的颜色词及其文化内涵,如实地反映英语国家的社会现实。英语颜色词的引申意义、比喻用法、惯用法,与汉语颜色词的表达方式存在异同,把英汉颜色词的异同之处加以细心研究,分析对比,并对颜色词所包含的文化内涵加以深入地理解,对于扩大英语词汇量,更准确地表达思想、更深一层地了解英语国家相关的文化知识,将起到积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

The “melting pot” theory suggests that prolonged interethnic contact leads to the disappearance of ethnic and/or cultural differences in society. Eventually, the argument holds, such contact between minorities and other subcultural groups with the mainstream society leads, first, to the assimilation of, and, then, to the disappearance of, ethnic distinctions. Sport has been perceived as an important mechanism in this process by which ethnic group members could be assimilated into mainstream society. However, recent anthropological work indicates that the melting-pot theory does not hold. Drawing from the works of several social scientists who have analyzed and are currently studying play forms among several ethnic cultures within the United States, this article presents data which challenge the tenability of the melting-pot theory. The data indicate that adopting cultures within the United States transform the nature of typically “American” sport forms to fit their own cultural schema and that the value orientations of the ethnic minority student-athletes reflect the values of their mother culture.  相似文献   

“五四”时期胡适和梁漱溟的中西文化现有相同或相通之处:他们都认为中国传统文化有缺陷困而必须进行革新,对传统文化都有肯定有否定。同时,他们在如何评估西方文化、如何革新中国文化的问题上又存在着较大的分歧。他们对中西文化冲突问题的探索既有种种缺憾,也不乏真知灼见。研究、比较胡适、梁漱溟的中西文化现之长短得失具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

英语中存在着大量的、丰富多彩的颜色词,这些颜色词不仅仅体现其基本感观上的视觉效果,更被赋予了深广的社会文化意义,被广泛应用于人们日常学习工作等社会生活各个方面。仅仅了解颜色词的概念义而忽视其社会文化意义的人还不能真正理解这些颜色词。因此我们需要注意颜色词的使用领域来帮助我们更好地理解颜色词的社会和文化意义。  相似文献   

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