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少年田径运动员成就目标对心理健康、运动成绩的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合运用问卷调查法、文献资料法、数理统计法及以访谈法等方法,分析讨论了成就目标、心理健康与运动成绩的关系。结果表明:掌握目标与躯体化因子的相关达到显著水平;成绩目标与人际关系敏感因子、焦虑因子、敌对因子的相关达到显著水平;掌握目标与运动成绩存在显著的正相关;高成就目标定向组和高掌握目标定向组运动成绩的得分分别与低成就目标定向组存在非常显著差异,高成就目标定向组和高掌握目标定向组运动成绩的均分较高;心理健康总分,高掌握目标定向组与高成就目标定向组、高成绩目标定向组、低成就目标定向组均存在显著差异,高掌握目标定向组得分最低。因此认为,高掌握目标定向最有利于运动员的全面发展。建议在培养少年田径运动员的成就目标定向时,应帮助运动员树立能力增长观,在运动训练过程中多设置掌握定向氛.围。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、心理测量法以及数理统计法,对第9届全国大学生羽毛球锦标赛的男、女运动员成就目标及其与运动成绩的关系进行研究。结果表明:不同性别的大学生羽毛球运动员在任务目标定向和自我回避目标定向维度上存在显著差异;我国大学生羽毛球运动员队伍中较高或较低的成就目标者的比例较高;优秀大学生羽毛球运动员的任务目标定向及自我趋近目标定向的适宜范围为30.13±4.06、33.84±6.73;自我趋近目标定向是影响大学生羽毛球运动员成绩的因素之一。  相似文献   

智力残疾运动员目标定向、完美主义与运动成绩的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以601名特奥会智力残疾运动员为对象,通过相关分析、结构方程模型对成就目标定向、完美主义和运动成绩的关系进行探讨.结果表明:(1)掌握趋近目标定向和追求完美对运动成绩有直接的正向预测作用;(2)成绩回避目标定向、掌握回避目标定向和不完美的消极反应对运动成绩有直接的负向预测作用;(3)成绩趋近目标定向和掌握趋近目标定向通过追求完美可间接预测运动成绩,且对追求完美有显著的正向预测作用;(4)成绩趋近目标定向、成绩回避目标定向和掌握回避目标定向通过对不完美的消极反应可间接预测运动成绩;(5)成绩回避和掌握回避对消极反应有显著的正向预测作用,而成绩趋近对消极反应有显著的负向预测作用.  相似文献   

大学生运动员的成就目标定向及赛前情绪的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈旭 《山东体育科技》2002,24(1):37-38,41
以成就目标定向理论及赛前情绪的五因素结构理论为基础,运用问卷调查法对大学生田径运动员进行调查分析。结果表明:性别和运动水平的差异对其目标定向及赛前情绪均产生较大的影响,成就目标定向与赛前情绪有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

对我国优秀赛跑运动员跑中疲劳系数的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对1995~1999年全国田径大赛中26场比赛的前8名男、女运动员约350人次的成绩进行了统计分析,得出男、女运动员200m、400m、800m赛跑中的疲劳系数,旨在为我国优秀运动员设定合理的量化训练目标。  相似文献   

本研究采用SAR量表对675名初中至高中的少年田径运动员进行测试,初步揭示了少年田径运动员在运动成就情境中运动成功和运动失败心理控制点的特征和规律,并分析讨论了少年田径运动员运动成就心理控制点,尤其是心理控制点偏向的形成和作用,为对少年田径运动员的训练、指导和教育提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   

目的:了解青少年网球运动员成就目标取向和自我妨碍的现状,并探讨与运动成绩的关系。方法:采用自我妨碍量表和4 分成就目标量表 调查参加网球锦标赛的160 名运动员。结果处理采用相关分析和回归分析技术。结果:(1)自我妨碍与掌握接近目标负相关,与掌握回避目标和 成绩回避目标正相关。掌握接近目标、成绩接近目标与运动成绩正相关。自我妨碍与运动成绩负相关。(2)成就目标取向对运动成绩既有直接作 用,又有间接作用;自我妨碍在成就目标对运动成绩的影响中发挥着中介作用。(3)成就目标取向有年龄和性别的差异,自我妨碍在性别和运动 等级上存在着显著差异,但交互作用都不显著。  相似文献   

目的:探讨定向运动员与球类及田径运动员的空间能力差异,为定向运动项目教学、训练及选材提供理论依据。方法:采用空间能力测验软件实验对63名不同项目的运动员进行测量,用方差分析法进行数据统计。结果:定向运动员的定位测验、三维旋转测验能力得分都明显高于其他两项目的运动员(P﹤0.01),三组被试在木块连接得分差异不显著。两维方格测验定向运动员与球类项目运动员差异不显著,但都高于田径运动员(P﹤0.05)。结论:定向运动员具有强于球类及田径运动员的空间智能优势。  相似文献   

对30 名10~12 岁(男14 人,女16 人)的少儿田径运动员进行为期4 年的实验研究发现,采用目标激励等方法,对改善少儿运动员的心理品质及运动成绩提高,收效显著  相似文献   

许多研究资料表明:运动后尿蛋白的出现及其消失,与运动的持续时间和强度、训练程度、情绪因素等有一定关系。因而认为运动性蛋白尿可做为医务监督和评定训练效果的有效生理指标之一。本文着重对14—17岁少年田径运动员在不同运动量的训练课后,参加短距离和中距离赛跑后蛋白尿、血尿的出现与消失进行探讨,以了解少年运动员的生理特征和供少年运动员训练实践参考。对象与方法本文研究对象为湖南体校短跑组及中长跑组学生,计32人。其中短跑16人(男9,女7),中长跑16人(男6,女10),年龄为14—17岁。训练年限为1—2.5年。实验时间为2—3周。  相似文献   


In this paper, I present data from two studies that sought to examine multiple achievement goals in the context of children's physical education (PE). Study 1 examined the links that multiple-goal profiles (i.e. mastery/performance-approach/performance-avoidance goals) for PE had with self-determined motivation, affective patterns and levels of extracurricular sporting activity in a sample of 193 Year 7 pupils. Results suggested that children endorsing high mastery/high performance-approach/high performance-avoidance, high mastery/high performance-approach/low performance-avoidance, or high mastery/ low performance-approach/low performance-avoidance profiles typically exhibited the most adaptive motivational responses. In contrast, children endorsing a low mastery/high performance-approach/high performance-avoidance profile typically experienced more maladaptive motivational outcomes. Study 2 examined the development of multiple achievement goals over two terms of PE in conjunction with retrospective perceptions of the motivational climate in the sample. The results of analysis of variance suggested that children exposed to a consistent high mastery/low performance climate experienced decreased performance-avoidance goals and maintained high levels of mastery goals for PE. In contrast, children exposed to a consistent low mastery/high performance climate experienced increased performance-avoidance goals and decreased mastery goals for PE.  相似文献   

We investigated antecedents of mastery-approach, mastery-avoidance, performance-approach, and performance-avoidance goals in sport. University athletes (n = 230) aged 18-25 years (mean 20.3 years, s = 1.5) completed measures of approach-avoidance goals, perceived parental motivational climate, perceived team motivational climate, perceived competence, and demographics. Multiple regression analyses revealed that mastery-approach goals were positively predicted by perceived competence, mastery team climate, learning/enjoyment parental climate, and gender, with males being higher on these goals than females. Mastery-avoidance goals were predicted positively by learning/enjoyment parental climate and negatively by gender, with females being higher on these goals than males. Performance-approach goals were positively predicted by perceived competence, performance team climate, and gender, with males being higher on these goals than females. Finally, performance-avoidance goals were predicted positively by worry-conducive parental climate. These findings suggest that a mastery or performance climate is related to whether athletes adopt a mastery or performance goal, whereas the perception of competence is associated with whether athletes adopt approach-focused goals. Gender should be considered in future examinations of the approach-avoidance achievement goals in sport.  相似文献   

Background:Research on achievement goal orientations in sport has typically relied on the use of variable-centered approaches that tend to overlook population heterogeneity.In this study,we used a person-centered approach to identify subgroups of competitive tennis players according to unique combinations of achievement goal orientations and tested for subgroup differences in motivation and mental toughness.Methods:A sample of 323 competitive tennis athletes(69.35%male)between 15 and 25 years of age(17.60±2.40 years,mean±SD)completed the 3×2 Achievement Goal Questionnaire for Sport,Sport Motivation Scale Ⅱ,and Mental Toughness Index.Latent profile analysis was used to identify unique combinations of achievement goal orientations.Comparisons between latent subgroups on autonomous motivation,controlled motivation,and mental toughness were performed using analysis of variance.Results:Latent profile analysis supported 3 distinct patterns of achievement goal profiles that were primarily distinguishable based on valence of competence(i.e.,approach vs.avoidance).Analyses of variance indicated that athletes who were classified into subgroups that endorsed approach types of goals(regardless of the types of avoidance goals they endorsed)reported higher levels of autonomous motivation and mental toughness.Conclusion:Results indicated that athletes tend to pursue a number of achievement goals collectively rather than in isolation.Although approach goals are more commonly linked to adaptive psychological functioning and positive outcomes,avoidance goals may also be associated with desirable psychological characteristics if they are pursued in conjunction with approach types of achievement goals.  相似文献   

Understanding athletes’ attitudes to doping continues to be of interest for its potential to contribute to an international anti-doping system. However, little is known about the relationship between elite athletes’ attitudes to drug use and potential explanatory factors, including achievement goals and the motivational climate. In addition, despite specific World Anti-Doping Agency Code relating to team sport athletes, little is known about whether sport type (team or individual) is a risk or protective factor in relation to doping. Elite athletes from Scotland (N = 177) completed a survey examining attitudes to performance-enhancing drug (PED) use, achievement goal orientations and perceived motivational climate. Athletes were generally against doping for performance enhancement. Hierarchical regression analysis revealed that task and ego goals and mastery motivational climate were predictors of attitudes to PED use (F (4, 171) = 15.81, P < .01). Compared with individual athletes, team athletes were significantly lower in attitude to PED use and ego orientation scores and significantly higher in perceptions of a mastery motivational climate (Wilks’ lambda = .76, F = 10.89 (5, 170), P < .01). The study provides insight into how individual and situational factors may act as protective and risk factors in doping in sport.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between the perceived motivational climate, achievement goals, perfectionism and indices of peer relationships in a sample of young male and female Norwegian soccer players. The sample consisted of 1719 experienced soccer players (1231 males, 488 females) aged 12?–?19 years (mean = 14.9 years) participating in the Norway Cup international youth soccer competition. The players responded to a questionnaire measuring perceived peer acceptance and quality of friendship in soccer, perceived motivational climate, achievement goals and perfectionism in soccer. Canonical correlation analyses revealed that young female players who perceived the motivational climate as predominantly mastery oriented, and who were moderately task oriented and scored negatively on maladaptive perfectionism, reported better relations with their peers in soccer. Constructive peer relations were evident in that they scored positively on companionship with their best friend in soccer; they perceived this friend as being loyal and of allowing free discussion, and they reported being socially accepted by their peers in soccer. Mirroring these findings, young male players who perceived the motivational climate as predominantly performance oriented, who had a moderately negative score on task orientation but a quite strong positive score on maladaptive perfectionism, reported negative relationships with peers in terms of these aspects. They also reported being in conflict with their best soccer friend. The findings suggest that the qualities of motivation have a systematic relationship with peer acceptance and the quality of friendship in male and female youth soccer.  相似文献   

In this paper, I present data from two studies that sought to examine multiple achievement goals in the context of children's physical education (PE). Study 1 examined the links that multiple-goal profiles (i.e. mastery/performance-approach/performance-avoidance goals) for PE had with self-determined motivation, affective patterns and levels of extracurricular sporting activity in a sample of 193 Year 7 pupils. Results suggested that children endorsing high mastery/high performance-approach/high performance-avoidance, high mastery/high performance-approach/low performance-avoidance, or high mastery/ low performance-approach/low performance-avoidance profiles typically exhibited the most adaptive motivational responses. In contrast, children endorsing a low mastery/high performance-approach/high performance-avoidance profile typically experienced more maladaptive motivational outcomes. Study 2 examined the development of multiple achievement goals over two terms of PE in conjunction with retrospective perceptions of the motivational climate in the sample. The results of analysis of variance suggested that children exposed to a consistent high mastery/low performance climate experienced decreased performance-avoidance goals and maintained high levels of mastery goals for PE. In contrast, children exposed to a consistent low mastery/high performance climate experienced increased performance-avoidance goals and decreased mastery goals for PE.  相似文献   

Recent research found perfectionistic strivings to predict performance in a novel basketball task among novice basketball players. The current study builds on this research by examining whether this is also the case for performance in a familiar basketball training task among experienced basketball players, and whether achievement goals mediated any observed relationships. Perfectionistic strivings, perfectionistic concerns, and 3?×?2 achievement goals were assessed prior to basketball training performance in 90 basketball players (mean age 20.9 years). Regression analyses showed that perfectionistic strivings predicted better performance. Furthermore, mediation analyses showed that other-approach goals (e.g. beliefs that one should and can outperform others) accounted for this relationship. The findings suggest that perfectionistic strivings may predict better performance in both novel and familiar athletic contexts. In addition, beliefs about the importance and ability to outperform others may explain this relationship.  相似文献   


A large body of research in support of the reciprocal effects model of causal ordering demonstrates that prior academic self-concept predicts subsequent academic achievement beyond what can be explained in terms of prior achievement. Here we evaluate the generalizability of this support for the reciprocal effects model to a physical activity context in which achievement is reflected in gymnastics skills on a standardized gymnastics performance test evaluated by expert judges. Based on the responses of 376 adolescents collected at the start (T1) and end (T2) of a gymnastics training programme, there is support for a reciprocal effects model in which there are significant paths leading from both T1 gymnastics self-concept to T2 gymnastics skills and from T1 gymnastics skills to T2 self-concept. Although there were gender and age effects (girls and older participants had better gymnastics skills, boys had higher self-concepts), multiple group structural equation models indicated that support for the reciprocal effects model generalized over responses by boys and girls. In summary, self-concept and performance are both determinants and consequences of each other.  相似文献   

This study aimed to examine the validity and reliability of an instrument designed to measure student perceptions of curricular goals in physical education, the Curricular Goals in Physical Education Questionnaire. Participants were 879 Finnish students from grades 7 to 9 (412 girls, 467 boys; mean age 13.81). An exploratory factor analysis was performed on Sample 1 (n = 287), revealing a four-factor solution and suggesting that factor structure be cross-validated with confirmatory factor analysis in Sample 2 (n = 592). Confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated an acceptable fit and supported the four-factor model. Tests for gender invariance supported configural, metric, and scalar invariance. Analyses of factor mean differences indicated that girls attributed more importance than boys to physical education’s health-related goals, social and emotional learning, and motor skill development. This study confirmed the validity of the Curricular Goals in Physical Education Questionnaire to assess student perspectives on curricular goals across gender. In order to improve factor structure the authors suggest the addition of an item measuring skill acquisition to future versions of the instrument.  相似文献   

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