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Jack was an antiques collector.One day,he was passing a small shop.(杰克是一个古董收集者。一天,他路过一个小店。)There was a cat on the sidewalk out front.It was licking milk from a saucer.(店前人行道上一只猫在舔一个托盘里的牛奶。)God,the saucer was very old and valu-able!(天哪,这个托盘可是个值钱的古物啊!)I want to buy your cat.(我想买你的猫。)I’m sorry ,butthe cat is notfor sale.(对不起,这只猫是不卖的。)Please,I need acat around m yhouse to catchm ice.I’ll give you20 dollars.(拜托,我家需要…  相似文献   

Tom is a little boy,and he is only seven years old.H e often goes tothe park and the fruit shop him self. Som etim es his m other takes him tothe m useum .O ne day he goes to a cinem a. It is the first tim e for him to do that.H e buys a ticket and then g…  相似文献   

A T alk about G eniusPatient:D octor,is genius a kind ofdisease?D octor:If so,you needn t w orry about it.Y ou do not have this kindofdisease definitely.A B ow land a C atA m an was looking for ancient objects.O ne day he cam e to a villageand found a bow lthatlooked very old.The bowl was lying on the groundand a cat was drinking m ilk from it.In order not to draw the attention of the farm er w ho had the bow l tothe value of the bow l,the m an said to him in a casual voice:“W hat anice …  相似文献   

A young man went to a car shop.He was wearing rubber boots(胶靴子)and a dirty jacket.And he needed a haircut badly.The young man looked at an expensive car carefully and then turned to speak tothe shopkeeper.“Howmuch is this car?”he asked.“One thousand two hundred and eighteen  相似文献   

A man was looking for things of the old times. One day he came to a village and found a blue bowl. It looked veryold. The bowl was on the ground and a cat was drinking milk from it. A farmer, the owner of the cat , was lying besidethe bowl. The man did not want the farmer to know that he was interested in bowl. So he said to him softly, “What anice cat you have? Will you sell it to me?”“How much will you give me for the cat?”the farmer opened his eyes and asked.“Twenty dollars. Would t…  相似文献   

A Drinker's SuccessA heavy drinker realized the harm done to him by wine and made up his mind to give up drinking. One day he went shopping in the town near his home. He was determined to come back home without even sipping(呷)a drop of wine. Shopping over, he passed by a wine shop. "Here is a place to test myself," he thought, and went away. He felt encouraged with this first success . He came to another wine shop, and did the same, bravely. He was very glad. Finally he came to his favorite wine shop near his house. He went into it and drank happily to celebrate his success in abstinence from wine(戒酒)all day.  相似文献   

I find out...     
How long have you been studying English? Do you get good grades all the time? If not, please look for a good way to study. And here are my suggestions: First of all, we should listen to the teacher carefully. After class, we ought to learn by ourselves, then do more exercise. If you are really tired, you should have a good rest.T he w ay is w orth studying.A m an said押“T hem ore a m an know s,the m ore he discovers hisignorance.”A nother m an also said押“C hoose a lifeof action,not one…  相似文献   

Perfect M atch     
A wealthy matron is so proud of a valuable antique vase that she decides to have her bedroom painted the same color as the vase. Several painters try to match the shade, but none comes close enough to satisfy the eccentric woman.Eventually, a painter approaches who is confident he can m ix the proper color. The wom an is pleased with the result, and the painter be- com es fam ous. Y ears later, he retires and turns the business over to his son. “D ad,”says the son,“there s som ething Ive g…  相似文献   

A m an w as selling m edicines at a fair. A t first hesold bottles of a cold cure for just a dollar a bottle. M any people w anted to buy it and the m an’syoung assistant m oved quickly through the crow d col-lecting m oney and handing out bottles of the coldcure. T hen, w hen he had a big crow d, the m an heldup a very sm all bottle. “A nd now , ladies and gentlem en, he shouted, ”“here is the m edicine you have been w aiting for.T hecure for old age.D rink just one bottl…  相似文献   

One day a lady saw a mouse running across her kitchen floor.Shewas very afraid of m ice,so she ran out of the house,got in a taxi andwentdown to the shop.There she boughta m ouse-trap.The shopkeepersaid to her,“Putsom e cheese in it,and you w illsoon cat…  相似文献   

Tom saw an advertisement in a newspaper for a beautiful modern bicycle which cost £50, so he went to the shop to have a look.After examining the bicycle carefully, Tom turned to the shopkeeper and said, "There isn't a lamp on this bicycle, but there was one on the bicycle in your advertisement."“Y es,sir,”answered the shopkeeper,“but the lam p isn tincluded inthe price ofthe bicycle.Its an extra.”“N otincluded in the price ofthe bicycle?”Tom said angrily,“Butthats not honest.If the l…  相似文献   

Once upon a timethere lived two friends a cat and a monkey. One day the monkey found some chestnuts in a fire. He wanted to eat the chestnuts but he was afraid of burning his hand so he took the cat to the fire and said "Look  here is a fine dinner for us. I have found these chestnuts but your claws are sharper than mine. So if you will pull them out of the fire we will have a great dinner together."The cat agreed to it,and began to pull the chestnuts out of the fire.Shebur…  相似文献   

A boy goes to a pet shop to buy a parrot.There he sees a parrot with a red string tied to itsleft leg and a green string tied to its right leg. He asks the owner the significance of thestrings. "Well.this is a highly trained parrot.Ifyou pull the red string he speaks French; if you  相似文献   

M r.Sm ith liked to be exact. O ne day when he was w alking in thestreet a m an cam e over and asked him E xcuse m e but w here's the , : “ ,nearest bookshop ?” The nearest bookshop Y ou have to cross a bridge and then turn “ ?to the right. ” A nd is the bridge long “ ?” Thirty m eters. “ ” The m an thanked him and went towards the bridge. Suddenly heheard som eone running after him . Stop M r.Sm ith w as shouting. I'm s…  相似文献   

A m an ofthe state(国家)ofSong is worried abouthis seedlings(幼苗)growing too slowly.H e pulls up theseedlings one by one and com es hom e.“I am tired out(精疲力竭)today.Ihelp the seedlings to grow,”he says to hisfam ily.H is son hurries to the fields to have alook and finds thatallthe seedlings have withered(枯萎)up.根据短文内容,从A,B,C,D中选出最佳答案。1.The m an is a farm erofthe state of.A.Zhou B.Yuan C.Song D.Qing2.The m an pulls up the seedlings,because.A.he has nothing to do B.…  相似文献   

张保 《英语辅导》2002,(3):27-27
People worry about the fact they often lose their keys. Now if you forget where your key is, you can find it quickly. Let‘s read the following. Yesterday Mr Smith lost his key in the room.“Where is my key?” he said to himself. He didn‘t know what to do. He thought hard and then had an idea. “Hello!” he said m a loud voice.  相似文献   

A lbert Einstein w as a great G erm an scientist.A young m an once askedhim w hat the secret of success is. T he scientist told him that the secret ofsuccess is hard w ork. A few days later the young m an asked him the sam equestion again. E instein w as very annoyed. H e did not say anything, butw rote a few w ords on a piece of paper and handed it to the young m an.Theyoung m an looked atthe piece ofpaper.O n itw as w ritten : A = X + Y + Z . “W hatdoes this m ean? ”asked the young m…  相似文献   

Nasreddin wanted to buy some new clothes,sohe went to a shop.First he asked for some trousersand put them on,but then he took them off andgave them back to the shopkeeper and said,“No,give me a coat instead of these.”The man gave him a coat,and said,“This onecosts the same as the trousers.” Nasreddin took thecoat and walked out of the shop with it. Theshopkeeper ran after him and said,“You have notpaid for that coat!”“But I gave you the trousers for the coat,”saidNasreddin.“They co…  相似文献   

M r.Sm ith liked to be exact. O ne day when he was w alking in thestreet a m an cam e over and asked him E xcuse m e but w here‘s the , : “ ,nearest bookshop ?” The nearest bookshop Y ou have to cross a bridge and then turn “ ?to the right. ” A nd is the bridge long “ ?” Thirty m eters. “ ” The m an thanked him and went towards the bridge. Suddenly heheard som eone running after him . Stop M r.Sm ith w as shouting. I‘m sorry. I just rem em bered ...  相似文献   

Mr Green worked in a shop. The shop sold, cleaned and repaired hearing aids.O ne day an old m an entered the shop and put down a hearing aid in frontofM r G reen w ithout a word. “W hats the m atter with it?”M r G reen asked.The m an did not an- sw er. …  相似文献   

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