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在构建和谐社会的背景下,高校教育管理充分运用和谐管理理论,这是创新高校管理的有效路径。高校要实现和谐管理,首先,要构建管理者与被管理者的和谐关系,推进交往式教育管理模式,实现共享交往成果,促进共同发展的管理目标。其次,要弘扬和谐文化,重视共同价值观管理,形成跨越发展的合力。创新高校和谐管理的着力点:一是坚持以人为本,创...  相似文献   

刘兴和 《师道》2007,(12):35
思想品德课堂是由师生共同构建的,师生在共同的课堂活动中构成了教学生命共同体。新课改背景下,教师的角色在课堂活动走向生  相似文献   

当前大多学术研究着重聚焦于把人类命运共同体作为背景因素或自变量,探讨其对全球气候治理的影响,而对两者关系的“反向”研究,即全球气候治理如何影响人类命运共同体的构建却鲜有涉及。鉴于全球气候治理对整个人类社会发展方式的规塑和约束,它对人类命运共同体的构建背景与基础、价值共识以及方向与路径无疑会产生重要而深远的影响。全球气候变化影响的日益加剧使得世界各国客观上共同命运情势更加强烈,全球气候治理已经成为构建人类命运共同体的重要基础与背景,不仅巩固和增强了人类社会共同命运的价值共识,而且从政治、经济、安全、文化和生态五个层面对人类命运共同体“五个世界”的构建提供了具体而现实的方向与路径。当前,碳中和已经成为全球性潮流。在此背景下,中国要通过积极推进碳中和目标、不断贡献中国智慧、积极参与全球气候制度建设、加强绿色丝绸之路建设以及加强与发达国家的气候外交等方式,不断推动人类命运共同体“五个世界”的构建。  相似文献   

随着教育教学改革的不断深入,在小学数学教学中进行高效课堂的构建,使小学生能够在课堂学习中实现关键品格与必备能力的有效提升,是新时期广大数学教育工作者的共同心愿,更是践行立德树人根本任务的重要举措。为此,将以核心素养培养为背景,对开展小学数学高效课堂的构建展开研究与探索。  相似文献   

在高中新课程改革背景下,要提高高中历史专题教学的实效,教师需要全面分析研究历史教学大纲及考纲等,明确专题教学的方向,构建有效的教学模式,用新史观引领专题教学,整合知识与构建专题知识体系,讲练结合,充分运用各种有效策略共同发力。  相似文献   

顾瑞芬 《教育探索》2002,(12):91-92
从国际背景来看,世界各国教育改革风起云涌,共同的课题是对学习概念的重新定义,把学习视为意义与关系之构建,教学范式出现了从“技术性实践”向“反思性实践”的转变。从国内背景来看,中国新一轮基础教育课程改革已正式拉开序幕,新课程所倡导的课程理念和构建的框架体系,要求教师成为反思型教师。  相似文献   

音乐是人们抒发感情、表达感情、寄托感情的文化艺术。各地的音乐都是在特定的生态环境背景下产生的,并对社会环境起着一定的作用。本文采用跨学科方法,从地缘音乐的角度,论述了地缘音乐学研究的主要内容,分析了构建地缘音乐学的必要性,探讨了构建地缘音乐学的可行性,叙述了开创地缘音乐学的路径,倡议文化界同仁共同构建一门地缘音乐学。  相似文献   

长期以来。“高耗低效”一直是人们对外语教学的普遍描述。因此,构建新型外语教学模式成为外语教学研究者与外语教师的共同诉求。在此背景下,外语教学的研究与实践走过一段各类教法更迭替换的曲折历程。直到20世纪90年代,人们才开始将研究重心从教学方法的横向比较转向对学习者自身的关注,  相似文献   

1.在构建和谐社会的背景下,人们对儒学的研读方兴未艾。下列儒家经典中,研究孔子的思想最直接、最可靠的材料是  相似文献   

朱伟 《南昌教育》2008,(3):20-22
熊晓武局长指出:“先进的办学理念是建立在对教育规律和时代特征得到认识基础之上的,它是沉淀了历史传统,反映了学校的社会背景,以及校长和广大师生共同愿景的一整套教育思想的结晶,是学校生存理由、生存期望的有机构成。”处于同一时代背景,同一办学层次的南昌市的中学难免有许多同质的东西,但是每个学校所处的地理位置、历史积淀、社会背景、现实状况是不尽相同的,因此,每个学校都可以构建并且形成有自己个性的学校文化。  相似文献   

概念是思维的工具,是人类认识世界,表达思想的载体。概念转变模型研究的是概念动态的转变过程,即由前概念向科学概念的转变过程,是一个积极建构的学习过程。探讨了概念转变模型的发展历史,阐述了两个主要学术流派的概念转变模型,即认知为基础的概念转变模型和以社会文化为基础的概念转变模型;同时,还论述了概念模型理论的新趋势,提倡在构建科学的概念模型时,必须考虑认知冲突和社会文化的融合,强调自主学习、合作学习和交互式学习三位一体的课堂教学模式。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of a socio‐cognitive teaching strategy on young children. It tests their understanding of the factors that friction depends on when an object is projected across a horizontal surface. The study was conducted in three phases: pre‐test, teaching intervention, and post‐test. The sample consisted of 68 preschool children who were assigned to two groups according to age and cognitive ability, based on their responses to a pre‐test. The children in the experimental group participated in activities that were approached from a socio‐cognitive perspective while the children in the control group participated in the same activities but from a Piagetian perspective. A statistically significant difference was found (Mann–Whitney U‐test), between the pre‐test and the post‐test, providing evidence for the effect of the socio‐cognitive strategy on children's understanding of a ‘precursor model’ for the concept of friction.  相似文献   

Educators will have a better understanding of the dysynchrony of young gifted children's cognitive, socio‐emotional, and motor development by carefully observing the various traits of these children.  相似文献   

More and more educators and researchers use ICT-tools to support collaborative learning. Research has shown that, for collaborative learning to be more effective than individual learning, individual learners have to achieve a sufficiently common cognitive frame of reference, or common ground. This common ground does not appear by itself, but rather often needs to be negotiated. This negotiation is seen as an important aspect of collaborative learning. This article presents a study with NTool, an ICT-tool to support the negotiation of common ground. NTool supports learners in making their individual perspectives explicit to others so that common ground can be negotiated. Two versions of the tool differing in the extent to which users were coerced into adhering to embedded support principles were used in a secondary vocational education setting. Coercion, as expected, increased negotiation of common ground in both settings. However, results were contradictory with regard to the extent to which common ground was achieved. Overall, it can be concluded that NTool and its underlying framework affect negotiation of common ground, and that adding some coercion increases this effect. However, when learners have no prior experience in collaborative complex problem-solving, NTool may only affect surface aspects of communication.  相似文献   

维果茨基是苏俄早期一位杰出的心理学家,社会文化历史学派的创始人。他提出的“最近发展区”理论指出了儿童认知发展的两种水平:实际的发展水平和潜在的发展水平。认为教学应该走在发展的前面,引导发展。在该理论的影响下,新的教育理念与模式如支架式教学模式、交互式教学模式以及学习能力的动态评估等层出不穷,对教育教学实践产生了巨大而深远的影响,并从理论与实践双重层面给予我们深刻的启示。  相似文献   

歇后语是我国传统的语言文化之一。它的传统研究多从其起源、分类、修辞及翻译出发。用图形-背景理论对歇后语的理解机制进行分析具有重要意义。歇后语的前面部分是突显的、容易被感知的背景,是后面部分的认知参照点,而后面部分是图形。人们在认知过程中可通过背景来激活图形,从而实现对歇后语的认知和理解。  相似文献   

Students' poor argumentation in the context of socio‐scientific issues has become a concern in science education. Identified problems associated with student argumentation in socio‐scientific issues are misevaluation of evidence, naïve nature of science conceptualizations, and inappropriate use of value‐based reasoning. In this theoretical paper, the authors propose that incorporation of decision‐making research findings to argumentation research may help students overcome these problematic areas. For this aim, decision‐making research findings about value‐focused decision‐making framework and common heuristics have been discussed. Specifically, the authors propose that explicit teaching of argumentation research should provide students a decision‐making framework in which students can consider their values about a socio‐scientific issue and assess different alternatives as well as incorporate teaching about common heuristics. The authors believe that this incorporation is necessary for a quality student argumentation in socio‐scientific issues.  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,民办高校经历了公立化、重建复苏、快速发展三个阶段,是国家高等教育体系的重要组成部分,而民办高校教师在国家扶持政策清晰落实难的社会现实中如何发展自我以及如何借力发展依然存有困惑.从哲学基础、社会文化因素、元认知因素三个方面深入探讨民办高校教师职业发展的困境,提出民办高校教师职业发展的交互模式来促进民办高校教师的教学质量和科研水平的提升,从而增强民办高校的核心竞争力.  相似文献   

In environmental education the construction of appropriate knowledge is not enough, but is undoubtedly a fundamental component of individual and collective environmental responsiveness. The aim of this study was to investigate fifth graders' changes of conceptions about the greenhouse effect and global warming, due to socio‐cognitive interaction developed in small and large group discussions in an authentic classroom context during the implementation of an environmental education curriculum unit. We hypothesized that a classroom transformed into a community of discoursei.e. a learning environment which stimidates and supports giving verbal explanations, comparing and critically evaluating different points of view on the examined environmental phenomenon, would be a fruitful breeding ground for knowledge revision. The results show that classroom discussions, the core of the proposed learning activity, led the children, although at different levels, to the integration of new scientific knowledge into their conceptual ecology, based on the personal revision of pre‐instructional conceptions. As hypothesized, a high positive correlation was found between conceptual change and metaconceptual awareness of the changes in pre‐existing representations of the examined phenomenon. Some implications are drawn from the standpoint of environmental education.  相似文献   

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