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It'S MyLife     
这是我的人生这首歌不是唱给那些伤心人也不是为那些丧失信仰的人的祈祷我不希望自己只是芸芸众生之一你将会听到我的心声当我大声喊出来的时候这就是我的人生把握现在,时光一去不返我不奢求长生不老只想过好现在的每一天(这就是我的人生)我的心就像一条宽阔的高速公路正如弗兰克所唱的我跟随我的心走自己的路我只想过好现在的每一天这就是我的人生  相似文献   

Ever wondered whether caffeine is a viable substitute for sunshine?If so,Seattle is your kind of town.More than any other city in the regions,Seattle epitomizes what people know of the Pacific Northwest.  相似文献   

Jenny keeps three lovely cats. One is 6 months old, one is 7 months and one is 9 months. From the pictures, we can see that one cat is white, one is yellow and one is black. Can you match(匹配) the nam...  相似文献   

Jim's Address     
译文:一天,汤姆正在家里写信,彼得来找他去踢足球。彼得说:“你在干吗。汤姆?我们去踢足球吧。”“等一下。我在给吉姆写信。”汤姆回答。  相似文献   

Mother's Love     
Mothers are always kind to their children and take good care of them. So does my mother.
My mother is a good mother. She looks after me well. She is strict with me. When I do something wrong, she will angry①. But I know she loves me very much.
Last week, I had a bad headache. I felt very terrible. My mother was worried with ② me and took me to the doctor's at once. After going home, she asked me to take medicine and cooked delicious food with me. She asked me to stay in bed and brought the food to me. At that moment, I felt her deep love and there were tears in my eyes.
My mother is such a strict teacher and nice friend of mine. She is the greatest mother in the world. I love her with my heart!  相似文献   

Mother's love     
母亲的爱 是遮雨的伞, 伞下是我淋不湿的脸。 母亲的爱 是风筝的线, 天涯海角总把我挂牵。  相似文献   

Helen's Age     
7加8的确等于15,Helen的算术还学得不错啊!如果照这样算法,那我今年也衣406岁1,长寿啊!人能活个几百上千岁也不是什么稀罕事哆。真正的年龄可不能那样算,应该是一年长一岁才对。  相似文献   

Judy's Phone     
Judy comes to Hawaii(夏威夷) for her holiday, but she loses(丢失) her phone. Now she tries to dial(拨) her phone number. It is ringing!  相似文献   

It was the Teachers' Day, would do for our English teacher last Wednesday. Before it came, we were thinking what we and what present we would give her on that day. Wu Juan said, "Let's give our teacher a surprise." "What surprise?" we asked. She went on, "Every day before the class, one of us will give a weather and news report. On that day, the reporter will give the English teacher a card and a bottle of pure drink water. Water is pure and clean, just like our love to our teacher. Water is also useful to the teacher. She talks a lot in class." "That's a good idea," we said happily.  相似文献   


1。教师将新学的生词卡片逐一贴在黑板上,带领学生朗读一遍,然后说:“Closeyoureyes或Lookup/Lookdown/Lookleft/Lookright!”  相似文献   

Teacher's Day     
每年的9月10日我们都会为老师们送上真心的祝福,因为这一天是他们的节日。教师是辛勤的园丁,为培育人才呕心沥血,全社会都应该尊重教师。那为什么我国要把9月10日定为教师节呢?  相似文献   

A woman has at least 2 pairs of black gloves, 2 pairs of white gloves, and 2 pairs of red gloves in a drawer. The gloves will fit either hand; they are not right or lefthanded and each pair is identical. If they are removed from the drawer at a time without looking at the colors,  相似文献   

继《跳跳虎历险记》、《小猪大行动》之后,迪斯尼的小熊维尼系列又推出了一部新作品《小熊维尼之长鼻怪大冒险》。下面就跟随我们的介绍走进小熊维尼的世界吧。  相似文献   

I Won't Again     
在雅典奥运会短距离项目中每一名运动员的起跑器上都有一个显示屏与发令员的枪相连,运动员跑出后可以立即显示出运动员发力和枪声的时间差。这个0.1秒是有医学依据的,当人在听枪声后0.1秒才会做出反应,如果小于0.1秒就说明运动员做了预判也就是抢跑。  相似文献   

Who's wrong?     
Once, a baker(面包师) bought some butter from a farmer. The bak-er decided to weigh the butter. To his surprise, the butter wasn't enough. So he took the farmer to court(法庭).  相似文献   

Can you remember these nine words now? Look, they all have the letter "o" with the sound/~, Now let's read this tongue twister about the sound.  相似文献   

One afternoon, Rusty was going home happily. He didn't notice* his friends, but went straight* into the house.  相似文献   

下面每个单词的字母顺序都被打乱了。请你把它们的顺序重新排好。写在右边的方框中。然后把方框下有编号的字母写在最下面相应的方框内,看看能得出一句什么话。  相似文献   

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