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自2000年欧洲理事会里斯本会议提出教育与培训改革的动议以来,历经欧洲理事会、欧盟委员会以及各国政府的共同努力,本世纪前十年欧洲教育和培训领域发展的蓝图一欧洲教育与培训2010年目标》(Education and training in Europe:diverse systems,shared goals for 2010)终于在2002年出台。这既是欧洲面向未来的雄心壮志,又是基于现实采取的举措,标志着基于多样体系与共同目标的欧洲教育发展新阶段的开始。  相似文献   

欧洲教育的一体化是伴随着欧洲一体化的进程而产生的。欧洲经济的一体化进程加速了欧盟统一劳务市场的建立和货币、商品、人员以及服务的自由流动。为适应一体化的要求,增强欧洲国家间在就业人员的培训及从业资格上的协调,促进人员在各国之间的自由流动,欧洲主要国家之间加强了教育上的合作,进而推动了教育的一体化。  相似文献   

欧洲一体化背景下职业教育与培训的发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着欧洲一体化进程的推进及各合作项目的开展,欧盟各成员国的职业教育与培训制度日渐融合,其未来发展趋势有:提高职业教育的吸引力;加强社会合作者在职业教育中的作用;加强信息、咨询与指导(IAG);管理和财政权利下移;对非正规和非正式教育的认证.  相似文献   

2008年11月25日和26日.欧盟27个成员国的职业教育与培训部长以及欧盟委员会的相关人士在法国波尔多召开欧盟职业教育与培训部长非正式会议.通过了关于加强欧盟职业教育与培训合作的《波尔多公报》(the Bordetmx Communique)。  相似文献   

随着21世纪欧洲一体化进程的推进,各项合作项目的开展使欧洲各国的职业教育与培训模式也在逐渐由差异走向融合。欧洲未来的职业教育与培训有下列几个主要发展趋势与目标:提高职业教育与培训的吸引力;促进质量的提高、开发欧洲质量框架(EQF);对非正规和非正式教育的认证。  相似文献   

欧洲委员会颁布<欧洲语言教学与评估共同纲领>是欧洲各国积极谋求共同发展,推动多边合作的产物.本文主要阐述了该共同纲领出台的社会背景和主要内容以及对学校语言教学与评估的作用.  相似文献   

欧洲职业教育与培训学分体系以学习成果为基础,以学分为载体,对学习者在不同国家、不同学习背景下获得的学习成果进行转换、累积。该学分体系有利于提高非正规、非正式学习的价值,提高各国职业教育与培训学分体系的透明度、可比性和兼容性,从而促进劳动力的自由流动以及终身学习战略在欧盟范围内的实施。  相似文献   

2006年1月12日,俄罗斯联邦政府正式颁布《2006~2010年联邦教育发展目标大纲》。完善教育内容和教育方法,建立教育质量评价的保障体系,提高教育机构的有效管理职能,完善教育内部的经济机构等,是其重点解决的问题。大纲为解决上述问题采取有效措施,其措施的有效实施必然会促进现代化教育体系的形成。  相似文献   

《欧盟教育与培训合作的战略性框架》述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新近颁布的《欧盟教育与培训合作的战略性框架》在欧盟发展史上具有里程碑意义。本文从提出背景、基本共识、总体目标、战略目标、实施原则、工作机制、相关行动、监测指标八个方面阐述了该框架的主要内容,指出该框架具有针对性、宏观指导性和操作性等特点,认为它不仅为全球区域教育合作提供了范例,也必将促进欧盟教育与培训系统的发展。  相似文献   

20世纪50年代以来,欧洲国家借助法律手段不断推动和巩固经济及政治上的联合。同样,欧洲国家高等教育交流与合作的共识与愿景也大多凝聚在各种法律文件之中。实践证明,这些法律所确定的方针、原则、思想和行动计划是推动各国高等教育迈向一体化的重要力量。  相似文献   

欧洲高等教育一体化进程初探   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
1999年6月19日,欧洲29国教育部部长聚集在意大利城市波罗格那,协商统一欧洲高等教育体系,并计划在2010年建成欧洲高等教育共同体。这所谓的波罗格那进程意味着,不同国家高等教育机构间的合作将被商业化的教育市场上的国际竞争所取代。值得关注的是,波罗格那进程将不可避免地分化高等教育理念、消解大学自治精神、弱化高等教育质量保障机制。作者认为,波罗格那进程只是个梦想。尽管如此,可以预见,欧洲高等教育共同体的构建对于全球化时代中我国高等教育的国际发展有着重要的战略意义。  相似文献   

This article evaluates the outcomes of the efforts of Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries to make their education systems more effective in enhancing broader social and economic goals. It focuses on those 11 Central and Eastern European countries which became members of the EU in 2004 or following this date. First, it presents a short analysis of how educational goals were connected with the broader goals of social and economic progress before and during the first phase of the transition period after the collapse of Communism. It then analyses the impact of the accession of these countries to the EU, including the impact of some European mechanisms that have contributed to the strengthening of linkages between education and social-economic progress. The third part of the article attempts to evaluate the outcomes of the relevant national education reforms, development programmes and policies, most of them generated by these mechanisms, in the light of a number of selected indicators. A key conclusion of the article is that the adoption of the lifelong learning approach of the EU has been a major engine to strengthen the role of education in social and economic development in the CEE region, but most countries still need further efforts to translate this approach into coherent and effective national policies and to implement them so that they produce relevant and significant outcomes.  相似文献   

文章介绍了近年来我国和欧洲博士生教育研究的情况.通过比较分析,发现我国和欧洲的研究都与各自的社会热点、教育现实和发展阶段紧密联系.我国在研究范围、研究方法和研究人员构成等方面与欧洲有着较大的差距.虽然中欧博士生教育有着不同的历史脉络和发展背景,但是欧洲同行在理论研究和研究方法上值得我们学习.  相似文献   

浅谈产学研相结合与高等教育人才培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产学研相结合的模式对高等教育人才培养具有重要意义.实行产学研相结合的模式,培养符合社会所需要的人才,既是社会发展的需求,也是高等学校自身主动适应社会发展的需要.  相似文献   

This paper highlights a disjuncture between training frameworks designed to meet work-based competencies, and educational flexibility desirable to prepare diverse learners for fluid workplaces and roles. We describe a pilot study that explored teaching and learning practices in a vocational education and training Diploma of Nursing program. The study used qualitative approaches framed by a social view of learning as a reflexive process. Frictions emerged in how teaching and learning was fostered and how knowledge and skills were contextualised through nursing-accredited training packages. A case is made to enhance critical thinking and reflexive approaches to prepare work-ready nurse graduates.  相似文献   

推进欧洲高等教育一体化的博洛尼亚进程   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
迄今为止,博洛尼亚进程划分为四个阶段,其标志分别为1998年欧洲四国签订索邦宣言、1999年29国签订博洛尼亚宣言以及此后召开的布拉格会议和柏林会议。越来越多的欧洲国家加入该进程,共同致力于实现到2010年建立欧洲高等教育区的目标,从而大大推进了欧洲高等教育一体化的进程。  相似文献   

“教育为本,德育为先”,德育体系的构建对工学结合人才培养至关重要。结合高职院校工学结合人才培养模式提出了“德育课育人、专业课育人、实验课育人、实践过程育人以及科学考核德育成绩”的德育体系。  相似文献   


This article contributes to the literature by proposing a methodological approach that scholars in all research fields can use to develop high-quality explanatory typologies. We argue that every typology should be constructed using a systematic, transparent process and must have a strong theoretical foundation to validate its explanatory value. Drawing on Max Weber’s typology theory, we apply our approach to construct three ideal types of vocational education and training (VET) programs. By bypassing heterogeneous context conditions, our typological approach enables us to compare VET programs based on the criteria that are relevant to an explanation of youth labor market outcomes. We build on Niklas Luhmann’s theory of social systems, which helps elucidate the significance of the linkage between actors from the education and employment systems in VET. The first ideal type, with maximal linkage, entails equal power-sharing between both kinds of actors. We expect such a VET program to have the most favorable outcome. The other two ideal types, in which one system has all the power, result in either undesirable youth labor market outcomes, such as unemployment or skills mismatch, or lack of access to further education.  相似文献   

This article analyses the situation of the right to education in Europe, based on a comparative study of the recommendations made by the Committee on the Rights of the Child with respect to the reports submitted to the Committee by the European States Parties. The primary sources used are the Committee’s concluding observations and the individual reports of the States Parties. The article analyses some of the educational aspects underlying the Convention on the Rights of the Child, such as obstacles to the enjoyment of the right to education, access to that right, discrimination in education, school discipline and human rights-based education. The conclusions suggest consideration of a European map, highlighting certain difficulties in such areas as access to education, discrimination against particular groups and a certain ambivalence in relation to the use of corporal punishment.  相似文献   

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