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Traditional libraries around the world are integrating cutting-edge technologies, such as data mining, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, and voice-based search, to transform themselves into smart libraries. However, what elements make a library smart? How does one estimate the smartness of a library? To address these fundamental questions five elements and fifteen subelements that make a library smart were identified from a comprehensive review of the literature. A fuzzy-based model for use computing a library's smartness index was developed around these elements/subelements. Ease of use of this model was demonstrated by applying it to measure the smartness of a large academic library in South Asia.  相似文献   

This study proposes a new typological framework for classifying smart city services. Intentionally focused on citizen-centricity, away from bureaucratic perspectives that most typologies have taken, this typology is derived from marketing and service science literature. The proposed typology consists of four dimensions: mode of technology (automate–informative–transformative), purpose of service (hedonic–utilitarian), service authority (voluntary–mandatory), and delivery mode (passive–interactive). This typological framework is validated with a qualitative exercise of classifying inventories of actual smart city services in practice into the framework. Exercise results revealed that the categories provided are mutually exclusive and comprehensively exhaustive in general, and useful in further conceptualization of new services by identifying gaps in reality. In practice, this typology would be useful in positioning specific smart city service under development in terms of citizen-centricity. Urban planners and administrators may use this framework in understanding the pattern of their service development. Also, this framework may provide a useful guideline for service designer pinpointing the design characteristics of old and new smart city services from the perspective of users and customers of city services: citizens.  相似文献   

With the recent increase in urban population worldwide, and the emergence of big data analytics, there is a growing interest in research on how cities are actively reconstructing themselves into a smart and sustainable city. Research studies have shown that the smart city system primarily focuses on integrating three components: economic, environmental, and social. The social component includes participatory democracy with citizen engagement. In many cases, smart cities focus on discovering answers for various urban problems through the adoption of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) designed to collect citizen feedback, or provide knowledge resources that can improve the quality of urban life. However, there are very few studies that attempt to close the information loop and link problems to solutions in one, unified framework. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate such a unified approach. Using the theoretical lens of dynamic capabilities, we expand the definition of a smart city to include the notion of an urban organization with dynamic capabilities, which operates within cycles of ‘sense’, ‘seize’, ‘align’, and ‘transform’ functions. Our case study focuses on the ‘sense’ and ‘seize’ steps, describing a medium-size city in Texas, where an open-ended survey is used as a collection instrument for citizen input and concept-based analytics are employed to convert such input into actionable insights. Our approach has the potential to assist policy makers in designing a comprehensive strategy toward the goal of the smart city.  相似文献   

Smart cities are expected to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of urban management, including public services, public security, and environmental protection, and to ultimately achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11 for making cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. Big data have been identified as a key enabler in the development of smart cities. However, our understanding of how different data sources should be managed and integrated remains limited. By analyzing data applications in the development of a sustainable smart city, this case study identified three phases of development, each requiring a different approach to orchestrating diverse data sources. A framework identifying the phases, data-related issues, data orchestration and its interaction with other resources, focal capabilities, and development approaches is developed. This study benefits both researchers and practitioners by making theoretical contributions and by offering practical insights in the fields of smart cities and big data.  相似文献   

A collaborative ecosystem of diverse stakeholders is seen as critical in smart cities for solving complex public problems and overcoming socio-technical hurdles. However, little is known about the factors that may increase collaboration amongst smart city stakeholders. Through a digital government lens, we first elaborate the nature of multi-stakeholder collaboration in the smart city. Then, we adopt a contingency approach to unpack the factors that affect the intensity of collaboration between the stakeholders in the smart city ecosystem. To characterize the ecosystem, we use the quadruple-helix framework. Through the perspective of the local government, we derive hypotheses on whether certain factors lead to more intensive collaboration, which are tested on a sample of Belgian municipalities. Our findings reveal the importance of smart city strategies for intensifying collaboration between the local government and stakeholders in the ecosystem. Moreover, we also find that for large ecosystems, a smart city manager or department may facilitate collaboration amongst stakeholders. Taken together, our findings indicate that there are certain configurational approaches to increasing collaboration in smart cities, which will depend on the context of a city.  相似文献   

With the development of Internet of Things (IoT) and big data, many smart city and smart community projects bloomed in recent years. Following the two approaches of smart city development from Kuk and Janssen (2011), the study proposed a synergetic framework for understanding the relationship between information architectures and business models. Since community is a basic unit of a city, the development goals of a smart city are needed to be implemented at the level of communities. The development path of smart community is a configuration set including both information architecture factors and business model patterns. Based on the cases of 69 communities from Beijing, China, we explored successful configurations based on the framework. Using the Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) method, we found that a successful smart community depends on the integration between information architectures and business models, and different business models rely on different information architectures elements. Networking, terminals, and sensors are key information architecture elements that are used more frequently in business models.  相似文献   

Governments across the world are experimenting with smart city technologies but recent studies suggest that not all citizens support this development. However, a comprehensive understanding of citizen discontent with the smart city is missing. This study systematically reviews academic research addressing citizen discontent with the smart city. Based on a set of 58 articles, two perspectives on citizens' discontent are identified. One perspective focuses on active discontent: citizens are dissatisfied with the technology, democratic process, and societal impact of the smart city and show different types of behavior to express their discontentment. The other perspective emphasizes passive discontent: citizen discontent does not manifest itself due to citizens' lack of awareness and skills and the absence of channels to express their discontentment. Both perspectives on discontent suggest different government responses respectively to overcome citizen discontent through ‘the right technologies’, ‘the right rules’, and ‘the right information’, or to stimulate critical citizenship through ‘the right to smart city education and empowerment’ and the ‘right to participate and challenge’. Based on our findings, a fine-grained understanding of attitudes and behavior, and government actions to address citizen discontent is developed.  相似文献   

In the current push for smart city programs around the world, there is a significant focus on enabling transactions between citizen and government. Though traditionally there have always been transactional elements between government and citizen, for example payment of taxes in exchange for services, or voting in exchange for representation, the rise of modern smartphone and smart city technologies have further enabled micro-transactions between citizen, government, and information broker. We conceptualize how the modern smart city, as both envisaged and enacted, incorporates the citizen not necessarily as a whole actor, but as a series of micro-transactions encoded on the real-time landscape of the city. This transactional citizen becomes counted by smart city sensors and integrated into smart city decision-making through the use of certain preferred platforms. To approach this shift from traditional forms of citizen/city interaction towards micro-transactions, we conceptualize four broad modes of transaction; type (intentional contribution), tweet (intermediated by third party), tap (convened or requested transaction), and pass (ambient transaction based on movement). These four modes are used to frame critical questions of how citizens interact with government in the emerging age of the smart city, and how these interactions impact the relationship between citizen and government, introducing new avenues for private sector influence.  相似文献   

This study explores the transformation of a city government led by a 311 program, which provides a consolidated channel for non-emergency services and information. The paper first discusses the concept of “smart city” as a foundation for the examination of the 311 non-emergency contact program as a practice of government innovation, and then presents the details of the 311 program as instantiated in the City of Philadelphia. In-depth interviews with Philadelphia City government officials and managers responsible for creating and operating the City's 311 non-emergency contact program (Philly311) offer practical insights into the contributions the program is making to a more efficient, effective, transparent, and collaborative city government.  相似文献   

Innovative research addressing information use patterns is needed to test theory which can serve as a conceptual framework for planning and evaluating information delivery systems. The research project reported here uses structured observation to examine information transfer patterns in city government. Results and implications for public libraries are reported.  相似文献   

咨询公司知识地图系统的研究与开发   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
根据某咨询公司的实际业务需求,运用面向对象方法和.NET 技术,设计并开发典型的咨询公司知识地图系统。这种知识地图系统的创新点在于通过“专家能力矩阵”和“专家兴趣矩阵”来计算“知识地图矩阵”,并结合“能力/兴趣知识地图绘制算法”,实现针对每项咨询项目的不同需要,动态生成个性化知识地图的功能。  相似文献   

Screening criteria are a vital part of society, medicine and publishing. In this paper, a new framework, based on epidemiological principles, is developed to assess the effectiveness of criteria that are used to detect predatory behavior, or to assess whether a journal or publisher is predatory, and create blacklists. Applying epidemiological measures such as specificity, sensitivity, prevalence rates, the likelihood ratio, posterior and prior probabilities and odds, as well as Bayesian analysis, we elaborate on the false discovery rate and work towards assessing the likelihood that an entity is in fact predatory when screening criteria are used. We applied the framework to three different prevalence cases: a low prevalence rate where all journals are screened for predatory behavior assuming Jeffrey Beall's criteria are used; a higher rate when only open access journals are assessed; the highest rate where only Walt Crawford grayOA journals were screened for deceptive publishing practices. In all cases, we found a very high false discovery rate even when using reasonable values for the sensitivity and specificity rate for Beall's screening criteria.  相似文献   

Urban planning and librarianship are parallel fields in many ways. Both have theoretical and practical underpinnings driving each discipline; are interdisciplinary in focus; and both professions gather and disseminate information to stakeholders. Essential to the success of each discipline is an engaged user population. The authors use a case study from the Village of Oak Park to examine and reflect upon the effect of the Internet and other technologies in the public's ability to participate in an open planning process. The Village of Oak Park is known for its architectural heritage and outspoken community. Within its 4.5 square miles live a diverse population of approximately 52,000 people from different cultures, races, ethnicities, professions, lifestyles, religions, ages, and incomes where a majority of the population have some advanced education and over 80% of the households report home Internet use. How does a community like the Village of Oak Park engage in the planning process? What role does information play in this process? Can modern Information Technologies facilitate civic engagement? These questions are examined during a year-long case study conducted by the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) in cooperation with the Village of Oak Park (VOP). Specifically, the investigators examined how information is gathered and used in the planning process and how the introduction of Information Technology (IT) tools influenced public participation and introduced many citizens to e-government through the planning process. The use of these tools is compared to the traditional planning process. Data from the project is presented to demonstrate a different kind of role librarians play in the research process. Last, the authors discuss the role of privacy in the gathering and sharing of information with the reliability of that information and the impact of privacy on the public planning process.  相似文献   

E-Government initiatives of varying scope and complexity have been implemented at the municipal and other levels of government throughout the world. These projects have been chronicled in both academic and practitioner journals and the proceedings of various E-Government conferences. As a consequence of this growing body of data, it is now possible to look across the experiences of numerous governments to understand if there are common issues that may impact the probability of success of E-Government programs. This paper examines the literature to search for critical planning and implementation issues that have had significant effects upon the success of E-Government initiatives. A conceptual framework is proposed which contributes to the theoretical understanding of E-Government initiative planning and implementation, and may inform practitioner success with new E-Government initiatives.  相似文献   

In a 2003 publication, the Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (AAHSL) made explicit the many ways in which a library might contribute to an academic health center's success through knowledge management (KM). Building on Success: Charting the Future of Knowledge Management within the Academic Health Center elucidated the ways in which a library can serve as the center of an organization's KM initiatives. The study and application of knowledge management tools is formidable; unlike information management (IM), the field of knowledge management has roots in a seemingly infinite and wide-ranging number of professional and academic disciplines. The planning of institutional KM initiatives is not commonly discussed, and history shows knowledge management projects often fail to thrive. This column introduces the topic of knowledge management and includes suggested Web-based resources for further understanding and project planning.  相似文献   

以大数据和智慧城市为焦点的信息化建设为背景,回顾政府开放数据理念及实践的历史与发展,考察国外政府数据开放的典型实践及其意义,提出基于政府数据开放的智慧城市概念框架。通过问卷调查和专家访谈,验证政府数据开放对智慧城市建设的重要性,探讨基于政府数据开放的智慧城市公共信息平台的构成和作用。最后,以"智慧坪山"规划项目为例,展示该项目中数据开放平台的结构、建设内容和策略。  相似文献   

Governments increasingly promote the adoption of smart initiatives based on the intensive use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to face urban challenges and improve the quality of life of citizens. Multiple styles of smart initiatives have been developed, depending on the government leadership, the level of participation, collaboration, and involvement of stakeholders and institutions in public decision-taking processes. In this respect, this paper identifies patterns of public strategies in their strategic planning approaches focused on political attributes, analysing 1635 smart initiatives disclosed on internet by 12 Spanish Smart Cities. Findings reveals that formal strategic planning is mainly performed in Smart Cities with conservative and coalition governments and where the predominant scope of strategy is global.  相似文献   

为破解智慧城市分行业垂直构建信息系统带来的信息资源分散整合的难题,本文提出一个新的解决方案, 即运用“分层构建、横向整合、模型聚合、平行演进”的机制,模仿智慧生命体的层次架构对智慧城市进行层次化的建 模设计,使得在现实城市中纵向分布的信息资源,在信息系统的虚拟城市模型中得到横向的大整合,发掘出一项在云 计算和大数据的环境下,可对垂直构建的信息系统进行具有兼容性、诱导性和可演进性的整体架构设计的新技术  相似文献   

A multicase approach was used to explore evaluation methods being used in academic medical libraries that are engaged in strategic planning, including where in the planning and implementation process evaluation is being incorporated and how the evaluation data are collected, analyzed, and incorporated into future strategic planning processes. Data collection included document review (strategic plans, memos, Web sites) and interviews (semistructured individual interviews and focus groups). The strategic planning process used at each institution varied yet could be mapped to Bryson's process for strategic planning. Strategic planning was found to serve as a management tool, providing libraries in the study with direction and focus; however, there remains a strong need for leaders to communicate the importance of incorporating evaluation into the planning process.  相似文献   

An attempt is made in this paper to gain an understanding of the current and potential impact of the new information and communication technologies (ICTs) on the Small Island Sates of the Caribbean, in particular those populations living in rural communities. The introduction briefly examines the impact of ICTs on society and calls for alternative channels for government to serve rural communities through the use of Multi-Community Access Centres (MCACs) or information kiosks available at libraries, police stations, tourist information centres and post offices, as an e-governance initiative in the creation of “smart communities” and as a grassroots effort. No analysis of ICTs on government's functions would be complete if we did not address the growing debate on the digital divide. In this paper a section is devoted to this and it summarily addresses the growing divide between the developed and the developing world and the potential of these islands to leap–frog barriers to information flows and access. The heart of the paper examines the impact of the Internet on small island economies and the growing use of the Internet in key sectors of each economy. Since this paper is about governments’ use of ICTs to transfer business transactions onto the Internet to service their populace, some discussion is undertaken and considers ways in which innovation has impacted on governments’ services and the early attempts by some Caribbean administrations to implement e-governance. E-Voices illustrates how certain government measures affect some vulnerable groups in society and ways in which they can broker power to participate in the process. Some key policy directions are proposed for Caribbean states and other developing countries to pursue.  相似文献   

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