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My friend likes to be exact. “Where is the department store?”a passer-by asked him once. “The department store? You have to cross a bridge and then turn to the right.”“And is the bridge long?”“Very. Twenty meters.” The passer-by thanked him and went toward the bridge. Suddenly he heardsomeone running after him, shouting something. “Stop!”my friend was shouting. “I’ ve just remembered: the bridge is 40 me-  相似文献   

A wish     
A family is driving in their carthe road and the husband,whois driving,is able to brake in timeto avoid the frog.He gets outand takes the frog and carrieshim to the side of the road. The frog is grateful,speaksto the man,thanks him and tellshim that he will grant him a wish.  相似文献   

"Don't Call Me." My husband,Phil,and I had stopped by my father's house on the way to a friend's funeral.During the visit,my husband spoke about the man who had died,saying,  相似文献   

A shopkeeper in England was sent a telegram 1 him of the news 2 his 3 won 100,000 pounds in the Irish Sweepstakes(爱尔兰大马赛). He 4 to be home nursing a heart condition, and his wife opened the message. 5 that the 6 news might 7 a heart failure to her husband, she invited the family 8 to dinner and asked him to 9 on the good news with professional tact(策略). After dinner, the doctor 10 his patient to one side.  相似文献   

Mrs King came from a rich family. Her father was an important official(官员), but her husband was a policeman. She always made him listen to her and the poor man had to do everything she told him to do though her opinion(意见) was wrong. Now she had three children, and they all had to agree with  相似文献   

A lawyer(律师)was reading out.the will(遗嘱)of a rich man to the people mentioned(提到的)inthe will:“To you.my loving wife Rose.who stood by mein rough(困难的)time,as well as good,I leave herthe house and $2 million.”The lawyer continued,“To my daughter Jessica,who looked.after me in sickness and kept the busi-ness going,I leave:her the yacht(游艇),the busi-ness and $1 million.”The lawyer concluded,“And,to my cousin Dan,who hated me,argued(争论)with me,and thoughtthat I would never mention(提到)him in my will-well,you aye wrong.Hi,Dan!”  相似文献   

My Uncle     
My uncle is a college teacher.He teaches law.He is very kind and humorous.Every time he comes to my home,he brings me some candies and beautiful gifts.I love to talk with him and his words always make me laugh.He knows a lot and I can also learn a lot from him.I love my uncle very much.I want to become a college teacher like my uncle in the future.  相似文献   

A friend of mine was giving an English lesson to a class of adult who had recently come to live in the United States. After placing quite a number of everyday objects on a table, he asked various members of the class to give him the ruler, the book, the pen and so on. The class went very smoothly and the students seemed interested and serious about the work that they were engaged in until when my friend turned to an Italian student and said,"Give me the keys."The man looked surprised and somewhat at a loss. Seeing this, my friend thought that the student hadn't heard him clearly, so he repeated. "Give me the keys." The Italian shrugged his shoulders. Then, he threw his arms around the teacher's neck and kissed him on both  相似文献   

I took the captain (船长) and his two men to my home. I gave them food and showed them my table and chair and pots and everything that I had made. I then told them the story of my long, long stay on the island. The captain was astonished at what I told him.  相似文献   

在我的继女打出那句“我爱你”之前,我一直觉得自己是个闯入者……I've often felt that "stepparent", a label we attach to men and women who marry into families where children already exist, was coined merely for the simple reason that we need to call them something. It is most certainly an enormous "step", but one doesn't often feel as if the term "parent" truly applies. At least that's how I used to feel about being a stepmother to my husband's four children. My husband and I had been together for six years,  相似文献   

A Special Crab     
A male crab met a female crab and asked her to marry him. She noticed that he was walking straight instead of sideways. "Wow," she thought, "this crab is really special. I can't let him get away." So they married immediately.The next day she noticed her new husband walking sideways like all the other crabs,and got upset.“What happened?”she asked.“You used to walk straight before we were married.” “Oh,honey,”he replied,“I can't drink that much every day.”A Special Crab!山东@刘晓丹…  相似文献   

(A) One day, Mr Black went into a restaurant. He put his coat on achair near the door. There was nothing in the pockets of his coat. Afterhis meal he put on the coat, then he found there was much money in oneof his pockets. He immediately realized that someone else had taken hiscoat away by mistake. “Whose coat is this?”he thought. He saw a waiternear the door, so Mr Black said to him, “Somebody put a lot of money inmy coat. I have no time to wait for him. I have to go. Return it to him,please.”The waiter took the money and went away. A moment later, an-other man came with a coat just like Mr BlackKs. “IKm sorry, ” said theman. “I took your coat and you got mine. Please give me my coat and the  相似文献   

Opening or Closing A husband always came back home late at night,which made his wifevery angry,and the wife warned him,“If you are late again,I'll close thedoor and keep you outside.”To her surprise,her husband said smiling,  相似文献   

我的新的一天注定从一个酸楚的发现开始,我看见那个六岁大的儿子扭住我的杜鹃花丛的一大枝。我刚刚跑出去,他就把它给折下来,问我:“今天,我能把这个带到学校吗?”他挥挥我的手,我便打发他My day began on a decidedly sour note when I saw mysix-year-oldwrestling with a limb of my azalea bush.By the timeI got outside,he’d broken it.“Can I take this to school today?”he asked.With a wave of my hand,I sent him off.Iturned my back so he wouldn’t see the tearsgathering in my eyes.I loved that azaleabush.I tou…  相似文献   

Paul 《海外英语》2003,(8):26-27
On a hot summer morning in 1989 I finished packing my things in my flat in Dublin. Two suitcases were not enough to hold them all so I had to use plastic supermarket bags for the remainder. My friend Tom arrived in his car to take me to the airport. After coffee at the airport we shook hands and said goodbye and it was only then that I noticed my hand was shaking. My voice was also shaking and my breath was coming out in uneven waves. Tom was my good friend from schooldays and in saying goodbye to him I was saying goodbye to so many good memories, saying goodbye to my country.  相似文献   

"Excuseme,sir!"I turned around and faced the speaker.I had just passed him on the street.He was a young man,of average size,well spoken and dressed cleanly.if casually.I jerked my chin upwards and outwards to let him know  相似文献   

I liked cat very much. In my old opinion, cat was cute and gentle. One day, my friend asked me to feed the cat for him. So I went to his house in order to take care of his cat. His neighbor was an old woman. When I was doing some cleaning, the old woman asked me if I needed some help. Suddenly, the cat stretched out its sharp claws, and clawed me and bit me with its sharp teeth. WowA It was too abrupt. The old woman got scared. “It goes crazyA” I said and asked her to get out of the room, otherwise she woul...  相似文献   

Family QuarrelThe young newly-weds(新婚夫妇)quarreled.At last she could bear (忍)it no longer and burst into tears(哭起来)."I don't want to have anything to do with you any more.I'm packimg up(收拾)my things and going off to mother.""Fine,my dear,"said the husband."Here are the travelling expenses(路费)"She counted the money and asked: "What about the money for the return ticket?"  相似文献   

I liked cat very much. In my old opinion, cat was cute and gentle. One day, my friend asked me to feed the cat for him. So I went to his house in order to take care of his cat. His neighbor was an old woman. When I was doing some cleaning, the old woman asked me if I needed some help. Suddenly, the cat stretched out its sharp claws, and clawed me and bit me with its sharp teeth. WowA It was too abrupt. The old woman got scared. “It goes crazyA” I said and asked her to get out of the roo…  相似文献   

[例文]Last Sunday afternoon, I was in a bookshop.Suddenly I saw a short man behind me. He stole my purse and ran out of the shop. I followed him but he ran faster than me. I shouted "stop thief! stop thief!" A policeman came to help. Then a woman came and told us "I saw him. He ran along the street and then turned right at the first crossing." The policeman started to run and he ran faster than me. Soon he stopped the thief and I got my purse back.  相似文献   

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