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Some of the most prominent policies in schools throughout the industrialized world today relate to the rapid introduction of computers. The most common rationale for introducing educational microcomputing is the concept of ‘computer literacy’. It is a concept, however, which is so poorly defined and delineated, and so unclear as to purpose and procedure, that it may best be investigated as a form of ideology. The justificatory arguments for computers in classrooms are primarily vocational or practical. They are based on assumptions that computers will be pervasive in the workplace of the future, or that they are soon going to be ‘everywhere’. The more purely pedagogical arguments are secondary: that learning about computers is a worthwhile experience in and of itself, and that computers can be useful productivity tools for other academic work. Drawing upon empirical evidence from an evaluation of computer use in two Canadian high schools, this paper shows how a critical treatment of computer literacy as ideology raises important issues about the computerization of education. It suggests that educators should question whether they have simply taken the ideology of computer literacy at face value, and whether this almost universal policy has received the critical attention it deserves.  相似文献   

介绍了高职模具设计与制造专业建设的背景,探讨了专业建设的指导思想和目标,提出了专业建设需做好的几项工作。  相似文献   

通识教育的三个层面   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通识教育是一个多层面的概念,它首先是一种教育理念,既是面向所有人的教育理念,更是一所大学的办学理念;其次,它也指教育内容,即为实现通识教育目的的那部分内容;第三,它还指一种教育模式,是体现通识教育理念、实现通识教育目标的一种人才培养模式.三个层面之间彼此作用、相互影响,我们必须从三个层面去理解,才能全面把握通识教育的内涵,正确推动通识教育的实践.  相似文献   

本文通过对远程教育质量管理体系运行的两种动力机制进行分析阐述,认为可以从思想、目标、人员、环境的塑造和建设等方面,为质量管理体系的运行和发展提供有力的保证。  相似文献   

卢梭在《爱弥尔》中阐述了一系列德育思想,对德育目的、德育过程、德育方法、德育内容、德育评价等方面都有独到的见解。尽管受时代和自然主义哲学观的限制,他的德育思想不免有不足之处,但瑕不掩瑜,他的德育思想对我国学校德育仍有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

卢梭在《爱弥尔》中阐述了一系列德育思想,对德育目的、德育过程、德育方法、德育内容、德育评价等方面都有独到的见解。尽管受时代和自然主义哲学观的限制,他的德育思想不免有不足之处,但瑕不掩瑜,他的德育思想对我国学校德育仍有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   


University teachers are increasingly confronted with the necessity of using information technology for educational purposes. University policy in the nineties should therefor include stimulation of the use of computers and of the development of educational software. This policy should be based on an assessment of the present use of computers in teaching and learning, and needs of university teachers. At the Wageningen Agricultural University (WAU) this assessment was made through a questionnaire presented to all teachers. The results show that approximately 40% of the teachers use computers for educational purposes, 30% are interested and 30% are indifferent. The main computer applications are in the field of educational tools and exploratory environments. It is concluded that university policy on the introduction of computer use should acknowledge the importance of 1) teacher initiatives 2) exploring the possibilities of information technology, 3) material resources, 4) coordination of different initiatives and 5) a supporting centre with expertise on the use and development of computer applications for educational purposes.  相似文献   

网络时代高校思想政治工作面临的挑战及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
网络思想政治教育是计算机网络和思想政治教育结合的产物,它打破了思想政治教育的传统模式,开创了思想政治教育的现代方式。近年来由于大学生上网人数的急剧飙升,网络对他们的思想观念、价值取向等都产生着十分广泛和深刻的影响,从而使高校的思想政治教育面临着挑战。本分析了这种挑战,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

翻译的过程就是操纵的过程。《红楼梦》的两个全英译本各有千秋,但最终都没有真实地反映原文。其中最重要的原因就是意识形态和赞助人的操纵。从意识形态与赞助人的角度出发,对于在翻译过程中意识形态和赞助人是如何操纵译者的翻译目的、翻译对象以及翻译策略进行研究,可以为客观地评价译作提供依据。  相似文献   

The preparation of science teachers to integrate computers in their teaching seems to be a challenging task, and teacher educators need to undertake systematic and coordinated efforts for effectively preparing teachers to teach with computers. The present study implemented a professional development approach for in‐service science teachers regarding the pedagogical uses of computers in teaching and learning, and examined its effectiveness. The results showed that the approach was effective in adequately preparing science teachers to design computer‐enhanced learning with various computer applications. Specifically, the majority of the teachers who participated in the study selected appropriate science topics to be taught with computers, transformed science content with appropriate computer tools and computer‐supported representations, identified computer‐supported teaching tactics, and integrated their computer‐enhanced activities in the classroom with inquiry‐based pedagogy. The results of the study provide baseline data about the effectiveness of the approach, and they can be used for comparison purposes in future studies, which may be conducted with the intention of further validating or even improving the suggested professional development approach.  相似文献   

宋秀芹 《德州学院学报》2011,27(2):99-102,106
针对新建本科院校的公共计算机课程建设的现状,在"分类、分层"的指导思想下,构建了新建本科院校的公共计算机课程体系.课程体系的编制以院系主要负责人为首,同时吸纳了各专业教学负责人为主的多元成分的人员参与,并在德州学院实施,成效显著.该课程体系对相同层次的学校有一定借鉴意义.  相似文献   

"宽松教育"是一种通过给学生提供宽松氛围以培养其生存能力、创新能力的教育理论和实践。"宽松教育"的演进可以区分为"局部实施"、"全面实施"及"调整"三个阶段;为确保"宽松教育"目标的达成,日本政府围绕教育内容、教育时间等采取了一系列措施,但总体来看,"宽松教育"的实施效果并不理想。"宽松教育"是疗治现代教育痼疾的一次探索。作为一种教育理念,"宽松教育"具有一定的合理性;不过,"宽松教育"在实施过程中也出现了某些失误。  相似文献   

思想政治教育的现代方式——论网络思想政治教育建设   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
计算机网络创建了独特的网络社会。网络社会不是思想的真空地带,它是由人主宰的社会,既具有个性、社会性,也具有政治性和阶级性;既充满了人性,也滋长了人性中的劣根性;既具有有序性,也具有无序性。因而,网络社会作为一个“虚拟”的社会,也是一个问题多多的真实社会,它同现实社会一样,需要思想政治教育。网络思想政治教育是计算机网络和思想政治教育联姻的产物,它打破了思想政治教育的传统模式,开创了思想政治教育的现代方式,使我们对教育主体、教育客体、教育内容、教育方式等要素及其特点获得了全新认识。进行网络思想政治教育建设是一项重要的社会工作,主要应从以下几方面着手:培养网络思想政治教育者是首要任务;建立思想政治教育计算机网络体系是主要任务;开展网上思想政治教育活动是关键任务加强网络思想政治教育理论研究是主导任务。  相似文献   

《高职高专院校人才培养工作水平评估方案》与《高等职业院校人才培养工作评估方案》之间存在着评估的目的和意义不同、评估的指导思想不同、评估的主体不同、评估的指标体系设计不同、评估的信息展示方式不同、评估方法不同、评估结果不同等差异性。弄清两者之间传承关系及差别,对做好高职院校第二轮评估工作具有十分重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

An essentialist, ‘traditional', Maasai gender ideology that poorly reflects the day-to-day gender realities of residents is being reproduced and dominating in the modern schooling setting of a Maasai community in Southern Kenya. Through an ethnographic analysis based on long-term fieldwork and mixed-method approaches, this paper explores the construction of this gender ideology as reflected in schooling aspirations of parents, teachers, and students, in students’ own constructions of masculinity and femininity, and in school culture. This ideology functions to promote education as a means of cultural preservation and livelihood protection by drawing schooling into the Maasai's unique age-set system and warrior tradition, which is heavily imbued with particular gender constructions. While, arguably, maintaining this traditional ideology may conflict with broader goals of empowerment and social equity for Maasai women, it may serve to facilitate schooling for young girls, off-set increasing and burdensome responsibilities, and provide them with an attainable femininity.  相似文献   

中小学计算机网络“校校通”工程建设相对于民族地区是新事物、新问题。根据计算机网络“校校通”工程建设的指导思想和建设目标,本文拟定了四类工程建设标准,从硬件配备、到软件、到应用,为民族地区中小学计算机网络“校校通”工程建设提供参考依据。  相似文献   

基于中国英语变体功能的分析模式,着重探究人们如何刻意地选择中国英语变体作为一种交际策略,从而有效地实现原汁原味地指称中国事物,表达情感、构建身份、建立人际关系和体现意识形态等多种交际目的,揭示了巧妙选择和使用这种变体是一种重要的交际策略,具有一定理论意义。  相似文献   

法律的主要目的是维护国家统治,维持社会秩序,保护公民权益和促进社会发展。法律的"严"与"宽",即立法中什么行为应当纳入法律规范或者从严惩处,什么行为不宜纳入法律规范;司法中什么情节应当从重量刑,什么情节应当从轻或者减轻处罚,关系法律的目的能否圆满实现。国家应当从保护公民权益、促进社会发展这个指导思想出发,斟酌立法的"严"与"宽";司法人员在依法司法中,在法律的自由裁量权部分,应当深刻理解立法宗旨,用"惩罚犯罪,保护人民"的司法情感来把握司法的"严"与"宽"。如此,国家才能更稳定地发展,公民的社会生活质量才能以更快的速度提高。  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a way computer simulations can be used to address the problem of teaching for conceptual change and understanding. After identifying three levels of understanding of a natural phenomenon (concrete, conceptual, and metaconceptual) that need to be addressed in school science, and classifying computer model systems and simulations more generally in terms of the design choices facing the programmer, we argue that there are ways to design computer simulations that can make them more powerful than laboratory models. In particular, computer simulations that provide an explicit representation for a set of interrelated concepts allow students to perceive what cannot be directly observed in laboratory experiments: representations for the concepts and ideas used for interpreting the experiment. Further, by embedding the relevant physical laws directly into the program code, these simulations allow for genuine discoveries. We describe how we applied these ideas in developing a computer simulation for a particular set of purposes: to help students grasp the distinction between mass and density and to understand the phenomenon of flotation in terms of these concepts. Finally, we reflect on the kinds of activities such conceptually enhanced simulations allow that may be important in bringing about the desired conceptual change.  相似文献   

In this paper I expand on the premises of Jesse Bazzul’s thesis in his paper, Neoliberal ideology, global capitalism, and science education: engaging the question of subjectivity, exploring the implications of the ideologies within the culturally emerging logic of science exposes the incommensurability of intents and purposes in its methods and epistemology. I argue that science needs to acknowledge the subjectivity at its core to make space for non-absolute agents and new fields of study.  相似文献   

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