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高等教育与市场:问题与框架   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在高等教育领域引入市场机制,是提高高等教育的效率、质量和社会适应性,扩大高等教育资源基础的有效途径。但是高等教育市场化并不意味着将大学改造为市场经营的主体,也不意味着减少政府对高等教育的财政支出和提高学费。高等教育市场化需要政府和高校采取恰当的措施。  相似文献   

In this column, the author considers the impact of widespread crises and global tensions on pregnancy and early parenting. Childbirth educators can help alleviate the impact of societal stress on expectant families.  相似文献   


In a world climate which is increasingly closing down as far as alternative political and social options are concerned, Cyprus as a small semi-occupied country with great European aspirations is facing a number of very serious dilemmas and teachers are faced with an extremely difficult task. The citizens they are preparing have to be passionate enough to claim a Greek-Cypriot identity; have to be tolerant and accommodating enough to live and work with Turkish-Cypriots in a re-united country, which is the main political goal of the Republic of Cyprus; have to be open-minded enough to look to a European future; and have to be ready and able to function in a globalized context. How can such a citizen be 'formulated' when there appear to be immense contradictions between what is required for each goal? What are the priorities and how are they defined? This article will attempt to address these complex issues and arrive at some conclusions regarding teacher education for a very complex new world  相似文献   

高等教育作为一门学科   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
高等教育是一门学科,还是一个研究领域,长期以来争议颇多。高等教育能否作为一门学科,应根据历史的经验,参照学科制度化的标准,透过现象看本质。无论名称如何———称为研究领域或是称为"学科",世界范围内,高等教育已处在学科制度化的进程之中。  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》1999,12(4):285-312
At the end of the 20th century, the connections between higher education and the world of work are again among the key issues of debate whenever challenges for innovation in higher education are at stake. Job prospects for recent graduates are not consistently viewed as negative. Information on graduate employment and work is scarce and there are no indisputable criteria for assessing graduate employment. Signals from the employment system are more blurred and ambivalent than ever before. This notwithstanding, many experts and key actors agree on the main directions in which higher education must head in response to the changing challenges from the world of work, e.g. devote greater attention to generic competencies, social skills and personality development, prepare students for the growing globalization and internationalization, and serve students through an increasing variety of means beyond classroom teaching and learning.Most experts agree that higher education must be well-informed of expectations from the outside world in order to adopt the necessary proactive role and thus respond to the need to prepare students for indeterminate future job tasks, new employment patterns and contributions to innovation in society.  相似文献   

In many countries, neo-liberal education policy has embraced the concept of a regulated education market. In Australia, for example, the federal government is seeking to create one education market by pursuing policies that blur the distinction between public and private education. There is a growing body of research examining the operation and effects of education markets, using a range of perspectives and approaches. However, historical perspectives have rarely been used in relation to this research programme. This is surprising given that the education market is not just a contemporary phenomenon: it has a past. This paper explores the insights that can be gained from an historical perspective by undertaking an historical sociology of a period of South Australian education history (1852–1875) when there was a regulated education market in operation. The paper focuses on one aspect of the effects of regulated markets, that of teachers’ work.  相似文献   

Like many developed countries, Spain has experienceda growth in the demand for higher education over thelast twenty years, despite diverse economic cycles. Since this demand does not slow down in the mediumterm, the objective of this study is to analyse, fromstatistical labour force sources since 1987, twopotential influences: family characteristics andlabour market signals.The theoretical framework used here is the humancapital theory, which is tested through discretechoice models where the selection process of youngpeople through the education system is considered. Thechief results may be summarised as follows: firstly,family characteristics are important elements in thedemand for higher education, especially the mother'seducation attainment, which is even more determinantthan that of the father. Secondly, the labour marketsignals in Spain have an influence on the demand forhigher education: as a signal of both the opportunitycost of finding a job if not going to university andthe employment expectations for each releVanteducation level.  相似文献   

Higher education as a self-guiding society   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

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