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He Can't Talk YetOld Lady:What is your new brother's name?Little girl:I don't know.He can't talk yet. 他还不会说话呢老妇人:你刚出生的小弟弟叫什么名字?小女孩:我不知道。他还不会说话呢。Algebra“What are you learning at school now, Tom?”  相似文献   

Hello,boys and girls!What are you doing at the moment?今天,我们将学习时态中的新成员——现在进行时。咱们现在一起来结识一下这位"新朋友"。  相似文献   

【Part A教学设计】一、热身1. Brainstorming What’s the weather like today?Which season is it now?How many seasons are there in a year?What are they?Which month is it now,do you know?  相似文献   

教学过程Pre-reading Step 1.Free talk Nice to meet you.How old are you?What day is it today?What lessons do you have this morning?How old are you?What subjects do you like?What about you?Can you play basketball?Good morning...,I get up at six ten.When do you get up?How old are you?Do you have any lessons on Sunday?  相似文献   

八勺曰.甲‘‘ 、问籍贯:你是哪里人?1,Where are you from?2.Where do you come from?3 .Whe化were you born? 二、问职业:你父亲是做什么工作的?l,What’5 yourfa廿比r?2.节山at,sy泄fal如er’5 job?3 .What does your father do?4,认币atklndofworkdoesyourfa阮rdo? 三、问天气:今天天气怎么样?1 .What,5 the weather like tod盯?2 .How云5 the weather today?3 .What(How)about the weather today?4.认飞at weather are we having today? 四,问时间:现在几点了?1 .What tiine 15 it now?2 .What’5 the time妙your watch?3 .Could …  相似文献   

Hello,boys and girls!What are you doing at the moment?今天。我们将学习时态中的新成员——现在进行时。咱们现在一起来结识一下这位“新朋友”。  相似文献   

1.医生询问病情:What’s the matter?What’s the trouble?What’s wrong with you?What seems to he the trouble?你哪儿不舒服?/你怎么了?Do you have a fever?你发烧吗?How long have you been like this?像这种情况有多久了?What did you eat last night?你昨晚吃什么了?How are you feeling now?现在感觉怎么样?  相似文献   

1.__________?-I’ve got a headache.A.How are you feeling now B.When were you illC.What’s wrong with youD.When will you be all right答案:选C.分析:看病是这册书的一项重要的交际用语,通常医生在询问病人时的常用语有: What’s wrong with you? What’s the matter with you? What’s the trouble?  相似文献   

三单元学习用现在进行时表示将要发生的动作。例如:1.What are you doingfor vacation?你假期准备干什么?I’mvisitingmygrandmother.我准备去看我的奶奶。When are you going?你想什么时候去?What’s she doingfor vacation?她假期准备干什么?She is goingcamping.她打算去野营。What are theydoingfor vacation?他们假期准备干什么?Theyare relaxingat home.他们打算在家里放松一下。2.还有一些动词的现在进行时形式表示将要发生的动作:leave,come,stay,hike等。例如:(1)Myfather is leavingfor Shanghai next week.我父亲下周要动身…  相似文献   

一、医生询问病情的常用套语(12句):What!s wrong with you?你哪儿不舒服?What!s the matter with you?你哪儿不舒服?What!s the trouble with you?你哪儿不舒服?What!s your trouble?你哪儿不舒服?What!s troubling you?你哪儿不舒服?How can I help you?你哪儿不舒服?What can I do for you?你哪儿不舒服?What!s wrong with your heart?你心脏有什么毛病?When did the pain start?什么时候开始痛的?How long have you been like this?你这样有多久了?How long have you had it?你患这病有多久了?How are you feeling now?你现在感觉…  相似文献   

JAKE: Hello, Roger.ROGER:Jake. What are you doing here? How's the storycoming? I think your viewers will like it.JAKE: So do I... I'm surprised at you, Roger.ROGER:What do you mean?JAKE: I don't get it. You were always good at whatever youdid. Why would you ruin a good career to go to work forThomas Ames?  相似文献   

1.sort sb./sth.out解决问题A:What are you doing right now?B:I’m trying to get everything sorted out.  相似文献   

1. Are we all here today? Is____today? 2. Thank you very much. Thanks________. 3. That's all right. It's________That's 4. Can I help you? What can I________you? 5. What time is it now? What's________now? 6. It's eight fifteen now. It's a________eight now.  相似文献   

1.What are you doing for vacation?你假期准备做什么?(1)现在进行时谈论将来的计划、安排。问第三人称单数和复数如下:  相似文献   

正一、教学内容Part A二、教学目标(1)能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词morning,home,help,math。(2)能听懂、会说、会读和会写:What is/are...doing?He’s/She’s/I’m/We’re/They’re...(3)能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:The telephone is ringing.Are you free now?What are you doing?What is she doing?How about...?Can you come and help...with...?See you this afternoon.(4)让学生能用英语打电话,同时养成乐于助人的好习惯。  相似文献   

1.maybe/may be maybe是副词,意思是“也许;可能”。在句中作状语,常用于句首。may be是情态动词may(可以;可能)加上动词be构成,在句中作谓语,意思是“可能是”。请比较: He may be at home now.(=Maybe he is at home now.)他现在可能在家。Maybe you are right.(=You may be  相似文献   

Radio Adverts     
1 Pre-listening
You are going to listen to three ads for trade fairs. Look at the titles below, What do you think they are going to talk about in the ads? What do you think you can find at the trade fairs? Who are the fairs for?  相似文献   

What doe she look like?【情景对话】Gloria:I know you are good at Beijing Opera.Do you think who is the best Beijing Operaactor?Ruth:Mei Lan fang.Gloria:What doe she look like?Ruth:He is good-looking and of medium build.Gloria:Oh...Do you like pop music?  相似文献   

Clever Mouse: Hi, Miss Bee, now I’ m as tall as you. Miss Bee: Yes, but you are not as clever as me. Clever Mouse: What! I am not so clever as you? Miss Bee: Don’ t worry. I’ m kidding.  相似文献   

##正## JokeA juggler, driving to his next performance, isstopped by the police."What are those knives doing in your car?" Askedthe policeman."1 use them in my juggling act," says the juggler."Oh yeah? Let's see you do it." Says the policemanSo the man starts tossing and juggling the knivesA guy driving by sees this and says, "Wow, amI glad I stopped drinking. Look at the test they'remaking you do now!"  相似文献   

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