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本将高等代数的中的“矩阵的转置”定义为“矩阵的主转置”,由此给出矩阵的次转置、行转置、列转置的定义,得出相关结论,并予以严格证明,这对矩阵的深入研究有着极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

Contract research,the university,and the academic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With the decline in the funding of university research activities from traditional sources, many universities are instigating contract research programs as a means of funding research. This article examines some of the implications of university-based contract research, drawing largely on the author's own experiences. The problems which are examined include the moral and ethical implications, the legal aspects, problems over ownership of research results, the implications for staff rights, the status of contract researchers, the implications for publication, problems of authority, responsibility and social justice, and the conflicts between teaching and research. The article concludes with eleven points for successful university-based contract research.  相似文献   

党的十六届六届中全会提出了构建社会主义和谐社会的重大战略任务,明确提出了构建社会主义和谐社会的指导思想、目标任务、工作原则和重大部署,为高校的建设发展进一步指明了方向。党的十六大以来,我校党委认真贯彻中央精神,紧紧抓住学校领导班子建设这个关键,全面贯彻落实科学  相似文献   

我国教师教育正处于一个历史性转折和重要的改革发展新时期 ,作为成人高等师范院校 ,如何适应形势发展 ,深化改革 ,更好地为当地中小学教师队伍的建设和基础教育改革服务 ,已成为当务之急。为此 ,我院对教师教育进行了深入探索 ,通过建立教师教育研究中心 ,围绕基础教育新课程改革师资培训 ,以强化教师教育理论研究、整合培训资源、创新培训模式为切入点 ,优质高效地推动了教师教育工作的开展。一、加强理论研究 ,开展调研活动 ,为教师教育提供理论指导和决策依据 ,推动教师教育模式创新研究是创新的先导。不断总结经验 ,研究教师教育改革和…  相似文献   

通过考察中国戏曲与小说的发展轨迹,结合两的整体关系,指出《西游记》杂剧记叙唐僧取经内容完整,结构宏大,由此演进为小说具有必然性,并进而对它在后世百回本小说《西游记》成书过程中的影响和作用作了具体、客观的评析。  相似文献   

Research involving standardized reading achievement tests has been widespread, but there has been little investigation into the relationships among the more widely used tests of reading achievement. In the present study, the Reading subtest of the WRAT, the Reading Comprehension subtest of the PIAT, and the SORT were compared with each other and with the WISC-R. Results showed a high correlation between the WRAT and the PIAT, a moderately high correlation between the SORT and the PIAT, and a very low correlation between the SORT and the WRAT. The WRAT and the PIAT had higher correlations with the various components of the WISC-R than did the SORT. These findings imply that the WRAT and the PIAT measure essentially the same dimension of reading achievement, possibly verbal fluency, but that the SORT is measuring a different dimension, one that is also tapped to some extent by the PIAT.  相似文献   

In this paper, I examine the use of litigation as a strategic tool of resistance for thwarting school desegregation. Utilizing Cowan v. Bolivar County Board of Education as a case study, I argue that, despite losing the constitutional right to racially segregate public schools according to an explicit white supremacist doctrine, whites in Bolivar County, Mississippi, were successful in stemming the impending tide of social change associated with school desegregation through litigation. Litigious resistance not only provided southern whites with a racially moderate epistemology for undermining school desegregation regionally, but their legal challenges to school desegregation also laid the groundwork for non-southern white animus toward all federal education policies that promoted racial inclusion.  相似文献   

创新型人才是社会化、城市化和国际化水平较高的人才。社会化是造就创新人才的基础,城市化是造就创新人才的必要前提,国际化是造就创新人才的重要途径。大学是完成一个人社会化、城市化和国际化的关键阶段,现时代的大学应按照社会化、城市化和国际化的需要不断深化教育教学改革,以社会化、城市化和国际化为要求调整人才培养目标,完善教育教学体系,丰富大学生实践活动。  相似文献   


Connellys’ Classroom Cutaway

Read the Book, See the Movie, Part Three  相似文献   

Two education reports commissioned by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Learning to be, otherwise known as the Faure report (1972) and Learning: The treasure within, otherwise known as the Delors report (1996), have been associated with the establishment of lifelong learning as a global educational paradigm. In this article, which draws on archival research and interviews, I will explore how these two reports have contributed to debates on the purpose of education and learning. In the first half, I will shed light on their origins, the context in which they came about, how they have been received by the education community and by UNESCO member states and how they have been discussed in the scholarly literature. In the second half, I will discuss the key themes of the reports, in particular lifelong learning as the global educational ‘master concept’. In the last section, I will reflect on how the Faure report and the Delors report are still relevant for our debates about learning today. I will argue that the concept of lifelong learning, as put forward by these reports, was a political utopia which is at odds with today's utilitarian view of education.  相似文献   

Legal status collective bargaining between faculty associations and university administrations has affected university governance and, on the whole, has done so positively by democratizing most of the procedures used to determine the terms and conditions of faculty employment. To the extent that matters hitherto within the mandates of academic senates have been removed to the collective bargaining regime, senates have been somewhat weakened. The greatest danger to democracy on the campus probably lies in the bureaucratization of faculty associations, thus leaving them open to the partial paralysis of creeping legalism.  相似文献   

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