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本文从牛津大学与牛津城间的历史冲突分析入手,解析这一系列冲突事件对彼此所发生的影响,以及冲突在大学史中的意义和价值.从而,试图通过这样的一个经典案例的分析,为我们探索传统大学与它所在社区间互动的性质提供些许启发.  相似文献   

冲突与合作是大学与社区关系的主要表现形式。本文从住房、交通与停车、社区环境、公共教育四个方面对美国高校与社区间的冲突与合作进行了深入研究与分析,并对二者的冲突与合作进行了理性思考,提出了对我国高校与区域互动发展具有的启示意义。  相似文献   

美国大学为了拓展校园空间、提升校园周边环境、振兴城市社区,以及为学校创收等目的,自上个世纪60年代以来启动了大量圈地兴楼的房地产开发项目,并由此引发了与驻地城市在社会公平问题、负面溢出效应、地区划分和财产税等方面的广泛冲突.为了化解矛盾、避免冲突,不少美国大学采取了使经济与社会项目相结合、建立广泛的合作伙伴关系、促进校园与城市的整合,以及补偿免税资格等积极实践,并成功地与驻地城市和社区建立了友好合作关系.  相似文献   

在欧洲和美国,伴随着大学与城市之间关系的历史发展,大学文化与城市文化之间的互动关系也经历了联结与冲突、融合与共生等多个阶段,通过学习和借鉴他们文化发展道路中的经验,可对我国大学文化与城市文化关系发展作出展望,并据此为寻找我国建设文化强国之路提供参考。  相似文献   

在“大学的理想”与“大学的使命”之间,既折射着高等教育价值观的传统与变革的历史轨迹,又隐含着理性主义与功利主义知识观的现实冲突。时至今日,人们已经很难在理性与功利之间作出“非此即彼”的选择。冲突不可避免,整合是当务之急。对中国高等教育而言,需要“多一些理性,少一些功利”,以“必要的张力”为思路,实现高等教育价值整体上的制衡和宏观上的整合。  相似文献   

论大学学术权力与行政权力关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学学术权力与行政权力关系既有理想的一面,又有现实的一面.知识中心、教授治校是学者群体对学术权力的理想诉求.而现实中,学术权力经常处在行政权力的掌控之下,学术权力虚位现象明显、彰显不够,权力冲突不断.学术权力与行政权力冲突起源并变化于大学属性的变迁,具有明显的时代性,其实质是权力边界不清和利益协调不畅.权力冲突直接影响了学术进步和大学发展,因而,彰显学术权力、构建合理的权力关系模式势在必行.  相似文献   

当前,我国城市社区治理面临街居体系负担过重、社区议事和自主治理能力不足等问题.改进社区治理需要在政府机制、市场机制、社会机制发挥作用的基础上,构建混合形态的共同治理新格局.社区共治既要推进社区赋权,构建议事、互惠和规约机制,也要发挥协调引领的作用,依靠组织嵌入、社会动员和冲突解决机制,提升意见整合和问题解决能力.与行政...  相似文献   

大学与城市的文化互动构建在冲突与融合的基础之上。两种文化主体的冲突主要体现在大学自治与城市社区、学术自由与城市市场需求、大学校园文化与城市市民文化等方面的冲突。但冲突并非不可调和,"文化共性"是其融合的基础,尊重对方文化特质、消除文化偏见、求同存异是融合的首要途径;同时要开通多种渠道,使二者达成共生互融、相互促进的依存关系;二者携手促进人类文化的繁荣,是其互动的最高境界。  相似文献   

城市大学的人文社会科学研究是城市文化的重要组成部分,二者是相互促进,相互依存的。对城市大学的人文社会科学研究产出情况进行计量分析,探测城市大学的人文社会科学研究与城市文化之间的关系。结果发现当前存在缺乏对城市大学与城市文化间关系的科学认识,大学与城市的文化资源没有得到共享,缺乏城市大学与城市文化间的互动融合等问题。进而从引导和建立城市大学人文社会科学研究成果转化机制、文化资源共享机制和社会服务机制等方面提出构建城市大学人文社会科学研究与城市文化之间的协同机制。  相似文献   

大学组织冲突包括科层管理与学术自治间的冲突、市场价值与学术期望间的冲突和大学组织各利益相关者间的冲突。大学的冲突管理应当以一种整合的思路和理念,建立制度和规范机制保障,包括树立正确的冲突管理观念、建立和完善大学组织中的冲突预防和应急机制、凸显法治和制度在冲突管理中的双重效力和选择有效的冲突管理方法。  相似文献   

This article is a theoretical discussion of the cultural dynamics that shape the relationship between universities and black urban communities. It is argued that universities have a responsibility to address inner-city problems. However, the social relationships between academic institutions and urban communities are impeded as a result of cultural differences. Cultural, social, and power theories are employed to construct a framework for exploring the factors that impede positive interactions between universities and black urban communities. The article concludes by linking the renewed American discourse on civility to the public service mission of higher education and its relevance to urban communities.  相似文献   

大学学术权力与行政权力的冲突主要是由学术资源配置权之争以及学术文化与行政文化的差异造成的。学术权力与行政权力冲突不仅有消极功能,也有积极功能,在一定条件下,冲突可以防止系统僵化,增强组织的适应性和促进组织的整合。正视大学学术权力与行政权力冲突,坚持权力制衡,学术性与效率性结合,各司其职与相互依存相结合,以及共存与适度倾斜相结合等原则;运用冲突"减压阀"原理及时释放压力,构建应对权力冲突的预警机制,建立、完善利益制衡机制等是应对权力冲突的可行之策。  相似文献   

The marginality of migrant children in the urban Chinese educational system   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The present paper explores issues of the educational marginality of migrant children in urban settings in two cities in China. The numbers of urban migrants exceed 100 million and are growing as China modernizes. This is creating tensions between residents and recent arrivals who lack residential registration and access to public services. As a result, migrant children often attend informal, private and usually unregulated schools of low quality organized by their communities. These tend to reinforce social stratification and reproduce marginality across the generations. The paper argues that state failure to provide basic education risks a growing divide between urban residents and recent migrants that has social consequences that must be addressed to remove discriminatory practices and resolve potential conflicts between hosts and migrant communities.  相似文献   

我国大学与中小学伙伴合作可追溯至20世纪初,大学以"附属中小学校"形式开展的合作,历经了萌芽期、缓慢发展期、稳步发展期、本土探索期以及转型深化期的百年历程,促使学校发展方式从"各自为政"走向"伙伴合作"、教师专业发展从"数量扩张"走向"质量提升"、课程建设由"固守传统"走向"推陈出新"、课堂变革从"教学中心"走向"研究中心"。同时,也面临着大学与中小学不同文化取向的冲突、不同生态取向的冲突以及不同利益需求的冲突等衍生的困境。从新时代赋予学校发展的使命来看,走向"创生"是伙伴合作的生态模式、文化融合是伙伴合作的发展取向、跨界合作是伙伴合作的行动路径、构建共同愿景是伙伴合作的时代价值。  相似文献   

城市的诞生是人类文明的一个革命性标志。但城市从诞生起便充斥着各种矛盾 ,因而城市文明的历史就是文明的悖论史。城市文明悖论在不同历史阶段 ,有不同的表现形式。在某种意义上 ,城市文明悖论是人性冲突的一种表征 ,其社会根源在于资本主义制度。城市文明悖论消解的主要途径 ,就是要消灭城乡对立和城乡差别 ,而这一点只有在生产资料公有制的基础上才能实现。  相似文献   

The urban university and urban culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Conclusion We have briefly described an urban university in contrast to the traditional university, and we have recommended several strategies for changing the traditional university. The urban university plays a much more important role in the intellectual life of the urban community. It reaches throughout the community and, in becoming a center of intellectual activity in its urban settings, gives the intellectual life of a community greater focus. We believe that many urban communities would be anxious to develop an urban university and that such communities would be attractive to a great many people.William L. Blizek and Robert B. Simpson are, respectively, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Nebraska at Omaha.This paper is a revised version of one presented originally at the First National Conference on Urban Education, Kansas City, Missouri, November 25, 1975.  相似文献   

Debates about the role of the university in society have been going on for many decades. There have been several calls for a more “engaged” form of scholarship which applies itself consciously to the pursuit of applied knowledge which can contribute towards solving some of the most pressing societal challenges. Closer collaboration between universities and community groups has been identified as a central component of this form of scholarship. This paper interrogates the literature on the role of universities in society, with a specific focus on university-community partnerships, and discusses the experience of the Philippi CityLab in Cape Town, South Africa to shed some light on the complexities, challenges and rewards of university-community interactions. The case of the Philippi CityLab confirms many of the pre-requisites for “successful” collaboration between universities and communities as identified in the literature. The paper argues that the ideal of a more engaged scholarship is certainly worth pursuing and that there is no doubt that South African universities do have a role to play in terms of working with communities to find workable solutions to the myriad of development challenges which they face. However, the experience of the Philippi CityLab also shows that stakeholders should not be naïve about the time, effort and investment which these kinds of engagements require and the difficulty of establishing, maintaining and sustaining genuine, mutually beneficial university-community collaborations. Furthermore, a truly engaged scholarship requires a significant transformation of the institutional context within universities in order to not only facilitate and support, but also reward research which seek closer collaboration between universities and communities.  相似文献   

科学发展观与大学理念创新   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
周光迅 《教育研究》2005,26(7):49-54
构建当代大学新理念,必须遵循科学发展观的本质要求,真正站在哲学高度,从历史、现实、未来三个视角全方位审视。大学理念应是一个“理念群”,包括核心理念 (原生理念或元理念)、基本理念和具体办学理念。核心理念对任何时候、任何形式的大学都具有普适意义;基本理念要鲜明体现时代精神;具体办学理念要遵循不同层次、不同类型、不同区域高校的自身特色。  相似文献   

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