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教学实习是师范生在实习学校情境中整合教育理论与实践的重要环节,因此对于实习教师而言,其社会化即意味着在教学实习过程中不断内化实习学校的组织文化及其对教师角色的期待,在个体与情境的互动中初步成为合格教师的过程。当前,实习教师社会化研究受社会学传统理论的影响,呈现出功能主义和诠释主义范式,其代表了实习教师社会化的被动和主动两种不同的模式。此外,实习教师的社会化过程从学龄期开始,是一个持续演变的阶段,其包含了师范教育前的预期社会化(以观察学习和经验内化为路径)和师范教育期的职业社会化(以课程学习和教学实习为手段)的角色养成过程。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the metaphorical images of “teacher” produced by 55 Spanish and 72 Turkish preservice teachers at Universitat de Barcelona, in Barcelona, Spain, and at Ege University, in ?zmir, Turkey. It is based on a theory of teacher socialization which affirms that cultural values have an impact on the teaching and learning environment, as well as on the teachers within their cultures (Richards in Beyond training: perspectives on language teacher education, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998). The prompt was “A teacher is like….because….” In this research the data were analyzed qualitatively. Metaphors were identified, and five conceptual themes were developed. The results indicated that: Spanish participants described “teacher” as a guide contributing to society, democratic values and citizenship; Turkish participants focused instead on traditional values, dedication, enlightenment and emotional support.  相似文献   


The theme of this article is adopted from the work of leadership experts Heifetz and Linsky, who described the need for organizational leaders to balance their time on the “dance floor” (managing tasks) with time viewing from the “balcony” (understanding the bigger picture). The physical education teacher education doctoral program faculty on many campuses would be well advised to periodically invest time distancing themselves from the daily rigors of research, teaching, and service to better understand the challenges and opportunities confronting their programs. Furthermore, faculty must be willing to critique their program and its strategic direction, eliminate ineffective practices that consume limited resources, and retain what is most important. The purpose of this article is to provide collective observations “from the balcony” for faculty working in physical education teacher education doctoral programs as a catalyst for discussion.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of an ethnographic study of preservice teachers' professional perspectives. Using the principles of “ethnographic semantics” to analyze the data, th paper describes the way in which students create a practical philosophy of teaching by integrating two primary perspectives, portrays the “guiding images” that make up these perspectives, and examines the psycho-social dynamics that underlie the development of a given professional perspective. Finally, it discusses the implications of the study's findings for research on teacher socialization and for teacher education.  相似文献   

任务驱动型教学法是一种新型的教育模式,是一种将学生主动学习和教师布置任务两者综合起来的新型教学方法。让学生在完成教师布置“任务”的同时,培养了自己发现问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力。体现了语言教学的真正精髓,“学”重于“教”,“练”多于“学”,以培养学生自学、探究、创新、组织表达能力为主要目标。  相似文献   

While teacher educator identities have received increasing attention over the past decade, there is a lack of research on teacher educators’ professional identities in the complex and shifting higher education contexts. Informed by the sociocultural linguistic perspective, this study investigates two language teacher educators’ professional identities in Hong Kong universities. The findings show that the participants discursively constructed their identities, such as “accidental teacher educator,” “teacher educator-researcher,” “struggling researcher,” “teacher of teachers,” and “inactive researcher” in their professional work. By drawing on the three interrelated processes of identity formation (i.e. adequation/distinction, authentication/denaturalisation, and authorisation/illegitimation), the study adds to our knowledge of the complex and contested nature of teacher educator identity in relation to the ongoing restructuring and reform in higher education. The study concludes with some implications for teacher education and higher education.  相似文献   

This case study explores the affordances a weblog (blog) offered to “Ms. Frizzle,” an urban middle school science teacher and exceptional blogger, to support her professional identity development. The 316 posts she wrote over 1 school year were systematically analyzed and triangulated with data from e-mail exchanges and interviews with Ms. Frizzle and her colleagues. Ms. Frizzle used her blog to tell stories of herself and her classroom, reflect on her practice, work through dilemmas, solicit feedback, and display competence, among other things. By doing so, she was able to wrestle with many issues that are central to the practice of urban science teaching and be recognized by herself and others as a “reform-minded” teacher committed to excellence and equity in education. To realize these benefits, however, Ms. Frizzle invested significant time and energy into her blogging and made certain uses of blogging features. Thus, although this study empirically supports the potential of blogging for teachers' professional identity development, it also indicates that the way in which teachers use blogging will determine the extent of the benefits they can derive from this practice.  相似文献   

The terms “reflection” and “reflective practitioner” are now common currency in articles about teacher education and teachers’ professional development, especially in British and North American research. In this chapter, the term “reflection” as it relates to teachers and teacher education will be problematized, drawing particularly on Schön's (Educating the reflective practitioner. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass) terms “reflection-in-action” and “reflection-on-action.” Differing definitions of reflection will be put forward, their inter-relationship explored, and how these relate to courses of initial teacher education in a variety of countries and cultural contexts. Questions about the value and purpose of reflection will also be raised, as well as to its practical relevance to teacher education.  相似文献   


In keeping with the theme of the 40th anniversary issue of EJTE, this article looks back and forward at US teacher education accountability. It argues that “holding teacher education accountable” has been the major approach to reforming teacher education in the US for the last two decades, assuming that enhanced teacher education quality depends on vigilant public evaluation and monitoring of outcomes related to teacher education institutions, programs, and teacher candidates. This article looks back at the “era of accountability” by examining five policy, political, and professional developments that contributed to its emergence and strong hold on US teacher education. Looking forward to the future of teacher education accountability in the US, the article argues that we need a new approach – democratic accountability in teacher education – which is based on intelligent professional responsibility for students’ learning including democratic knowledge and skills, strong equity, and genuine collaboration with multiple stakeholders.  相似文献   

This article focuses on teacher education reforms and related discourses. Internationally, the last decade has been an intensive period of educational reforms and restructuring, particularly regarding teacher education. Even though teacher education in Europe has a high degree of complexity and variations, common trends in the reforms are identifiable. The article deals with trends and tensions in teacher education reforms examining Norwegian teacher education as a “case” within Europe. As an analytical tool, the term “warrants”, interpreted as “reasonable grounds” for actions, is used together with our own analytical categories to capture trends in teacher education in a global perspective. One conclusion is that we can see the impact of the new global market orientation in the national discourses on teacher education.  相似文献   


The United States and its public schools are becoming increasingly diverse, yet teachers, prospective teachers, and teacher educators remain predominantly European American. This situation raises a number of questions for teacher educators and teacher education students committed to multicultural education. One challenge to avoid when discussing issues of diversity within largely monocultural learning environments is the unintentional construction of the “Other.” This article describes the painful experiences and interactive reflections of a student of color and a White teacher educator when the student became the “Other” in a preservice teacher education course. The student, her peers, and the instructor describe how the unfortunate incident was turned into a teachable moment and a transformative learning experience that gave deeper, personal meaning to the theories they discussed in the course.  相似文献   

New Zealander Sylvia Ashton‐Warner, a teacher in remote rural Māori schools in the 1940s–1950s, became internationally renowned as a novelist and educational theorist. Earlier commentators portrayed her educational theory as in conflict with those of her time and place, but recent studies conceptualise them as enabled by it. While space/place has often been considered the preserve of the geographer and time that of the historian, Henri Lefebvre and others suggest that: “these issues need to be thought together rather than separately” and that macro‐, meso‐ and micro‐levels of analysis be engaged simultaneously. The author traces how conceptual, linguistic, sensory and intellectual resources of the global “New Education” movement extended into the tiny bush‐encircled Māori communities in which Sylvia taught and wrote in the 1940s–1950s and surfaced in her writing. The article zooms in and out between the “the immensity of the global” (the New Education, the Second World War) and “the intimately tiny” (her classroom and home). The “data” include Sylvia’s non‐fiction education texts and official documents of her time: school curricula, education policy documents, Ministerial and Inspectors’ reports. What Lefebvre terms a “Rhythm analysis” of Ashton‐Warner’s educational writing shows intermingled pulses of domestic life, routines of educational bureaucracy, cycles of nature, and cataclysms of world events. It is important for historians to study “the where rather than just the when with location and landscape central parts of the analysis”.  相似文献   

The process of organizational socialization sheds light on the difficulty of a university program to effectively socialize its special education teacher candidates into believing and acting on theories of inclusion for students with disabilities in public schools. In general, people are socialized by prior experiences, then the university, then the workplace. In this case, the workplace socialization exists prior to participation in the university setting and in conjunction with it potentially complicating traditional university socialization. This study explores how prospective special education teachers in a moderate/severe special education teacher credential program adopt, adapt, and redefine the concept of inclusion. An analysis of their use of the term “inclusion” in semi-structured interviews draws attention to the degree to which they have or have not been socialized into believing and acting on inclusion at their schools.  相似文献   

The cognitive interview method was applied to evaluate survey questions translated and adapted from a US-based college student survey instrument. This paper draws data from cognitive interviews with 45 undergraduate students in China and explores the different meanings they attribute to the term “college teacher.” Students understood college teacher as course instructor, academic advisor, class headteacher and counselor, student organization supervisor, and student service personnel. Students developed the understanding through a socialization process of student-teacher interaction. This paper also discusses the importance of using cognitive interviewing to improve questionnaire design, implications for research on student-teacher relationships, and suggestions on fostering student-teacher interaction in Chinese higher education institutions.  相似文献   


This article presents an autobiographical qualitative study. A former elementary school teacher describes how her work as a university supervisor gave her an opportunity to examine her own construction of self as a teacher and teacher educator during two semesters of undergraduate student teaching. Research related to teacher individualism and isolation provides a lens through which to explore socialization experiences of both the author and her students. The analysis finds that some programs and schools do not allow for or value the critical dialogue and narrative discourse essential for the formation of the self. The author makes several suggestions for teacher education programs which will help prepare teachers to take advantage of agentive moments, creating spaces for discourse and collaboration.  相似文献   

This case study offers teachers and teacher educators a sociocultural view of inclusion, showing how it was accomplished for a student who had long been segregated in special education classrooms. Judy, a student classified as learning disabled, participated and learned in collaboration with her peers in a diverse classroom environment. Through close analysis of segments of instructional discourse, the study illustrates how her general education teacher enacted “interactional inclusion”. By making particular discourse moves, he supported the building of an inclusional culture that repositioned Judy and her classmates. She achieved social affiliation and academic success, without limiting other students’ learning opportunities. The study provides guidelines for the implementation of classroom inclusive practices suggested by this profile; offers evidence of the benefits of this kind of research; and, argues for why we need more if it.  相似文献   

Research has explored multicultural teacher education from multiple, sometimes divergent perspectives; yet, these studies agree that what passes for multicultural education fails to address issues of educational inequity. This paper is part of a larger evaluation study of Reduction of Stigma in Schools (RSIS) – a professional development program aiming to empower educators to create affirming environments for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning (LGBTQ) youth. Interview data indicate that though workshops utilized a critical approach, what teachers embraced was a call to understand and “protect” LGBTQ students through the “safety” discourse – a form of understanding and valuing the “cultural other” – and investment in one time “visibility” or “celebration” events as symbols of improved school climate. Further, educators framed LGBTQ issues as “risk” issues rather than as equity issues, which continue to mark LGBTQ students as “victims” or “problems” in need of saving or solving. We posit that responses to RSIS content reflect educators’ understanding of their obligation to “diversity” as presented during their teacher preparation programs and that workshop content which resonated with them was that which they could easily fit into these familiar frameworks.  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on an initiative in England devised to prepare non-mathematics graduates to train as secondary mathematics teachers through a 6-month Mathematics Enhancement Course (MEC) to boost their subject knowledge. The course documentation focuses on the need to develop “understanding mathematics in-depth” in students in order for them to become successful mathematics teachers. We take a poststructural approach, so we are not interested in asking what such an understanding is, about the value of this approach or about the effectiveness of the MECs in developing this understanding in their participants. Instead we explore what positions this discourse of “understanding mathematics in-depth” makes available to MEC students. We do this by looking in detail at the “identity work” of two students, analysing how they use and are used by this discourse to position themselves as future mathematics teachers. In doing so, we show how even benign-looking social practices such as “understanding mathematics in-depth” are implicated in practices of inclusion and exclusion. We show this through detailed readings of interviews with two participants, one of whom fits with the dominant discourses in the MEC and the other who, despite passing the MEC, experiences tensions between her national identity work and MEC discourses. We argue that it is vital to explore “identity work” within teacher education contexts to ensure that becoming a successful mathematics teacher is equally available to all.  相似文献   

“课程劳育”是指通过主动挖掘各类课程的劳动教育元素,采取融入、渗透形式,对学生进行劳动价值观熏陶和引导,是一种隐性灌输的教育活动。从课程本质维度看,“课程劳育”是指任何课程都服务于人的全面发展,都具有劳动教育的功能;从课程内容维度看,“课程劳育”则是指任何课程都包含了具体、生动的劳动教育元素。高职院校“课程劳育”是坚持社会主义办学方向的主阵地,是落实立德树人根本任务的主渠道,亦是确保劳动教贯穿人才培养全过程的主战场。高职院校有效推进“课程劳育”的路径是:加强教师队伍建设,实现全员参与的“课程劳育”;构建劳动教育课程体系,实现全课程渗透的“课程劳育”;充分挖掘各类课程资源,实现内容全覆盖的“课程劳育”;建立健全联动机制,实现全过程保障的“课程劳育”。  相似文献   

Ugur Sak 《Roeper Review》2013,35(4):216-222

In this case study the author explored a teacher's beliefs about creativity and gifted‐ness and investigated the classroom practices of this teacher of gifted students for 20 years. Seven semi‐structured and 2 open observations were carried out in her classroom, and 2 prefigured interviews were conducted with her. She believed that creative children are those who are “free thinkers” and have “imaginative intelligence.” The thin line between an academically gifted child and a creatively gifted child is built by “imagination,” “emotional intensity,” and “curiosity.” In creative writing, she tried to implement activities such as learning to write poetry, personal narratives, research reports and essays posing solutions to real world problems, and mystery stories decorated with similes, metaphors and imaginative expressions. In reading, students analyzed characters, problems, places and times in stories and novels, and then rewrote stories.  相似文献   

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