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The education profession in Germany is presented as a feminised profession. This is defined and qualified, showing what sort of schools women are employed in and why there is a difference between women's opportunities in certain school types. An analysis is presented as to why women were allowed to enter the education profession when they did, linking women's employment opportunities and national shortages. The prejudice still existing against women's professional status within the employment sector is questioned. The paper shows how the education profession in Germany has been feminised and how the feminisation of a profession affects its pay and social prestige.  相似文献   

To better understand the status of the teaching profession, we present a conceptual framework outlining the 4 domains of knowledge-worker professionals: professional benchmarks, professional discretion, room for promotion, and workplace conditions and use the TALIS 2013 survey data to show that these domains exist globally and vary within countries. Across more than 30 school systems, we address the question: To what extent does the level and type of professionalism afforded to individual teachers shape their perceptions of the esteem of their profession? The strongest domain traits that correlate with feeling valued as a teacher are teachers’ satisfaction with their working conditions, involvement in school decision making, and the chance to be recognized for good work. This framework shapes an actionable set of concepts that policymakers can use to address attraction and retention to the profession system-wide and that school leaders can use to improve working conditions in their own schools.  相似文献   

In 2011 the Integrated Strategic Planning Framework for Teacher Education and Development in South Africa was promulgated. This framework proposes the establishment of teaching schools to strengthen pre-service teacher education. This study arises from this initiative. A generic qualitative study was undertaken to explore the views of research participants from selected teacher education institutions and schools in South Africa on the potential of teaching schools to enable student teacher learning for the teaching profession. The key findings are that teaching schools can potentially make a distinctive contribution towards enabling student teacher learning for the teaching profession through student teachers experiencing good teaching in a model environment and through coordinating experiences in coursework and at the school. The discussion of the findings points to the distinctive potentialities of teaching schools for strengthening teacher education. The notion of hybridity and third space is invoked as a heuristic to shed light on the developing of a true collaborative relationship between the teacher education institution and the teaching school for enabling student teacher learning for the teaching profession.  相似文献   

This paper outlines new educational policy initiatives that have been recently introduced to Australian schooling contexts and describes the challenges of providing rich and empowering professional development opportunities for classroom teachers and educational leaders in an era of heightened accountability and change. A framework for large-scale professional learning is proposed; one that adopts a theoretical lens associated with practice architectures, situated within community- and individual-focused professional learning experiences. The theoretical component of the model has been utilised effectively in a number of countries, while the personalised learning component is drawn from an evidence-based project that established a national learning framework.  相似文献   

This paper explores the development of various approaches by the State in Botswana to improve teacher incentives. Teacher incentives have been an issue in Botswana for a number of years. The Ministry of Education with the support of USAID has commissioned research into teacher incentives. In 1991 and 1992 there were four major bodies created by the State that dealt with the problem of teacher incentives either directly or indirectly. Report of the Presidential Commission on the Review of Public Service Salaries and Conditions of Service; the review of organization and management conducted by the Public Service (the OM Report); the Report on the Implementation of Parallel Progression; and the 1992–1993 Second National Commission on Education which reported to the President in July 1993. This paper employs and elaborates on a model dealing with ‘incentive categories’ developed by Frances Kemmerer. The ten perspectives related to remuneration and working conditions are used to guide the inquiry. Additional avenues for improving teacher incentives are considered and five recommendations for change made.  相似文献   

The Science Education Professional Development (SEPD) Project was commissioned by the Commonwealth Department of Employment, Education and Training (DEET) as part of its Projects of National Significance Program. Its brief was to develop a national strategy for enhancing the professional development of science teachers. This paper summarises one component of the Project's work, an exploration of the feasibility of establishing professional standards or expectations for teachers of science. The aim was to give clearer purpose and direction to professional development planning and to provide a more valid basis for evaluating science teachers for career development. Specializations: Teachers' work and policy, teacher development, educational evaluation, teacher evaluation, research on teaching.  相似文献   

Learning to be a teacher is a complex and very personal matter that involves transformation from student teacher (pre‐service teacher) to teacher. The pathway to being a teacher is scattered with what appears to be competing tensions in various realities. This paper explores those tensions and realities through the context of two final year integrated field‐ and campus‐based subjects that all pre‐service teachers undertake as they complete their four‐year teacher education journey into the primary (ages 5‐ to 12‐years‐old) teaching profession. We then propose a framework involving a variety of realities that pre‐service teachers face through the recognition and resolution of the tensions these pre‐service teachers experience in the workplace.  相似文献   

会计是一门实践性、操作性都很强的学科,现在许多高校都有这门专业,如何面对新的经济形势,培养高级应用型会计人才是职业教育的一大挑战,文章就会计模拟实验教学的现状进行分析,对如何加强会计模拟实验教学提出了一些设想。  相似文献   

How do childhood memories and social stereotypes colour emerging teacher identities? What images of “teacher” silently direct the ways in which we teach and think? Is our teaching practice consistent with our personal teaching philosophy? Are we sufficiently aware of influences past and present? By analyzing student teachers' and experienced teachers' drawings, this paper explores many stereotypes and contradictions in teacher identity and teaching practice that are often ignored or left unexamined. We suggest that drawings provide an excellent forum for necessary (self-) reflection by bringing to light nuances and ambivalences in teaching identities that might otherwise remain hidden.  相似文献   


Although there is no question about the need for preservice and inservice teachers to have the skills to meet the diverse needs of students in todays classrooms, the issue of how to assess those same skills has proved to be problematic. This article reports on a joint effort by faculty from an urban university and a large public school district to create an observation tool that will assess and mentor preservice and inservice teachers’ abilities to address issues of diversity in their classrooms meaningfully. The authors will first report on missions and background information representing both the university and the school district and then on the development of a standards‐based assessment tool. Lastly, suggestions that compliment a comprehensive body of evidence of teacher evaluation will be discussed.  相似文献   

This article analyses the factors influencing the attractiveness of the secondary teaching profession in Zimbabwe. The findings are based on data collected from more than 200 non-graduate student teachers by means of a questionnaire, supplemented by documents and interviews. Among the 21 relevant factors listed in the questionnaire, those relating to salary, fringe benefits and working conditions were considered to have the greatest influence. In particular, benefits similar to those of comparable professions in the public and private sectors were identified as crucial. The author broadens the context of his conclusions by comparing the situation in Zimbabwe to that in other developing countries.
Zusammenfassung In diesem Artikel werden Faktoren untersucht, die die Attraktivität der Sekundarschullehrertätigkeit in Zimbabwe beeinflußen. Die Ergebnisse stützen sich auf Daten, die von mehr als 200 nichtgraduierten Lehrerstudenten anhand eines Fragebogens gesammelt und durch Dokumente und Interviews ergänzt wurden. Von den 21 in dem Fragebogen enthaltenen Faktoren erwiesen sich die als besonders einflußreich, die das Gehalt, betriebliche Vergünstigungen und Arbeitsbedingungen betreffen. Im einzelnen werden die die Lebenshaltung betreffenden Vorzüge, die vergleichbar wären mit denen anderer Berufssparten des öffentlichen und privaten Sektors, als besonders wichtig empfunden. Abschließend stellt der Verfasser seine Ergebnisse in einen weiteren Zusammenhang, indem er die Situation in Zimbabwe mit der in anderen Entwicklungsländern vergleicht.

Résumé Cet article analyse les facteurs qui influent sur l'attrait de la profession d'enseignant du secondaire au Zimbabwe. Les résultats se basent sur les données fournies par le questionnaire que plus de 200 élèves-enseignants ont rempli, complétées par divers documents et interviews. Parmi les 21 facteurs pertinents énumérés dans ce questionnaire, ceux relatifs au salaire, aux compléments de salaire en nature et aux conditions de travail étaient considérés comme étant les plus importants. Les avantages matériels, en particulier, comparables à ceux des autres professions du secteur public et privé, ont été identifiés comme cruciaux. L'auteur élargit le contexte de sa conclusion en comparant la situation du Zimbabwe à celle d'autres pays en développement.

Teachers’ work in tuition‐free (non‐classroom) time was investigated to see to what degree teachers do work that could be considered as qualifying for the status of professional autonomy. The question arises in Sweden and elsewhere as both teachers and the state actively, and in tandem, strive to professionalise the work of the teacher. Abbott’s work on the division of expert labour is taken as a point of departure. Based on data collected by an organisation sampling method, the article describes what teachers do in their tuition‐free time. The study data consist of 1166 reports from 59 Swedish teachers’ daily work situations in school years 1–12. Qualifying teacher work is related to teachers’ ways of handling divergent cases, discretionary work and problem solving. Situations where teachers can use specific professional knowledge are described. One of the main findings is that in 22.2% of the situations studied, such professional knowledge can be applied. This corresponds to at least 7.5 hours of the Swedish teachers’ weekly working hours; with the reservation that 10 hours of teachers’ weekly 45 hours working time is not examined. This time corresponds roughly with the non‐regulated working time, that is, time when the teachers do not have to be at school.  相似文献   

成人高等教育中会计专业的实践性教学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成人高等教育中会计专业是专业实践型学科,为了适应社会对会计专业毕业生会计技能的需要,迫切需要改变现有的注重理论教学的模式,培养理论和实践相结合的专业技术型人才。采用实践性教学是成人高等教育中会计专业未来发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

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