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作为厘清教师传道者角色内涵的两个维度,包含了归纳主义者与演绎主义者两方面。归纳主义者角色为教师传道提供了科学规范的价值导向,决定了教师作为知识者的表征,演绎主义者角色为教师传道提供了自主自由的质量保障,决定了教师作为思想者的表征。归纳主义者作为教师传道者角色之实然,在传道诉求上应呈现知识的历史性与时代性,在对传道内容的组织上应体现知识的科学性与规范性,在传道所引领的人才培养功能上应彰显知识的准确性与预见性。演绎主义者作为教师传道者角色之应然,应充分具有传道的自主性与主体性,对传道内容驾驭的个体性,促使教师系统化与内化了的传道内容向外在于教师的学习者(学生)有效传播与辐射,最终实现传道的有效性以引领受教育者成长发展。  相似文献   

明代,历朝统治者为实现“固守封疆”的政策,对西北边备通过苦心经营,从政策的制定到具体的实施中,都取得了显著的成效,但也造成了不容忽视的失误。不论成功与失误,给我们提供了不少有益的启示。  相似文献   

The principle of educational equality is important for the plausibility of egalitarianism. I argue against John Wilson's recent attempts to show that two particular versions of the principle are incoherent, and I rebut his argument that even if it were coherent it would be wrong to endorse it. Two other objections to this version of the principle are considered and shown not to be decisive. The principle governing the distribution of educational resources that Wilson advocates is also rejected.  相似文献   

鉴于许多批评家将社会风气的败坏、道德的沦丧武断地归罪于大众文化,或者先入为主以正统自居,鄙视大众文化,文章在承认其某些弊病的前提下,从总体情况和具体文本两方面入手,为大众文化作尽量客观切实的辩护,认为大众文化的主流宣传了一些做人的朴素道理,表达了颇为深刻的思想。而且诸多大众文化的文本也很有艺术价值和追求。  相似文献   

In the first part of this article the question of the language of instruction is seen in relation to questions of poverty, power and partnership. In the second part the fate of the African languages in some selected countries is given a closer look. Two distinct trends are noted, one strengthening the dominant languages which, in the context of Africa, means the former colonial languages and one focusing on a growing concern for a preservation and revival of African languages as languages of instruction in at least the primary schools in Africa. The battle between these two trends is discussed. The article builds partly on discussions the author has had with policy-makers in African countries.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that the metacognitive judgments adults infer from their experiences of encoding effort vary in accordance with their naive theories of intelligence. To determine whether this finding extends to elementary schoolchildren, a study was conducted in which 27 third graders (Mage = 8.27) and 24 fifth graders (Mage = 10.39) read texts presented in easy‐ or difficult‐to‐encode fonts. The more children in both grades viewed intelligence as fixed, the less likely they were to interpret effortful or difficult encoding as a sign of increasing mastery and the more likely they were to report lower levels of comprehension as their perceived effort increased. This suggests that children may use naive theories of intelligence to make motivationally relevant inferences earlier than previously thought.  相似文献   

教与学-教学观念改革上的基本关系,统一性与多样性--培养模式改革上的基本关系,传授知识与培养能力--教学方法改革上的基本关系。  相似文献   

In Defence of the Modernist Project in Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper advocates the concept of critical modernity, in contradistinction to that of postmodernity, in orientating the practice of education. It draws on work in anthropology, and the writings of Giddens and Habermas, in support of a re-vivified project of modernity. It also presents ideas from on-going communication styles research that may give efficacy in education to Habermas's concept of communicative action.  相似文献   

《创造日》与《创造季刊》《创造周报》一起,形成了前期创造社刊物"三足鼎立"之势。如果说《创造季刊》是前期创造社开创一个文艺时代的起点,《创造周报》是前期创造社进入鼎盛时期的标志,那么《创造日》的停刊则是前期创造社由盛转衰的关键节点。细究《创造日》的编辑理念、社内定位及其刊载作品可知,它不仅承载着前期创造社同人的"文学梦",还为创造社成员提供了新的话语空间。《创造日》对研究前期创造社的文学活动和了解当时的文学生态环境具有一定的史料价值。  相似文献   

This paper attempts three things. It invites you to engage critically with me in the adjudication of a particular controversy. It attempts to argue for and exemplify important procedures which distinguish good and bad thinking in a critical mode. And it argues the case for the separate teaching of critical thinking (henceforth CT).  相似文献   

语言是文化的载体,每个民族的文化在其语言中表现得最为全面和完美。词汇是语言的基本构素,是语言大系统赖以存在的支柱,因此文化差异在词汇层次上体现得最为突出,涉及面亦最为广泛。  相似文献   

英语中有大量喻义生动形象的瓜果蔬菜词汇。这些词汇反映了英语的不断丰富和变化,体现了英语语言文化的发展。本文列举和分析一些与常见的植物果蔬有关的词和短语,并探讨它们在英语中的派生转义及其翻译方法。  相似文献   

Accountability involves not only schools answering to society, but parents and governments doing the same. In particular, governments should answer for the appropriateness of the educational aims they seek to promote. Making schools accountable to society through examination results is fundamentally flawed. Teachers must be able to account for how the specifics of their job relate to wider educational and social aims. The best approach to holding schools to account through external inspection is that of 'audited self review'. The notion of an agency of inspectors who are 'superior' to those they inspect is fundamentally inappropriate.  相似文献   

In this article I argue that the use of practical reasoning in university classrooms is necessary to establish conditions under which university teachers and students can move beyond the dominant “transmission mode” of education (teaching and learning). This mode of education had been, and in many cases remains to be prevalent in several (South African) university classrooms. I argue what it could mean for university teachers and students to reason together with one another in classroom practices. Central to reasoning together is the idea of deliberation which provides opportunities for teachers and students to experience “intelligent action” (Biesta 2004a) that could enhance educational problem solving in (and beyond) university classrooms.  相似文献   

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