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英语语法隐性教学实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着英语教学改革的深入和交际法教学的实施,语法教学应是显性教学还是隐性教学,已成为目前语言教学领域争论的焦点。Mcaughlin认为,显性教学只能发展学生的考试能力,隐性教学才能导致交际能力的产生。因此,应注重从显性教学到隐性教学的转化问题。Bialystok认为语言课堂并非只能产生显性知识,只是教师应改变传统授课方式,使学生产生交际所需的自发能力。从笔者对一所普通高中一年级两个班笔试和口试成绩的分析结果看,隐性教学能提高学生的交际能力,在以考察使用为目的的产出任务中作用显著,但在传统以考察语法知识为主的测试中无任何作用。  相似文献   

崔德贵 《林区教学》2008,(6):119-120
随着俄语教学改革的深入和交际法教学的实施,语法教学应是显性教学还是隐性教学,已成为目前语言教学领域争论的焦点。一部分人认为,显性教学只能发展学生的考试能力,隐性教学才能导致交际能力的产生。因此,应注重从显性教学到隐性教学的转化问题。从笔者对一所高中一年级两个班笔试和口试成绩的分析结果看,隐性教学能提高学生的交际能力,在以考察使用为目的的产出任务中作用显著,但在传统以考察语法知识为主的测试中无任何作用。  相似文献   

王建华 《考试周刊》2011,(61):95-96
显性形式教学和隐性形式教学是语言教学的两个重要方面。显性形式教学主要解决学生的知识结构和知识掌握的问题.而隐性形式教学旨在解决学生的自主学习及其实际语言能力提升的问题。因此.在语言教学过程中。教师不仅要重视显性形式教学,更要强调隐性形式教学,使学生在知识转化为能力方面有所突破,在语言实际应用能力方面有本质的提高。  相似文献   

一个完整的普通话教育体系应包括显性教育与隐性教育,而传统普通话教育以显性教育为主,知识教育和技能训练被人为割裂,使语言直感可望而不可及。隐性教育在打破"语言自我"和方言定势、培养普通话语感等方面,体现出更大的优势效应。充分发挥隐性教育在普通话教育中的重要作用,是普通话教育改革的一条有效途径。  相似文献   

语法教学是语文教育的重要组成部分,但在我国的语文教学实践中,因为对实际语文能力的重视.语法教学被过度淡化了,这是一种矫枉过正的行为。语法教学分为显性和隐性两种.在显性语法教学无法适应教学趋势的情况下,寄语法教学于语言应用的隐性语法教学,能够兼顾语言运用能力和语法知识的培养.符合语文教学的要求。通过对国外隐性语法教学理念、实践和既有范式的研究,对国内语法教学进行思考和探讨。  相似文献   

培养学生语言能力和思辨能力是高校综合英语教学的重要教学目标,对分课堂的显性学习有利于培养学生的英语知识,隐性学习有助于培养学生的语言能力和思辨能力。学生应加强语言知识、语篇知识和语用知识等显性知识的学习,同时也要通过多读、多思、多达的隐性学习机会提高自己的语言和思辨能力。教师也应精心设计精讲留白内容促使学生语言能力和思辨能力共同发展。  相似文献   

隐性注意机制是语言学习过程中的一种重要的认知机制。传统的高职英语口语教学,多以知识灌输、被动接受为主,侧重显性注意的应用,而忽略隐性注意的作用。认知心理学研究发现,隐性注意对发掘学习者潜意识的语言习得悟性具有深刻影响。因此,将隐性注意机制应用于高职英语口语教学,对开发课堂隐形环境,培养学生的发散思维,提高学生的口语隐性指标以及完善师生关系互动具有重要作用。  相似文献   

陈丽敏  唐建敏 《文教资料》2014,(13):192-194
显性知识是学习者有意识学习的并且能够表述的语言规则知识,隐性知识恰好相反,它是学习者在潜意识的情况下习得的知识,不能被表达出来。作者通过显性知识与隐性知识定义的比较,在总结前人研究的基础上,发现隐性知识在一定程度上跟二语学习者的表达能力,即二语水平有紧密联系,显性知识与二语水平的关系总体上未达成一致的意见。因此,隐性知识的培养或者显性知识的转化显得非常重要。不管显隐性知识之间的关系如何,它们对二语学习者都有很重要的作用。作者通过对该相关性进行分析,提出在二语教学的具体实施过程与实际应用中,教师应当将显性教学法、隐性教学法平衡到日常教学中,不仅如此,还要在平时教学中注重学习者语感的培养。  相似文献   

民族文化对语言的影响,有些是显性的,但更多的是作为隐性因素,这些因素在无形中发挥着深刻的作用。如何准确地把握语言后面的隐性知识,是正确理解日语的关键。在日语的语言教学过程中,必须让日语学习者知晓那些隐藏于语言文字背后的基于社会文化的隐性知识,以增进他们对文章的理解,并帮助其完成一些隐性知识向显性知识的转化。  相似文献   

显性教学因其突出元语言知识的特点而引起学习者对学习目标的充分注意,这有助于学习者对输入语言知识的特征的注意而增加对语言知识的摄入。本文主要从教学的角度论述了在课堂教学中实施显性教学的必要性及基本的教学模式。  相似文献   

传统习语观极大制约着习语研究和习语教学。认知语言学理论为习语的研究与理解提供了理论基础和认知框架,同时也为习语教学提供了新的视角。借助隐喻、转喻和常规知识等认知机制能够对大多数习语意义进行分析;在教学中,应关注习语并注重对习语认知分析的课堂输入和适当教学策略的配合,使学习者意识到汉、英习语在概念体系和文化内涵上的异同,从而培养和提高其准确运用习语的能力。  相似文献   

西藏自治区推行的以汉为主加授藏语文的双语教学模式是我国藏区最有效的双语教学模式之一,为了更加完善这一模式,我们就双语教学模式问题以拉萨地区为对象进行了调查研究。通过对藏汉双语教学模式教学目标的调查、藏汉双语教学模式操作策略的调查、藏汉双语教学模式成效评价的调查和影响藏汉双语教学模式因素的调查发现,藏汉双语教学模式在目标方面存在城乡差异,农村学生更加注重汉语言知识的学习与掌握;藏族学生的语言基础在城乡方面存在显著性差异,藏族教师在使用讲授法和训练法方面没有显著差异,在使用以直接感知为主的教学方法、演示法和活动法上有显著差异,说明教师教学方法是影响双语教学操作策略的重要因素。藏汉双语模式下学生的双语言发展还是取得了显著成效。居住环境、语言态度、双语教学效果是影响双语教学模式的三大因素。  相似文献   

通过测试受试在单词列表和句子语境两种习语呈现方式下学习和汉语习语相似的和相异的英语习语时,对所学习语意义的记忆,考察了习语类型和习语呈现方式对ESL学习者直接学习英语习语的影响。结果显示:语境方式更有利于受试对英语习语意义的记忆;受试在记忆与汉语习语相似的英语习语时表现出明显优势;习语类型和习语呈现方式两个变量之间无交互作用,各自独立影响习语的学习效果。  相似文献   

This study explored the impact of explicit teaching of reading strategies on English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) students?? reading performance in Iran. The study employed a questionnaire adapted from Chamot and O??Malley??s (1994) cognitive and metacognitive strategies framework. To test the effects of explicit teaching of cognitive and metacognitive reading strategies on reading performance and strategy transfer, the study has a quasi-experimental design involving a contrast group and a treatment group, with whom an intervention program was implemented. The treatment group achieved significantly better results than the contrast group after four months of strategy-based instruction. Results of paired-sample t-tests and independent t-tests and effect size showed that reading comprehension and reading strategy use improved with strategy instruction. Moreover, SPANOVA analyses showed that the participants in the treatment group performed better than those in the contrast group in reading comprehension and reading strategy transfer. Results also showed that strategy instruction contributed to autonomous reading behaviors. Recommendations for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

文章以传闻性据素为例,采用显性教学手段(即激发正确使用语用形式意识的学习手段),或称语用意识增进教学(Pragmatic Consciousness-Raising,以下简称为PCR教学),对中国英语学习者在PCR教学引导之下和传统的教学方式之下,学习者对于传闻性据素的使用的掌握结果进行了实验比较,探讨意识对于二语语用学习是否是必要的,是如何影响学习者使用传闻性据素的。实验结果表明:相对于传统教学的控制组,PCR教学组在实验中以及实验后对于传闻性据素的掌握都表现出更高的语用能力,通过PCR教学,他们的语用能力成功地得到提高。  相似文献   

文章对外显教学和动态权衡教学两种教学模式进行了对比实验研究,探讨其是否存在不同的教学效果,并了解学生对两种不同模式的看法和态度。研究表明:外显教学模式虽简单易懂,但趣味性差,且缺少长时效应;动态权衡教学模式深受学习者的喜爱,并对二语习得具有较好且持久的效果。  相似文献   

李曼 《教育教学论坛》2020,(13):228-229
惯用语在书面语和口语中广泛使用,是日语学习中的重要一环。然而一直以来日语教学中惯用语却未受到足够重视。惯用语中占比最大的是身体词惯用语,且使用频率很高。文章以"目"类惯用语为例,探讨惯用语教学思路,通过分析日语惯用语的语义和语义扩展模式,结合与汉语惯用语语义扩展的对比,提示一些惯用语教学思路,使学生更有效地理解掌握惯用语。  相似文献   

History teaching usually focuses on understanding the past as an aim in itself. Research shows that many students don’t see the point of this and perceive history as not very useful. Yet history plays a major role in the orientation on present and future. If students fail to see this, the question arises whether this is due to a lack of explicit attention in history classes on the application of knowledge about the past to the present and the future. This article explores two questions: (1) If history is to be more relevant to students, what kind of objectives should play a central role in history teaching? (2) What kinds of teaching strategies align with these objectives in history teaching? The first question is answered by means of historical and educational theory. The second is answered by exploring a number of teaching strategies that have been described in the literature, as well as a small-scale experiment conducted by the authors. This article aims at providing a basis for developing meaningful history curricula as well as for research into educational strategies which can be deployed to teach students how to make connections between past, present and future.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to explore the effects of Meta‐strategic Knowledge (MSK) on scientific inquiry learning. MSK is a subcomponent of metacognition defined as general, explicit knowledge about thinking strategies. Following earlier studies that showed considerable effects of explicit instruction of MSK regarding the strategy of variables control, the present study explores whether similar effects are found in two additional scientific thinking strategies: Define Research Questions and Formulate Research Hypotheses. Participants were 119 eighth‐grade students from six classes of a heterogeneous school. Equal numbers of low‐achieving and high‐achieving students were randomly assigned into experimental and control groups. The findings showed dramatic developments in students’ performance following instruction. The effect of the treatment was preserved in a delayed transfer test. Our findings show that explicit teaching of MSK had a stronger effect for low‐achieving students than for high‐achieving students. The implications of the findings for teaching and learning in the context of scientific inquiry are discussed.  相似文献   

In most primary science classes, students are taught science inquiry skills by way of learning by doing. Research shows that explicit instruction may be more effective. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of explicit instruction on the acquisition of inquiry skills. Participants included 705 Dutch fifth and sixth graders. Students in an explicit instruction condition received an eight-week intervention of explicit instruction on inquiry skills. In the lessons of the implicit condition, all aspects of explicit instruction were absent. Students in the baseline condition followed their regular science curriculum. In a quasi-experimental pre-test–post-test design, two paper-and-pencil tests and three performance assessments were used to examine the acquisition and transfer of inquiry skills. Additionally, questionnaires were used to measure metacognitive skills. The results of a multilevel analysis controlling for pre-tests, general cognitive ability, age, gender and grade level indicated that explicit instruction facilitates the acquisition of science inquiry skills. Specifically on the performance assessment with an unfamiliar topic, students in the explicit condition outperformed students of both the implicit and baseline condition. Therefore, this study provides a strong argument for including an explicit teaching method for developing inquiry skills in primary science education.  相似文献   

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