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编辑品格是编辑人心灵价值的社会呈现,是编辑自身不易被觉察的隐性知识,它决定出版物的品质与格调,优秀的出版物展示出优秀的编辑品格,好的编辑品格是出版物竞争的优势所在。以人本发展的管理理念充分关注编辑人的全面发展,是当今编辑技术高速发展环境下编辑学研究的重要特征。将编辑品格纳入编辑职业培训的制度化管理中,能有效改善编辑出版人文环境,提高出版物的人文含量,保持科学文化健康可持续发展。  相似文献   

编辑出版活动只有蕴蓄创新才有价值。创新是编辑价值的综合、全面映现。创新力也是编辑及出版单位的生命力。编辑创新本质上是更加能动、自觉地追求编辑出版的目的性和规律性。编辑创新主要包括:出版策划创新,编辑选择创新,编辑风格创新,出版物形式创新。编辑创新对编辑知识、技能、人格结构提出了综合性要求。编辑出版工作者必须培养起自己的创新知识体系、技能本领和思维模式结构。  相似文献   

编辑是出版物的策划者和制造者,需要有广博的知识和良好的智能,而广博的知识和知识的增值是通过获取信息得来的。信息时代编辑获取信息离不开网络的支持,而且网络能提高编辑的工作效率和质量,编辑运用网络获取信息和处理信息的能力就显得越来越重要。  相似文献   

论知识价值观研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
知识价值观是价值观领域的新命题。从心理学角度来看知识价值观的涵义,它是实践主体以自己的需要为基础而形成的对知识重要性的认识。知识价值观的基本成分包括知识价值目标、知识价值手段和知识价值评价三个方面并具有历史性、社会性和个别差异性等特征。知识价值观是一个多维度、多侧面的系统,可以根据知识的属性、知识在教育中的价值、知识促进人的发展等不同的角度对它进行分类研究。  相似文献   

学习是一个终生的过程。即使毕业了,也还要继续学习,不断提高,永远拨动学习的心弦。广学深思则多智,永远相信知识的力量和价值。知识——生活离不了,工作、社交离不了。离开知识,我们会寸步难行;离开知识,我们将一事无成。  相似文献   

中国科学院院士陈佳洱说过“物理学不只是图表和数据,它能带给你很多更珍贵的东西:一种理性的思维方式、人生的哲学和人生的道路”.这句话是对物理知识价值的一种诠释.当前人们对物理知识具有理论价值、应用价值、思想教育价值和能力价值有了统一的认识.知识的理论价值和应用价值在物理教材中表现比较明显,而能力培养价值和思想教育价值却凝...  相似文献   

课堂语言艺术是指教师在教学工作中选择和使用富有审美价值的语言,以提高教学质量,培养学生美感的技能技巧。教师运用语言艺术,不仅可把知识、技能传授给学生,而且也是一种审美训练,给学生潜移默化的影响,从而有利于提高学生语言表达能力和语言审美能力。[第一段]  相似文献   

教材是一种特殊的出版物,它作为知识的载体,作为传播知识的主要工具,对知识的积累、继承、传播和发展有着十分重要的功能和作用。如果没有教材这种载体,知识就不可能系统地形成、积累和发展。另外,教材又以系统性强、知识容量大、涉及面广、携带方便、投资少等优点较其他学习媒体,在基础教育中发挥着不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

试论知识观的演变与教育的价值取向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文阐述了古代、近代和现代三个不同时期的知识观的演变及其对应的教育价值取向。重点提出:在当今知识经济时代,人们应树立知识是探究、知识是建构、知识是运用、知识是多元的教育理念,并在教育中处理好适应与超越、科技与人文、知识与智慧和德性的关系。  相似文献   

高校图书馆员职业倦怠的心理学分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
高校图书馆员职业倦怠的心理学分析曾咏秋随着人类社会的进步和发展,人类积累知识的速度空前加快,作为记载人类知识的出版物不断增加,现代高校图书馆的社会价值和教育职能也在日益加强,加之社会信息化速度加快,对图书馆员的素质要求也随之提高。现代高校图书馆员不应...  相似文献   

The contribution of African researchers to knowledge by means of scientific publications is low compared to other regions of the world. This paper presents an argument in favour of PhD by publication as a tool for innovation and technology transfer. The conception of PhD by publication used in this study is more suited for doctorates in science and technology. Building on the literature on the key role of a knowledge economy in 21st‐century development and catch‐up processes, we argue that: (a) in order for PhD dissertations to be more useful to society, they should be harmonised with scientific publications which centre on improving the design and quality of existing and new products in developing countries; (b) obtaining a doctorate degree should not simply be reduced to a change in candidate's title; and (c) the PhD by publication is a more effective route to ensuring that the contribution to knowledge is widely disseminated. The conceptual framework consists primarily of the clarification of the models of PhD by publication and the linkages between the doctoral education, innovation, technology transfer and development catch‐up. Implications for scientific research policies in the light of contemporary challenges to African development are discussed.  相似文献   

出版界的许多问题需要从文化的角度加以解决。《文化关怀中的现代出版》以文化为全书的脉络,探讨出版的诸多方面,思理有据,多有创获,特别是对出版物文化品位的强调,既有现实意义,又有学术价值。  相似文献   

随着网络时代和电子出版时代的到来,社会对电子出版物制作人才的综合素质要求日益提升,同时也对电子出版物制作教育提出了更高的要求。然而电子出版制作教育在人才培养上仍存在教学模式重理论轻实践、人才知识结构不合理、出教版育与产业发展结合度不够等诸多问题。解决这些问题可以通过明确人才培养方向、不断更新教育理念、采取灵活的课程设置和教学方法、加强“双师型”专业师资队伍建设、以市场为导向、实践为中心、课程模块化等改革措施加以实现。  相似文献   

Academics are expected to publish. In Australia universities receive extra funding based on their academic publication rates and academic promotion is difficult without a good publication record. However, the reality is that only a small percentage of academics are actively publishing. To fix this problem, a number of international universities and other higher education institutions have implemented interventions with the main aim being to increase the number of publications. A comprehensive literature search identified 17 studies published between 1984 and 2004, which examined the effects of these interventions. Three key types of interventions were identified: writing courses, writing support groups and writing coaches. The resulting publication output varied, but all interventions led to an increase in average publication rates for the participants.  相似文献   

分析中国知网中学位论文全文数据库的出版性质,认为《中国博士学位论文全文数据库(CDFD)》和《中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库(CMFD)》是正式出版的学术电子期刊,先发学位论文后发拆分论文属于重复发表,先发拆分论文后发学位论文属于正常出版,建议研究生先发拆分论文后发学位论文全文。  相似文献   

Academics in Hong Kong universities are urged to increase their research output. This article investigates the measurement of publication outputs among the three faculties of business, education, humanities & social sciences in the six universities of Hong Kong. Data were collected from the 1990–95 annual reports of research and publication outputs of each university. In order to have a fair comparison of publication outputs of each academic, rank, faculty and university, a framework was developed from practical experience and from literature to investigate the problem. Results indicate that the publication outputs of academics in Hong Kong were about the same as other countries in many aspects. Pressing academics for more research publications may raise the figure in the start, but would not necessarily increase the output in the long run.  相似文献   

Sou Kuan Vong  Wai Ming Yu 《Compare》2018,48(5):785-800
Consequences of competition for global university rankings, such as changes in funding modes, have been extensively discussed in the field of higher education. However, few studies have reviewed its implications on knowledge production. This study provides a contextualised method for theorising the implications of this competition on the development of East Asian higher education, specifically teacher education. It identifies the new forms of knowledge being produced in two teacher education institutions in Hong Kong and Macau by reviewing the publications of new recruits in a five-year period. The study considers the following variables: author(s), date and form of publication, abstract, title, keywords, journal name, language, data source, research context and methods. The findings show that the dominant publication trends are towards quantitative research and multiple authors. Psychological research is the most popular area and studies of other long-term issues in teacher education are being marginalised.  相似文献   

Preparing students for civic engagement requires new knowledge about the uses of documents for advocacy and social change. Substantial social change results from repeated rather than from single rhetorical acts. Reconsideration of the rhetorical canon of delivery suggests expanding the concept beyond its present connection to publication (visual design, medium) to a rhetorical situation comprehensively defined. Delivery may take place over time and embrace a web of activities including field work, updates, and interconnections with other publications.  相似文献   

Single-case design (SCD) is a research methodology that may be utilized to establish the presence of a functional relation between an independent and dependent variable. Recent research has found the design to frequently be used within school psychology in the evaluation of intervention procedures. However, the overall prevalence of the design within the broader school psychology literature is unknown. As such, the purpose of the current review was to identify trends in the use of SCD within school psychology publications. Furthermore, the review sought to identify institutions and journals that most frequently published SCD. Finally, the review sought to evaluate trends in experimental rigor of published SCD. Twelve journals were examined, with all publications since their inception reviewed and classified by publication type. Results of the review indicated that SCD was the least frequently published article type. However, data indicate an increase in the prevalence and rigor of the design in recent years. Whereas some journals and institutions were found to have steady rates of SCD publications, others were found to have recent increases in the publication of the design. Implications of findings as they pertain to practitioner practice and adoption of evidence-based practice are described.  相似文献   

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