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Rats collected nuts from a container in a large arena in four experiments testing how learning about a beacon or cue at a goal interacts with learning about other spatial cues (place learning). Place learning was quick, with little evidence of competition from the beacon (Experiments 1 and 2). Rats trained to approach a beacon regardless of its location were subsequently impaired when the well-learned beacon was removed and other spatial cues identified the location of the goal (Experiment 3). The competition between beacon and place cues reflected learned irrelevance for place cues (Experiment 4). The findings differ from those of some studies of associative interactions between cue and place learning in other paradigms.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine the effects of redundant and relevant visual cues on spatial pattern learning. Rats searched for hidden food items on the tops of poles that formed a square (Experiment 1) or a checkerboard (Experiment 2) pattern. The experimental groups were trained with visual cues that specified the locations of the baited poles. All groups were tested without visual cues so that any overshadowing or facilitation of spatial pattern learning by visual cues could be detected. Spatial choices were controlled by the spatial pattern and by the visual cues in both experiments. However, there was no evidence of overshadowing or facilitation of spatial pattern learning by visual cues in either experiment. The results are consistent with the idea that the representation of the spatial pattern that guides choices is not controlled by the same learning processes as those that produce associations between visual cues and food locations.  相似文献   

Rats injected with lithium chloride after ingesting familiar food pellets presented in textured metal sleeves learned aversions to the sleeved food. In a choice between sleeved and unsleeved food, the aversions were evident following conditioning with toxicosis delayed as long as 120 min after exposure to the sleeved food (Experiment 1). Texture-specific aversions resulted from procedures in which rats were exposed to food in both rough- and smooth-textured sleeves but were injected with lithium only in conjunction with one of the textures (Experiments 2–4). This differential aversion learning occurred when lithium treatment was delayed 30 min after exposure to the sleeved food (Experiments 3 and 4) and was equally evident in rats conditioned and tested in total darkness or in normal room-level illumination (Experiment 4). However, differential texture aversion learning was not observed with 90- or 300-min delayed toxicosis (Experiment 3). The present experiments highlight the importance of tactile cues in the poison-avoidance learning of species that handle their food during the course of ingestion.  相似文献   

Rats were trained in a triangular-shaped pool to find a hidden platform that maintained a constant relationship with two sources of information, an individual landmark and one part of the pool with a distinctive shape. In Experiment 1, shape learning overshadowed landmark learning but landmark learning did not overshadow shape learning in males, while landmark learning overshadowed shape learning but shape learning did not overshadow landmark learning in females. In Experiment 2, rats were pretrained either with the single landmark relevant or with the shape relevant, in the absence of the alternative cue. Final test trials, without the platform, revealed reciprocal blocking only in females; in males, shape learning blocked landmark learning, but not viceversa (Experiment 2a). In Experiment 2b, male rats received a longer pretraining with the single landmark relevant, and now landmark learning blocked shape learning. The results thus confirm the claim that males and females partially use different types of spatial information when solving spatial tasks. These results also agree with the suggestion that shape learning interacts with landmark learning in much the same way as does learning about any pair of stimuli in a Pavlovian conditioning experiment.  相似文献   

In two experiments, rats were trained on a successive go/no-go discrimination problem in the runway in which the positive (S+) and negative (S?) discriminanda were differentiated by the presence or absence of a distinctive feature. The feature in Experiment 1 was a series of flashing lights over the runway. In Experiment 2, the feature was a pretrial reinforcement (Phase 1), or pretrial reinforcement versus pretrial nonreinforcement (Phase 2). The feature signaled S+ trials in feature-positive (FP) groups and S? trials in feature-negative (FN) groups. The original discrimination was reversed in Phase 2 of both experiments. With the exception of the pretrial nonreinforcement groups in Experiment 2, there was an asymmetry in discrimination learning in both phases of both experiments favoring superior discrimination learning by FN subjects over FP subjects, a feature-negative effect. Implications of the results for an information processing account of asymmetries in learning feature discriminations are discussed.  相似文献   

Rats trained in a 16-arm radial maze with arms half the standard length demonstrated extremely low, but above chance, choice accuracy (Experiment 1). Rats trained in a 12-arm maze with short arms demonstrated a substantially higher degree of adjacent-arm responding than did rats trained in the same maze with long maze arms and, when response stereotypy was disrupted by a forced-choice procedure, the short-arm group chose less accurately than the long-arm group (Experiment 2). In a 16-arm maze with 8 short arms and 8 long arms, there was a strong preference for short arms and no evidence for a difference in the ability to discriminate previously visited arms from unvisited arms as a function of arm length, as measured by a two-alternative forced-choice procedure (Experiment 3). These results are interpreted as indicating that arm length affects a choice criterion, with a relatively lax criterion being applied to shorter arms.  相似文献   

We compared acquisition and performance accounts of human contingency learning. After solving a discrimination in Phase 1, in which Cue A predicted the occurrence of the outcome and Cue B predicted its nonoccurrence (A+/B−), a new discrimination (X+/Y−) was superimposed in Phase 2 (AX+/BY−). The participants were finally trained in Phase 3 with the added discrimination, which either maintained the same contingencies as those in Phase 2 (X+/Y−; Experiment 1) or reversed the contingencies (X−/Y+; Experiment 2). According to competitive-learning theories (e.g., Rescorla & Wagner, 1972), there should be no learning of the added discrimination in Phase 2, so that no advantage or disadvantage for this discrimination should be observed in Phase 3. In contrast, performance theories, such as the comparator hypothesis (Miller & Matzel, 1988), contend that learning of the added discrimination in Phase 2 should proceed normally; so, in Phase 3, an advantage for the added discrimination should be observed in Experiment 1, but a disadvantage should be observed in Experiment 2. Our participants learned about the added discrimination and generally showed the effects predicted by the comparator hypothesis.  相似文献   

Rats were trained on an interval time-place learning (TPL) task in which the location of food availability depended on the time since the start of the session. Each of four levers (numbered 1, 2, 3, 4) provided food on an intermittent schedule for two nonconsecutive 3-min periods. The order in which the levers provided food was 1, 2, 4, 3, 2, 3, 1, 4. This order was consistent across sessions. Previous research conducted in our lab has shown that when only four “places” are used, rather than the eight in the present study, rats use a timing strategy to track the location of food. Pizzo and Crystal (2004) recently trained rats on an interval TPL in which each of eight arms of a radial arm maze provided food. They found evidence suggesting that rats used both spatial and temporal information. In the present study, in which a revisiting strategy was used (i.e., each lever provided food on more than one occasion), the rats tracked both the spatial and the temporal availability of food for the first half of the session. Interestingly, in the second half of the sessions, the rats appeared to be timing the availability of food even though they did not know where it would occur. That is, the rats knew the temporal, but not the spatial, contingencies for the second half of the session. It appears that the requirement of revisiting a previously reinforced lever resulted in rats' no longer being able to solve the spatial aspect of the task.  相似文献   

Rats acquired aversions to food pellets when a previously trained signal for that food was paired with a toxin, but only after minimal signal—food training. After extensive signal—food training, signal—toxin pairings had no effect on food consumption even after manipulations that enhanced the associability of the signal. By contrast, conditioned responding to the signal retained its sensitivity to devaluation of the food reinforcer by food—toxin pairings after extensive training. These results suggest that the nature of associatively activated event representations changes over the course of training.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we examined whether or not a loss of control over food availability would interfere with subsequent two-way shuttle-escape learning. Rats that had experienced loss of control over food delivery were impaired in their acquisition of a shuttle-escape response, relative to the response-contingent and the continuous-reinforcement control rats (in Experiments 1 and 2) and to the lack-of-control and home cage control rats (in Experiment 2). Rats that had received noncontingent food delivery without a prior history of control over food exhibited poorer performance than did the home cage control rats. Moreover, loss of control resulted in a larger interference effect than did lack of control, supporting the view that the learning of response-outcome noncontingency is the main determinant of the interference effect.  相似文献   

The effects of the intertrial interval (ITI) on learning and performance in Pavlovian appetitive serial feature positive (SFP) discriminations were examined in three experiments with rats. With longer ITIs, acquisition was more rapid, and there was less transfer of the feature’s behavioral control to a separately trained target cue, suggesting that longer ITIs encouraged the use of an occasion setting strategy. Behavior was also affected by discrimination-specific ITIs. Rats were trained with two SFP discriminations. The overall ITI was held constant, but the intervals between trials of one discrimination were varied by intermixing different numbers of trials from the other discrimination. Learning was more rapid when the intervals between trials of a single discrimination were longer. A sequential analyses showed that performance on a trial was impaired when it was preceded by a trial that included the same target cue but with the opposite trial outcome. The results are discussed in the frameworks of proactive interference effects and deletion-comparator processes (Cooper, Aronson, Balsam, & Gibbon, 1990.)  相似文献   

Rats trained in one context to use stimuli arising from food deprivation as discriminative signals for shock were tested in other contexts to assess the basis of conditioned responding (i.e., freezing or behavioral immobility). In Experiment 1, discriminative control by 24-h food-deprivation cues failed to promote transfer responding in a test context that had no association with shock. This indicated that food deprivation cues had little direct excitatory power. However, transfer of behavioral control by 24-h food-deprivation cues was obtained in a context paired with shock only when the rats were 19 h water deprived. This finding agrees with the idea that food-deprivation cues become conditioned modulators of the capacity of external stimuli to activate their association with an unconditioned stimulus. In Experiment 2, rats trained to use 24-h food-deprivation cues as signals for shock exhibited significantly greater transfer performance when the transfer context had undergone partial extinction relative to when the transfer context had undergone only simple excitatory training. This finding with deprivation cues and transfer contexts (1) paralleled earlier results obtained with discrete (auditory and visual) conditioned modulators and transfer targets, and (2) posed difficulties for associative summation and generalization interpretations of transfer performance.  相似文献   

Mongolian gerbils were trained to jump across gaps of randomly varying width in order to obtain a food reward. During training, gerbils learned to jump to each of two landing platforms differing in width. These landing platforms were associated with unique spatial contexts (Experiment 1), local features (Experiment 2), or both (Experiment 3). In test sessions, a landing platform was substituted that was intermediate in width between the two training platforms of novel width, in order to determine whether gerbils could use retinal image size to calibrate distance. Experiments 1 and 2 suggested that gerbils used spatial context but not local feature information to identify the target platforms. In Experiment 3, when the probe platform was presented with the same local feature information and in the same context as seen in training sessions, gerbils over- or underjumped in a manner predicted if they were using the retinal image size of the target to calibrate the distance across the gap. When the probe trials contained a mismatch between context and local feature information, no systematic over- or under-jumps were seen, and jumping accuracy was decreased. Taken together, these results suggest that, in this task, objects are identified primarily on the basis of the spatial context in which they are seen and not on the basis of their local features.  相似文献   

Rats received three-trial series on a T-maze consisting of extended visually distinct left-black and right-striped side runways. During the first phase of training, when allowed to select baited runways within these series, they predominantly alternated their choices. During the second phase, rats received forced-choice serial pattern training of series consisting of two rewarded (R) trials and one nonrewarded (N) trial in two fixed orders, RRN and RNR. In Experiment 1, the rats in the runway shift rule group always received the second R trial when forced down a runway opposite that on the preceding trial in the series and the N trial when forced down the same runway. The rats in the runway stay rule group always received the second R trial when forced down the same runway and the N trial when forced down the opposite runway. In Experiment 2, each rat was conditionally trained with both runway outcome rules as determined by the central alley lighting and the type of food in the side alleys. The rats took longer to reduce their running speed on the N trial within each sequence under the runway stay rule than under the runway shift rule. They also took longer to acquire serial pattern responding for the RNR than for the RRN series only under the runway stay rule condition. When subsequently reexposed to series of free-choice trials on the final phase, rats maintained spontaneous alternating choice patterns under the runway shift rule conditions but either seldom alternated their choices (Experiment 1) or greatly reduced choice alternations (Experiment 2) under the runway stay rule condition. We discussed these effects in terms of rats’ natural foraging strategies and as a factor that interacts with other within- and between-series variables that affect serial pattern behavior.  相似文献   

In two three-phase experiments, rats received a final third excitatory (Experiment 1) or inhibitory (Experiment 2) phase of conditioning with a tone. The third phase came immediately prior to a test with the tone, either in the context where the tone was trained or in a different context. Groups differed in each experiment with respect to the first two phases. Rats in Groups EIE (Experiment 1) and EII (Experiment 2) received excitatory conditioning with the tone in Phase 1, followed by inhibitory conditioning with the tone. Rats in Groups IEE (Experiment 1) and IEI (Experiment 2) received inhibitory conditioning in Phase 1, followed by excitatory conditioning in Phase 2. Thus, the association being expressed in Phase 3 was consistent either with what was learned first about the stimuli or with what was learned second. Contrary to expectations, the association being expressed at the end of Phase 3, either excitatory or inhibitory, was affected by a context change, regardless of its consistency with what was learned first about the CS.  相似文献   

In three human causal learning experiments, we examined attentional modulation in the blocking task, in which participants typically learn little about a novel cue B when it is paired with a previously trained, predictive cue A. Evidence indicates that this blocking training led to a decrement in attention to the blocked cue B. The present experiments addressed whether this decrease in attention to the blocked cue could be better explained as being due to lateral inhibition from the pretrained cue A to the blocked cue B, or as a cue-specific property that is not conditional on the presence or absence of other stimuli. Strong effects of learned predictiveness were observed on participants’ causal judgments (Experiment 1) and choice behavior (Experiments 2 and 3). However, no evidence for lateral inhibitory processes emerged in any of the experiments, despite explicit attempts to maximize experimental sensitivity to this effect. The results are discussed in the context of formal models of the operation of attentional processes in human and animal learning.  相似文献   

Random presentations of keylights and food retarded acquisition and suppressed asymptotic rates of keypecking in autoshaping. Sequences of 10 sessions of random training alternated with 10 sessions of autoshaping resulted in poor performance (in terms of both the acquisition and asymptotic indices) relative to a group that received sequences of CS-only (rather than random) training alternating with autoshaping. When the birds that previously were trained with the random sequence were exposed to CS-alone extinction, retardation of acquisition was alleviated but the asymptotic suppression was not (Experiment 1). Pigeons with a history of autoshaping without prior random training showed no asymptotic suppression when exposed to the random procedure. These birds, when switched between two-session sequences of random training alternating with two-session sequences of autoshaping, were able to (1) surpass pigeons that received CS-only rather than random treatment in terms of asymptotic levels of responding in autoshaping, and (2) showed improvement in extinction performance with repeated random/autoshaping sequences (Experiment 2). Detailed observations of pigeons in random training showed that stereotypic activity behaviors were acquired, and these generally persisted in autoshaping; the degree of change in these behaviors was related to asymptotic rates of keypecking in autoshaping (Experiment 3). The same kinds of behaviors were observed when pigeons initially were autoshaped, and these persisted in subsequent random and fixed-interval 10-sec training. We suggest that the suppression effect is reflected in activity, conditioned in random training, which persists in autoshaping (especially if the activity is compatible with the kinds of behaviors elicited by the autoshaping contingency itself), and that the effect may be a deficit due to performance factors rather than to associative learning.  相似文献   

Three experiments, using rats, demonstrated the encoding of a food unconditioned stimulus (US) in a simple Pavlovian conditioning paradigm. In all three studies, one stimulus was used to signal the delivery of pellets and a different stimulus was used to signal the delivery of sucrose. In Experiment 1, postconditioning devaluation of one of the food USs selectively reduced the frequency of conditioned magazine-directed behavior during the stimulus trained with that US. In Experiment 2, transfer of the stimuli to instrumental responses resulted in selective depression of the response trained with a different outcome. In Experiment 3, acquisition of stimulus-outcome learning was impaired by unsignaled intertrial presentations of the same outcome but not of a different outcome. These results indicate that a detailed representation of the outcome is encoded in the normal course of Pavlovian conditioning.  相似文献   

When the conditioned stimulus (CS) is located some distance from the unconditioned stimulus (US), pairings of the CS and US can yield either conditioned approach to the CS (sign tracking) or conditioned approach to the US (goal tracking). However, goal tracking is the more common outcome, and, because of that, goal tracking has come to serve as a “standard” measure of associative learning in several laboratories. In contrast, in previous studies of sexual conditioning with domesticated quail, only sign tracking was observed. In the present study, quail continued to show sign tracking rather than goal tracking whether or not the US was highly localized (Experiment 1), whether food or a sexual US was used (Experiment 2), whether the CS was mobile or immobile (Experiment 3), and whether the CS was 91 or 233 cm from the US compartment (Experiment 4). The present findings encourage caution in the routine use of goal tracking as a measure of learning. The possible mechanisms of goal tracking are discussed in terms of occasion setting and behavior systems theory.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated extinction and blocking of a conditioned inhibitor in a human contingency learning task. Lotz and Lachnit (2009) and Melchers, Wolff, and Lachnit (2006) reported extinction of inhibition only when participants experienced outcome levels lower than those used in training. In Experiment 1, which used more neutral instructions than the previously mentioned studies, we found that extinction of inhibition occurred, whether or not participants experienced lower outcome levels. In Experiment 2, we applied this outcome manipulation to blocking of a conditioned inhibitor. We found blocking of inhibition both when participants had experience with lower outcomes and when they did not. The results of our two experiments are consistent with Rescorla and Wagner’s (1972) associative model, and inconsistent with an inferential account of causal learning (De Houwer, Beckers, & Vandorpe, 2005).  相似文献   

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