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单一模式的远程教育大学可以成为一流大学,双重模式中的远程教育可以为一流大学发挥积极作用.  相似文献   

现代远程高等教育产业化及其模式分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国现代远程高等教育已经表现出比较明显的产业化与市场化倾向。现代远程高等教育之所以能够比其他教育类型率先实现产业化,除了政策法律方面的因素外,主要是由其独特的消费对象、成本利润、分配方式决定的。目前,我国现代远程高等教育已形成了主体办学型产业化模式和服务体系型产业化模式,两种模式表现不同,利弊各异。  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下,通过对高校体育产业化本质和内涵的理解,透视了高校体育产业化的现状及发展潜力.运用经济学理论,从社会发展的角度说明了高校体育产业化是体育教育改革方向,分析了影响高校体育产业化进程的因素,提出推动高校体育产业化发展的对策  相似文献   


Although education policies in many African countries refer to the need for distance education to widen participation in universities, they have not articulated guidelines on how they plan to develop systems and structures that will support it. The purpose of this study was to develop a policy framework specific for distance education provision in conventional universities. A two-step approach was utilised to guide the process of the development of the framework. The first step was to analyse national education policies, which provide the educational vision of the country. The second step was to analyse distance education policy frameworks in order to provide specific criteria that need to be met when providing distance education. Futures research methodology was employed to look at policy interventions with the aim of identifying probable development in education that may influence distance education practices within the conventional university context.  相似文献   

Although research supports the use of telecommunications in distance education, the more important question 'how best to use telecommunications in a given situation' has largely eluded researchers. This is due to the failure to link questions generated by the problems of practice with the theoretical constructs contributing to the understanding of the phenomena of distance education. The debate has occurred on two levels, the first relating to research design issues and the second to the conceptualisation of researchable questions. The authors address both levels from the vantage point of third generation telecommunications technologies. They offer a model for linking research and evaluation in distance education.  相似文献   

本文探讨了影响电大教学质量的各种因素.并从教学管理和考试管理两方面提出了相应的改进措施。  相似文献   

随着社会科技的不断进步与发展,培养全面、综合素质的人才在现代素质教育中显得尤为重要。随着网络技术的快速发展,远程教育成为一种新兴的教学模式,为学生提供良好的学习环境,达到资源的最优化。但是在现代远程教育管理中仍出现了一些问题,本文从现代远程教育的特征出发,分析了现代远程教育管理的问题,对这些问题提出了相应的措施。  相似文献   


All articles submitted to The American Journal of Distance Education are subjected to a multi‐stage review process. One of the stages of review is an evaluation of methodology, including the appropriateness of any analytic procedures that are used. For this article, a number of empirical research reports submitted over the past several years were reviewed to identify common analytic problems and errors often overlooked by distance education researchers.  相似文献   

校企合作开展远程教育的探索与启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章分析了目前远程教育发展的广泛需求,较为全面地总结了TCL与中央电大合作开展现代远程教育的经验,分析了各自在合作中的优势,优势互补共同发展现代远程教育。  相似文献   

在大数据背景下,高校如何创新教育模式,培养学生全球化视野和国际竞争力,无疑是对普通高校提出的一个重大挑战。  相似文献   

Although the economic benefits of collaborative schemes and transfer of courses in distance education are clear, examples of collaboration between distance education institutions are rare. A reason is sought in theorganisational climate or ethos of each institution engaged in distance education, which inhibits joint design and use of courses or the transfer of a course from one institution to another. This theme is examined in relation to distance education in the integrated mode system of Australian and New Zealand universities, six in all. The universities are compared in terms of six features of organisational climate of particular relevance to distance education: physical characteristics, academic organisation, involvement in distance teaching, organisation of distance teaching, components of distance teaching and staff attitudes to distance education. It is concluded that the considerable variation between institutions, with respect to these features, creates difficulties for collaboration. The best prospect for collaborative schemes in distance education therefore may have to lie in the use of national or international agencies to validate courses as part of a national or international higher education programme along the lines of Britain's CNAA.  相似文献   

从国际经验看研究型大学本科教学改革的基本原则   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
以2001年博伊委员会对美国研究型大学落实其1998年报告建议的跟踪调查结果为主要依据,反思欧美发达国家改革的经验和教训,研究型大学本科教学改革应当遵循以发展知识为根本的科研与教学同生共进原则,以集体智慧为特征的新型学术自由原则,以因材施教为基础的新式精英教育原则。本科生研究和研究性教学则是实现这些原则的“阿基米德支点”。  相似文献   

电大远程教育是特殊时期产生的、比较前卫的教育模式,和普通高校的传统教育模式相比有自己独特的比较优势,从理论上讲应该有很大的发展空间和生源市场,但是近年来众多市州及县级基层电大却频频拉响生源萎缩的警号,电大远程教育的可持续发展面临挑战,探其究竟,还是基层电大自身应有的比较优势发挥不够,本文就如何增强基层电大的比较优势,推动电大教育又好又快发展进行了一些粗浅的探讨。  相似文献   

电大由于采用广播、电视、互联网,VBI等媒体进行教学,具有公共产品的特征,以此为依据,明确其投资主体,办学方向,模式,提高使用率,本文的目的在于用公共产品理论来说明电大如何发挥自身优势,为西产开发培养出更多的应用型人才。  相似文献   

Current research is reviewed on two aspects of educational efficiency in ‘developing’ countries: the effect of teacher credentials on student achievement and the cost-effectiveness of distance education. Major research findings on each topic are reviewed, followed by selected abstracts of current research publications and a brief annotated reference list. Complex debate over teacher credentials now concurs that investment in teacher credentialing is frequently productive but that the efficiency of particular investment strategies is often unknown. The potential cost-savings in distance teacher education are often not realized because of the small scale programs.  相似文献   

Recent research on distance education in Norway   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

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