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This paper examines some of the ways gifted students are said to be different from non‐gifted students by comparing the responses of 475, 9‐year‐old “gifted” students with those of 230 average‐attaining 13‐year‐old students on the same mathematical problem‐solving questions. The questions were specifically written for mathematically gifted 9 year olds as part of the World Class Tests project. The performance and approaches used by students in the two samples were found to be very similar, as was the frequency of different responses to the questions, suggesting that many of the mathematically “gifted” are not qualitatively different in their problem‐solving approaches from students of average ability, but are merely precocious.  相似文献   

The explosive growth of Internet and E‐mail use has provided exceptional opportunities for humans to mediate their communication and thus their relationships in new ways. This study reports on a content analysis of interrogative strategies used in E‐mail messages exchanged over six months between intergenerational sets of senior citizens and youngsters. A great deal of relationship development is facilitated by the use of questions which are a core aspect of uncertainty reduction processes. While Uncertainty Reduction Theory (URT) has been a predominant theoretical position for examining face‐to‐face initial interaction, its utility for examining communication in an asynchronous, computer‐mediated environment was only partially effective. Data analyses focused on politeness of questions, types of questions, and, temporal effects. Results suggest that the interrogative strategies we engage in to achieve interpersonal connectedness are sometimes different in computer‐mediated communication (CMC) and a new standard for transacting relational message exhange may be emerging.  相似文献   

This essay advances the thesis that scholars interested in communication in decision‐making and problem‐solving groups have focused in their research on questions of policy at considerable neglect of questions of fact, conjecture, and value. One should not presume that the process involved in discussions of questions of policy is similar to those involved in discussions of the other three types. In fact, there is good reason to believe that because the decision frame presumably is different for each type of question, the pattern of interaction characteristic of discussions involving each type of question will be distinct. Such distinctiveness is suggested and better explained by viewing each type of question from a unique theoretical perspective. Accordingly, this essay explores discussions of questions of fact from a narrative perspective, questions of conjecture from a cognitive perspective, questions of value from a deontological perspective, and questions of policy from a social‐influence perspective in terms of expected patterns of interaction and the possibilities each presents in accounting for variation in the consensual outcomes of group decision‐making and problem‐solving discussions, as well as the appropriateness of the final choices the participants make.  相似文献   

Using perceived group leaders trained to argue for an extreme position, this study examined the function and influence of argumentativeness on leadership perception, leadership maintenance, and decision‐making in the small group. The data suggest that degree of argumentativeness influences perceptions of leadership, with the highly or extremely argumentative individual chosen over the moderate or mildly argumentative individual. Highly argumentative individuals were also rated as more influential on the group's decision. Extremely argumentative individuals, though downgraded in group ratings on “Influence,” were found to have had a disproportionate influence on the group's decision. Implications for small group communication research are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate whether computer programming has an impact on high school student’s reasoning skills, problem solving and self-efficacy in Mathematics. The quasi-experimental design was adopted to implement the study. The sample of the research comprised 66 high school students separated into two groups, the experimental and the control group according to their educational orientation. The research findings indicate that there is a significant difference in the reasoning skills of students that participated in the “programming course” compared to students that did not. Moreover, the self-efficacy indicator of students that participated in the experimental group showed a significant difference from students in the control group. The results however, failed to support the hypothesis that computer programming significantly enhances student’s problem solving skills.  相似文献   


What is the effect of a technologically rich out‐of‐school environment upon the use of information technology in the classroom? This question was approached by observing the relationships between the exposure to home electronic technologies and classroom disposition and performance. Secondary school children (11–12 years old) were interviewed to determine their declarative knowledge of computers and computer use, the richness of their technological environment and their declared interest in working with computers. They then performed a computer‐based language task that required them to enter missing letters from a piece of text This task required linguistic problem‐solving skills as well as keyboard agility and yielded a number of performance scores. Successful performance correlated with declared out‐of‐school computer use. The richness of the technological environment also correlated positively with declared computer use. Out‐of‐school experience did not predict attitudes to classroom information technology and there were no gender effects in attitude or performance.  相似文献   

A review of the existing research literature indicates that, for the most part, researchers have generally failed to identify consistent and meaningful relationships between group interaction and group performance. This has led to a growing concern among small group scholars that unless a suitable explanation can be advanced to account for such failure, it may be necessary to re‐examine the widely held assumption that group interaction plays an important role in effective group performance. This paper attempts to explain why previous research has failed to identify consistent and meaningful relationships between group interaction behaviors and group performance outcomes. In addition, it offers an alternative approach to investigating the possible relationships between group interaction and group performance.  相似文献   

In this paper, I shall put forward a model which highlights key issues to be taken into account in an attempt to improve academic excellence by the means of human resources management and leadership. Practices at the University of Eastern Finland and elsewhere are used as examples. It is maintained that logical and coherent human resources policies and capable leadership can support and contribute to academic performance and excellence. A key issue is not to interfere too much with active academic work, but still give sufficient support and prerequisites for academic basic tasks.  相似文献   

This study presents the results of a web‐based questionnaire administered to 166 second language teachers and designed to obtain information about their use and needs of information and communication technologies (ICTs) as related to language learning (LL). Analyses revealed that, although teachers believe that second language acquisition is primarily driven by social interaction, they seldom use computers as a means to foster collaboration or interaction. ICTs are thought to be very helpful in individual learning scenarios but not for the interactive dimension of LL. Very few teachers incorporate interaction‐oriented digital tools in their language teaching, probably due to their self‐acknowledged deficient training in ICTs. However, instructors stated that they would like to introduce new interaction tools in their computer‐aided courses, which clearly shows the need for both teachers’ training in ICT and the technological development of proper interactive functionalities.

Die Auswertung computervermittelter Technik von Zweit‐Sprachlehrern: Kollaboration und Interaktion in CALL

Diese Studie zeigt die Ergebnisse einer Umfrage, die dafür entworfen wurde, Information darüber zu erhalten, die etwa Zweit Sprachlehrer verwenden, und den Bedarf an Informations‐ und Kommunikationstechniken (ICTs), die mit Sprachlernen (LL) generell verbunden sind. Analysen ergaben, dass, obwohl Lehrer glauben, dass der Erwerb einer zweiten Sprache in erster Linie von sozialer Interaktion angetrieben wird, sie selten Computer als Hilfsmittel verwenden, um Kollaboration oder Interaktion zu fördern. Es wird angenommen, dass ICTs sehr in einzelnen Lernzenarien, aber nicht für die interaktive Dimension von LL hilfreich sein kann. Sehr wenige Lehrer integrieren interaktionsorientierte digitale Werkzeuge in ihre – möglicherweise durch ihre selbstanerkannte unzulängliche Ausbildung in ICT – eigene Sprachlehre. Jedoch gaben Ausbilder an, dass sie neue Interaktionswerkzeuge in ihren computergestützten Verläufen einführen möchten. Das zeigt den Bedarf nach Ausbildung beider eindeutig: Lehrer in ICT und der technologischen Entwicklung von korrekten interaktiven Funktionalitäten.

L’évaluation dela technologie informatisée chez les professeurs de langue seconde :collaboration et interaction dans l’enseignement des langues assisté par ordinateur (CALL)

Cette étude présente les résultats d’une enquête conçue pour recueillir des renseignements sur la façon dont les professeurs de langue seconde utilisent et ont besoin des TICE spécifiques pour l’apprentissage linguistique.

Des analyses ont révélé que les professeurs utilisent rarement les ordinateurs pour stimuler la collaboration et l’interaction et ce, bien qu’ils croient que l’acquisition d’une langue seconde est avant tout entraînée par l’interaction humaine. Ils pensent que les TICE sont très utiles dans des situations d’apprentissage individuel mais pas pour la dimension interactive de l’apprentissage des langues. Très peu nombreux sont les professeurs qui intègrent des outils numériques à orientation interactive dans leurs cours de langues, ceci étant probablement dÛ à une formation informatique déficiente qu’ils reconnaissent eux‐mêmes. Certains professeurs ont toutefois indiqué qu’ils voudraient introduire de nouveaux outils interactifs dans leurs cours assistés par ordinateur ce qui fait clairement apparaître le double besoin de formation aux TICE pour les professeurs et d’un développement technique de fonctionnalités interactives appropriées.

Una evaluación de la tecnología basada en ordenadores por parte de los profesores de la segunda lengua: colaboración y interracción en aprendizaje de idiomas asistido por ordenador

Esta investigación presenta los resultados de una encuesta diseñada para conseguir información sobre las necesidades específicas para el aprendizaje de lenguas y el uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TICs) por parte de 166 profesores de segunda lengua. Los análisis han revelado que, aunque los profesores creen que la adquisición de una segunda lengua está fundamentalmente impulsada por la interacción social, en realidad hacen poco uso del ordenador para incentivar la colaboración y la interacción. Los docentes piensan que las TICs son muy útiles para la modalidad de aprendizaje individual pero no para la dimensión interactiva del aprendizaje de idiomas. Son pocos los profesores que incluyen herramientas digitales con orientación interactiva en sus cursos de idiomas, probablemente, como confiesan ellos mismos, debido a las carencias de su propia formación digital. No obstante, algunos profesores señalan que quieren introducir nuevas herramientas interactivas dentro de sus cursos asistidos por ordenador, lo que claramente demuestra la necesidad tanto de una buena formación en TICs para los profesores como del desarrollo tecnológico de nuevas funcionalidades interactivas adecuadas.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the development of decision‐making skills and environmental concern by 11‐ and 12‐year‐old students through computer‐based, scaffolded learning activities. The enacted activities provided necessary scientific information and allowed for the consideration of multiple aspects of the problem, the study of the effects of every possible solution and the formulation and balancing of criteria. The optimization strategy for decision making was adopted, because it allows for the development of compensatory thinking which is more relevant to actual situations of decision making. Twelve students participated in the pilot enactment of the proposed activities. Data collection relied on students’ reports and pre‐ and post‐ tests as well as a closed questionnaire designed to measure students’ environmental concern. The teaching intervention proved quite successful in enhancing the decision‐making skills of the participating children. Moreover, students’ performance on the environmental concern questionnaire correlated in interesting ways with the improvement of decision‐making skills.  相似文献   

Preschoolers’ conceptual understanding and procedural skills were examined so as to explore the role of number‐words and concept–procedure interactions in their additional knowledge. Eighteen three‐ to four‐year‐olds and 24 four‐ to five‐year‐olds judged commutativity and associativity principles and solved two‐term problems involving number words and unknown numbers. The older preschoolers outperformed younger preschoolers in judging concepts involving unknown numbers and children made more accurate commutativity than associativity judgements. Children with conceptual profiles indicating a strong understanding of concepts applied to unknown numbers were more accurate at solving number‐word problems than those with a poor conceptual understanding. The findings suggest that an important mathematical development during the preschool years may be learning to appreciate addition concepts as general principles that apply when exact numbers are unknown.  相似文献   

There is wide agreement on the importance of scaffolding for student learning. Yet, models of individual and face‐to‐face scaffolding are not necessarily applicable to educational settings in which a group of learners is pursuing a process of inquiry mediated by technology. The scaffolding needed for such a process may be examined from three perspectives: the organization of activities, the affordances of tools, and process‐level guidance. The purpose of the present study was to assess three tutors’ contributions to university students’ computer‐mediated discourse organized as a question‐driven inquiry process. In all, 17 students participated in the discourse as part of their studies in a cognitive psychology course. Quantitative and qualitative analyses were conducted to investigate critical patterns and possible effects of the tutors’ process‐level scaffolding. During the process, the more experienced tutors acted as meta‐level commentators, whereas the less experienced tutor participated in the inquiry as a co‐inquirer who also produced inquiry questions. More elaborate scaffolding to foster students’ metacognitive awareness of the inquiry strategies was generally lacking in all three tutors’ data. Implications for pedagogical improvement in collaborative, computer‐supported educational settings are discussed.  相似文献   

Based on the notions of social and socio‐mathematical norms we investigate how these are established during the interactions of pre‐service teachers who solve mathematical problems. Norms identified in relevant studies are found in our case too; moreover, we have found norms related to particular aspects of the problems posed. Our results show that most of these norms, once established, enhance the problem‐solving process. However, exceptions do exist, but they have a local orientation and a relatively small influence.

En s'appuyant sur les concepts des normes sociales et ‘socio‐mathématiques’, nous avons étudié comment ces normes se sont établies au cours des interactions entre les enseignants et les étudiants en activité de résolution des problèmes mathématiques. Aux résultats de la recherche apparaissent d'une part les mêmes normes qui ont été déjà remarquées à d'autres recherches relatives et d'autre part des normes liées plus particulièrement aux problèmes posés. Les résultats de la recherche montrent que dans la majorité des cas les normes aident le processus de la resolution des problèmes. Il existe bien sûr des exceptions, mais elles ont une influence et une orientation locale.

Basierend auf den Begriffen der sozialen und sozio‐mathematischen Normen untersuchen wir, wie diese in die Interaktionen von angehenden Lehrern beim Lösen von mathematischen Problemen einfliessen. Normen, welche in relevanten Studien identifiziert werden, wurden in unserem Fall ebenfalls gefunden. Wir haben ausserdem Normen gefunden, welche sich auf bestimmte Aspekte der Fragestellungen beziehen. Unsere Resultate zeigen, dass die meisten Normen, sind sie einmal etabliert, die Problemlösungsprozess verbessern. Es bestehen zwar Ausnahmen, doch diese haben eine lokale Orientierung und einen relativ kleinen Einfluss.

Basados en las nociones de la norma social y sociomatemática, estamos investigando cómo se establecen dichas normas durante las interacciones de los profesores en pre‐servicio, que resuelven problemas matemáticos. Las normas identificadas en estudios relevantes también se encuentran en nuestro caso; de hecho, hemos hallado normas relacionadas con aspectos particulares de los problemas expuestos. Nuestros resultados demuestran que la mayor parte de estas normas, una vez establecidas, mejoran el proceso de solución de problemas. Sin embargo, existen también excepciones pero éstas tienen una orientación local y una relativamente menor influencia.  相似文献   

Research reported in this paper investigates the reconceptualization (McCroskey, 1984) of communication apprehension (CA), focusing on the relationship between context‐CA and state‐CA. The validity of the reconceptualization can be enhanced by demonstrating that state‐CA (level of fear and anxiety) is systematically related to context‐CA (predisposition). Two research studies using a new operational measures of state‐CA and context‐CA, the Communication Anxiety Inventory, offer empirical support for the relationship between context‐CA and state‐CA. Results show that context‐CA explains a minimum of 50% of the state‐CA variance. Conclusions suggest that level of fear or anxiety varies closely with context‐CA and that the new scales have strong predictive validity.  相似文献   

In this paper the author explores the concept of problem‐solving as generally employed in the science education literature and suggests that a useful distinction can be drawn between puzzles, for which solutions are known or assumed to exist, and problems, for which no solution may be possible. The ability to recognize a problem, it is suggested, is possibly more important than its solution and this is dependent upon the experience, knowledge and interests of the individual. Successful encountering of problems and puzzles and the relationship of this activity to originality and creativity is also discussed. It is proposed that both puzzle and problem‐solving activities are important to provide in school science but that too little attention is paid to real problem‐solving with the result that the specific skills required are not practised.  相似文献   

Education and Information Technologies - This study aimed to determine the effect of web 2.0 technologies supported collaborative problem solving method on students’ achievement and...  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship of communication‐related variables to employee job satisfaction. Specifically, employee communication satisfaction with supervisor, perceived supervisor receptivity to information and ideas, employee participation in decision‐making, participation versus desired participation level, and job satisfaction with supervisor, co‐workers, promotions, pay, and work were studied. The subjects for the study were classified employees (secretaries, clerks, lowest level supervisors, etc) in three administrative units (Controller, Personnel, and Admissions & Records) of a comprehensive Eastern university. The communication‐related variables accounted collectively for a substantial amount of variance (76%) in employees job satisfaction. Moreover, communication satisfaction with supervisor and supervisor receptivity in information were found to be more powerful “predictors”; of job satisfaction than the decision participation variables. The study cast some doubt upon the comparative value of participation as a communication strategy with low‐level employees. Specific guidelines for direct application of results and implications for future research were derived from the study.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if there are relationship among freshmen students' Field depended or field independent (FD/FI) cognitive style, conceptual understandings, and problem solving skills in mechanics. The sample consisted of 213 freshmen (female = 111, male = 102; age range 17–21) who were enrolled in an introductory physics course required for science education prospective teachers. Data collection was done during the fall semesters in three successive years. At the beginning of each semester the Force Concept Inventory (FCI) and the Group Embedded Figure Test (GEFT) were administered to assess students' initial understanding of basic concepts in mechanics and FD/FI tendency of students, respectively. After completion of the course, the FCI and the Mechanics Base Line Test (MBT) were administered. The results indicated that students conceptual understanding were not statistically related to their FD/FI cognitive styles for both pre and post results. However, their problem‐solving skills were statistically related to their FD/FI cognitive style. The findings of the present and previous studies are compared, and the possible effects of the present studies on previous studies on teaching, learning and assessment for introductory mechanics are discussed.  相似文献   

Collaborative learning is being used extensively by educators at all levels. Peer‐led team learning in a version of collaborative learning that has shown consistent success in science, technology, engineering and mathematics disciplines. Using a multi‐phase research study we describe the development of an observation instrument that can be used to assess peer‐led group learning. This paper illustrates the development of a classification system for peer‐led learning groups and an instrument based on this classification system. The instrument evaluates small learning groups on two important aspects of group learning: problem solving approach and group interaction style. We provide evidence of the factor structure of the two dimensions using both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. We also provide information about the reliability of the two scales as measured by the Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Data from a large peer‐led learning programme was used to conduct the factor analysis. Results from the factor analysis confirmed that the instrument is actually measuring two key characteristics of small learning groups: problem solving approach and group interaction style, characteristics that have been linked to effective functioning of the group and to the student learning outcomes. This instrument may be particularly appealing to practitioners (faculty members, those running small‐group learning programmes, etc.) because it is easy to use and it does not require extensive time for analysis.  相似文献   

This study examined 10th‐grade students' use of theory and evidence in evaluating a socio‐scientific issue: the use of underground water, after students had received a Science, Technology and Society‐oriented instruction. Forty‐five male and 45 female students from two intact, single‐sex, classes participated in this study. A flow‐map method was used to assess the participants' conceptual knowledge. The reasoning mode was assessed using a questionnaire with open‐ended questions. Results showed that, although some weak to moderate associations were found between conceptual organization in memory and reasoning modes, the students' ability to incorporate theory and evidence was in general inadequate. It was also found that students' reasoning modes were consistent with their epistemological perspectives. Moreover, male and female students appear to have different reasoning approaches.  相似文献   

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