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由于网络教育依附于互联网,数量繁多的电子垃圾邮件严重干扰了人们的正常学习,浪费用户的时间、精力甚至造成信息安全隐患。因此,如何应对垃圾邮件已经成为网络安全教学中一个重要内容。面对每时每刻都可能接收到的垃圾邮件,除了依靠邮箱服务商提供的服务器端过滤外,网络教育的学习者还可以采用一些简便的办法来对付电子垃圾邮件。  相似文献   

知识经济时代对高校教学和大学生能力素质培养提出了新的挑战,如何引导学生全面提高自身的综合素质是新时期高校教学改革成败与否的关键;注重学生的能力培养是高校为社会输出高质量人才的核心。  相似文献   

全思懋  蔡超 《高教论坛》2011,(10):89-92
为了更好地调动当前大学生的学习积极性和成才内驱力,需要借鉴网络游戏对玩家的有效激励规则,围绕建立科学有效的目标激励体系、健全以学生为本的过程激励机制、完善以行为归化为目标的负向激励措施、提升激励结果的公平性等,不断加强大学生激励机制的创新、提升大学生激励工作的实效性。  相似文献   

高职学生厌学现象比较普遍,其成因是多方面的。改善高职学生厌学现象应重视对学生的始业教育,开展学法指导,培养学生自信,校园文化建设,师资队伍建设,课程及实验实训建设等。  相似文献   


Motivation and self-regulation were examined in a sample of community college transfer students enrolled in a 4-year, online university. The relation between motivation and self-regulation and students’ performance was examined, as was the association between these learner characteristics (i.e., motivation and self-regulation) and sociodemographic factors (e.g., marital status, employment status). Motivation was found to be significantly correlated with both semester and cumulative grade point average (GPA), while associations between self-regulation and performance were more limited. Further, motivation was found to be a significant predictor of semester GPA in a model controlling for sociodemographic factors and prior achievement. Motivation and self-regulation were also found to differ according to students’ sociodemographic status. For instance, transfer students with children under 18 were found to have significantly higher levels of motivation than nonparents. Those employed full-time had lower levels of self-regulation than did their nonemployed peers. Implications for further research on community college transfer students and online learning are discussed.  相似文献   

A challenge facing nearly all studies in the psychological sciences is how to best combine multiple items into a valid and reliable score to be used in subsequent modeling. The most ubiquitous method is to compute a mean of items, but more contemporary approaches use various forms of latent score estimation. Regardless of approach, outside of large-scale testing applications, scoring models rarely include background characteristics to improve score quality. This article used a Monte Carlo simulation design to study score quality for different psychometric models that did and did not include covariates across levels of sample size, number of items, and degree of measurement invariance. The inclusion of covariates improved score quality for nearly all design factors, and in no case did the covariates degrade score quality relative to not considering the influences at all. Results suggest that the inclusion of observed covariates can improve factor score estimation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of imagery interventions on the vocabulary acquisition abilities of second grade students. A total of 15 students were randomly assigned to three different intervention conditions: Word Only, which involves the simple verbal presentation of a vocabulary word; Dual Coding, in which a picture was paired with the vocabulary word, and Image Creation, in which students were told to create a mental picture of the vocabulary word in their mind and draw it on paper. These students were taught a total of 21 vocabulary words: seven animal and habitat words, seven musical instrument terms, and seven science terms. A Latin square design was used, in which each group of students rotated through each of the interventions, being exposed to a different treatment condition for each category of words. Participants were measured on the number of words they were successfully able to acquire through the use of experimenter designed comprehension measures. While no statistical significance was shown between the interventions across the word categories, a significant difference was found between the Image Creation and Word Only interventions within the science terms category. Students also reported that the imagery interventions facilitated the ease with which they learned the words. The findings have implications for increasing the success of classroom instruction, specifically for presenting novel vocabulary words to early elementary learners using imagery methods.  相似文献   

This study tests the use of computer‐assisted grading rubrics compared to other grading methods with respect to the efficiency and effectiveness of different grading processes for subjective assignments. The test was performed on a large Introduction to Business course. The students in this course were randomly assigned to four treatment groups based on the grading method. Efficiency was measured by the professor's time to grade the assignments; effectiveness was measured by a student satisfaction survey. Results suggest that the computer‐assisted grading rubrics were almost 200% faster than traditional hand grading without rubrics, more than 300% faster than hand grading with rubrics, and nearly 350% faster than typing the feedback into a Learning Content Management System. Results also seemed to indicate that the use of a computer‐assisted grading rubric did not negatively affect student attitudes concerning the helpfulness of their feedback, their satisfaction with the speed with which they received their feedback, or their satisfaction with the method by which they received feedback.  相似文献   

信息技术环境下艺术类学生英语写作积极性的探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究为教育部第二批大学英语教改扩展项目。研究对象为我院2005级工艺美术系三个班的学生,根据艺术类学生自身的特点,探索在计算机网络环境下,通过教师课堂指导和学生课外自主学习,分层次、分阶段地利用各种教学手段充分调动艺术类学生写作的积极性,提高其英语写作能力和自主学习能力。为探究新型教学模式的教学效果,该研究使用了测试、访谈、问卷调查等手段。  相似文献   

通过课外科研活动培养学生的创新能力   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文通过对我校近几年来指导学生开展课外科研活动的实践,论述培养学生创新能力的做法和效果。认为这对提高教学质量,改善学风、教风和校风都具有积极的推动作用,值得提倡并做进一步的完善。  相似文献   

Educational technology research and development - Students need to learn and practice computational thinking and skills throughout PreK-12 to be better prepared for entering college and future...  相似文献   

古代文学是传统文化的主要载体之一,当代大学生人文素养缺失,汲取古代文学传统文化精华,是提升大学生人文素养的源泉。教师、学生、教学教法综合考虑,切实提升大学生人文素养。  相似文献   

课堂教学是在一定的时间和有限的空间中开展的。现代信息技术进入课堂,拓展了课堂教学的空间,为课堂教学方式的改进提供了条件,为大学生的课堂思维训练提供了更多的可能。教师的教学设计是能否实现这些可能性的关键。教学设计只有在教学内容的选择与组织过程中,注意到了学生的思维训练问题,并且制作成既能反映教学意图又兼顾学生感受的课件,才能在课堂上使现代信息技术在发展大学生思维能力上发挥积极作用。  相似文献   

基于疫情期间上海39所本科院校在校生线上提供的64949份有效问卷,本研究设计了《本科生在线自我调节学习量表》并进行信效度检验。回归统计结果表明:家庭第一代大学生在线自我调节学习的自评得分均值显著低于非家庭第一代大学生,在控制学习动机与就业焦虑这两个潜在影响机制之后,这种差距明显缩小乃至不再显著;学习动机的解释力度最大,尤其是“努力解决学习中的问题”与“喜欢阅读与专业相关的书籍”这两项与内在动机相关的行为表征;就业焦虑对本科生在线自我调节学习有显著的负面效应;加入交互项之后的回归结果支持学习动机这一潜在变量的调节作用,进而揭示未来对家庭第一代大学生在线学习的有效干预可侧重于内在动机的激发。  相似文献   

Undergraduate research experiences are a “high impact” educational practice that confer benefits to students. However, little attention has been paid to understanding faculty motivation to mentor undergraduate students through research training programs, even as the number of programs has grown, requiring increasing numbers of faculty mentors. To address this, we introduce a conceptual model for understanding faculty motivation to mentor and test it by using empirical data to identify factors that enable and constrain faculty engagement in an undergraduate research program. Using cross-sectional survey data collected in 2013, we employed generalized linear modeling to analyze data from 536 faculty across 13 research institutions to examine how expected costs/benefits, dispositional factors, situational factors, previous experience, and demographic factors predicted faculty motivation to mentor. Results show that faculty who placed greater value on the opportunity to increase diversity in the academy through mentorship of underrepresented minorities were more likely to be interested in serving as mentors. Faculty who agreed more strongly that mentoring undergraduate students was time consuming and their institution’s reward structures were at odds with mentoring, or who had more constrained access to undergraduate students were less likely to be interested in serving as mentors. Mid-career faculty were more likely than late-career faculty to be interested in serving as mentors. Findings have implications for improving undergraduate research experiences, since the success of training programs hinges on engaging highly motivated faculty members as mentors.  相似文献   

在线英语学习动机与在线英语学习成绩之间相关性分析,对于改进在线英语学习方法、提高在线英语学习效率起着至关重要的作用。问卷调查中284名学生的在线英语学习成绩的皮尔逊(Pearson)相关系数、斯皮尔曼(Spearman)及肯德尔(Kendall)等级相关系数都充分证明了在线英语学习动机与在线英语学习成绩存在显著的相关性,在线英语学习动机的强弱直接影响在线英语学习成绩的优劣。  相似文献   

对334所高校13997名教师、256504名学生的在线教学情况调研数据进行研究分析后发现:高校师生的在线教学满意度、持续使用意愿、教学评价与体验等方面存在显著差异;教学满意度在感知有用性、感知易用性、外部环境感知与持续使用意愿之间均具有显著的中介效应;持续使用意愿的师生差异主要体现为"软性环境"和"硬性条件"的作用差异。为此,应关注在线教学师生差异的综合影响,构建"和而不同"的师生在线教学共同体,提升在线教学的持续使用意愿,推进在线教学的可持续发展。  相似文献   

信息技术正重塑传统教育形态,将逐渐改变高等教育国际合作模式。对计算机微专业在线学习项目“一带一路”沿线国家工科大学生的访谈调查发现,随着我国工程科技领域快速发展与影响力的提升,以清华大学为代表的优质工程教育资源和卓越国际化在线教育平台对“一带一路”沿线国家工科大学生产生巨大吸引力。受访者通过该项目在线学习,提升了专业基础知识和综合素质能力,形成了追求卓越的信念和勇于担当社会责任的精神,加深了对多元文化的理解以及与中国的情感联结。中国工程教育应依托开放教育资源共享平台,推出更多具有中国特色的世界一流工科在线学习项目,对接发展中国家工程教育需求,进一步加强与“一带一路”沿线国家在线工程教育的交流与合作。  相似文献   

当下网络使用普及,网络游戏盛行,大学生群体在网民及网络游戏用户中占有一定比例,存在形成病理性网络游戏使用(pathological online games use,简称POGU)的风险。根据已有研究和相关理论,病理性网络游戏使用的形成可能与家庭环境因素有关,据此对家庭环境对大学生病理性网络游戏使用的影响及其成因进行综述。  相似文献   

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