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One of the questions that Heidegger presents in his paper, ‘Plato’s Doctrine on Truth’, is the distortion as he sees it of paideia—that is the loss of the essential elements in education. This loss is characterised according to Heidegger, by a misconception of Plato’s concept of teaching and learning. By undertaking an historical examination, Heidegger provides a means to rectify this loss. With reference to past, present and future philosophical perspectives of teaching and learning as particular spaces, an attempt is made in this paper to examine Heidegger’s reading of paideia within the context of online learning. This, for many contemporary writers on education, is an encounter with new literacies, new knowledge and the adoption of an online environment that challenges the hegemonic order of the institution as the purveyors of knowledge. Teachers within this new environment are, however still constituted as experts and their knowledge is seen as ultimately inviolate. Heidegger in his re-interpretation of Plato sees the teacher as leading the students to where they might make themselves intelligible within the space of their being. This alignment forms an acceptance and a challenge to the metaphysical concepts of uniformity of being and place that limits the potential of knowledge as something that is fixed and complete. The experience of the social web or Web 2.0 has seen a shift in learning premised upon dialogue, exchange and constantly shifting horizons. Within this context, the teacher is recast as a craftsman, creating learning opportunity within dialogic exchange. The heightened sense of involvement that is revealed in this context lays the ground for a future visioning of education where emergence is seen as essential, unlike a re-working of authorisation to learn that inhibits student and teacher alike in new attempts at revitalising education.  相似文献   

This article is a case study of the use of the Indicators of Engaged Learning Online (IELO) framework (See Appendix 1) as a guide to evaluate the quality of online courses. The framework lends itself well to measures of engagement, particularly, in terms of online course design because of its comprehensiveness. Six online courses were evaluated for quality in terms of engaged learning based on thirty indicators contained within the framework. Results ranged from a score of 21 to 71 out of a potential total score of 90. This 0–90 scale represented a continuum of passive to engaged learning. The purpose of the pilot study was to explore how the Indicators of Engaged Learning Online (IELO) framework could be used as a tool for evaluating the quality of online courses by instructional designers (IDs) and instructors. Insights into the practical use of the IELO framework and the need for improved guidelines for IDs and instructors as they assess the amount of student engagement designed in a course are provided. Recommendations for practice have implications for both aspects of engagement: how a course is designed and how it is delivered.  相似文献   


This study addresses the issue of educational inadequacy and inequity for disadvantaged minority students. It estimates desired national standards and examines interrelated gaps in key school–teacher resources and mathematics achievement by linking national education data sets (National Assessment of Educational Progress [NAEP], Common Core of Data, and Schools and Staffing Survey). Although poor minority students’ chances to meet the national mathematics proficiency standard are undermined by the lack of their access to qualified teachers and adequate school funding, it turns out that the adequacy-based (absolute) gaps are much larger than the equity-based (relative) gaps. Meeting the NAEP Grade 8 mathematics proficiency standard requires substantial increases in per-pupil education spending (from $6,493 to $7,197 in year 2000 dollars) and in-field mathematics teaching rate (from 49% to 91%) across the nation. Research and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   


This article is based on a workshop held in NSW, Australia, in conjunction with the Australian Open Learning Information Network and the University of New England. The workshop envisaged possibilities of asynchronous course delivery through a low‐cost, community‐based, electronic network facility. We simulated the user interface for an Online Open University as it can be provided by Pegasus Networks, enabling distance education students to access lectures, interactive tutorials and a knowledge base. We report on an English freshman composition course ‘attended’ online by a Byron Bay student, and an informal journalism course conducted by the Extended Learning Network, Sydney. We show existing links between the NSW network ILANET and Pegasus Networks, and discuss further possibilities of library and database access for online students.  相似文献   

Online learning, which is based on computer, is a social, collaborative, interactive and learner-centered affair for both tutors and students. It is sure that online education will be one of the most important alternative ways to conventional classroom teaching and learning. Learning online is like taking part in long-running and stimulating discussion with a group of sympathetic and like-motivated colleagues. The optimized learning site can teach students in accordance of their aptitude and help students learn according to their needs.  相似文献   

Although there are many disagreements on the major causes of problems in the educational system in the United States, few would disagree that the importance of ensuring the success of our students is not only a moral obligation to our youth, but imperative to our national resilience. And, as a nation, we are responding to this urgent need. The College Completion Agenda mandates that 55% of the nation’s 25-to-35-year olds will be degree holders by the year 2025 (Lee & Rawls, 2010). But how do we accomplish the ambitious challenge and a necessary aspiration to elevate America’s status as a world leader in educational attainment among its citizenry? Innovative ideas and technologies that can counterbalance the barriers that threaten student success must be identified and advanced. The purpose of this article is to discuss the opportunity to leverage the marvel of online phenomena and technology in innovative ways to help students reach their full potential. Specifically, we introduce a new conceptual tool that replicates the power of social networking online matching services to link student learning preference with faculty instructional style.  相似文献   

The extent to which discussion promotes learning outcomes is a relatively unexplored area in teaching. The present paper contributes to the literature by assessing the extent to which student use of a discussion board is predictive of grades. The sample consists of 341 students who completed an online course in criminology. Learning outcomes are measured in terms of final examination scores. The number of participations or hits (N?=?6,934) on a web-based discussion board is used as a measure of the quantity of class participation. Overall, hits on the discussion board did not predict grades. However, among low achievers, the greater the participation in the board, the higher the grades. Using data on a web-based discussion board as a measure, the present study reports a link between discussion and achievement for low achievers—a result consistent with a previous study in online physics classes. Future work is needed to explore such moderating effects in the link between the use of other web-based utilities, such as blogs, on student performance.  相似文献   

As institutions are moving towards offering more online and distance education courses, scholars have reported that instructors may have difficulty developing learning communities among students enrolled in these courses (DiRamio and Wolverton 2006). The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in students’ perceptions of a learning community when enrolled in an online or on-campus introduction to counseling course. Participants were beginning graduate and advanced undergraduate students interested in pursuing a higher education degree in counseling. Results indicated no significant difference in students’ perceptions of learning communities based on course format.  相似文献   

Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is a voluntary organization of 21 members working to strengthen open multilateral trading systems by encouraging the flow of goods, and services, capital, and technology. Since 1994, APEC's Telecommunications Working Group (TEL) has been actively working to use online distance learning to help it achieve its goals. The diverse multicultural nature of the APEC environment makes online learning very different from most online learning environments. Algonquin College has designed, developed and delivered several online courses for the TEL. The purpose of this presentation is to outline the lessons learned in that process.  相似文献   

This study investigated how an authentic assessment program was used to examine student learning outcomes within the context of a Christian university’s institutional mission, core values, and distinctive qualities. For the purposes of this study, an authentic assessment program is defined as assessing student-produced work within the context of the institutional mission. A sample of 1,814 undergraduate students taking one or more general education courses at the university during the 2007–2009 academic years was examined for any significant differences in student learning outcomes. A univariate analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) indicated the Student Assessment System (SAS) scores for the online students were not significantly different from the SAS scores for the face-to-face (F2F) students after controlling for course grade. These results suggest that online students achieved the same critical mission-related educational outcomes that the university required of its F2F students. An implication of this finding is that the university just as effectively articulated its faith-based mission and vision to the online students as it did to its students taking classes F2F.  相似文献   

Listen,can you hear it?That sound of dial-upmodems echoing across the country...it's the sirencall of the World Wide Web,beckoning to millionsto enter the brave new worlds of e-commerce,e-news,e-trading,e-mail,e-everything.Including e-crime.As computer prices have dropped,computerownership has soared,and with it,computer  相似文献   

The spread of online courses and programs in community colleges across the nation has contributed to a redefinition of open-access education. Accordingly, the growth in online courses has drawn attention to the value of different instructional modalities, particularly with regard to their effectiveness in learning, retention, and success. As a result, this study sought to determine whether or not there were differences in students’ academic success and course retention for community college men by racial/ethnic affiliation. This study used institutional data on men enrolled in California’s community college system to provide greater insight into the effect of online learning on student success. Findings illustrated that Asian, Black, Latino, and White men were more likely to have higher success outcomes when engaged in face-to-face modalities. There were no clear patterns in which online modality was better than others with regards to success, except for Black men. For these men, asynchronous with multimedia was identified as the second most effective online modality pertaining to success. This research has demonstrated the manifold benefits of face-to-face instruction. As such, face-to-face courses seemed to be the best type of modality for community college men. For that reason, careful consideration must be taken when promoting online learning to Asian, Black, Latino, and White men in community colleges. Though, further research is needed to better understand variation in the presentation of online learning materials and the structure of interactions within online classrooms.  相似文献   

While tertiary teaching staff are familiar with teaching strategies used in traditional course delivery, the design and delivery of courses integrating new technologies such as online materials poses new challenges for many. Hence, although technology may be used, its use is often at a superficial level, failing to have significant impact on teaching practice. Motivated by the authors' belief that the development of online learning materials is an endeavour aimed at improving the quality of the learning environment, this paper explores the experiences of several lecturers within Griffith University as they engage in the design and development of online materials as part of the university's flexible learning initiative. Insights into the experiences and perceptions of teaching staff developing online materials are used to highlight issues that can then be used to inform appropriate professional development support for tertiary staff. This in turn will enable the integration of technology into the learning environment to act as a catalyst for positive changes to teaching practice.  相似文献   

If some of you have trouble in English studying,remember that learning a language is really a lasting course. Don‘t be anxious about it and the most important is, don‘t give up.Here are some of my advice about learning.  相似文献   

As we are enternig into the Age of Informa-tion,the Age of Knowledge,the Age of Paradox,the Age of Access.Age of Chaos,Age of Unrea-son,Age of Possibility,and the Age of the Fulfill-ment of Hope.learning for freedom,which meanslearning for the freedom to know,freedom to go,freedom to do,freedom to live,and freedom to be,has become possible and should be set as the ulti-mate goal of everyone's lifelong learning process.By learning for freedom a learner should developsufficientself- confid…  相似文献   

I began to learn English8years ago.Y et I can still well rem em berthe tim e when I had m y first English class in m y prim ary school.I wasso curious and excited that I kept asking m yself,“W hy is this languageso different from C hinese and w hy should…  相似文献   

Summary: The aim of English learning is to cultivate the student's ability to listen, speak, read and write. This disserta-tion wil1 present some useful strategies for learning listening, reading, speaking and writing.  相似文献   

With the globalization of the world, English is becoming more and more important in our daily life. A lot of people are learning English in our country now.The questions they usually have are-Why should I learn English? How canI learn English well?  相似文献   

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