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系统理论框架是基于一般系统理论和建构主义的生涯发展元理论,它将各种影响个人生涯发展的因素放在同一框架下,强调个人系统、人际社会系统、社会-环境系统之间的整体性及其动态的交互作用,能够更好地解释后现代社会的工作、职业认同、学习等生涯发展核心概念的内涵和外延。基于系统理论框架,研究者开发了"我的生涯影响系统""我的生涯篇章"等质性生涯评估工具,在生涯辅导和咨询领域具有广泛的应用前景。系统理论框架启示我们,可以从整合生涯教育的"术"与"道"、兼顾个人兴趣与家国情怀、引入家庭和社会力量参与生涯教育几个方面推动我国的生涯教育向纵深发展。  相似文献   

哲学咨询是一种向古希腊哲学复归的哲学应用范式,其以哲学理论为基础,以逻辑学为工具。与心理咨询相比,哲学咨询的适用对象和受众较为广泛,咨询方式富于哲学性与逻辑性,功能也更为全面。哲学咨询具有德性教化功效,因而可以服务于学生的德性培养,成为当代道德教育的新模式。德性教化具备深刻的逻辑机理,教化功能的实现依靠思想分析来完成。思想分析如同信念修复技术,分析就是治疗,哲学咨询的过程即是教育的过程。通过开展哲学咨询,教师可以引导学生运用逻辑思维积极进行“哲学化”思考,协助学生深化对事物本质的认识,指导学生自觉树立正确价值观。  相似文献   

Although the concept of multi-agency working has been pursued and adopted as the most appropriate way to improve childcare provision and health workforces in recent years, both in the UK and more globally, research suggests that participation in such work can be problematic. This article examines current developments in inter-professional education and collaborative professional practice. Drawing on desk research across the fields of Education, Health and Social Care, it applies a critical lens to re-examine inter-professional working using well-established concepts of profession, identity, culture, career, and training/work transitions. The article uses theoretical hooks to look for similarities and differences in the promotion of inter-professionality across the Education, Health and Social Care sectors, alongside those which occur within each. It looks towards a re-invigoration of knowledge creation and application through research. This is viewed as especially urgent in times of fragmentation, transformation, and arguably, disintegration, in the services its professional and academic educators and workers seek to serve.  相似文献   

The benefits of a health counseling service within the Adult Health Promotion Centre (AHPC) in Hong Kong are described and offered as evidence of the benefits of self‐education in health for older people. The health complaints of clients of the AHPC are identified through health checks and screening. In 1980, on the basis of screening and the results of a survey of clients at a health education seminar on what topics they would like information on, health counseling small groups were planned for hypertension, diabetes mellitus, high serum cholesterol, and obesity. Clients were invited to join these health counseling groups, which were led by volunteer nurses. The main focus of the health counseling service was to enhance clients’ knowledge of health and preventative care through individual counseling and peer learning. In line with health promotion and empowerment concepts, clients were encouraged to monitor and record their own health. Health counseling focused on wellness, teaching clients skills that enabled them to take responsibility for their health, increasing their nutritional awareness, teaching them stress management techniques, and promoting physical fitness. The implications for the training of health professionals and the role of older people in health policy development are discussed. Ways of improving health promotion services for older people are suggested.  相似文献   

The introduction of a new Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice in 2015 marked one of the most significant reforms to the SEND statutory assessment process in England since its introduction over 30 years ago. This article presents the findings of a small‐scale study that aimed to identify the extent to which the reforms have successfully addressed some of the shortcomings of the former Statementing process. Interviews, questionnaires and a focus group were used to gain the perspectives of parents, young people and professionals from education, health and social care services in two local authorities in the English Midlands. The research found that the new Education, Health and Care (EHC) assessment and planning process has been effective in some areas, particularly in achieving greater parental involvement and a more person‐centred approach. However, important issues remain unresolved. The data suggest that greater consistency in interpreting and applying legislation, and in individual professional practices, are still needed to fully achieve the intentions of the new system. Some recommendations for practitioners are proposed.  相似文献   

新时期大学生心理健康教育和咨询机制探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着高校在校生规模的不断扩大,学校心理健康教育和咨询工作也愈发显得尤为重要。在危机干预四级网络架构的基础上,构建了"四级二线三基点"的大学生心理健康教育和咨询立体工作体系,强化了"心理健康教育"、"心理咨询服务"、"心理危机干预"三个基础服务功能,建立起了高校内部各个心理危机干预单元。  相似文献   

全文以传统德育方法为起点,分析传统德育方法的特征,潜藏在方法背后的观念、传统德育方法的优缺点以及心理咨询方法的特征,比较了心理咨询与德育的异同,提出德育中借鉴使用心理咨询方法的限制和条件,介绍心理咨询方法在德育中的具体使用。认为有必要在德育中有限制、有条件地引入心理咨询方法等新因素来补充、丰富德育方法,以改善传统德育方法,并使之更符合现代社会的要求。  相似文献   

The provision of health education in a distance mode is very much a new approach in Bangladesh. Health education has been identified as an important means for ensuring the health and hygienic consciousness of all citizens. Limitations of infrastructure and resource personnel are important problems for such educational programmes. This article focuses on two programmes, a Bachelor in Nursing programme and a Certificate in Primary Health Care programme, that were developed and implemented by the Bangladesh Open University (BOU) through a distance-mode module. The use of electronic media delivery and the development of the continuing and extension health education offerings in distance mode have been successful. They provide access to global networking and to information on educational systems.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship of a graduate course in group counseling, the number of hours completed in counselor education, and sex to the empathic understanding of trainees in a counselor education program. The trainees were taped in similar counseling sessions, and their responses were rated independently by three counselor educators, who used Carkhuff's empathic understanding scale. A three-way analysis of variance determined only one significant difference. The trainees who had completed a course in group counseling were significantly higher (p <.05) than those who had not. The level of empathic understanding of the higher group, however, was less than the level considered to be the minimum for effective counseling.  相似文献   

教育要以人为本,人的根本是身心健康,在学校教育中开展心理健康教育是很重要的,我们要从营造优美文明的校园环境,提高教师心理素质,提供心理辅导,开设有关心理健康课程,争取家长的的支持和认可等方面入手,调动全社会的力量,为广大中职生普及心理健康基本知识,让他们了解和掌握心理保健常识和简单的心理调节方法,知晓学习、人际交往、升学择业以及生活和社会适应等方面的知识,以期让学生拥有丰富的心灵、健全的人格,能快乐、健康地成长。  相似文献   

多元文化背景下高职生克服自卑心理的有效途径研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在多元文化背景下发展起来的多元文化咨询理论,强调心理咨询和教育过程中对文化背景差异和个体文化特征差异的关注,有利于克服文化偏差,承认差异,尊重多元。在高职院校心理健康教育教学中引入多元文化咨询理念,本着"尊重、鼓励、理解、分享"的原则,探索帮助学生克服自卑心理的有效方法和途径,对于促进高职院校人才培养目标的实现和学生综合素质的提高无疑是非常有益的尝试。  相似文献   

Annually, there are school counseling specific counselor educator positions that remain unfilled. There is a need for more counselor educators with school counseling backgrounds. This grounded theory provides a model of the process by which school counselor educators decide to enter academia and what keeps them in their positions, based on focus groups with 32 participants. Results showed the reasons for leaving school counseling, what factors promote entry into school counselor education, and what keeps school counselor educators in that role. Implications for counselor education are provided.  相似文献   

开展深度辅导是高校思想政治教育工作融入人文关怀的重要途径,对于推进辅导员工作精细化,提高思想政治教育工作水平具有重要意义。在实践中,要全面掌握学生状况,与学生深入融合,重点关注特殊群体学生,积极开展分级分类谈话制度,将深度辅导与解决实际问题相结合,使深度辅导工作起到润物无声的效果。  相似文献   

心理咨询在高校思想政治教育中的科学运用是提高思想政治工作有效性的重要途径。在高校思想政治教育中有效运用心理咨询,对充分发挥教育功能,提高工作效率,可起到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

学校健康教育课程是健康教育的主要形式,我国现阶段学校健康教育课程主要采取与其它课程渗透的形式,在生物课中渗透健康教育更已成为传统做法。分析中考生物学考试试卷中与健康教育相关的试题,结果表明:健康教育内容在生物学教育中占有相当比例,主要是身体健康和疾病防治的相关内容;这些内容主要是在生理卫生部分讲授;对于健康教育内容的考核仍以知识为主。目前,生物学中的健康教育在内容、目的、方法等方面与现代健康教育的要求尚有一定的差距。  相似文献   

The inclusion of elementary school guidance and counseling within the current structure of American education is questioned by an examination of the ACES / ASCA joint policy statement on the role and responsibilities of the elementary school counselor. It is suggested that the vagueness and abstruseness of most definitions of elementary guidance and counseling are largely attributable to a lack of conceptual roots in a subject-matter discipline, developmental psychology, and the process of education. The notion of development as the central focus of guidance and counseling is then explored with particular emphasis on development as primary prevention.  相似文献   

心理咨询方法是大学生思想政治教育中一种必不可少的方法,它适用于大学生发展过程中的诸多问题。20多年来,我国高校利用多种途径运用心理咨询方法提升了大学生思想政治教育的实效性。在运用心理咨询方法时必须要注意区分思想问题和心理问题,建立良好的教育关系,提高思想政治教育工作者的专业素质,要坚持实践性、本土化、教育性等原则。  相似文献   

团体心理教育是一种以心理学知识、理论、规律为基础,以咨询技术为手段的专业助人模式。依据团体心理教育的服务对象,团体心理教育被划分为五个方向,即团体心理辅导、团体心理成长、团体心理咨询、团体心理干预和团体心理治疗。在实际运用时,这五个方向有很大程度的交叉和重叠,具有一致性和渗透性。团体心理教育旨在为实现全民心理健康、构建和谐社会而建立适合中国人群特点的团体心理教育结构体系,同时也为团体心理教育提供广阔的发展空间。  相似文献   

The application of systems techniques to counselor education is explored as one means of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of counselor education. The application of systems technology to counselor education is demonstrated by the use of the systems approach in the teaching of a basic counseling technique—the open-end lead. The “Open-end Lead Training Package” is presented to demonstrate the necessary developmental steps involved in the application of systems techniques to the teaching of a counseling skill. The developmental steps are (a) determine the training objective, (b) identify the tasks that will best meet the objective, (c) arrange the tasks in the most efficient and effective order, and (d) collect data that will verify or question the success of the training decisions that have been made. The strengths and weaknesses of systems techniques as applied to counselor education are discussed.  相似文献   

团体辅导在大学生心理健康教育课程教学中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
结合高校课堂教学改革的实际与大学生心理发展特点.提出把团体心理辅导应用在<大学生心理健康教育>课程教学中的设想.从课程对象、团体辅导的优势、课程性质等方面进行必要性与可行性分析,并就教学中班级团队建设和团体辅导活动设计进行了实践探索.  相似文献   

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