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This study investigated the effects of personalization, an offer of survey results, gender, level taught, and location (state) on survey return rates. Six hundred surveys were mailed to public school teachers in Nebraska and Wyoming. The overall return rate was 70.5%. A significant main effect was found for personalization. Also, personalization increased responses to the initial mailing. No other effects were necessary to provide adequate model fit. Results suggest personalization as operationalized in this study to be effective in increasing returns.  相似文献   

《College Teaching》2013,61(2):222-224
Abstract. Encouraging critical thinking in classroom discussions when the class consists of students with similar backgrounds and professional experience can be challenging. This article reports on one method for introducing multiple viewpoints into discussions by requiring students to represent views from well-known personalities who are vocal in current controversies. This activity has improved student involvement, animated discussions and created high levels of interaction between students, and encouraged deeper levels of thinking and familiarity with important issues under public debate.  相似文献   

网上教学也应注意对学生评判性思维能力的培养,这是为学生提供具有智利性挑战的相关学习经历的基础。文章将评判性思维进行基本的描述,并讨论如何使学生具备这种深层次的思维能力  相似文献   


This paper studies attempts to change teachers' thinking towards a construc‐tivist perspective within science education. The contexts surrounding the research are important: ideas of critical constructivism, critical action research and the work of Paulo Freire are brought to bear on teacher education in Recife, northeastern Brazil. A professional development course was designed to explore with secondary science teachers some elements of constructivist thinking, and to shape action research projects within their own classrooms. The course design is described, along with some of the responses of the participants both during and after they undertook their projects within their secondary schools. The responses highlight the tensions of trying to innovate with ‘non‐traditional methods’ within traditional situations, the advantages and drawbacks of ‘freeing up’ classroom discussion and authoritative teaching.  相似文献   

本文主要讨论马歇尔大学在网络环境中如何应用讨论工具来促进批判性思维的发展.在高等教育中发展批判性思维的重要作用已经得到了各国及其学校的重视.本研究以马歇尔大学研究生院教育与专业发展专业所开设的英语为第二语言的一些课程为对象,分析了讨论法在这些课程中培养批判性思维的状况.在开展本研究的那个学期末,研究者编制了一份问卷,调查这种讨论法实施的效果,以及对这种方法加以改善的可能性.问卷随后被分发给三个班的所有学生,他们都来自西佛吉尼亚州的中小学教师.在21个被调查的学生中,15人全部回答了问卷所提出三个问题.结果显示,几乎所有的被调查者都认为,讨论对促进学习和批判性思维有帮助.大部分学生赞成教师参与网上讨论,教师参与讨论的作用是在发展批判性思维中担当帮助者的角色.  相似文献   

互动讨论作为在线学习的重要组成部分,普遍被用于培养学生批判性思维,然而尚未有文献研究在线学习中互动讨论模式与批判性思维之间的关系.文章采用定量内容分析和滞后序列分析,对在线互动讨论中1411条消息进行话语分析,探究在线学习中教师角色变化对学生互动讨论模式和批判性思维的影响,并挖掘互动讨论模式与批判性思维的隐含关系.结果发现:教师辅助的在线互动讨论比教师主导时学生的互动讨论模式更丰富、讨论更深入,批判性思维水平更高.同时,文章提出基于四个阶段的在线互动讨论模式与批判性思维的关系模型,准确把握在线学习环境中的教师角色,为高效利用教师角色变化规律提高在线互动质量和批判性思维水平提供可行的理论借鉴和策略参考.  相似文献   

本文探讨英语写作教学如何培养英语专业学生思辨能力。针对学习者在英语写作中思辨能力弱导致的问题——写作内容空洞、观点陈旧、论证不切题、篇章缺乏逻辑性等,进行了教学实践:在写作教学中采用问题式教学策略,在学生写作过程中通过问题清单,进行范文分析和讨论、同伴反馈、师生面谈及自我评价等思辨能力训练活动,引导学生从不同角度分析和解决问题,提升其写作水平和思辨能力。  相似文献   

文章基于对Paul批判性思维模型及其在线学习模型的改进,构建了一个用于异步在线交流的提问交互模型,以促进网络社区中学习者批判性思维的发展。该模型在批判性思维教学方面的有效性已经得到初步证实。  相似文献   

Organizations governing education in the health professions have recently called for changes in teaching to promote students’ use of critical thinking (CT). Expectations for CT in courses to train educators should be aligned with the expectations of student use of CT. A growing number of certificate and master’s-level programs are being developed to address the needs of educators in the health professions who are unlikely to have experienced training in adult education, curriculum development, and assessment. This study explored the extent to which online course discussion forums in continuing profession education courses on teaching and curriculum design can play a role in the development of participants’ CT skills. It investigated an online pilot program of courses that relied heavily on discussions, with prompts designed to elicit higher-level thinking. The 190 discussion posts made over the four program courses were analyzed for CT. Posts were cross-coded by both authors. Frequency of CT increased substantially over the program. Metacognition use in particular rose sharply and consistently. We found that carefully structured online courses can promote CT among educators in the health professions.  相似文献   

辩论教学具有游戏性和可学性,其目标是培养批判性思维。通过比较实验组班级和控制组班级的数据,本研究证实辩论游戏可以改善学生的批判性思维能力,提高学生对学术观点的包容性,给予学生挑战常识的机会,引导学生理性地表达,并重新认识自我,因此辩论游戏课堂体验受到学生欢迎。而教师的课堂把控能力至关重要,只有传授学生“思维的弹性边界”才能使辩论游戏教学策略产生积极的效果。  相似文献   

晶体计算是近几年高考查的热点和难点,运用建模思维从晶体结构、性质入手,将难点分解,进而突破晶体计算问题.  相似文献   

美国历史文化作为一门英语专业内容依托课程,在融合"内容.语言"的教学过程中应加强对学生思辨能力的培养。立足内容依托教学理念的特点和优势,美国历史文化课程应从教学内容的选择、教学方法的改进和教学评估的改革着手,构建以"开放性学习""三思型教学""互动式评价"为核心的教学模式来加强学生思辨能力的培养。实证研究发现,这种内容依托教学模式有助于激发学生的学习兴趣,并促进其思辨能力的发展。  相似文献   

Debra Mimbs 《PRIMUS》2017,27(4-5):537-547

It is necessary while mentoring students in undergraduate research to conduct assessments in order to determine how well the research experience is progressing. It may also be necessary to assign a grade to a student’s performance at the conclusion of such a venture. Journaling may be used both as a formative assessment tool and as a summative assessment tool. This paper discusses the process of introducing journals into a mentoring relationship and using them to inform interactions with students.  相似文献   

教学设计是根据教学对象和教学目标,确定合适的教学起点与终点,将教学诸要素有序、优化地安排,形成教学方案的过程。教学设计的合理与否直接影响着学生的学习效果。建构主义教学环境下对教学设计赋予了新的内容,而“两课”评比活动激发了教师对其新内容,新要求的思考。  相似文献   

Scientific literacy is one of the primary purposes of science education which briefly focuses on using and interpreting scientific explanations, understanding science within its culture. However, science curricula emphasize science with its cognitive aspects and underestimate affective and aesthetic aspects of science. Science education needs to cover beauty of science for students to cross borders between their own culture and culture of science and to achieve the aim of scientific literacy. Relating aesthetic aspects of science with content of science and paving the way for aesthetic experiences through artworks may enrich science education. The purposes of this study are to discuss the need of integrating aesthetic aspects of science in science instruction and to propose examples and pedagogical suggestions to promote aesthetic experiences into the science education. Artworks are selected to present socio-cultural aspects of science to demonstrate the culture of science, their stories are explained, and pedagogical suggestions are proposed. Advantages and difficulties of using artworks in science instruction are discussed as a result of the study.  相似文献   

通过口语教学过程中学习者口语表达批判思维缺失现象分析,发现常见的批判思维缺失现象有母语负迁移;思维狭窄、思辨缺席;逻辑混乱、调理不足;批判意识缺失、主观臆断等;提出以下培养策略:(1)利用思维导图辅助思考;(2)批判思维任务教学,变隐性为显性;(3)重视元思辨能力,提升批判性思维品质;(4)加强反思性思辨环节。  相似文献   

江泽民同志多次强调加强“三观”教育。其中,人生观教育具有特殊的重要性。人生观当然离不开世界观,但又不能简单地等同于世界观。一个唯物主义者不见得对人生的看法就一定正确。因为人生观并不是直接从世界观中推论和引申出来的。它与一个人的实际人生经历,与生活的磨炼密不可分。一个人的人生观,不是表现在对人生哲理的抽象把握,而是表现在对人生现实际遇的正确处理。同样一句格言,饱经风霜的老年人与没有生活阅历的年轻人的体会是不一样的。老黑格尔的这句名言本身就包含着丰富的人生经验。因此,对一个人来说,从实际生活中感悟人…  相似文献   

近年来,高考语文作文在立足于时代特点的同时,注重考查学生在写作过程中体现出的思维能力.其中,"思辨作文"是伴随着国内外"批判性思维"教育运动而兴起的一种新型写作类型.在这样的背景下,以致力于基础教育中批判性思维培养的董毓教授提出的批判性思维四大原则为基础,运用案例分析法,结合高考作文题目、经典作文题目及教师课堂实录,构...  相似文献   

This study measured the relationship between student’s religion, gender, and propensity for fantasy thinking with the change in belief for paranormal and pseudoscientific subjects following a science and critical thinking course that directly confronted these subjects. Student pre-course endorsement of religious, paranormal, and pseudoscientific beliefs ranged from 21 to 53%, with religion having the highest endorsement rate. Pre-course belief in paranormal and pseudoscientific subjects was correlated with high scores in some fantasy thinking scales and showed a gender and a religion effect with females having an 11.1% higher belief across all paranormal and pseudoscience subcategories. Students’ religion, and frequency of religious service attendance, was also important with agnostic or atheist students having lower beliefs in paranormal and pseudoscience subjects compared to religious students. Students with either low religious service attendance or very high attendance had lower paranormal and pseudoscientific beliefs. Following the critical thinking course, overall beliefs in paranormal and pseudoscientific subcategories lowered 6.8–28.9%, except for superstition, which did not significantly change. Change in belief had both a gender and religion effect with greater reductions among religious students and females.  相似文献   

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