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“Teaching Flowers” reflects on humanity's deep connections to horticulture by gathering varied thoughts from seminal writers in the field. In addition, this visual article draws attention to labor issues within the U.S. floral industry by documenting the author's exploration of flowers as social sculpture in New York City.  相似文献   

散文是大学生阅读和写作频率最高的一种文学体裁,易读、易学、易写,几乎所有的汉语言文学专业的大学生都有创作过散文的经历,但由于散文写作没有既定之法,学生因为熟悉而最易忽视,写作水平亟待提高。《写作》是汉语言文学专业低年级的专业基础课,在散文文体教学中,关键在于教师引导学生多维度欣赏散文的抒情美、构思美、哲理美、意境美、语言美等,在文学作品的审美特质中激发学生的创作热情。  相似文献   

在散文教学中,只有善识文眼,才能引导学生深刻领会散文的意境、神韵和主旨;只有理清线索,才能理解散文的结构特点,领会散文“形散神聚”的艺术特色;而对散文开头和结尾的分析同样重要,既能使学生更好地握散文结构艺术的特色,也能使学生对文章主旨更易于理解和掌握。在散文教学中,还应善于分析散文的伏笔与照应、衔接与过渡等方面,使散文教学既突出重点,又能从整体上把握散文艺术之美。  相似文献   

《古代论》课的教学一直是大学中系课程教学工作中的难点。从教学主体角度看.问题难以解决的原因主要是:教学认识上的偏差和教学方法上的失误。解决问题的办法是:紧扣古代论的特点.把古代论当学作品来悟读、来组织教学。  相似文献   

八股文写作理念对作文教学的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
八股文的写作理念表现在内容上是要求“代圣贤立言”,这是对“文以载道”的继承和发展;表现在形式上是讲究功令程式,这是对“起承转合”诗学结论理论的移植;讲究排偶则是本于“阴阳奇偶之理”。这些写作理念启示我们在作文教学中要注意培养、提高学生的认识能力和表达能力。  相似文献   

在高校,应用文目前处于认识上“边缘化”、使用上“陌生化”的现状。应用文教学的出路在于改革创新,应该从观念、课程、教法三个方面对应用文教学进行大胆改革创新,使其发挥应有的作用。  相似文献   

This essay reviews three recent works in the field of philosophy of education, each of which brings the work of a major philosophical thinker to bear on contemporary topics within education: Michael Peters, ed., Heidegger, Education, and Modernity ; Randall Curren, Aristotle on the Necessity of Public Education ; and Mordechai Gordon, ed., Hannah Arendt and Education . I argue that these works are representative of a current trend in educational philosophers' ideas, including their political, social, and ethical philosophy. This approach to philosophy of education differs in significant ways from past approaches, in which the connection between philosophy and education was conceived narrowly. In the works under consideration here, education is not understood as an isolated field that is connected to philosophy only through a concerted effort; rather, education is understood as a presence within the broad constellation of philosophical questions. These books therefore not only shed light on educational matters, but they also demonstrate an elegant way to bring together theory and practice, mind and body, philosophy and education.  相似文献   

自动作文评分系统的技术优势为英语写作教学模式的创新改革提供一个良好的平台。本研究对基于自动作文评分系统的英语写作教学模式进行了设计与教学实践,包括写前阶段、初稿和同伴互评阶段、修改和自动评阋阶段、课堂讲评和定稿阶段的设计。为期一年的写作教学实验表明:新的写作教学模式督促学生写,保持写作的频率,激发学生的写作兴趣,培养学生自主写作能力,提高学生英语写作水平。  相似文献   

文言文教学既是对中国传统优秀文化的继承,又是提高学生语文水平及整体文化素质的重要途径。搞好文言文教学的主要途径是:指导学生反复诵读,奠定理解基础;深入挖掘文中精华,吸取精髓;旁征博引,拓宽思路;强化背诵,提高素养。  相似文献   

论应用文写作教学中的案例法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在应用文写作教学中引入案例法,符合应用写作课的特点,能激发学生的学习兴趣,增强学生参与意识,提高教学质量。选择案例、讨论案例、总结案例、写作案例是其成功运用的关键。  相似文献   


When Jewish Sensibilities were formulated (2003) as a framework, it was not for the purpose of teaching Jews how or why to be Jewish. Rather, Jewish Sensibilities were a way for Jews to reflect on the Jewish content already in their lives; they also allowed practitioners in the field of health care to think about the Jewish patients and families they were encountering with greater comprehension and compassion. But of late, Jewish Sensibilities have been used in an “off-label way” to teach Jewish wisdom and codes of behavior to those who are unfamiliar with them. This article considers the efficacy of that strategy.  相似文献   

In engineering education, design provides an excellent project-based environment in which to teach the fundamentals of synthesis, analysis and decision-making. It is proposed to create a computer-based teaching tool which provides a close simulation of the design environment. All activities of design, i. e. problem definition, conceptualizing, analysis, decision-making and documentation, are envisioned to be part of the simulation, which should be flexible in its use and highly interactive, with the student in full control for maximum learning benefit. While some real difficulties are foreseen in simulating the conceptual and intuitive areas of the design process, the more structured aspects of the design process are already computerized in engineering practice. Restricting the proposed simulation to a specific field of design should make the development of such a teaching tool entirely possible  相似文献   

This article seeks to unravel what is hypothesised as being at the root of design education: the cultural capital of design educators. The premise is that capital is developed within the design learning environment: that is, designers‐to‐be and educators‐to‐be are encultured into design while studying, the same way that parents enculture children into families, or families and friends enculture young people into society. This article begins by introducing the concept of cultural capital, a body of knowledge that acts as an asset in particular situations; our study focuses on knowledge that is useful to being a designer and design educator. We continue by exploring what kinds of capital designers have and what role this capital plays in the educational setting. Four key themes are identified across the cultural capital of 19 design educators from different geographical locations in the Western world. These themes result from analysing educators' intimate narratives, which reveal some of the values, beliefs and actions inherent to design. Furthermore, the themes illustrate a sampling of the design educators’ thesaurus: that is, what design educators draw upon for teaching and designing.  相似文献   

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