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This study investigated the effect of satellite‐delivered instruction on student achievement and attitude in a high school anatomy and physiology course. The experimental group included students from seven high schools enrolled in the satellite‐delivered course. The control group consisted of students from seven high schools in which classroom teachers provided instruction. An experimental versus control matched‐pair design was used in the study. Two hypotheses were tested using the t test for dependent samples. The findings show that there was no significant difference between the experimental group and control group in attitude toward anatomy and physiology. However, on the achievement test, the mean post‐test score of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group.  相似文献   

Following past researches, student background, learning strategies, self-related cognitions in mathematics and school climate variables were important for achievement. The purpose of this study was to identify a number of factors that represent the relationship among sets of interrelated variables using principal component factor analysis and examine the contribution of each factor to the explanation of the variance in the students' mathematics score using multiple regression analysis. The sample was prepared from students who participated in Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) in Turkey. These data consisted of 3765 15 year-old Turkish students in 158 schools. The results showed that four factors under study totally accounted for approximately 34 percent of the variance in mathematics achievement. All of the factors had statistically significant effects on the achievement. The findings are very important for Turkish education system because the fact that changing school climate and improving the learning strategies are much easier to achieve than changing background factors affecting students' performance.  相似文献   

Factors affecting bioscience students’ academic achievement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The examination of academic progression has become an essential tool for measuring the effectiveness of educational systems. Research concerning the relationship between student learning and how they progress in their studies, however remains scarce. The aim of this study is two-fold: Firstly, the study aims to analyse first-year bioscience students’ perceptions of their teaching–learning environment and their approaches to learning as well as the relationship of these to academic achievement as measured by students’ progression in studies and how they succeed. Secondly, the present study explores factors students feel either enhance or impede their studying as well as the relationship of those factors with their approaches to learning and academic achievement. The data consist of responses from 188 first-year students who began their studies in the fall 2007 and 2008. The data were collected in a Finnish context with a modified and shortened version of the Experiences in Teaching and Learning Questionnaire (ETLQ). The analyses were carried out using factor analysis, one-way ANOVA and structural equation modeling. According to the results, organised studying was related to both academic progression and study success. In addition, academic progression was positively related to peer support. Furthermore, most of the students found that problems in time management impeded their studies and that pre-set schedules enhanced them. Results indicate that social support and self-regulation skills are important for academic achievement.  相似文献   

A case study was conducted in 2006–07 to explore how one US campus implemented a centralised e‐assessment system. The study specifically measured the extent of adoption by faculty members, identified their reasons for adoption and evaluated the impact on teaching and learning. The purposes of the system, entitled researching learning (REAL, a pseudonym), were to measure student learning, meet accountability requirements and assist the university in becoming a learning organisation. An electronic database included programme assessment plans, results and sample instruments. The system also included a peer review process to improve plans by an assessment committee of faculty and administrators.  相似文献   

Instead of the 44-year joint entrance examination held so far in Taiwan, multiple enrollment programs are a more recent policy of the Ministry of Education to reform the deficiencies of the abovementioned examination. However, the results of multiple enrollment programs in reducing student pressure are not clear. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to investigate the impacts of multiple enrollment programs on student burnout and academic achievement among technical–vocational college students. The result demonstrates that multiple enrollment programs have a significant effect on student burnout and academic achievement. Student burnout has a significant negative effect on academic achievement.  相似文献   


We compared achievement gains of mildly handicapped and nonhandicapped third graders in a full‐time integrated program, Team Approach to Mastery (TAM), with gains of similar students in regular classrooms and resource‐room programs. Comparisons of residualized gain scores on the Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills showed that nonhandicapped students made substantially greater gains in full‐time integrated TAM classrooms than both mildly handicapped students in the same classrooms and nonhandicapped students in regular classrooms. Although mildly handicapped students in integrated TAM classrooms tended to experience greater gains than students in resource rooms, differences were significant only in math. Overall, results indicated the effectiveness of the TAM model, particularly when achievement gains of nonhandicapped and mildly handicapped students are contrasted with those reported in a more popular, and complex, integrated classroom model.  相似文献   

As most research into attrition and retention has focused on attrition during the first year of studies, we know little about the relationship between students’ experience of subsequent years and their decisions to withdraw from university. This paper addresses this gap in research by examining the relationship between students’ intention to withdraw from studies and their experience of university in each of the three years of Business degree studies. This empirical research indicates that the factors affecting intention to withdraw are differentiated not only by year but also by semester of study.  相似文献   

The current nation‐wide reform of Chinese primary and secondary education prompted an empirical research project, “An empirical investigation of in‐service English teachers1 1. In this paper, the term “English teacher” refers to a teacher of English language, who teaches English as a second or foreign language. View all notes in primary and secondary schools and a study of a pre‐service language teacher education program”, conducted at Baoding, China. This project is considered as potentially relevant to other Chinese and Asian nations that are engaged in the transformation of their provision of English language instruction. This project was developed in two stages: first, it sought data from in‐service English teachers, using questionnaires and interviews with English teachers from schools differentiated by geographical context and system; and second, these data were used to inform the design of a new pre‐service English teacher education program. In this paper, the consultative processes of Stage 1 are discussed and the teachers' proficiencies in the new direction of teaching English are critically examined. On the basis of these data, reflections and implications of the strengths and weaknesses of the present pre‐service language teacher training program are made.  相似文献   


The learning society has been advocated as an answer to current economic, political and social problems by a wide coalition of interests, including politicians, employers and educators. Here we critically analyse the concept as a myth; that is, as an idea which may or may not have validity, but which many people believe in. For the purpose of this analysis, the learning society is set alongside four other myths upon which it builds: those of productivity, change, lifelong education and the learning organisation. It is argued that the United Kingdom cannot currently be considered to be a learning society, nor is it likely to become one in the foreseeable future. But the idea of the learning society retains an important role as a myth, in drawing together and channelling energies in directions sought by policy‐makers.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the continuation of technology use in science and mathematics teaching of the teachers who attended a professional development program between 2010 and 2012. Continuation of technology use was hypothesized to be affected by the professional development program and by personal, institutional, and technological factors. Twelve teachers and three school leaders participated in the study. Data was collected through interviews. Findings showed that the continuation of technology use differed for the teachers involved in the professional development program. While all teachers reported to have gained knowledge and skills through the professional development program and were positive about technology use in education, only some teachers continued the use of technology. The data revealed that despite the challenges that all teachers in the sample encountered when using technology in their teaching (such as large classrooms, problems with electricity supply, lack of time and lack of technology tools), the encouragement of school management was a critical factor in teachers’ continuation of technology use. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This article discusses the validity of the incorporation of online communication in language education classes as a practice free of power politics. By examining blog activities in an advanced‐level Japanese‐as‐a‐Foreign‐Language classroom at a university in the USA, we show that the blog’s postings and readers’ comments evoke certain modes of governmentality – practices that shape one’s conduct – and define the space of a particular blog. This article illustrates two kinds of space created in blogs: that of language education in which ‘native speakers’ dominate ‘non‐native speakers’; and that of information exchange with less fixed relations of dominance, although participants’ behavior is regulated nonetheless. We suggest involving students in analyzing blog comments so that they can understand, and respond to, how the mode of governmentality works outside the classroom and how to transform relations of dominance that manifest themselves in online spaces.  相似文献   

In the field of EFL, effective language evaluation is receiving more and more attention. However, in many Chinese EFL situations, the evaluation of language development is still considered to be product-oriented. It is the purpose of this article to examine an evaluation system of an English language program offered by a university in Yunnan Province of China to identify the existing problems and any points which do not conform to the current view of effective language evaluation. For the sake of possible improvements in assessment/evaluation, a method/technique of using portfolios that is not at present used in this program for evaluation/assessment is proposed, and the rationale of introducing this method is discussed.  相似文献   

This study addresses the communication apprehension of the non‐native English speaker in the U.S. Previous studies which have examined the implications of communication apprehension (CA) for bilingual, non‐native communicators have generated results which indicate that trait‐like CA is consistent across first and second language‐speaking situations. However, none of these studies have probed the cause of the cross‐linguistic consistency of CA. This research is designed to provide a scientific explanation for the etiology of CA by applying the communibiological paradigm to CA theory and research. By selecting the situational constraints of international students, this study tests a theory based on proposition 4 of the communibiological paradigm (Beatty & McCroskey w/Valencic, 2001, p. 128): “Environment or ‘situation’ has only a negligible effect on interpersonal behavior.” The results of this study replicate the strong relationship previously observed between CA in a first language and CA in a second language. It also found that the genetic markers employed (Eysenck's Big 3 temperament variables) predicted first and second language CA approximately equally. The results indicate that, although both first and second languages are learned, the CA associated with them most likely is not.  相似文献   

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