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This study investigated the relationships between academic self-efficacy (ASE), computer self-efficacy (CSE), prior experience, and satisfaction with online learning and explored how ASE, CSE, and satisfaction vary with age and gender. One hundred and three graduate students enrolled in purely online courses in January 2014 at a university in the midwestern United States participated in the survey. Scales with known reliability were used to measure ASE, CSE, and satisfaction. The study showed a significant positive correlation among all the variables except CSE and satisfaction. Regression analysis showed ASE to be most predictive of satisfaction with online learning. Females had a higher mean ASE than males, and participants aged thirty-five years and above had a higher mean CSE than younger participants.  相似文献   

A need was identified for an instrument to measure online learning self-efficacy, which encompassed the wide variety of tasks required of successful online students. The Online Learning Self-Efficacy Scale (OLSES) was designed to include tasks required of students enrolled in paced online courses at one university. In the present study, the twenty-two-item scale was completed by 338 postsecondary students with and without online learning experience. Separate principal components analyses were performed using data collected from participants who had and had not completed an online course. The results were similar for the two groups. A three-subscale structure was selected for use with all individuals. The three subscales represent items concerning (1) learning in the online environment, (2) time management, and (3) technology use. The reliability and validity of scores on the OLSES was explored through group comparisons and correlations. Suggestions for the use of the instrument with other populations are discussed.  相似文献   

This research examined the relations among social presence, satisfaction with learning experiences, and future online enrollment intent. The data for this cross-sectional study (N?=?280) were collected via an online questionnaire at a large university in the midwestern United States. Students taking online courses because of convenience were more likely to enroll in a future course, whereas those taking the course because it was required for their major were less likely. The curiosity and enjoy interaction motives were indicated as the primary motive for taking the online course by almost 20% of the participants. Hierarchical regression analyses demonstrated that both social presence and satisfaction with learning experiences were significant positive predictors of future online enrollment intent. Social presence explained the most variance in the regression equation.  相似文献   

在经济较发达国家的一些中学后教育的院校中,网上学习已成为传递远程教育课程的一种常规模式.本文论述网上学习的普及程序及范围,并探讨为什么有些院校已经采用了网上学习的策略,而有的院校在这方面的步伐会较慢.最后,针对中国远程教育的现状,作者提出一些成功运用网上学习的适切条件.  相似文献   

经济法作为经管类专业的基础必修课,担负着培养学生掌握法律基础知识、提高法律素养的重任。为满足现代社会对综合素质型、自我发展型人才的需求,有必要将自主学习模式引入经济法课堂。从兴趣入手激发学生的学习动力,将团队合作与案例教学融合,引入更多网络资源,采用全过程考核模式,从而变被动学习为主动学习,使学生成为学习的主导者。  相似文献   

大学生自主学习、时间管理和一般自我效能感的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨大学生自主学习、时间管理和自我效能感的相关性,本研究采用Bandura编制的自主学习量表、Trueman编制的时间管理量表和Schwarzer等编制的一般自我效能感量表,随机选取省内四所高校的400名大学生为研究对象进行调查研究.结果表明:(1)男、女生在自主学习、时间管理和自我效能感上的得分存在着显著差异.(2)不同年级的学生在自主学习、时间管理和自我效能感上的得分均无显著差异.(3)被试在自主学习、时间管理和自我效能感三者的得分上存在着显著正相关.  相似文献   

为了更好地对学生在线学习的自主性和交互性进行全方位的考察,文章在传统的RFM模型的基础上,提出了一种改进的RFM-DS模型,对学生在线课程学习进行评价。在权重系数设置方面,集成主观赋权的层次分析法和客观赋权的主成分分析法,兼顾评价主体的主观偏好性及评价客体的客观真实性,采用“高等数学”在线开放课程的学习行为数据对模型进行应用,得到了在线学习的综合评分数据公式,提高了评价的科学性和有效性。  相似文献   

学习满意度是衡量学习成效的一个重要变量.该文以《远程教育基础》课程的网络讨论教学为例,采用问卷调查法和内容分析法,从学习系统平台的易用性、网络讨论互动过程的体验感受以及网络讨论教学成效的主客观评估三个方面了解网络讨论教学中学生的学习满意度,探索影响学生学习满意度的影响因素,寻求提高学生学习满意度以及网络讨论教学成效的可行性方法和策略.  相似文献   

如何对网络开放课程中的海量学习数据进行采集、存储、分析与表示,并利用分析结果做出决策、优化学习、提高绩效,日益成为亟待解决的问题。NMC地平线报告中介绍的学习分析技术有助于这一问题的解决。根据我国开放课程的现状与学习分析法的特征,开放课程环境下学习分析的研究对象与服务对象具有一定的特殊性。学习分析模式包括采集、存储、分析、表示与应用五个层级;建模时需充分考虑数据与利益相关者的特殊性。未来,学习分析模式的应用在理论基础、数据标准、算法模型、隐私与安全性等方面面临着挑战。  相似文献   

This exploratory cross-case study: (a) examined self-regulated learning (SRL) during 3 studying episodes, and (b) explored ways 8 students of varying proficiencies productively self-regulated their learning. Profiles of SRL were constructed by examining traces of studying activity, test performance, and student reflections. Profiles were used to: (a) identify individual strengths and weaknesses, (b) compare pairs of High, Low, Average, and Improving students, and (c) construct a model of SRL proficiency. SRL proficiency (skill, will, and adaptation) was not consistent with performance. This study illustrates the importance of collecting multiple measures of SRL as a series of events over time.  相似文献   

朱春俐 《成人教育》2021,41(11):25-30
在线课程是远程开放教育的主要载体,是远程开放教育质量保障的重要基础.在线课程资源的使用者是开放教育学习者,从学习者的课程学习体验入手,能深入了解在线课程教学的现实情况.本研究以G区域学历教育学习者为研究对象,围绕学习者的学习经历、行为、感受和情感态度等开展学习体验调查,对研究数据采用统计描述法与内容分析法进行分析.分析结果表明:课程内容不契合学习需求、学习活动参与性不强、学习支持服务不到位等问题影响了在线学习体验.据此,分别从课程内容、教学活动、学习支持三个维度提出具体的建议,包括提高课程内容的实用性、适用性、先进性;完善互动环节的实施策略;提升学习的自由度和学习效率,提供时间管理帮助等.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法,对高校教师在线教学行为及学生在线学习满意度进行了调查。结果表明:从学生角度来看,对操作类或实验类的资源、网络速度以及教师提供的客观教学条件等体验较差,认为在线教学效果比现场教学效果差。从教师角度来看,在教学评价与指导行为上受到一定限制,表现在示范艺体、实验等操作技能,论文写作训练等专业方面。突出表现在:在线教学缺乏充足的教学硬件条件保障,操作及实验类教辅资源紧缺,“新瓶装旧酒”的在线教学效果不好。为此,应加强政府主导,社会参与,共建良好的教学环境与条件;鼓励优质虚拟实验教学资源与平台的共建与共享;对混合式学习进行优化升级。  相似文献   

This study investigated the role of self-directed learning (SDL) in problem-based learning (PBL) and examined how SDL relates to self-regulated learning (SRL). First, it is explained how SDL is implemented in PBL environments. Similarities between SDL and SRL are highlighted. However, both concepts differ on important aspects. SDL includes an additional premise of giving students a broader role in the selection and evaluation of learning materials. SDL can encompass SRL, but the opposite does not hold. Further, a review of empirical studies on SDL and SRL in PBL was conducted. Results suggested that SDL and SRL are developmental processes, that the “self” aspect is crucial, and that PBL can foster SDL. It is concluded that conceptual clarity of what SDL entails and guidance for both teachers and students can help PBL to bring forth self-directed learners.  相似文献   

We examined two aspects of college students' (N = 385) sense of belonging and its relations with three indicators of self-regulated learning. We also tested the mediating role of achievement goals in these relations. One aspect, sense of belonging to school, functioned as a significant predictor of self-reported metacognitive and academic time management strategies. In comparison, a second aspect, sense of belonging to peer groups, was a significant predictor of self-reported peer learning strategies. Findings from the mediation analyses indicated that sense of belonging to school was related with mastery goals, whereas sense of belonging to peer groups was related with performance goals. Further, mastery goals mediated the relations between sense of belonging to school and metacognitive and academic time management strategies.  相似文献   

网络课程的开发对开放教育的教学质量起着重要的作用,因此如何建立一个好的网络课程开发平台就显得至关重要.本研究采用文献检索分析、实验开发等方法从技术层面、学习模式层面和普及层面对依赖传统技术的网络课程开发平台、各学校开发的网络课程开发平台、商业化的网络课程开发平台和基于云计算的开发平台等四种主要的开发平台进行了比较,结果表明,基于云计算的商业化网络课程开发平台是未来的发展趋势.最后,文章还提出了未来的网络课程开发平台的功能模式和网络课程开发平台的评价指标.  相似文献   

基于疫情期间上海39所本科院校在校生线上提供的64949份有效问卷,本研究设计了《本科生在线自我调节学习量表》并进行信效度检验。回归统计结果表明:家庭第一代大学生在线自我调节学习的自评得分均值显著低于非家庭第一代大学生,在控制学习动机与就业焦虑这两个潜在影响机制之后,这种差距明显缩小乃至不再显著;学习动机的解释力度最大,尤其是“努力解决学习中的问题”与“喜欢阅读与专业相关的书籍”这两项与内在动机相关的行为表征;就业焦虑对本科生在线自我调节学习有显著的负面效应;加入交互项之后的回归结果支持学习动机这一潜在变量的调节作用,进而揭示未来对家庭第一代大学生在线学习的有效干预可侧重于内在动机的激发。  相似文献   

网络教育服务质量学生满意度实证分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
学生是网络教育服务质量的直接感知者,其满意度是衡量网络教育服务质量的一项重要指标.基于预期不确定理论和服务质量衡量理论,将顾客满意度模型引入到网络教育服务质量中,结合网络教育实际,建立网络教育服务质量、学生期望、学生价值和满意度之间关系的结构模型.以网络学院学生为调查样本对模型进行实证检验.实证研究结果支持大多数假设,结果表明学习过程、资源、学生服务价值是影响学生满意度的重要因素,服务价值是服务质量与学生满意度的中介变量.  相似文献   

自我调节学习能力的发生条件包括必要和支持性条件,必要条件为元认知知识和元认知体验,支持性条件主要为动机及相关变量。学生自我调节学习能力的教学培养策略主要有:使学生自觉构建学习目标,增强学生对他人及自己认识过程的意识,增强对认识过程的有意识控制,培养和激发学习动机。  相似文献   

The focus of this study was elementary preservice teachers’ development as effective teachers of science and mathematics as influenced by their participation in elementary science and mathematics methods courses. Preservice teachers’ reports of factors that influenced their perception of their teaching abilities were analyzed according to Bandura’s (1994) 4 sources of efficacy: mastery experiences, vicarious experiences, social persuasion, and stress reduction. This investigation allowed the researchers to evaluate the courses based on these sources. The analysis indicated all 4 sources influenced preservice teachers’ teaching self-efficacy beliefs, with mastery experiences considered the most influential. Embedded within discussions of mastery experiences were references to the other sources of efficacy, which suggest an interrelationship between mastery experiences and the other sources.  相似文献   

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