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学术期刊编辑对开放获取认识的调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了了解学术期刊的网络出版现状以及实现开放获取(OA)的程度,预测国际OA对我国学术文献出版和传播的影响,采用问卷法调查全国学术期刊编辑对OA的认识.结果表明,编辑人员对OA持积极、肯定的态度,但在对OA是否会降低发行量,OA采取作者支付模式的可行性以及OA论文的质量控制问题等方面存在一定的疑虑.文章针对这些问题进行了分析.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]基于学术图书OA出版的实践经验以及利益博弈情况,对学术图书OA出版模式进行研究,并通过实现学术图书OA出版模式的利益均衡来促进其可持续健康发展。[方法/过程]采用文献调查、网络调查和模型设计,通过利益相关者的利益分析以及利益均衡实现条件的研究,探讨学术图书OA出版模式利益均衡的实现和运作机制。[结果/结论]学术图书OA出版模式利益均衡的实现需要满足个体与整体两个层面的条件,其利益均衡的最佳要素组合包括作者、非盈利性出版者、文献组织或机构、公共资助者,他们通过合理分工与密切合作,共同实现学术图书OA出版的可持续健康发展。  相似文献   

文章基于我国OA出版模式落后于国际形势的现状,从我国传统文化出版传播情况出发,具体分析了汉唐宋时期碑刻和题壁文化中所蕴含的OA要素及其深刻影响,指出古代的碑刻和题壁文化与最新出版模式OA具有较强的相似性,都包含资源共享、免费获取、可复制和长久保持(存)等特点.中国古代碑刻和题壁文化大体相当于目前的OA出版模式.OA在中国既有深厚的历史渊源,又有广泛的群众基础,中国是非常适合OA生存的土壤,OA定会在中国蓬勃发展.  相似文献   

开放获取(OA)为用户方便快捷地了解同行研究成果,清除知识传播壁垒提供了契机。根据样本数据分析当前国内对OA的认知度和认同度原因:科研管理部门对网络文献的态度对用户是否选择OA出版有影响;OA文献的质量是影响用户认同度的另一主要因素;不同学科的发展程度造成了学科内OA发展的不均衡;OA的付费模式是其发展的影响因素之一:国内OA的发展状况在一定程度上影响了用户对OA的认同度。建议对OA文献进行质量控制,建立OA期刊的评价制度,寻求新的评价方法;改革当前成果认定指标,承认网络文献成果;减少OA出版过程中的花费,促进OA整体发展等。表10。图1。参考文献6。  相似文献   

数字网络环境下,传统出版商业模式与OA出版模式并存。通过对两种商业模式的比较,从OA期刊运行的角度,提出期刊出版平台OA模式、用户订阅混合模式以及学术社交媒体补充模式等三种类型,构建学术期刊出版的多种运行形式,指出目前我国学术期刊出版是一个混合多元的格局。  相似文献   

张晓军 《出版广角》2013,(21):76-79
OA学术期刊出版是一种新型的出版模式,在这种模式下,作品的著作权性质以及有关各方的权利关系发生了变化。探讨这种性质以及权利关系新特点,对于促进OA学术期刊出版的健康发展具有理论意义。在OA学术期刊出版的社会关系下,作品的著作权表现为与作品社会文化价值相对应的人身权,著作权权利关系体现在作者与出版者、出版者与公众、作者与所在机构三个方面。  相似文献   

数字出版与开放获取(Open Access,OA)运动促使大学图书馆开始探索出版服务。继学术期刊OA出版之后,学术图书OA出版也成为出版领域的重要趋向。文章分析学术出版危机与期刊OA模式的成功对学术图书OA出版的影响,学术图书OA出版的现实意义与面临的挑战,介绍美国大学图书馆的学术图书OA出版服务,最后提出我国大学图书馆开展此项服务的建议。  相似文献   

PeerJ作为一种网络出版的新模式,其内容包括终身免收论文发表费的作者会员制、鼓励公开责任编辑和同行评审专家姓名和评审内容、缩短发表周期、影响力提升策略、基于网络的文章层次的评价指标,以及论文预印服务等,总结这一出版新模式的成功经验,对于克服我国OA出版办刊模式存在的弊端,完善我国学术期刊OA出版具有很好的借鉴作用.  相似文献   

基于开放存取的学术期刊出版模式研究(上)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
OA出版是一种全新的学术出版模式,其宗旨在于利用网络条件实现科学研究成果的广泛共享.作为OA出版的两大实现途径之一的OA期刊目前虽然还处于初期发展阶段,但已经形成了自己的出版模式.本文在调研和分析的基础上,从经费支持、质量控制和知识产权保护等角度详细阐述了OA期刊出版的这种特有模式.  相似文献   

学术期刊开放获取出版定量研究探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前学术期刊开放获取(OA)出版定量研究主要集中在增长趋势、影响力和被引优势、成本和效益以及学者的认知、态度和行为四个方面,主要用到文献计量、数学模型估计、问卷调查等方法进行研究。研究表明,OA出版是一种有益于科研领域、社会公共利益和学者个人的出版模式。其可持续发展面临着开放获取期刊(OAJ)供稿量不足、发文量低,OA模式不稳定,存续能力差,学者对其质量存在忧虑且缺乏经费等问题。在OA出版规模不断扩大、商业出版机构参与度高涨的趋势下,要加大对OA发表的费用资助和豁免力度,建立有效的经费补偿和分配机制,要扶持高质量OAJ的发展。未来的研究方向包括:非营利性OAJ运营、OA出版经费解决机制、影响力跟踪评价、社会效益评估、作者OA发表体验。表1。参考文献56。  相似文献   

There previously has been little research specifically about use of Open Access (OA) content in Ghana for information retrieval and for publication or information sharing, although several articles indicate that the infrastructure and the attitudes are in place. The objectives of this article are (1) to document research scientists’ awareness of OA journals, (2) to determine their attitudes toward OA journal use and publication, and (3) to determine the levels of use of OA materials. This article contributes to the growing body of literature on the potential of OA for the developing world in two ways: it provides information about OA adoption in Ghana, where little research has been done thus far, and it provides information about the beliefs of research scientists in a governmental organization, an area where little research heretofore has been done.  相似文献   

试析网络科学信息的OA运动对图书馆的影响   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
黄凯文 《图书馆论坛》2005,25(2):112-114
网络技术的快速发展与广泛应用,使得近十年来学术传播的方式与环境发生了巨大变化,出现一种新型的学术方式——“公开获取运动”。文章讨论该运动对图书馆产生的影响。  相似文献   

林章碧 《编辑学报》2021,33(1):114-118
通过分析国外综合开放存取(OA)期刊的发展历程,为我国创办OA期刊提供借鉴.以《PLoS One》和《Scientific Reports》为例,分析国外大型综合OA期刊的现状和存在的问题,指出我国创办同类型OA期刊的意义,并提出3种运作模式.我国创办大型综合OA期刊可缓解国内期刊资源不足与发表需求之间的突出矛盾、确保...  相似文献   

Since 2009, Open Access (OA) Week has been celebrated worldwide in October each year. It is an opportunity for librarians to engage with the research community and demonstrate the value that they bring to their organisations in the area of disseminating scholarly output. Although thousands of events have been held since the inception of OA Week, a minimal amount of research has been carried out regarding the impact of these events. This article presents a review of the literature on OA Week and evaluates the effectiveness of three events held during OA Week 2015 in Ireland through the use of statistics and a survey. The three events held during OA Week 2015 in Ireland that were evaluated include: a seminar run by Repository Network Ireland (RNI), a D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything And Read) campaign using OA materials organized by Dr. Steevens' Library, and a collaborative OA seminar between Dr. Steevens' Library and Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) libraries. The author concludes that a collaborative approach to planning and managing OA week between librarians from academic and other sectors can have tangible benefits both in terms of promoting OA and also promoting the role of the Librarian in the OA movement.  相似文献   

国际上主要国家开放存取政策及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一种创新、高效的学术交流模式,“开放存取”提倡学术信息共享和免费获取。文章全面展示了西方发达国家美国、英国以及发展中国家印度开放存取政策的历史背景、制定过程、实施方式以及阶段性成效,并由此提出建议,即我国政府及相关机构需要制定出适合我国国情的开放存取政策,建立完善的保障制度,确定有效的政策形式,开展多样的资金支持,以实现我国学术信息在更大范围更长时间内的交流、传播和获取。该文为《数字图书馆论坛》2009年第11期本期话题“Open Access”的文章之一。  相似文献   

The last few years have seen the emergence of several open access options in scholarly communication which can broadly be grouped into two areas referred to as ‘gold’ and ‘green’ open access (OA). In this article we review the literature examining the relationship between OA status and citation counts of scholarly articles. Early studies showed a correlation between the free online availability or OA status of articles and higher citation counts, and implied causality without due consideration of potential confounding factors. More recent investigations have dissected the nature of the relationship between article OA status and citations. Three non-exclusive postulates have been proposed to account for the observed citation differences between OA and non-OA articles: an open access postulate, a selection bias postulate, and an early view postulate. The most rigorous study to date (in condensed matter physics) showed that, after controlling for the early view postulate, the remaining difference in citation counts between OA and non-OA articles is explained by the selection bias postulate. No evidence was found to support the OA postulate per se; i.e. article OA status alone has little or no effect on citations. Further studies using a similarly rigorous approach are required to determine the generality of this finding.  相似文献   

开放存取对图书馆信息资源建设的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
最近几年,开放存取作为一种全新的出版模式、学术信息资源交流模式和理念不断受到重视.从对开放存取的定义、源起和图书馆信息资源建设工作的特点与现状的分析入手,论述了开放存取给图书馆的信息资源建设带来的一系列影响.  相似文献   

高校图书馆开放存取信息服务的若干问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
开放存取信息服务是一种新型的图书馆服务,以动态性、融合性和个性化为主要特征。当前我国高校图书馆信息服务尽管形成了一定的工作模式,但是还存在诸如信息整合不完整、监管力度不力以及人员培养不到位等问题。将开放存取模式恰当地运用到高校图书馆信息服务中,能够进一步提高我国高校图书馆服务质量。  相似文献   

OA模式是在互联网实现信息化和迅捷化的时代出现并发展起来的。作为一种新型的学术、科研成果出版、交流和共享方式,OA模式以其新颖的发展理念和独特的发展模式受到了理论界的广泛关注,并由此引发深入的研究和探讨。在对OA模式进行简要概述的基础上,阐述发展OA模式的必要性,分析影响OA模式发展的主要因素,最后对OA模式的完善发展提出一些具有针对性的对策思路。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the current state of gold Open Access (OA) in India based on papers published in the Web of Science indexed journals. It specifically focuses on research output published in OA journals and examines the difference between gold OA and general research output for papers authored by Indian researchers. In order to analyze the Indian contribution of gold OA literature and compares with other countries, Web of Science?-Core Collection was used. There is an increasing trend of contributing research papers in OA journals by Indian researchers. Among the top 20 publishing countries India ranks 10th place in terms of the general research output, but secures 8th place in terms of gold OA papers. However, India's position in terms of share of gold OA publications is relatively higher than other leading countries of the world. Researchers in India mostly prefer to contribute their gold OA papers in Indian journals rather foreign journals and the proportion of gold OA research output in Clinical, Preclinical, Health, Life Sciences and Physicals Sciences is much higher than other disciplines such as Arts &; Humanities and Social Sciences. Since most of the research output in India is published in local journals, the study suggests further analyses of publications which are not published in Web of Science indexed journals.  相似文献   

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