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从美国大学科研经费的间接成本管理看政府与大学的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
联邦资助的科学研究是今日美国研究型大学的突出特点。一般而言,联邦政府支付科研活动的全部费用,包括大学因承担科研项目而发生的间接成本。起源于二战时期政府资助大学的科研合同,间接成本制度自20世纪50年代以来逐渐发展完善,成为美国联邦政府资助大学科研活动的政策工具。透过间接成本制度可以揭示政府-大学关系在过去60年中的巨大变迁。  相似文献   

Honours research projects in the School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering at the University of Adelaide are run with small groups of students working with an academic supervisor in a chosen area for one year. The research project is mainly self-directed study, which makes it very difficult to fairly assess the contribution of individual students to a group-based research project. Until recently, a paper-based method of self and peer assessment (SPA) for the honours research projects was used to assess the projects. This was unsatisfactory for both students and academic staff, who found that the same mark was often awarded by the peers to each student without feedback. In 2010, therefore, an online SPA tool, SPARK, together with a set of newly developed assessment criteria, were used for SPA by the honours students. The new SPA criteria are based on teamwork and research skills, and the new rating scales reflect standard academic grades. Surveys of the students confirmed that they found the criteria and scales much more suitable for the assessment of group work and design projects.  相似文献   

出口退税是国家为了增强出口商品的竞争能力,由税务部门将商品中所含的间接税退还给出口商,从而使出口商品以不含税的价格进入国际市场参与国际贸易竞争的一种政策。出口退税制度的变化与国家财政和企业利益密切相关。文章分析了最新出口退税制度的优劣,并提出了完善我国出口退税制度的设想。  相似文献   

This article reports on part one of a three-part national survey of provision for pupils aged 14 and older, in England and Wales, who have profound and complex learning difficulties. The survey is part of the Enhancing the Quality of Life (EqoL), a three-year research project jointly awarded to Skill: the National Bureau for Students with Disabilities, and the University of Cambridge School of Education. The aim of the project is to construct a framework for learning which will support improvements in the quality of life for these young people. It is funded by the National Lottery Charities Board.  相似文献   

论德国高等学校科研经费筹措的现状、问题和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨明 《比较教育研究》2007,28(12):71-75
德国高等学校的科研经费制度是由基本资助和科研项目资助组成的双轨制,第三渠道经费来源多样化且极富特色.德国高等学校科研经费筹措中的主要问题是:与非大学系统相比,高等学校的科研竞争力有所下降;宏观和微观方面的科研资助组织体系尚不够健全;科研经费管理制度缺乏一定的灵活性.当前德国高等学校科研经费筹措的主要改革举措包括:逐步增加高等学校科研经费投入的数量和比例,促进地区和高等学校间科研经费投入的均衡化,促进科研直接成本和间接成本的相匹配并提高使用效率.  相似文献   

The wide variation in indirect cost rates that universities charge the federal government in research grants and contracts has reduced the credibility of universities, as have accompanying charges that universities have been overreaching in indirect cost recovery. Many explanations for rate differences have been presented, but not systematically examined. Detailed cost and policy data from seven major research universities were used to simulate a standardization of costs and policies to eliminate several of the differences widely believed to contribute to rate variation. The result was an increase in rate variation, rather than the expected decrease. Furthermore, each of the universities could have charged the federal government a higher rate than actually charged, providing evidence that universities have not been over-reaching in indirect cost recovery.  相似文献   

施工项目成本控制是通过控制工程直接成本、降低间接成本、控制质量成本、合理缩短工期及增加预算收入等途径来实现。  相似文献   


Overcoming the potential dilemma of awarding the same grade to a group of students for group work assignments, regardless of the contribution made by each group member, is a problem facing teachers who ask their students to work collaboratively together on assessed group tasks. In this paper, we report on the procedures to factor in the contributions of individual group members engaged in an integrated group project using peer assessment procedures. Our findings demonstrate that the method we used resulted in a substantially wider spread of marks being given to individual students. Almost every student was awarded a numerical score which was higher or lower than a simple group project mark would have been. When these numerical scores were converted into the final letter grades, approximately one-third of the students received a grade for the group project that was different from the grade that they would have received if the same grade had been awarded to all group members. Based on these preliminary findings we conclude that peer assessment can be usefully and meaningfully employed to factor individual contributions into the grades awarded to students engaged in collaborative group work.  相似文献   

This research was supported, in part, by a grant from the National Institute for Mental Health (5R44MH07071‐03) awarded to Dr. Melissa E. DeRosier. Additional support comes from an Institute of Education Sciences post‐doctoral fellowship training award to the University of Florida (R324B1200002). The research was conducted at 3‐C Institute. The authors thank the staff and students of the Wake County Public School System in North Carolina for their cooperation and support in the implementation of this research project. In addition, the authors thank Drs. Janey McMillen, Natalie O'Brian, and Melanie Wilson for their invaluable efforts as project coordinators, as well as the many interns of the 3‐C Institute for their assistance in successfully completing this research project.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an action research project which aimed to promote assessment for learning within a summative assignment. In an attempt to provide enhanced feedback to students, the process of their group assignment involved lecturer feedback at various stages. A particular focus was on a 'mini-viva', whereby students explained and justified to the lecturer selected aspects of their assignment after it was submitted but before a mark was awarded. Oral and written evaluation data were collected from students, two peer observers and from colleagues taking part in an action research team. Some implications for 'good assessment practices' are discussed.  相似文献   

The relationships between federal research funding and institutional commitments and characteristics are assumed to be at certain levels, but such assumptions appear to be founded mainly upon subjective observations. This study examined the relationships between federal research funding and the following institutional characteristics: institutional research funds; doctors, masters, first professional, and bachelor's degrees awarded; and graduate, first professional, and undergraduate student headcount. Data was gathered from 60 research performing universities for fiscal year 1975. Multiple regression, simple correlation and partial correlation analyses were used to ascertain the strength of the relationships. Results showed that doctor's degrees awarded and institutional research funds possessed the strongest correlations to federal research funding, with doctorates being the strongest relationship at private institutions and institutional research funds the strongest relationship at public institutions.  相似文献   

强化地铁施工阶段的造价控制,是控制工程造价的重要途径之一。结合多年的工程造价管理经验,在分析施工阶段工程造价影响关键因素的基础上,提出相应的管理措施,对提高地铁工程造价管理水平具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

熊伟  李爱彬 《煤炭高等教育》2011,29(6):34-35,41
本文突破现行科研项目成本计算方法的局限,将全成本管理理论引入高校科研项目成本管理中,系统地构建了高校课题制科研项目全成本核算体系,提出了建立科研经费全成本核算动态控制机制,在项目的申报、审批、预算、过程控制、验收结题等各个环节实现财务信息的有效共享。这一研究是对高校课题制科研项目全成本核算研究领域的理论发展的深化和推进,对实践具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

以721可见分光光度计为项目载体,采用逆向工程的基本原理对单片机课程的项目化进行改革尝试,提出了单片机课程逆向工程选用产品的原则是产品要具有典型性、先进性、复杂性。经教学实践表明,该方法有利于学生掌握单片机知识,提高学生技能,培养学生工程化的实践经验,同时不需要购买耗材,从而在降低项目化实施成本的前提下,达到实现单片机课程项目化教学的目的,对于其它课程的项目化改革具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Statistical data concerning student and employee numbers, numbers of degrees awarded, success rates; floor space, operating and research budgets, industrial support of research and some other indicators have been assembled for nine technically oriented universities. Analysis shows that the operating budgets per student vary by a factor of 6 while the teaching budgets per taught student vary by a factor of almost 4. Teaching floor space per taught student varies by a factor of 3. The numbers of doctorates awarded per first degree awarded vary by almost a factor of 6. The universities with the best international reputations are characterized by high research intensities, large budgets per student and relatively great autonomy.  相似文献   

软件开发成本的估算对一个项目成功与否是个很重要的因素,而开发成本的估算更是极为因难,目前业者大都没有一套可靠的、数量化的成本估算模式。人工神经元网络对于预测、分类的应用问题有较好的效果。本研究试在采用人工神经元网络于软件开发成本的预测上,建立两种成本估算的模式,即成本预测模式和成本分类模式,以期能在实际工作中解决相关问题。  相似文献   

财务管理中的成本差异分析是个难点,通过统计学中的同度量因素分析方法就很清晰的对直接材料成本、直接人工成本、变动制造费用成本和固定制造费用成本进行分析。  相似文献   

以2007年的相关统计数据为主要基础信息,采用市场价值法、影子工程法、机会成本法和净收益替代法等方法,计算梅州市森林生态系统服务功能的间接经济价值,得出以下结论:梅州市2007年的森林生态系统服务功能间接经济价值为245.06×108元,其中净化空气功能的贡献率最大,占总量价值的54.2%;其次是固碳释氧功能,占总量价值的36.5%;其他生态功能贡献率虽然较小,但也发挥着重要作用.并提出该市森林资源可持续开发利用的相关建议.  相似文献   

In 2009, Skills Tasmania approached the authors to deliver their Lean Action Learning programme in Tasmania. This programme had run successfully in South Australia for some five years. For Tasmania, a requirement was that participants in the programme be eligible for a nationally recognised VET qualification on completion of the programme. This had not been a requirement in South Australia. This Account of Practice outlines how the authors were able to meet requirements without compromising the action learning approach. Qualifications are awarded based on observed performance, mentoring and evidence gathered. The authors describe the processes used for project planning, qualification mapping, mentoring, evidence gathering and assessment.  相似文献   

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