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在中医向国外推广和传播的过程中,中医英语的作用非常重要,因此需要加强中医英语教学。目前的中医英语教学面临着教学模式较为单一、缺乏规范的教材、专业师资严重缺乏等问题,因此中医院校应该努力构建合理的教学模式,提高教材编写质量,加强师资队伍建设,从而培养合格的国际化中医药人才。  相似文献   

本文给出了民间支教的定义、分类及其主要特点,并在总结民间自发支教现状的基础上,概括其存在的主要问题,最后提出了完善民间自发支教的相关政策及指导建议。  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of a model for integrating student evaluation of teaching results with academic development opportunities, in new ways that take into account theoretical and practical developments in both fields. The model is described in terms of five phases or components: (1) the basic student evaluation system; (2) an interpretive guidance system that helps lecturers understand and interpret their results; (3) a longitudinal reporting system that initiates opportunities for staff to engage in personal and professional development in the context of a learning community; (4) a structured professional development programme that builds a faculty learning community, in which the members utilise extended cycles of evaluation based on (5) a comprehensive evaluation model designed to develop and encourage the collection of evaluation data from a variety of sources concerning the quality and impact of teaching: the teacher; student learning outcomes; student experience; and the teacher’s peers.  相似文献   

The evaluation and improvement of teaching in higher education   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
Four procedures to evaluate teaching (by students, peers, video-recordings, and direct measurements of student learning) and three uses of the evaluation results (improving teaching, personnel decisions, course handbooks) are reviewed in the light of empirical evidence. Special emphasis is placed on the timing and validity of student ratings and the instruments used. Since none of the procedures appear sufficient in and by itself, a multiple indicator approach, especially for personnel decisions, would seem to be the most defensible one.While it is essential to take evidence of teaching effectiveness into account in considerations for tenure and promotion, faculty must also be given opportunities to become professionals as teachers. Higher education units, designed primarily for this purpose, appear to be effective as judged by their clients (the faculty they have served), but have failed to make an impact on the faculty as a whole. What is required now is an institutional commitment to quality instruction, i.e. a departmental policy on the evaluation of teaching and faculty development.Invited keynote address presented at the Third International Conference on Improving University Teaching, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, June 8–11, 1977. An annotated bibliography Evaluation des systèmes d'éducation supérieure produced by L. de Marchi in preparation for this address is available from the author.  相似文献   

论学生评教及高校教学质量保障体系的改善   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
学生评教是高校教学质量保障的一项根本制度,它的建立使学生拥有了表达教学意愿的常规渠道,有助于高校树立服务学生的办学宗旨。我国高校开展学生评教工作的时间不长,在实际工作中还存在学生代人评教、形式意义大于实质意义、评教结果被误用、制度设计存在漏洞等问题。为此,应从树立正确的学生评教观、构建科学的学生评教制度、借鉴国外的先进经验等方面,改进我国高校的学生评教制度,完善我国高校教学质量保障体系。  相似文献   

古筝作为中华民族乐器的瑰宝,正面临着传承人才稀少,后继无人的局面,给中国民族乐器带来了巨大损失,使得中国民族传统文化面临着消逝。因此,本文就古筝在非艺术类高校的发展现状及存在的问题,提出了在高校发展古筝的可行性策略,以期使古筝艺术得以更好传承,以更好的姿态走向世界文化艺术的舞台。  相似文献   

“互动的课堂教学评价研究”是广州培英中学作为广州市教育局教研室中心研究课题(发展性评价)实验学校的立项课题,该研究方案中明确提出了有关互动课堂教学评价的六个方面:①任课教师对课堂教学中学生表现与达成目标的初步评价。②学生主动地对课堂教学中教师活动的初步评价。③学生主动地对课堂教学中其他学生活动表现的初步评价。④师生、生生坦诚地交流与反馈各自的评价意见。⑤任课教师对课堂教学的内省、反思,改进教学。⑥学生对课堂学习过程的自我监控和反思,改进学习。这六个方面旨在通过教师与学生作为主体参与课堂教学评价,建立师…  相似文献   

微课是以信息技术作为基础,将文字、图片、音乐等元素结合起来进行录制的小视频。它的出现为课堂教学带来了新的生机,对于提升课堂的教学效果发挥了重要作用。广大一线教师纷纷在课堂中使用微课进行教学,实现了教学目标。如何在农村小学数学课堂教学中运用好微课,值得我们在实际中进一步探究。  相似文献   

语言是基于一定文化背景的,法国汉语教学的成效在很大程度上受文化交流程度影响,解决好不同文化差异问题,在教学中渗透文化,是跨文化语言教学的重中之重。本篇文章主要围绕中法文化差异展开,从几个方面探讨了如何行之有效的开展汉语教学,深化文化交流,希望本文内容可以为教育同仁提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

英语教学中的情感因素及教学策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文重点分析了英语教学现状和情感因素及其分类,提出在英语课堂教学下从师生关系、教学内容和教学方法三个方面入手,运用情感因素提高英语教学效果的教学策略,为教师在英语教学中提供指导和帮助。  相似文献   

Demands for institutional accountability in higher education have been increasing and have led to greater attention to the evaluation of teaching, the assumption being that improved teaching will result in enhanced learning. In our work as academic developers, we are increasingly helping academic managers make explicit teaching policies and practices that seem fair and equitable. To help us in this work, we have developed a framework for evaluating the practice of teaching. What is unique about this framework is the language it provides to differentiate aspects of teaching. For instance, it provides a basis for differentiating and linking criteria to standards, i.e. the level of achievement desired or expected. Standards are critical if the evaluation of teaching is to be seen as fair and equitable, yet they are often unexamined in other representations of the evaluation of teaching. Although the original intent of our efforts was to provide a framework for academic managers, we have come to find it useful in our own work as university teachers and as academic developers. Examples of all three uses are provided in the paper.  相似文献   

This paper reports on findings from a large sample survey in the states of India that account for two thirds of the children out of school. It then examines the feasibility of the central government's goals to ensure all children complete 5 years of school by 2007, and 8 years by 2010. These goals—more ambitious than the global EFA goals—are unlikely to be achieved without significant reforms by the central and state governments. It examines key reform options: in the public spending pattern; improving teacher accountability and work environment; incentives to improve demand for schooling; and the private sector. It argues that central to universalising elementary education will be improving the level, equity and efficiency of public spending. However, even with these reforms, improving teacher accountability will still remain key to the achievement of the goals.  相似文献   

Michael Scriven has suggested that student rating forms, for the purpose of evaluating college teaching, be designed for multiple audiences (instructor, administrator, student), and with a single global item for summative functions (determination of merit, retention, or promotion). This study reviewed approaches to rating form construction, e.g., factor analytic strategies of Marsh, and recommended the multiple audience design of Scriven. An empirical test of the representativeness of the single global item was reported from an analysis of 1,378 forms collected in a university department of education. The global item correlated most satisfactorily with other items, a computed total of items, items that represented underlying factors, and various triplets of items selected to represent all possible combinations of items. It was concluded that a multiple audience rating form showed distinct advantages in design and that the single global item most fairly and highly represented the overall teaching performance, as judged by students, for decisions about retention, promotion, and merit made by administrators.  相似文献   

This paper aimed to explore how preschool teachers' experience their strengthened teaching mission, specifically when working with scientific exploration. The study was based on the philosophy of the life-world, a branch of the phenomenological movement. Life-world philosophy focuses on the concrete reality humans inhabit and is responsive to its inherent ambiguity. The data consisted of written teacher responses and follow-up interviews. The findings showed a broad and multidimensional way of working with science and exploration in which embodied experiences and intertwined relationships were prominent. Teachers' notions of what constitutes scientific exploration and learning represent a combination of science as literacy and science as inquiry, emphasising democracy, aesthetics, experimentation and reflection. Being present and focusing children's relationship with the phenomena seem to be teachers' strategies of handling their strengthened teaching mission.  相似文献   

英语教师课堂提问策略比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教师提问是课堂交互的重要组成部分,提问的实施需要一定的策略.通过对中外英语教师课堂提问策略进行比较研究,可以做到取长补短,不断完善语言观、教育观.在教师培训和发展中,要高度重视教师的课堂提问策略,充分强调教师话语与学习者输出的关系,促进英语课堂教学改革.  相似文献   

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