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《英格力士》是近年出版的一部优秀长篇小说,它通过孩子的眼光对边地的文革进行了另类描述,在成长的主题下包含了“我”审视一切、追求“优雅”的少年心态,而“优雅”正是那个年代所缺失的东西,也是这个年代我们正在拼命追求的东西。  相似文献   

王刚的《英格力士》描写了在文革时期的乌鲁木齐,一群少男少女学习英语的经历。通过少年刘爱的生活自述,反映了"文革"期间的社会变迁和人物命运。本文从文革背景下的知识分子群像、文革时期对少年的压抑教育、少年成长的潜意识原因等三个方面论述那个特定时期一个少年的生活经验。  相似文献   

儿童视角作为一种独特的文学现象,呈现出独特的叙事语调。在小说《英格力士》的叙事视角中儿童视角并不是单独存在的,往往有成人视角或隐含作者渗透叙事系统对儿童视角形成干预补充。同时,采用第一人称叙事拉进了叙述者与读者的距离,读者与叙述者平等对话,使文本颇具亲切感和感染力。文本中多处采用反讽叙事,不仅实现了从儿童视角、心理出发对成人世界中丑陋现象的批判,还使文本的意义阐释更加丰富。  相似文献   

王安忆在长篇小说《启蒙时代》中,以“文革”为时代背景,刻画出了特定年代中一群青年男女的成长经历.在“文革”这个特定的时代,个体的命运早已被时代所决定,不得不面对事业、爱情和死亡等成长主题,同时还必须承担个体认同的重担,这时的个体认同成为一个主动选择和创造的过程.  相似文献   

华盛顿·欧文、库柏、梅尔维尔这些早期浪漫主义的代表作家的所有经典之作,却规避了浪漫的爱情,马克*吐温和惠特曼的代表作也是无爱无性的世界.这与北美殖民地的社会环境和未予开发的自然环境有关.美国富强后,以女权主义和女性解放为背景,美国文学尤其是女性文学却是另一番景象,"甜蜜野蛮"成了这一时期的文学主题.  相似文献   

《初中历史课程标准》指出:“要建立发展性评价体系,将过程性评价与考试性评价有机地结合在一起,不仅发挥评价的甄别、选拔功能,还要发挥评价的教育导向和发展功能。”本着这样的理念,我们在实践中使用《成长手册》,来对学生的学习过程进行多方面、全方位的立体评价。经过一年的实验证实这种过程性评价形式,能更好地关注学生学习与发展的过程,促进学生全面而有个性地发展。  相似文献   

王安忆的新作《启蒙时代》是其近十年来创作所达到的一个新的高度。一向关注生命成长的作家在这部新作中既探索了以南昌为代表的青年一代在"后革命时代"的迷茫、寻找与成长的艰难历程,也探索了父亲一代由启蒙大众到自我启蒙的内在成长。小说既是对现代文学中启蒙叙事的续接,又是超越。  相似文献   

通过对《简·爱》作品的认识,分析该作品的作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特作为女性作家其写作具有的时代束缚性:她无法摆脱当时的家庭环境、社会环境等因素对她的影响,没能塑造出真正独立自主的简·爱。同时,深入探讨其作品具有时代束缚性的具体表现,并对产生时代束缚性的原因进行深入剖析,使广大读者在了解《简·爱》作品的同时,也更加了解夏洛蒂·勃朗特的写作特点。  相似文献   

《语文课程标准》揭示的语文学科的性质“工具性与人文性的统一”更为科学,并由此带来新的教育理念,这便是语文教育的理想:第一,实现语文文本(包括教材)的人文性——对人的尊重,关注人的生存意义,关心人的生活,张扬人的个性,促进人的发展;第二,把语文课堂甚至是语文课程(教材、教师、学生构成的“生态环境”)营造成生命活动展示场、生命对话场,让课堂教学成为师生人生中一段重要的生命经历,让教学过程成为一种真实的生活,成为师生生命活力展现的过程。  相似文献   

This study describes a change process of implementing role-plays in a course on workplace communication in English, and of engaging in retrospective reflection. Considering that English education for nursing students in Taiwan has focused on the development of medical terminology and that students’ communicative competence is the main deficiency, the author conducted the change process in a medium-scale district hospital where she worked as a clinical nurse and in a nursing college where she taught English as a part-time teacher. The results show that engaging in retrospective reflection allows a teacher to construct knowledge from experience for professional growth.  相似文献   

The rapid and wide spread of English has given rise to its lingua franca status, which in turn, changes the nature of English and English teaching at the tertiary level. This paper, based on a survey, discusses some of the problems with the current English curriculum used in Chinese universities and proceeds to offer some suggestions for a more appropriate university English curriculum in China in the context of English as an international language.  相似文献   

This study examined borderland discourse emergent from the practicum experiences of non-native English speaking pre-service teachers (PSTs) in a Thai primary school. Borderland discourse is defined as a space where personal and professional constructs intersect, which is often in a state of dissonance. Over a ten-week practicum period, the PSTs narrated their experiences through a dialogic reflective journal with their teacher-educator. A main issue was the dissonance between PSTs’ expectations with the reality of their teaching context. Some of which were the Thai students’ inability to communicate in English and the use of a syllabus that did not reflect the students’ language abilities. This led to a renegotiation of PSTs’ pedagogical approaches. This study also highlighted potential challenges that non-native English speaking PSTs may face if teaching in a context that is linguistically or culturally different from theirs, as well as a brief account of English language education in Thailand.  相似文献   

李珍 《三明学院学报》2005,22(1):103-107
多媒体辅助的“快乐英语”教学模式是以最大限度地调动学生主观能动性,帮助学生更加有效地掌握、运用所习得知识为目的,充分利用多媒体为主的多种教学辅助手段和竞争、评估等课堂管理机制,针对学生的年龄、心理特点,依赖语言习得的构建规律,从课前准备到课后评估都经过精心策划的一套课堂教学机制。其基本内容就是利用建构主义。从视、听、说、读、写全方面立体构建一个最接近于元语言习得语境的学习环境,营造轻松、愉快的学习氛围,将促进学习的内、外因有机结合,尽可能诱导出学习者的潜能。从而达到最大限度地掌握、运用英语的学习效果。  相似文献   

培养高师生的可持续发展职业能力,是高师教育改革的一个重要目标.教师教育的实践证明,构建高师生的现代教育观对其形成可持续发展能力起着支撑作用.本文根据近三年来的课题研究与实践,就英语高师生应具备何种教育观和如何建构这些教育观,以促进其教师职业能力的可持续发展等问题,谈谈我们的一些思路和做法.  相似文献   

新《大纲》指导下的师范院校英语专业课程设置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
师范院校英语专业在贯彻新大纲,培养复合型人才时首先应该注重英语和教育的复合,课程设置应突出师范性,体现“英语教育”的特色。在师资条件许可的情况下,量力而行,与其他系科合作,实施副修制,做好荚语与其他专业的复合,培养复合型人才。  相似文献   

Since colonial times, many English-medium universities in developing countries require applicants to give proof of a high degree of proficiency in English language. Applicants with (very) good school results, but without the required score in school English are not admitted. This study focuses on the efficacy of such an entry requirement, using the performance of students at the National University of Lesotho. The results show that performance in school-level English is hardly correlated with academic performance, when controlling for the overall school performance. At the same time, overall school performance is a good predictor of performance. The study makes an attempt to quantify the implications of the current emphasis on performance in school English, and concludes that this emphasis cannot be justified, since it actually works to keep a number of very promising students outside the university. Finally, some reasons are suggested for the apparent lack of correlation between performance in school English and performance at university.  相似文献   

李扬 《科教导刊》2020,(2):113-115
通过对目前初中英语教学现状的分析,提出了在初中英语教学中运用内容型教学法,注重对学生跨文化交际能力的培养,并探讨了其可行性。本文以郑州某初中英语教学为例,研究和探讨了内容型教学法对学生跨文化交际能力培养的途径。通过使用问卷调查法、访谈法和测试法,实验结果表明,将内容型教学法运用到初中英语的教学中,能够满足学生的学习需求,对学生学业表现和激发学习兴趣有明显效果。对于提高学生跨文化交际能力和培养具有国际视野的人才具有积极作用。  相似文献   

In English for academic purposes courses, group oral presentations are quite common but essay writing tends to be seen as an individual endeavour, albeit with scope for peer review. This article discusses action research reflecting on student perceptions of a framework to support students through a semester-long collaborative essay assignment in an English-medium instruction university in Macau. The framework presented incorporates collaborative and individual assignment tasks, assisted by information and communications technology, to support the collaborative process and facilitate the assessment of the individual within the group. Even though writing in a group may take more time and effort, it is viewed favourably by the majority of students due to the additional learning gains to be made by writing collaboratively, including the increased quality of ideas and the social interactions (face-to-face and online) required to come to agreement.  相似文献   

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