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Computer scoring of student written essays about an inquiry topic can be used to diagnose student progress both to alert teachers to struggling students and to generate automated guidance. We identify promising ways for teachers to add value to automated guidance to improve student learning. Three teachers from two schools and their 386 students participated. We draw on evidence from student progress, observations of how teachers interact with students, and reactions of teachers. The findings suggest that alerts for teachers prompted rich teacher–student conversations about energy in photosynthesis. In one school, the combination of the automated guidance plus teacher guidance was more effective for student science learning than two rounds of personalized, automated guidance. In the other school, both approaches resulted in equal learning gains. These findings suggest optimal combinations of automated guidance and teacher guidance to support students to revise explanations during inquiry and build integrated understanding of science.  相似文献   

Research on Automated Essay Scoring has become increasing important because it serves as a method for evaluating students’ written responses at scale. Scalable methods for scoring written responses are needed as students migrate to online learning environments resulting in the need to evaluate large numbers of written-response assessments. The purpose of this study is to describe and evaluate three active learning methods that can be used to minimize the number of essays that must be scored by human raters while still providing the data needed to train a modern Automated Essay Scoring system. The three active learning methods are the uncertainty-based, the topological-based, and the hybrid method. These three methods were used to select essays included in the Automated Student Assessment Prize competition that were then classified using a scoring model that was trained with the bidirectional encoder representations from a transformer language model. All three active learning methods produced strong results, with the topological-based method producing the most efficient classification. Growth rate accuracy was also evaluated. The active learning methods produced different levels of efficiency under different sample size allocations but, overall, all three methods were highly efficient and produced classifications that were similar to one another.  相似文献   

任鹰 《当代电大》2001,(9):18-23
绪论 (1)财经应用文的基本特征。 第一编 公务文书1 法定公文 (1)公文的概念及特点。 (2)公文的分类。 (3)公文的构成要素。 (4)公文写作的基本要求。 (5)命令(令)的用途及主要种类。 (6)议案的用途。 (7)决定的用途。 (8)决定的一般写法(主要指标题和正文的写法,下同)。 (9)指示的用途。 (10)指示与相关文种的异同。 (11)写作指示的注意事项 (12)公告和通告的用途。 (13)通告的一般写法 (14)写作公告和通告的注意事项。 (15)通知的主要种类及各类通知的一般写法。  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(5):158-172

The time has come for a thorough review of the Guidelines for the Consideration of Governing Bodies in Adopting a Code of Conduct for Learners (hereafter the Guidelines). More than 20 years after its original publication, no amendments have been made to this important document. To substantiate the case for review, some of the most significant contradictions with the provisions of the South African Schools Act 84 of 1996 are highlighted, as well as serious lacunae with regard to the definition of important concepts and the failure to incorporate constitutional developments that impact on school discipline and should be reflected in the code of conduct of all schools. School governing body members are mostly laypeople and guidance on legal aspects and developments should therefore be included in the Guidelines.  相似文献   

As the technology infrastructure of schools expands, a common concern has been the underutilization of computers and other technologies in the classroom. Teachers are often blamed for failing to integrate technology into their teaching, giving such reasons as lack of time, training, equipment, and support. However, it has been suggested that these are not the “real” reasons technology is underutilized; instead, it is argued that teachers’ core values about teaching and learning are the primary obstacles to successful technology integration (e.g., Cuban, 2001 Cuban, L. 2001. Oversold and underused: Computers in the classroom, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.  [Google Scholar]). Implications for professional development are addressed in relation to these barriers to classroom technology use and the developmental pattern of teachers’ technology integration.  相似文献   

以张培基先生的散文译著为例,分析了译文中归化法的使用情况,并且针对译者选择归化为主的翻译方法的原因进行了深入的探讨,旨在说明归化法也适合特定文学体裁的翻译。  相似文献   

十余年来,伴随着刘亮程由最初的"一夜成名"到今天的"销声匿迹",刘亮程研究逐步深入和发展,但刘亮程及其散文的意义人们关注的却很少。本文以为,刘亮程的意义在其艺术创作生活中的"进入",这种"进入"有其艰难性,但同时刘亮程也给出了一些"进入"的途径,而这种"进入"的本质实为艺术创作的终极途径。  相似文献   

Schools are traditionally seen as responsible for the educational outcomes of our children. However, schools also play an important role in the development of aspects such as self‐efficacy, participation, competence and self‐determination. As schools are often run as societies rather than communities, they offer little opportunity for these attributes (self‐efficacy, participation, competence and self‐determination) to develop. Forty‐six children aged from nine to 12 years were interviewed to ascertain their conceptualizations of the school community. The children define their school in terms of people, places for activities and interaction, a place for safety, cooperation, influence and functionality. The responses closely align to the adult conceptualizations of sense of community as purported by McMillan and Chavis (1986 McMillan, D.W. and Chavis, D.M. 1986. Sense of community: a definition and theory. Journal of Community Psychology, 14: 623. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Implications of this research suggest that children can and should have an integral role in designing a curriculum and systems relevant to the school context if we are at all concerned with their psychological wellness.  相似文献   

文章从分析孟子的民本思想和“仁政”学说出发,认为孟子是战国时一个真正认识到人民在政治生活中的重要地位和作家,他从人民的利益出发挥绘理想社会的蓝图,建构他的政治体系,呼呈统治者减轻对人民的剥削与压迫,并对现实社会展开揭露与批判,痛斥统治者残民以逞的罪行,这些便构成为“孟子”杂文以为民请命为中民的思想内容,此外,《孟子》中的一些有论点,论据,论证的话录,虽不即事名篇,但都是随感而发,实开后世随感录式杂文的先河。  相似文献   

The position of authors of fiction in relation to critical discussion of their work is an unsettled one. While recognized as having knowledge and expertise regarding their texts, they are typically regarded as unreliable sources when it comes to critical analysis, and as partial witnesses whose personal association with the text is liable to influence their judgement. This article reconsiders that position, not by arguing that authors lack bias but by showing that bias is the normal condition of all critical reading and writing, whether by authors of fiction or by academic critics. I take as a case study my novel Calypso Dreaming (2002), comparing my own understanding of the text with a recent discussion by four influential critics. I argue that the rhetorical and methodological framing of critical discussion is a necessarily procrustean exercise, that may yield insights into texts but is also characterized by distortion and selectivity. Moreover, the conventional positioning of critics as “disinterested,” in contrast to “biased” authors, disguises the extent to which academic discussions are subject to the same personal and professional influences as those of other writers.  相似文献   

有两种观点影响企业决策方向:一种是追求企业销售量提升,强调企业发展速度,因而十分重视营销部门的营销导向;另一种是追求企业成本控制,强调企业发展质量,因而更加重视财务管理部门的财务导向;这两种观点并无优劣之分。从市场营销与财务管理的分析看出:企业决策中财务导向与营销导向选择的各种影响因素,包括企业发展的不同阶段、产品的生命周期、企业的资金状况等,都将影响企业的决策采取何种导向。  相似文献   

Recently, some teachers have launched proposals for teaching physics by starting from thermodynamics rather than from mechanics. Such proposals are included in Mach's thesis, according to which thermodynamics is more basic for theoretical physics than mechanics. The past history of such a thesis is quickly sketched. Then, by recent results in theoretical physics, it is qualified in a new, modern version. As such it appears as an instance of a general conflict between two radically different ways to produce theoretical physics. The conflict results from two different options, about both the kind of mathematics and the kind of the organization of the theory. After such a general illustration of the great relevance of history of physics for physics teaching, the cultural bounds of such proposals are recognized and discussed.  相似文献   

本文试图通过援引和参证萧统本人及他人观点,拾遗补陋,求证萧统以文为本,不拘囿于文体界限而致力于彰显所选录之文学性的思想。  相似文献   

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