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In this paper I discuss the hermeneutic and epistemological dimensions of science, and investigate the role which this discussion might play in science education. After a brief review of two main variants of hermeneutic conceptions of science, a general outline is given of the existential-ontological notion of science. Regarding the degree of objectification, the theoretical ways of projecting the world as a scientific theme lie on a continuum between the poles of pure hermeneutics and pure epistemology. Finally, some conclusions for a new pedagogy are drawn.  相似文献   

European identities may be politonymic, toponymic, ethnomyic or linguonymic (Bromley 1984). Each dimension may affect whether migrant minorities are treated as European, and influence their schooling, integration and rights. Treatment and terminology vary in different states and periods of migration. However, the position for immigrated minorities is that they are still largely seen as workers rather than human beings with equal rights. Lack of success in schools is blamed on the migrants themselves rather than the educational system. This construction of migrants as being deficient is parallel to educational practice which falls within a UN definition of linguistic genocide, and contributes to mis-education. If current efforts in international bodies to codify educational linguistic human rights were to lead to greater support for minorities, this could assist in a redefinition of national identities and a reduction of racism and conflict.
Zusammenfassung Europäische Identitäten können politonym, toponym, ethnonym oder linguonym sein (Bromely 1984). Jede Gruppe kann darauf Einfluß haben, ob Migrantenminderheiten als Europäer behandelt werden und Schulwesen, Integration und Rechte respektiert werden. Noch werden immigrierte Minderheiten jedoch weitgehend als Arbeiter und nicht als Menschen mit gleichen Rechten angesehen. Schulische Mißerfolge werden eher ihnen selbst als dem Bildungssystem angelastet. Diese Darstellung von Migranten als defizitär entspricht derjenigen Handlungsweise im Bildungsbereich, welche unter die Kategorie des linguistischen Genozids definiert wird und welche zu einer mis-education beiträgt. Wenn gegenwärtige Bemühungen internationaler Gremien um die Kodifizierung der Rechte der Menschen auf ihre Sprache Minderheiten unterstützen, könnte dies zu einer Umdefinition nationaler Identitäten und einer Reduzierung von Rassismus und Konflikten führen.

Resumen Las identidades de los Europeos pueden ser politonímicas, toponímicas, etnomímicas o linguonímicas (Bromley 1984). Cada una de estas dimensiones puede influir en que minorías de inmigrantes scan tratadas de Europeos y con ello en su educación escolar, en su integración y en sus derechos. El tratamiento y la terminología varían conforme a los períodos y las circunstancias de la inmigración. No obstante, la posición que se adopta frente a las minorías inmigrantes es la de considerarlos en gran medida como trabajadores y no tanto como seres humanos de iguales derechos. La falta de éxito en los estudios se atribuye a los inmigrantes mismos, más que al sistema de educación. Esta consideración de los inmigrantes como inferiores es paralela a una práctica de la educación que cae bajo una definición de la Naciones Unidas de genocidio lingüístico y contribuye a la educación deficiente. Si los esfuerzos actuales que las organizaciones internacionales ponen en codificar los derechos humanos lingüísticos de la educación estuvieran destinados a brindar un mayor apoyo a las minorías, esto podría ayudar a definir con mayor precisión las identidades nacionales y a reducir el racismo y los conflictos.

Résumé Les identités européennes peuvent être politonymiques, toponymiques, ethnonymiques ou linguonymiques (Bromley 1984). Selon leurs affinités avec chacun de ces domaines, les personnes appartenant aux minorités migrantes sont considérées ou non comme européennes, et cela influence leur scolarité, leur intégration et leurs droits. La façon dont ces personnes sont traitées et la terminologie évoluent selon les différentes étapes et périodes de migration. Mais le plus souvent, les minorités immigrantes sont encore davantage considérées comme des travailleurs que comme des personnes bénéficiant des mêmes droits. Les échecs scolaires sont mis sur le compte des migrants eux-mêmes et non sur celui du système éducatif. Le fait que l'on considère les migrants comme inférieurs se reflète dans une pratique éducative que les Nations Unies appellent génocide linguistique et se traduit par une éducation inadéquate. Si les efforts actuels de la part des institutions internationales pour codifier les droits de l'homme en matière de pédagogie linguistique apportaient un plus grand soutien aux minorités, cela contribuerait à donner une rédéfinition des identités nationales et à réduire le racisme et les conflits.

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Constructivism, or more precisely, a constructivist metatheory, presently prevails throughout professional education circles. Most educators easily accept constructivism's central premise that learners approach tasks with prior knowledge and expectations based on their knowledge of the world around them. Naturally, then, constructivist educational technologists have been guided by the implicit (and increasingly explicit) desire to create authentic environments for learning: environments that correspond to the real world. In this paper, I argue that technologists have tended to paper over the critical epistemological dimension of constructivism by preauthenticating learning environments: creating environments that are predetermined to reflect the real world even though constructivist theory contrindicates precisely this. I suggest that a rhetorical perspective on constructivism offers a way out of this bind and I propose some guidelines to assist developers of educational technologies in accommodating the essentially dialogic nature of teaching and learning.Many of the issues raised in this article are developed in his recent (1998) book entitledReality by Design: The Rhetoric and Technology of Authenticity in Education.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of two major approaches to literacy programs — the linguistic and the sociolinguistic. The principal difference between the two perspectives is that the linguistic negates the importance of sociological and ethnographic factors in a person's attaining literacy, while the sociolinguistic magnifies these influences. From one viewpoint, literacy is seen as cracking a linguistic code, while from the other, in Freire's (1987) phrasing, reading the world is necessary before reading the word. Academic/cultural literacy and functional literacy are examined as types affiliated with the linguistic perspective. Types of ethnographic literacy programs are analyzed to show their sociolinguistic orientation. The last section of the paper examines the language planning consequences of which perspective a country adopts and focuses on some recent literacy programs in Peru which incorporate elements of both the linguistic and sociolinguistic perspectives.
Zusammenfassung Dieser Artikel untersucht den Einfluß zweier Ansätze zu Alphabetisierungsprogrammen — den linguistischen und den soziolinguistischen. Der Hauptunterschied zwischen beiden Perspektiven liegt darin, daß die linguistische die Bedeutung soziologischer und ethnologischer Faktoren beim lernen verneint, während die soziolinguistische Perspektive diese Einflüsse unterstreicht. Eine Seite versteht unter Lese- und Schreibfähigkeit die Lösung eines linguistischen Codes, während die andere Seite mit Freires (1987) Worten gesprochen, Lesen der Welt in seiner Wichtigkeit vor Lesen des Wortes stellt. Akademische/kulturelle Schreib-u. Lesefähigkeit und funktionelle Schreib- u. Lesefähigkeit werden als Beispiele untersucht, die eng mit der linguistischen Perspektive verbunden sind. Ethnographische Alphabetisierungsprogramme werden in ihrer soziolinguistischen Orientierung analysiert. Der letzte Teil des Artikels setzt sich mit den Folgen für Sprachprogramme auseinander, in Bezug zur eingenommenen Perspektive. Der Artikel konzentriert sich auf einige Alphabetisierungsprogramme in Peru, die beide Perspektiven einbeziehen.

Resumen El trabajo examina el impacto de dos importantes enfoques de programas de alfabetización: el lingüístico y el sociolingüístico. La principal diferencia entre ambas ópticas reside en que la lingüística niega la importancia que revisten los factores sociológicos y etnográficos para la persona que está aprendiendo a leer y a escribir, mientras que la sociolingüística magnifica estas influencias. Desde un punto de vista, la alfabetización es considerada como la solución del código lingüístico, mientras que desde el otro, según las palabras de Freire (1987), se sostiene que antes de reading the word (leer la palabra) será necesario reading the world (interpretar el mundo). Estudia la alfabetización académico-cultural y la alfabetización funcional como disciplinas asociadas a la óptica de la lingüística. Analiza tipos de programas etnográficos de alfabetización para mostrar su orientación sociolingüístca. La última parte del trabajo examina las consecuencias de la planificación del lenguaje según la perspectiva que un país adopta, y enfoca algunos programas de alfabetización recientes del Perú, que incorporan elementos tanto de la óptica lingüística como de la sociolingüístic.

Résumé Cet article étudie l'incidence des deux principaux modes d'approche des programmes d'alphabétistion, l'un linguistique et l'autre sociolinguistique. La différence principale entre ces deux perspectives est la suivante: La linguistique nie l'importance des facteurs sociologiques et ethnographiques dans le processus d'alphabétisation d'une personne, alors que la sociolinguistique amplifie ces facteurs d'influence. La première considère l'alphabétisation comme le décryptage d'un code linguistique, pour la seconde, selon l'expression de Freire (1987), il faut lire le monde avant de lire le mot. Les formes d'alphabétisation dites académique, culturelle et fonctionnelle sont présentées comme appartenant à l'optique linguistique. Des programmes d'alphabétisation ethnographique sont également examinés pour en montrer l'orientation sociolinguistique. La dernière partie de l'article analyse les conséquences sur la planification linguistique quand un pays adopte l'une ou l'autre conception, et termine par la présentation de quelques récents programmes d'alphabétisation au Pérou, qui intègrent des éléments à la fois linguistiques et sociolinguistiques.

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Otte  M. 《Science & Education》1998,7(5):425-450
The paradox of mathematical knowledge that mathematics cannot be conceived of as completely separated from empirical experience and yet cannot be explained by empiricist epistemology (for a slightly different and more elaborate formulation cf. Blackwell Companion to Epistemology, 270f), can only be resolved if one accepts that the causal interactions between knower and environment have themselves a generalizing tendency, a sort of continuity, rather than consisting just of singular events. Kant resolves the schism between the continous and the distinct in a constructivist manner. He assumes that all our knowledge-extending cognitions are synthetic. This synthesis does not lie in the matter of experience but springs from the function of cognizant consciousness. Piaget adhered to a Kantianism where the categories are not there at the outset. He conceives of the subject as constructing itself as well as of the emerging subject's structure as the source of the apprehension of the wo rld and believes in a Kantianism which emphasizes man's active being and potential for unlimited self-development. But he has no use for the Kantian idea of space and time as forms of mathematical intuition.Kantian thought is also central to Peirce's philosophy and conception of mathematics. But Peirce emphasizes the role of perception and analysis as its prerequisites. Peirce's and Piaget's origins in Kantianism are exhibited when both try to replace the Aristotelian notion of abstraction and generalization by something more suitable for mathematical epistemology. Peirce proposes that hypostatic abstraction is the chief explanation for the power of mathematical reasoning and explains: This operation is performed when something, that one has thought about any subject, is itself made a subject of thought. Piaget speaks of reflective abstraction in this context, making it the basis of mathematical knowledge; but separating it completely from empirical abstraction.  相似文献   

This article summarizes some of the findings and recommendations of a research project focusing on the nature and needs of refugee students in Canadian schools. The school performance of refugee students is examined under the following headings: immigration regulations; initial identification, assessment, placement and monitoring; unaccompanied youngsters; at risk students; academic needs; the conflict of cultures. In particular, the article discusses the changing role of the school in the light of recent immigration trends. Many of the findings are applicable to other national settings.
Zusammenfassung Dieser Artikel faßt einige der Ergebnisse und Empfehlungen eines Forschungsprojekts zusammen, das sich auf die Natur und die Bedürfnisse von Flüchtlingskindern in kanadischen Schulen konzentriert. Die Schulleistung der Flüchtlingskinder wird unter den folgenden Überschriften untersucht: Immigrationsvorschriften, ursprüngliche Identifizierung, Bewertung, Plazierung und Beobachtung, unbegleitete Schüler, Risiko studenten, akademische Bedürfnisse, der Konflikt der Kulturen. Der Artikel diskutiert im besonderen die sich ändernde Rolle der Schule hinsichtlich jüngster Immigrationstrends. Viele der Ergebnisse lassen sich auch auf andere nationale Gegebenheiten anwenden.

Resumen Este artículo compendia algunos de los resultados y recomendaciones referentes a un proyecto de investigación que enfoca la naturaleza y las necesidades de estudiantes refugiados, en escuelas canadienses. El desempeño escolar de estudiantes refugiados se estudia bajo los siguientes aspectos: regulaciones de inmigración, identificación inicial, evaluación, colocación y asesoramiento; menores no acompañados, estudiantes de riesgo, necesidades académicas y el conflicto entre las culturas. En particular, el artículo trata del cambio que experimenta el papel de la escuela en vista de las tendencias de inmigración recientes. Muchos de estos resultados son aplicables a las circunstancias reinantes en otras naciones.

Résumé Cet article présente un résumé des résultats et recommandations d'un travail de recherche, qui s'est penché sur les caractéristiques et les besoins de jeunes réfugiés fréquentant les écoles canadiennes. Les résultats scolaires de ces jeunes réfugiés sont étudiés par rapport aux critères suivants: réglementation de l'immigration; identification initiale, répartition, placement et suivi; mineurs non accompagnés; écoliers à risque; besoins intellectuels; conflits culturels. L'article examine en particulier l'évolution du rôle de l'école par rapport aux tendances apparues récemment dans la politique d'immigration. Nombre de ces résultats peuvent être appliqués à d'autres contextes nationaux.

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Double-coding refers to the simultaneous holding in declarative and procedural memory stores of information concerning the performance of a skill. Skill acquisition typically terminates in a stage of automatization during which declarative coding of skill-relevant information is lost or becomes irretrievable. It is argued that maintenance of both declarative and procedural knowledge relevant to skills and their performance permits unique metacognitive capabilities. It is argued further that these metacognitive capabilities are basic to constructive generation and utilization of such skill-relevant knowledge. Speculation is entertained concerning instructional means of helping learners to maintain double-coding of skill-relevant information, thus maximizing the constructive, metacognitive capabilities presumed to issue from such double-coding.  相似文献   

If Whitehead is right, science teachers who try to increase student interest by making the science they teach more pure and by covering more material are going about their work in just the wrong way. Science, for purposes of precision in measurement, translates the dynamic world of feeling and force, of causal efficacy (for example, the San Francisco earthquake), into a static representation spatialized and given presentational immediacy (for example, the Richter scale). But notice that the Richter scale isn't very interesting (even as abstract art) apart from its connection, via symbolic reference, to the earthquake. Such reference is essential to give both a sense of reality and a feeling of interes to the subject, but it makes the science less pure, and it takes more time to cover the material. An example of teaching pure and impure formal logic is given as a case study.  相似文献   

Several nations are currently considering privatization of parts of their higher education systems. This paper, mainly based on the American experience, examines privatizing public institutions as an alternative to establishing solely private institutions.Institutions are analyzed along four dimensions: (1) ownership (public or private); (2) control (external or internal); (3) financing (public or private funds); and (4) mechanisms for public financing (who controls fund distribution and how). There are varying mixtures along these four dimensions both within countries and around the world, with the American system exhibiting the widest range of combinations. Six categories are described, including four common in the U.S.: I. Independent private, where institutions are independent in ownership, in control, and in basic financing; II. Dependent private, independent in ownership and financing but dependent in control; III. Independent public, dependent in ownership but independent in control and substantially independent in financing; IV. Semi-independent public (state/guild type), dependent in ownership, mixed in control, and heavily dependent in financing (less common in the U.S., but typical of Italy and Latin America); V. Semi-independent public (state/trustee/guild type), where control is shared among state, academic guilds and lay boards of trustees but with mainly state-controlled financing; and VI. Dependent public, the model in the Communist nations.Kerr traces the historical path that led to the mixed American system and examines some of its positive consequences, which include institutional autonomy, diversity, and flexibility. Negative results include possible over-responsiveness to short-term pressures, as from the labor market or student preferences for courses of study, and from supporting business or industry.The author concludes that the American experience with privatized public institutions may serve as a model for those elsewhere who now seek greater institutional differentiation, autonomy, and flexibility within national systems of higher education.  相似文献   

48 children from primary 4 in private and public schools (24 from each) were asked to solve 10 arithmetic word problems (involving more or less as the cue word) presented in English and in their native language. Retrospective clinical interviews were also conducted to find out how each child analyzed the meaning of each problem, before deciding which operation to use to solve it. The results revealed that both public and private school children performed better both in skills and in strategies when problems were presented in their native language than when presented in English, but only public school had the result to be significant (P<.025). Also data obtained from the interviews are in accord with psycholinguistic theories concerning the polarized comparative pair of less and more.  相似文献   

Children use mathematical terminology throughout their daily play. While observing a group of children during play, one is likely to hear comments such as: He has more, These are my numbers, Jane has the biggest half, I'm bigger than you 'cause I'm five years old, Give me the round one, I gave each child one cupcake, and so on.Diane M. Kohl is Assistant Professor of Child and Family Development, The University of Georgia.  相似文献   

The common view in the literature on higher education in Western Europe is that the issue area has increasingly become enmeshed with national politics in recent decades. This article examines the extent to which this is true of France, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Six indicators of issueness, corresponding to important political actors/arenas, are used to identify temporal and cross-national patterns. It is argued that although it is evidently true that a politicization has occurred it may easily be overstated. Higher education remains a relatively minor concern in the national politics of the three countries. Only in exceptional circumstances, such as in France in 1968, is this pattern of subsystem politics replaced by a pattern of macropolitics. The analysis furthermore suggests the considerable variation in patterns of issueness which may exist between different national contexts.This article was written while the author was visiting with the Higher Education Research Group, Institution for Social and Policy Studies, Yale University. He is indebted to the members of the Group for their helpful comments on an earlier version.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Schulpädagogik ist seit langem daran gewöhnt, mit Theorieangeboten aus anderen Wissenschaftsdisziplinen konfrontiert zu werden. Mit dem Paradigma der Selbstorganisation liegt gegenwärtig eine sehr komplexe Konzeption bereit, die die Schulpädagogik zur Reflexion über ihren Gegenstand Schule anregen kann. Eine von diesem Paradigma motivierte differenztheoretische Betrachtungsweise von Systemen schärft den Block für die Möglichkeiten, aber vor allem für die Grenzen eines modernene Sozialsystems, wie es die Schule heute ist. Die Fragen, ob Schule kompensatorische Erziehungsleistungen für das Familiensystem erbringen kann, ob unterrichtliches Handeln auch therapeutisches Handeln sein kann, können aus der Perspektive dieses Paradigmas beantwortet werden.
School education has long been accustomed to accommodating theories from other scientific disciplines. The paradigm of self-organization provides a complex concept which will stimulate reflection on the phenomenon of schools within educational science. Analysis of systems in the light of different theory, motivated by this paradigm, can give a clearer view of the potential and limitations of a modern social system, which is what a school now is. By employing this paradigm, answers can be found to the questions whether schools can deliver education that compensates for family systems, and whether teaching can also provide therapy.

Resumen La educación escolar desde hace mucho tiempo se ha acostumbrado a adaptar teorías de otras disciplinas científicas. El paradigma de la auto-orgnización provee un concepto complejo que estimulará la reflexión acerca de fenómeno de las escuelas dentro de la ciencia de la educación. El análisis de sistemas a la luz de una teoría diferencial, motivada por este paradigma, podrá proporcionar una visión más clara del potencial y de las limitaciones de un sistema social moderno, de lo que es una escuela ahora. Aplicando este paradigma, podrán encontrarse soluciones a los interrogantes de si las escuelas pueden proporcionar una educacíon que compense sistemas familiares, y si la enseñanza puede también redundar en terapia.

Résumé L'éducation scolaire est depuis longtemps habituée à assimiler les théories d'autres disciplines scientifiques. Le modèle de l'autogestion fournit un concept complexe qui donnera aux sciences de l'éducation matière à réflexion sur le phénomène de l'école. Une analyse des systèmes à la lumière de la théorie différentielle soutenue par ce modèle peut donner une vision plus claire des possibilités et des limites d'un système social moderne, comme l'est l'école aujourd'hui. Dans l'optique de ce modèle, des réponses peuvent être apportées aux questions si l'école peut remplir un rôle compensatoire par rapport au système familial, et si l'enseignement constitue aussi une action thérapeutique.

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This study examined a university's faculty voting in a collective bargaining election. Not only were the votes for and against bargaining collected, but also relevant demographic data were includedon each ballot. These data permit analysis of which specific faculty members at a comprehensive university tend to favor or oppose faculty bargaining. The variable of professionalization is identified as being important to the faculty members' decision. The findings have ramifications for faculties, governing boards, and governmental labor-relations agencies in considering how bargaining units should be composed and imposed.  相似文献   

Over the past decade educational reform has been taking place in the USA and in England and Wales. This paper traces the political pressures to change the social subjects curriculum on both sides of the Atlantic. In England and Wales the new National Curriculum aims to raise educational standards and to increase accountability through a national assessment system. In the USA the Federal Government has set to work on establishing national goals. There is evidence in both countries that the new curricula are emerging from a political process which imposes content and structures upon teachers with little consultation. The paper concentrates on how the social studies curriculum has been affected in this process. It explores the politics of curricular reform by comparing events in the USA and England and Wales and outlines the ways, particularly in the British context, in which the teaching profession has explored the limits of its power and has fought back against central control to make its voice heard.
Zusammenfassung In den letzten zehn Jahren gab es eine Bildungsreform in den USA, sowie in England und Wales. Dieser Bericht studiert den politischen Druck, der zu einer Änderung des Curriculums in den Sozialfächern auf beiden Seiten des Atlantiks geführt hat. In England und Wales soll das neue nationale Curriculum den Bildungsstandard anheben und die Verantwortlichkeit durch ein nationales Bewertungssystem steigern. In den USA begann die Bundesregierung mit der Festsetzung nationaler Ziele, die den Lehrern Inhalte und Strukturen mit wenig Mitbestimmungsrecht auferlegt. Der Artikel konzentriert sich auf die Auswirkungen dieses Prozesses auf das Curriculum der Sozialstudien. Er untersucht die Politik der Curriculums-Reform, in dem Ereignisse in den USA, England und Wales verglichen werden. Insbesondere im britischen Kontext werden Wege aufgezeigt, auf denen der Lehrberuf die Grenzen seiner Macht erforscht und sich gegen eine zentrale Kontrolle gewehrt hat, um Aufmerksamkeit auf sich zu ziehen.

Resumen Durante la última década se ha realizado una reforma de la educación en los EEUU, Inglaterra y Gales. Este trabajo esboza las presiones políticas de cambiar los planes de estudio de los sujetos sociales a ambos lados de Atlántico. En Inglaterra y Gales, elNew National Curriculum aspira a crear estándares de la educación y a incrementar la responsabilidad a través de un sistema nacional de valoración. En los EEUU, el Gobierno Federal ha comenzado a trabajar en la fijación de objetivos nacionales. Es evidente que en ambos países los nuevos planes de estudios están emergiendo de un proceso político que impone contenidos y estructuras a los maestros, consultándolos poco o nada. El trabajo se concentra en el impacto que ha sufrido el curriculo de estudios sociales en este proceso. Explora la política de la reforma curricular comparando acontecimientos de los EE UU y de Inglaterra y Gales y proporciona una idea general de los modos, particularmente en el contexto británico, en los que la profesión de enseñanza ha explorado los límites du su poder y se ha defendido contra el control central para hacerse escuchar.

Résumé Au cours de la dernière décennie, une réforme éducative a été engagée aux Etats-Unis, en Angleterre et au pays de Galles. Cet article retrace les pressions politigues qui ont été exercées pour remanier les thèmes sociaux dans les programmes des deux côtés de l'Atlantique. En Angleterre et au pays de Galles, le nouveau curriculum national a pour but d'élever les niveaux de l'enseignement et d'augmenter la responsabilité par un système national d'évaluation. Aux Etats-Unis, le gouvernement fédéral a entrepris d'établir des objectifs nationaux. Il est évident que dans les deux pays, les nouveaux programmes sont nés d'un processus politique qui a imposé aux enseignants des contenus et des structures en les consultant à peine. L'article se concentre sur les retombées de ce processus sur les programmes d'études sociales. Il étudie la politique de la réforme curriculaire en comparant les événements intervenus aux Etats-Unis et en Angleterre-pays de Galles et souligne, en particulier dans le contexte britannique, la façon dont le corps enseignant a épuisé les limites de son pouvoir et a résisté au contrôle central pour se faire entendre.

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James Trier 《Interchange》2002,33(3):237-260
The thesis of this paper is that it is a productive venture to introduce preservice students to social theories that are typically not a part of teacher preparation programs. Examples of these theories are those associated with terms such as habitus, the carnivalesque, power / knowledge, seduction, detournement, the spectacle,la perruque, (the wig), and the art of making do,as well as others. In this paper, I describe a project that involved exploring the theory of habitus to problematize the tendency of preservice students to not think in terms of relations between what goes on in the classroom and what goes on in society. I introduced habitus by having preservice students read selected print materials and by having them view, analyze, and respond in writing to popular school films. Students also analyzed their experiences in classrooms in terms of habitus, making a connection between theory and practice.  相似文献   

A Generative-Predicational Model is proposed and applied to the generation of meanings of simple mathematical word-problems. The model suggests that a fundamental property of cognition is a generative process that takes arguments and that produces results, such as events, answers and inferences. This fundamental property, called predication, generates a task-environment i.e., a problem and its corresponding problem-space i.e., its solution. More precisely, a task-environment is a predication consisting of a written mathematical problem and a writer's life experience. A problem-space is a predication consisting of a leamer's problem solving schema and of the meaning that the learmer generates for the text.The case with which relations can be established between a task-environment and a problem-space depends on the problem's coherence and complexity and the leamer's experiences and thought processes. Faceted definitions of task-environment and problem-space are used to analyze talk-aloud protocols of fifty Israeli sixth-graders tested with thirty word-problems. The empirical results support the proposed model.  相似文献   

The paper considers two basic models of the teaching-learning process, described as the didactic and the communication model. These are applied to Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) in order to demonstrate that CAL has generally embodied a didactic model of teaching and learning. This imposes an unnecessary restriction on the student's freedom to choose their (Note 1) learning style, and the paper discusses how it is possible for CAL to support a less didactic model and to give more control to the student.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to develop a framework for classifying algebra story problems and to determine observed frequencies for each problem type. A total of 1097 algebra story problems were selected from ten standard algebra textbooks. These are divided into eight families based on the nature of the source formula involved; for example, nearly 300 problems were classified in the time rate family because they were based on the source formula, distance = rate x time or output = rate x time. Each family was divided into problem categories based on the general form of the story line; for example, the time rate family consisted of motion, current, and work categories. Each category was divided into templates based on the specific propositional structure of the problem; for example, there were a dozen templates for motion problems such as overtake, closure, round trip, etc. This article describes the procedure for generating families, categories, and templates and provides frequency counts for each observed template. Implications for fostering productive research and instruction are discussed.This research was supported by grant NIE-G-78-0162 from the National Institute of Education. Requests for reprints should be sent to: Richard E. Mayer, Department of Psychology, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106.  相似文献   

This study took place during the first 2 years of a partnership between three cooperating elementary schools and a college of education. The purpose of the interpretive phenomenological study was to learn from cooperating teachers, student-teachers and college instructors about the transitions that accompanied the change in the culture of schooling they experienced through the newly established partnership, and to attempt to understand their experiences through their explanations of the transitions they identified. On the basis of the data analysis, we identified seven transitions experienced by the participants: From discrete processes to parallel, open processes. From individual work to collaboration. From seeing the other as an object to seeing the other as a critical friend. From leading to responding. From the conception of knowledge as an object to the conception of knowledge as a process. From viewing learning as a linear process to viewing it as a spiral process. From viewing their work environment as a closed system to viewing it as an open system. In this paper, we describe and provide examples of each of these transitions and show how they are interrelated and how each one is both a cause and an effect of the others. These findings increased our knowledge about how the school and college altered each others consciousness.  相似文献   

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