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课程评价是新课程改革的关键,课堂教学评价是课程评价的重要组成部分,是新课程实施的导航器。在课改“以学生的发展为本”的理念下,课堂教学评价的重点要从传统的“评教”转到“评学”上来,以此促进教师转变观念,改进教学。全文论述了课堂评价重在“评学”的意义,并对怎样“评学”提出了一些见解。  相似文献   

易进 《学科教育》2013,(5):61-67
课堂教学需要凭借对学生学习过程和结果的评价来判断教学的实际效果,调整教学设计,改进教学实施.目前教师进行课堂学习评价的实践还存在着诸多问题,很多教师没有将学习评价看作教学设计的组成部分,已有的课堂学习评价在评价方式和结果运用等方面尚需提高有效性.针对课堂学习评价的现实问题,结合教学实例,从两个方面提出改进对策:首先,要将符合教育评价基本规律的学习评价整合为教学设计和实施的一个环节.其次,在开展学习评价的情况下,对于评价结果的分析和运用要突出对教学目标和教学内容的追问与澄清.  相似文献   

The 1990 national curriculum of Thai education and educational reform states that, at primary and secondary educational levels, schools must prepare the child to become a smart, good and a happy individual in the Thai learning society. Teaching and learning must emphasise learning to think, to do and to solve problems. A study into integrating assessment and learning as a single activity was conducted by the Department of Curriculum and Instruction Development to demonstrate that good assessment is an integral part of good instruction. Three major elements of science education are learning science, learning about science and doing science. In the assessment of science, the teacher assesses knowledge and recall of scientific facts, the application of scientific knowledge, processes of science and scientific skills and, of course, attitudes and habits of mind acquired through science education. The assessment procedures are in the form of open-ended paper-and-pencil tests, practical tests, students' work and reports, teacher observation of practical work during the semester, and parents' and peers' comment and criticism. The assessment is a continuous activity in parallel with learning activity.  相似文献   

This commentary highlights several important contributions of the Carr & Claxton article as well as issues that need further clarification. It examines the concept of dispositions as a focus of learning and assessment, the procedures proposed for assessing dispositions and the implications of different functions of assessment for the construction and use of portfolios.  相似文献   

本文讨论了如何对学生课堂外的学习状态实施测评,提出了一些实用的测评参数和方法。评估主要针对学生的学习过程及学习结果,如答疑、作业、报告或测验成绩。此外,还思考了如何对课堂外的师生关系进行简单的评估。  相似文献   

学习性评价与课堂教学改革--以《科学》课评价为例   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
学习性评价是以师生为评价主体,以改进教学实践、促进学生发展和教师专业成长为评价目的的内部评价.学习性评价是形成性评价的一种新形式,能切实提高学生的学业成绩.开展学习性评价的方法有改变课堂提问方式、延长提问后的"等待时间"等.  相似文献   

促进学生发展的课堂教学评价   总被引:68,自引:0,他引:68  
多元智力理论、建构主义理论和后现代主义理论对促进学生发展的课堂教学评价观的形成具有启发意义 ;现实的课堂教学评价存在评价主客体单一、方式传统、内容浅显、作用甚微等不足 ;促进学生发展的课堂教学评价应注重多元性、整体性和过程性的特点 ,并遵循发展性、学生中心和全面性的原则  相似文献   

教室设置与学习模式   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在“以教师为中心”的教学模式过渡到“以学生为中心”教学模式的过程中,新的学习模式如协作式学习、讨论式学习、基于问题的学习、研究性学习等逐渐走进课堂。在这种形式下,教室座位应如何设置才能更好地支持新型学习模式,本文对此进行深入讨论。最后给出一个能更好支持新型教学模式未来教室模型。  相似文献   

学校教育下的自主学习是一种师生转变角色,教师侧重激发学生主动性、尊重学生学习能力、策略,学生主动参与构建知识的教学方式。从课堂教学的四个基本要素———教师、学生、教学方法、课堂环境出发探讨如何在课堂教学中推进自主学习。  相似文献   

本文针对目前开放教育试点中学生对传统教学模式依赖性强、自主学习能力低的情况,提出要促进学生自主学习,必须转变教师和学生的教学观念和学习观念,强调加强教师对学生自主学习的指导的,重视课堂教学的辅导作用,改革课堂教学模式。  相似文献   

The effects of density and other situational factors on perceptions of and responses to crowding in classroom learning environments was examined in three separate and concurrent investigations. Experiment I examined the effects of various demographic variables, learning environments, and room design variables on perceptions of ideal, crowded, and intolerable learning conditions. Results indicated that all subjects agreed on what constitutes an ideal learning environment while perceptions of crowded and intolerable learning conditions depended on the subject’s vocational perspective (e.g., teacher, student, administrator, etc.). Effects were also observed for type of learning environment as well as room design variables (noise level, ceiling height, and esthetic quality of the room). These latter effects, however, were weaker and conditional on sex of subject. In Experiment II, the effect of two levels of density on classroom achievement was examined in the laboratory. Two levels of motivation and three levels of learning environment were also manipulated. Results were consistent with a modified form of Zajonc’s (30) theory of social facilitation which treated both density and motivation as manipulations of arousal. That is, a curvilinear relation between density motivation conditions and achievement was obtained indicating moderate levels of density may benefit student achievement. Finally, Experiment III examined classroom achievement as a function of class size over a 24-year period in two community school districts. Results indicated that over the period studied, classroom density was always within the ideal perceptual ranges established by Experiment I. Furthermore, a strong positive relation between classroom density and schievement was obtained. These findings were highly consistent with the modified version of Zajonc’s theory since ideal conditions should produce low to moderate arousal which should in turn facilitate performance. Implications based on the pattern of results for all three experiments were discussed.  相似文献   

Classroom Learning Environments and Students' Approaches to Learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Four hundred and eighty-four students from two metropolitan secondary schools completed the Learning Process Questionnaire, the Individualised Classroom Environment Questionnaire and the Learner Self Concept scale. Relationships between perceptions of the classroom learning environment, approaches to learning and self concept as a learner were investigated. Gender and level of schooling (junior high versus senior high) differences were examined. Results showed Deep Approaches to learning were significantly related to classroom learning environments which were perceived to be highly personalised and to be encouraging active participation in the learning process and the use of investigative skills in learning activities. High learner self concept was positively associated with Deep Approaches to learning and with classrooms perceived as high in Personalisation. It was negatively associated with Surface Approaches to learning. Differences in perceptions of learning environments and approaches to learning in relation to gender and level of schooling were small. The implications of these findings are discussed and strategies for facilitating Deep Approaches to learning are referred to. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Using Assessment for Learning and Learning from Assessment   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
Innovation in assessment is no longer an option in higher education in Britain if we examine the aims and the claims that are being made. From the Dearing Report to our module guides, we claim to wish to support independent and life-long learning, put the students at the heart of the learning process and to help students take responsibility for their own learning. This cannot be done without including students in mainstream summative assessment and without reconciling the contradictions that currently contribute to impeding the students this access. This article will look briefly at the aims of higher education, provide an overview of current thinking on student learning and formative assessment as a framework for offering one possible practical solution to the problem. This possible solution is Taras's (2001) version of student self-assessment which works within the theoretical framework of Sadler's (1989) theory of formative assessment and of what we know about student learning.  相似文献   

The process of setting and evaluating student learning objectives (SLOs) has become increasingly popular as an example where classroom assessment is intended to fulfill the dual purpose use of informing instruction and holding teachers accountable. A concern is that the high‐stakes purpose may lead to distortions in the inferences about students and teachers that SLOs can support. This concern is explored in the present study by contrasting student SLO scores in a large urban school district to performance on a common objective external criterion. This external criterion is used to evaluate the extent to which student growth scores appear to be inflated. Using 2 years of data, growth comparisons are also made at the teacher level for teachers who submit SLOs and have students that take the state‐administered large‐scale assessment. Although they do show similar relationships with demographic covariates and have the same degree of stability across years, the two different measures of growth are weakly correlated.  相似文献   

在中高级汉语教学中,由于一般还是沿袭初级阶段的教学方法,致使中高级阶段的教学任务很难切实完成。本从中高级汉语综合课的课堂讨论入手,尝试用建构主义教学模式来组织课堂讨论,以期改进中高级阶段的汉语教学方法。  相似文献   

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