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一天,奶奶病倒了,父母亲都不在家,真急死我了。我站在奶奶床前,她看起来病得很厉害。看着奶奶苍白的脸色和满头的白发,我热泪盈眶,想了很多很多。  相似文献   

英语教育是目前各学龄教育领域倍受关注的课题之一.英语学习的重要性勿需赘述,然而幼儿英语教育在我国起步较晚,在教育理念、师资力量、教学方法等方面都处于探索和实验阶段.如何改善和提高我国的幼儿英语教育,对广大幼儿教育工作者和英语教育工作者来说是一个挑战.因此,大胆地吸收外国成功的教学法,对于促进我国幼儿教育的发展有着重要的意义.  相似文献   

由于受传统的“师道尊严”等教育习惯和教育观念的影响。许多教师在学生面前都摆出一副极其严肃的面孔,微笑是一种体态语,不仅表示教师的外表,也显示教师的内在情感,微笑教育是对传统教育的挑战,也显示了师生人格上的平等。  相似文献   

由于受传统的"师道尊严"等教育习惯和教育观念的影响,许多教师在学生面前都摆出一副极其严肃的面孔.微笑是一种体态语,不仅表示教师的外表,也显示教师的内在情感,微笑教育是对传统教育的挑战,也显示了师生人格上的平等.  相似文献   

爱是微笑的源泉,微笑是沟通心灵之间的桥梁,真诚的微笑源于教师对学生深沉的爱;微笑教学法是一种教学理念,微笑教学法的应用对中学教育教学具有重要作用.  相似文献   

目的:大学生抑郁状况越来越突出,有必要采取方法进行缓解乃至消除抑郁情绪。根据具身认知理论,身体动作或姿势能够影响认知,以此设计微笑训练对有抑郁倾向的大学生进行实验研究。方法:通过300份抑郁自评量表(SDS)进行被试筛选,根据量表评分标准,从中招募标准分数大于或等于40且自愿参与实验被试16名。实验采用抑郁自评量表(SDS)对被试进行实验前后测,再用配对样本T检验进行数据分析。结果:对照组前后测均值分数由45明显上升到53,p=0.008;实验组前后测均值分数由39降低为35,p=0.034。结论:微笑训练对有抑郁倾向大学生起到积极的调节作用,有效缓解了抑郁情绪。  相似文献   

We investigated emotional responses to the still-face paradigm in 7-month-old preterm and full-term black infants. Baby FACS criteria were used to code the duration and intensity of infant smiles and the presence or absence of cry faces and fussy vocalizations within each episode. Infants in both groups showed the still-face effect: a significant reduction in smiling from episode 1 (baseline) to episode 2 (maternal still-face) and partial return to baseline in episode 3 (recovery). A multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) for big smiles yielded significant main effects for group and episode and a significant group episode interaction. Preterm infants spent less time than full-term infants displaying big smiles in episode 1 and a less pronounced decrease in big smiles in episode 2. Maternal depressive symptoms did not differ significantly between groups. Counter to our expectations, depressive symptoms were positively associated with small-to-medium smiles in the baseline episode but not with big smiles in any episode. These findings confirm the robustness of the still-face paradigm and its potential usefulness for research on individual as well as group differences in affective communication in infants.  相似文献   

试图通过分析微笑服务在我国改革、开放条件下的产生、作用和问题,论证辩证运用微笑服务的重要性,以及通过实行零干扰服务达到科学运用和不断完善微笑服务的目的。  相似文献   

当前,安徽省正处于经济社会发展和转型的关键时期,加快转变经济增长方式,增强经济增长内生动力,不仅是国家“十二五”的主线,也是安徽省|十二五”规划的紧迫任务。国际产业分工的“微笑曲线”理论,对安徽省转变经济增长方式,具有重要的启发意义。基于“微笑曲线”理论角度,对安徽转变经济增长方式对策的探索,可以为加速安徽崛起,实现安徽经济可持续发展提供理论参考。  相似文献   

微笑是世界上最美丽的语言,微笑是人际交往、服务工作中最好的"润滑剂"。作为现代高校图书馆,高校图书馆服务工作的好坏直接影响着图书馆的服务质量,而图书馆的"微笑服务"将使图书馆的服务模式发生质的飞跃。  相似文献   

黛玉和婴宁是我国古代小说巾两个不朽的女性形象,二人一哭一笑给读者留下了鲜明的印象,在哭笑的背后二人却有着相同的本质。黛玉和婴宁一生不同的经历以及不同的结局却反映出她们一样的人生悲剧,这种人生悲剧不仅仅是黛玉和婴宁的,而是整个人类的悲剧,自然的原生态的真性情在世俗社会面前是那么脆弱那么不堪一击。  相似文献   

Through a comprehensive literature review, this article identifies and discusses barriers to recruitment and retention of faculty of color. Marginalization, racism and sexism manifested as unintended barriers are presented as a few of the barriers faculty of color face in successfully navigating the tenure process. Informed by this literature review, we conducted a self-study that presents the experiences of four faculty of color navigating the tenure process in a predominately white Research Institution. The purpose of this study was to share the experiences of three junior faculty of color as they navigate the tenure process, and one tenured faculty of color who is informally mentoring them through the process. This article highlights the findings of one component of a broader study: focus group discussions about how diversity efforts and activities are subsequently evidenced in teaching, research agendas and service. Four themes are presented: Academic Identity; Confronting Diversity, Mentoring, and Safe Spaces. A discussion of the consequences of these findings on faculty of color retention and recruitment is included. Recommendations are made to other predominately white institutions on how to address issues facing faculty of color.  相似文献   

女性哥特式批评以哥特式文本中的性政治为批评对象,批判了男权话语与权利体系下对女性形象的扭曲、对女性地位的边缘化及对女性的压迫与埋没,从而瓦解了哥特式中的符号意义。从女性哥特式批评的视角解读金庸武侠文本中女性奇侠的宿命,可以发现“江湖”是男性侠客的江湖,女性侠客们始终无法走出菲勒斯中心的巨大阴影,女侠们被边缘化、被贬至为一个“他者”的地位,甚至难逃被封禁的命运。女性奇侠的宿命背后昭示的是性政治及话语与权利关系。  相似文献   

《死魂灵》与《儒林外史》同是讽刺艺术的典范之作,“含泪的笑”是这两部作品共同的讽刺风格。但是由于作家的个性、气质及中西方文化的差异,他们运用的讽刺手法又各具特色。  相似文献   

T Sherman 《Child development》1985,56(6):1561-1573
The prototypical category-learning experiences with which infants are confronted are ones in which they have had prior experience with and have clearly noted the differences among a set of objects. Their task, then, is to notice also the similarities among the objects and to form a category based on these similarities. The goals of the current experiments were to create a laboratory situation in which it was clear that 10-month-old infants were distinguishing one category exemplar from another, and then to determine the structure of the category representation the infants developed under these learning conditions. A set of artificially created face stimuli was used in which the mean and modal prototypes were distinct. The infants' performance could not be explained by the context theory; they appear to have retained a count of the feature values observed during study. These data give support to the claim that prior to language, infants have available strategies for abstracting category-level information from their perceptual experiences with discriminable objects and events.  相似文献   

青春文学以青少年的成长历程为主题,谱写一代代青春之歌,在网络文化和网络语境中成长起来的"80后"作家的"残酷青春"叙事现今已不再符合读者的审美趣味。日益加剧的狂欢化、游戏化的网络消费文化,泛娱乐化的碎片阅读,在后现代语境文学逐步走向产业化的浪潮中,"微笑青春"小说以轻松幽默的笔调书写青春,为深陷现实和媒介焦虑中的读者大众解压,成为青春叙事的新转向。青春网络作家缺乏生活经验,大都只困于个体经验的"小我"创作之中,缺乏"大我"精神,其叙事或过于残酷,或过于美好,作品的真实性有待推敲。  相似文献   

散文的辞意美要求情真、理迭、语美,张晓风的散文在当代台湾文坛以美文著称,她不仅将文章写得情深意浓,趣味横生,同时也将文章写得引人深思,启人智慧,再加上意象纷呈的诗性语言,使其散文堪称辞意双美,达到了一种如“拈花微笑般的自然和谐“的美的境界.  相似文献   

Symbolic gesturing in normal infants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2 studies are presented that document the spontaneous development by normal infants of nonverbal gestures to symbolically represent objects, needs, states, and qualities. These symbolic gestures are shown to be a typical rather than rare phenomenon of early development and to function in ways similar to early verbal symbols. Indeed, the case is made that these gestures and early words are both representative of common underlying mechanisms, in particular, the recognition that things have names. In the first study, mothers of 38 17-month-old infants were interviewed in regard to their infants' verbal and nonverbal development. The second study, designed to document with greater precision the findings of the interview study, is a longitudinal study of 16 infants who were followed from 11 to 24 months. Both studies provide evidence that symbolic gestures tend to develop in tandem with the child's early words, that girls tend to rely more heavily than boys on such gestures, that structured parent-child interactions are important to the development of these gestures, that the gestures tend to depict the function rather than the form of objects, and that the use of gestural labels is positively related to verbal vocabulary development. Implications of these findings for theories of language development and for speech pathology are discussed.  相似文献   

Treadmill-elicited stepping in seven-month-old infants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
E Thelen 《Child development》1986,57(6):1498-1506
When infants begin to walk independently, their step patterns, while not fully mature, are different in kinematic details from those of newborn stepping and supine kicking. 6 7-month-old infants, who performed little or no stepping movements, were supported over a small, motorized treadmill. All showed immediate alternating stepping. These movements were more similar to adult-like steps than newborn steps. The implications of eliciting a more mature pattern by the treadmill are discussed. Although infants normally perform few steps at this age, the underlying mechanism has not "disappeared."  相似文献   

11 infants with Down's syndrome (MA 9.2 months, CA 12.7 months) and 10 of 11 nonhandicapped infants (MA 9.6 months, CA 9.3 months) demonstrated that they could operate an automated device which enabled them to choose to listen to 1 of a pair of auditory signals. All subjects showed preferential responding. Both groups of infants showed a significant preference for nursery rhymes sung by a female voice rather than played on musical instruments. The infants with Down's syndrome had much longer response durations for the more complex auditory stimuli. The apparatus provides a useful technique for studying language development in both normal and abnormal populations.  相似文献   

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