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论民办高校章程的制定与完善   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
章程是民办高校依法成立的前提要件,也是其依法治校、自主管理的基本依据。充分认识民办高校章程的内涵与作用,是组织制定民办高校章程的重要基础。制定和完善民办高校章程,必须遵循主体明确、依据充分、要件齐全、权责对等和程序公正原则。  相似文献   

The Regents External Degree Program of The University of the State of New York offers college degrees to anyone who can qualify. No classroom attendance is required. Since 1972 more than 16,000 people have enrolled in the Program and 5,000 have graduated. These external students range in age from 17 to 87 and they reside in every state in the nation. Regents External Degrees are available in the arts, sciences, business, and nursing; each may be earned entirely by examination — 548 have already done so — or by a combination of tests, study at accredited colleges, and approved courses sponsored by the military, government, and business. The University of the State of New York, created in 1784, is America's oldest continuous educational agency. The University was established not to provide classroom instruction but to govern all education in New York, including elementary and secondary schools, museums, libraries, and 250 public and private colleges and universities. Faculty drawn from these institutions of higher education work with Regents' staff in Albany to administer America's first national examining university.
Zusammenfassung Das Regents External Degree Programm der Staatsuniversität von New York bietet jedem einen akademischen Grad, der sich qualifizieren kann. Anwesenheit im Hörsaal wird nicht verlangt. Seit 1972 haben sich mehr als 16.000 Menschen im Rahmen dieses Programms immatrikuliert und 5000 haben einen akademischen Grad erworben. Das Alter dieser Studenten reicht von 17 bis 87, und sie wohnen in jedem Staat der USA. Akademische Grade des Regents External Degree Programms können in den geistes- und naturwissenschaftlichen Fächern sowie in wirtschaftswissen-schaftlichen Fächern, aber auch Kleinkinderziehung abgelegt werden; jeder Grad kann entweder in Gänze durch Prüfungen erworben werden, und das haben schon 548 Teilnehmer getan, oder durch eine Kombination von Tests, Studium an anerkannten Colleges, und anerkannten Kursen die durch das Militär, die Regierung oder die Wirtschaft gefördert werden. Die Staatsuniversität von New York, gegründet 1784, ist Amerikas älteste bestehende Bildungseinrichtung. Die Universität wurde ursprünglich nicht zum Erteilen von Unterricht gegründet, sondern diente als Aufsichtsinstitut für die Bildungseinrichtungen in New York, einschliesslich der Primar- und Sekundarschulen, Museen, Büchereien, und der 250 öffentlichen und privaten Colleges und Universitäten. Lehrpersonal dieser Institutionen im Hochschulbereich arbeiten zusammen mit dem Personal des Regent Programms in Albany in der Verwaltung von Amerikas erster nationaler Prüfungsuniversität.

Résumé Le Programme Regents de Grade Externe de l'Université de l'Etat de New York concède des grades universitaires à toute personne qui peut se qualifier. Aucune fréquentation de la salle de classe n'est exigée. Depuis 1972, plus de 16.000 personnes se sont inscrites pour le programme et 5.000 personnes ont reçu un grade universitaire. L'âge de ces étudiants externes s'étend de 17 à 87 et ils résident dans chacun des Etats de la nation. Les Grades Externes du Programme Regents peuvent être obtenus pour les arts, les sciences, l'économie et la profession d'infirmière; chaque grade peut être entièrement acquis par examen — 548 ont déjà procédé de la sorte — ou par une combinaison d'épreuves, d'études dans des collèges accrédités, et de cours approuvés subventionnés par l'armée, le gouvernement et l'industrie. L'Université de l'Etat de New York, créée en 1784, est l'établissement américain educatif le plus ancien qui a toujours fonctionné sans interruption. Cette Université a été fondée non pour transmettre une instruction scolaire mais pour diriger toute forme d'éducation dans l'Etat de New York, englobant les écoles élémentaires et secondaires, les musées, les bibliothèques et les 250 collèges et universités publiques et privés. La faculté provenant de ces institutions d'éducation supérieure travaille avec le personnel du Programme Regents à Albany pour administrer la première université américaine nationale examinatrice.

New York City     
纽约虽然不是美国的首都,却是美国最大的城市,拥有美国最大的海港。它还是全世界最重要的商业和金融中心之一。从华盛顿乘坐火车,大约需要三个小时就可以到达纽约了。  相似文献   

习近平总书记在全国高校思想政治工作会议上强调了当前高校思想政治教育工作的重要性,对新时期的高校思想政治教育提出了新要求。纵观当前高校思想政治教育,依然存在着诸如师生认识不到位、重视不够、学习内容共鸣不够等问题。高校应从针对突出问题进行教育改革、重视对教师队伍的培养与教育、强化与专业现实的对接培养三方面改变思想政治教育现状。  相似文献   

This paper provides a critical analysis of the edu-businesses currently working in partnership with the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority to deliver the Commonwealth government policy initiative of the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). These emerging public–private partnerships (PPPs) exemplify new heterarchical governance structures in Australia, where a network of public and private agents now contribute to education policy processes. In analysing the NAPLAN policy network, this account seeks to proffer a critical analysis on the evolving PPPs in Australia and ascertains in whose interests and with what outcomes these PPPs operate. The NAPLAN policy network is analysed in relation to the contemporary state and its changing modus operandi, in which I draw on the notions of heterarchies, networks and new governance structures in education to understand these developments. Network ethnography is employed to document the network of PPPs that are associated with NAPLAN and other government initiatives in Australia, and in particular, I reflect on the activities of Pearson and the Australian Council for Educational Research to problematise what these policy networks mean.  相似文献   

笔者以陕西工业职业技术学院2004级学生为研究对象,采用随机抽样,实施《学生体质健康标准》测试(以下简称《标准》),样本数1112名学生。有效样本数1109名。样本分布各个专业。  相似文献   

反思是教师专业发展的关键因素,是教师成长和发展的第一步,把教师培养成反思型教师是教师专业化的最好切入点。本文借鉴国内外教师教育的研究成果,构建了职前反思型教师教育模式,即“全程——协作——互动——反思”教师教育模式,从师范生自身和外部环境的创设方面,提出了培养师范生反思意识和反思能力的对策和建议,对于职前教师教育培养反思型教师具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

发展远程教育,培养"新农村"建设各类人才,是建设社会主义新农村的需要,也是我国构建公平和谐小康社会的需要,更是电大远程教育自我发展的需要.面向"新农村"建设,电大远程教育要从四个方面促进和发展农村教育.  相似文献   

New York has given long and careful consideration to the reform of special education funding in the state. The proposal under consideration, as endorsed by the State Department of Education, is based on a count of all students, as opposed to just special education students, and includes a poverty adjustment. This plan appears to support many of New York's special education reform goals, and it aligns with national trends. However, the decision to maintain separate funding systems for special education students with certain disabilities may conflict with the state's goal of educating students with disabilities alongside their nondisabled peers. Also, it is important to realize that achieving high learning standards for students with disabilities will not simply flow from the planned fiscal reforms; it will require careful consideration to ensure that these students are fully included in the state's system of accountability for all students.  相似文献   

在第82届奥斯卡颁奖晚会上,法国作品《商标的世界》(Logorama)获得了最佳动画短片奖,这部短片以让人应接不暇的商标对人们造成视觉冲击,几乎包罗了所有世界顶级的品牌。  相似文献   

It is argued that the plight of the dependent-poor is likely to get worse as New York City's fiscal crisis is transformed into a service crisis. Considerable emphasis is given to describing the politics of school closings. The school closure issue has profound implications for any attempts to improve the educational lot of urban schools due to the potential relationship between white flight and school closings. The common tendency to close small and old school facilities located in areas where densities are higher (which minimizes transportation costs) results in schools being closed that are predominantly attended by poor and minority students. Policymakers should be able to learn a great deal about cutback management and planning in general through a better understanding of retrenchment policies which school districts throughout the nation have adopted.Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Washington, D.C., October, 1981.  相似文献   

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