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δ艿氖迪趾秃侠淼男问绞峭戎匾摹T谝欢ㄒ庖迳?信息化社会里以计算机为代表的高科技媒体艺术正逐渐成为这个社会里普遍的艺术样式,人们无法离开数字影像正如无法离开电脑一样。探讨新媒体艺术的交互逻辑,其目的在于站在人性的高度和现实文化情境的角度理解新媒体艺术的人文化及其观念的完整性,这种完整性是通过时空、人机以及媒体交互参与的逻辑关系完成的。新媒体艺术的交互性品格探议@谢卉$深圳职业技术学院交互特质作为新媒体艺术的显著特征,是区别于其它后现代艺术门类的关键。本文关注新媒体艺术的交互品格,并提出新媒体?或庄…  相似文献   

let是一个我们经常会遇到的单词,其基本意思为“让、允许”。但是在日常使用或在考试中,还会考查同学们是否掌握let在句中所表达的多种意思的用法。你都掌握了吗?Let’s go!  相似文献   


Jung a élabori une théorie des types psychologiques basée sur la maniere dont une personne cueille l'information nécessaire et prend des décisions. Le test Myers-Briggs Type Indicator a été bâti à partir de ce modèle. Son application révèle que l'ingénierie attire des individus de types psychologiques bien determineés. Ceci peut avoir des consequences sur l'enseignement. Un étudiant, a l'aide des résultats du test, peut modifier sa methode de travail, defagon à ameliorer son rendement scolaire.

Jung has elaborated a theory of psychological types based on the way an individual collects information and takes decisions. The Myers-Briggs type indicator test has been built from that model. Its administration reveals that engineering attracts people of well-defined psychological types. This may have consequences on education. From the results of the test, a student may change his learning style so as to improve his academic efficiency.  相似文献   

The present article deals with the transformation of teaching practices in the light of recent research carried out in the field of the context‐process approach and of the sociology of education. We distinguish two main lines of reflection: (1) The teaching practices form systems the elements of which are functionally interdependent; (2) The teaching practices result—historically and at a given moment—from a complex interplay between more individual factors (in particular, the hierarchy of the teacher's criteria of value) and contextual liberties and constraints (in particular, institutional ones). The former hypothesis leads to the proposed intervention models centred on the modification of key variables of the teaching practice (e.g. the way in which the activities are organised) the transformation of which is likely to transform other elements of the system (the nature of feedbacks, for instance). The latter hypothesis leads to a formulation in terms of both compatibility and feasibility of the combined conditions of the transformation of these key variables in a given teaching practice: the compatibility condition defines the modifications that do not irremediably clash with the teacher's criteria of value; the feasibility condition defines the changes that can be introduced in the institution, having taken into account the kind of relationship the teacher has with it.


This article presents the method used to study examination papers written by young pupils. This sort of pupils’ work can give information on who are involved in examinations.

‐ The pupils: what they learn in history and how they produce answers;

‐ The teachers: what they teach in their class and how;

‐ The juries: how they assess by means of a grade the minimum knowledge of most of the pupils who are to leave school.

The problem here is to follow the route from laws and decrees to real teachers and real pupils. Therefore, this research relies on source material such as annual primary inspector reports, annual local teachers’ meetings with model lessons, and, above all, examination papers. For this last source, a popular examination in France at that time was used: the Certificat d'Etudes, which was given at the end of the primary curriculum for 13‐year‐old pupils. By chance, the Departmental Archives of the Somme region still has 4058 history test examination papers from 1918 to 1926.  相似文献   

L'article a pour objectifs de discuter des rapports existant entre le système des disciplines scientifiques et la formation à l'enseignement conçue dans une perspective de professionnalisation. Après un rapide rappel historique du processus d'inféodisation de la formation professionnelle par le système des sciences, l'article introduit une distinction entre l'interdisciplinarité en éducation et l'interdisciplinarité scientifique. Il met en exergue, à la suite de ce double éclairage, la complexité des interrelations entre les différents types de savoirs dans un contexte de formation professionnelle à l'enseignement et la nécessité de dépasser les perspectives interdisciplinaires pour prendre en compte la circumdisciplinarité, c'est-à-dire l'insertion des savoirs qui résultent des pratiques professionnelles elles-mêmes au sein même de la formation. This paper discusses the existing relationships between the scientific subject matter system and teacher education from a professionalisation perspective. After a brief historical reminder of how professional training was subjugated by the scientific system, we introduce a distinction between interdisciplinarity in education and scientific interdisciplinary. The article then highlights the complexity of interrelationships between different types of knowledge, in a context of the professional training that is teacher education, and the necessity of going beyond interdisciplinary perspectives in order to take into account the circumdisciplinarity, which means the integration of knowledge that results from the very professional practice that is at the center of the teacher education. El objetivo central de este articulo es el de discutir de las relaciones entre el sistema de las disciplinas científicas y la formación a la enseñanza, dentro de una perspectiva de profesionalización. Después de una breve descripción del proceso histórico que llevó a la sumisión de la formación profesional al sistema de las ciencias, se introduce una distinción entre los conceptos de la interdisciplinaridad en la educación y la interdisciplinaridad científica. Se subraya el carácter complejo de las interrelaciones entre varios tipos de conocimientos dentro de un contexto de formación profesional a la enseñanza y de la necesidad de ir mas allá de las perspectivas interdisciplinarias para tomar en cuenta la circumdisciplinaridad. Este ultimo concepto suele significar la integración de los conocimientos o de los conocimientos que resultan de las prácticas profesionales en se, dentro del proceso de formación. Dieser Artikel untersucht die bestehenden Beziehungen zwischen den wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen und der Lehrerausbildung mit einer Professionalisierungsperspektive. Nach einem kurzen historischen Rückblick, wie das System der Berufsausbildung durch das Wissenschaftssystem geprägt wurde, unterscheidet der Artikel zwischen der Interdisziplinarität in der Lehrerausbildung und der in den Wissenschaften. Nach dieser Unterscheidung hebt er die Komplexität der Verhältnisse verschiedener Wissenstypen in einem Kontext der Berufsausbildung hervor, sowie die Notwendigkeit interdiziplinäre Perspektiven zu überschreiten, um die Zirkumsdiziplinarität zu berücksichtigen, das heißt, das Wissen, das sich aus der Praxis ergibt, in die Lehrerbildung einzubeziehen.  相似文献   


The F.‐A. Demetz's example, one of the most well‐known prison reformers, is representative of the evolution of the relations between State and private initiative in France. For most of the people, the creation of the penitentiary agricultural colony of Mettray by F.‐A. Demetz is a model. F.‐A. Demetz belongs to the tradition of prison reformers, men or women coming from charitable societies, and acting mostly by charity and pity. Far to be a thinker, he is a “doer”. He also wants to be a pedagogue.

Mettray symbolises the triumph of the private initiative. But as soon as Mettray opened or only after a few months running, much of the colony organisation was modified. There are very important differences between Demetz’ s plans and the colony opening in 1839. For example, the repressive rules were strengthened. The family‐like organisation was changed into a more military one. Demetz had to comply with the administration's will to obtain its support.

This paper will allow us to understand the relations between reformers and the penitentiary administration.  相似文献   

Two difficulties can go against the recognition of volume and estimation of its invariance in situations of immersion.
  • — The quantitative interpretation of water level rising can be confused with causal and ponderal interpretation (water goes up if solid goes down because heavy, therefore heaviest it is highest is the level).
  • — The room taken up inside water can be classed as room taken up in environment to wich social experience can have contribuate to attach the meaning of variable and relative bulk of objects according to their position, technical properties, relation of exteriority or interiority (capacity)…
  •   相似文献   

    《Cultura y Educación》2013,25(2-3):19-28

    Face aux modèles et aux attitudes pessimistes concernant les capacités d'apprentissage et de développement de l'élève, l'auteur propose en partant de la pensée vygostkienne des procédures qui facilitent l'introspection et la prise de conscience et favorisent les apprentissages spontanés, qu'ils soient de nature consciente ou inconsciente.  相似文献   

    ‘La tévé, c'est de l'actualité qui se congèle en histoire’, dit Cidrolin dans les Fleurs bleues de Raymond Queneau. Et, de fait, la télévision apparaît comme notre moyen d'accès à l'histoire qui se fait: ainsi, par exemple, des millions de téléspectateurs ont pu assister, en direct, à l'assassinat du Président Kennedy. Pour reprendre une expression de Michel Tardy, il faut dire que, grâce à la télévision ‘l'histoire est désormais quelque chose qui nous arrive’. En ce sens, la télévision se manifeste à la fois comme véhicule d'une information concurrente de l'information scolaire et comme véhicule d'une information absente de l'espace scolaire.  相似文献   

    Externe Qualit?tssicherung hat sich in den letzten zehn Jahren von einem kaum beachteten Aspekt zu einem Leitmotiv der europ?ischen Hochschulreformen entwickelt. Nicht zuletzt durch die geplante Neuordnung der externen Qualit?tssicherung hat dieses Thema auch in ?sterreich an Bedeutung gewonnen. So wichtig verschiedene europ?ische Initiativen für diese Entwicklungen waren und sind, so existieren doch keine rechtsverbindlichen Normen auf supranationaler Ebene. Die EU kann aufgrund der Subsidiarit?t im Hochschulbereich ihre Positionen nur in Empfehlungen an die Mitgliedstaaten und in Berichten ausdrücken; innerhalb des zwischenstaatlichen Bologna-Prozesses einigten sich die Signatarstaaten freiwillig auf eine Reihe von Prinzipien zur Qualit?tssicherung sowie auf einen Katalog von Standards und Leitlinien (ESG), die die interne Qualit?tssicherung an den Hochschulen, die externe Qualit?tssicherung durch Agenturen sowie die Meta-Qualit?tssicherung der Agenturen betreffen. Der Beitrag schildert die verschiedenen EU- und Bologna-Initiativen und skizziert Fragestellungen, die sich aus den bisherigen Entwicklungen für Qualit?tssicherung auf der europ?ischen und nationalen Ebene ergeben.  相似文献   

    Written culture has a history. As regards the “Ancien Régime” in Portugal, little scientific research has been done with account taken of the various dimensions of the written culture, the way in which one gains access to it and uses it in practice. Even though historiography may have been renewed as regards its methodology and even though the studies on the present situation abound, the history of the teaching of reading and writing remains a subject that is still hardly known. In the text that follows, we propose to approach the question for Portugal by presenting in turn the evolution of the historiography of the elimination of illiteracy, the problems raised by the scientific construction of the object, a formulation of the problem in function of our own survey, and the research prospects. We will present critical reflections on the fundamental concepts and a summary of the conclusions we have arrived at. Indeed, the history of the teaching of reading and writing and of reading and writing themselves acquires its true agnificanct only within the larger history of the written culture, which is a cultural and social as well as a pedagogical and anthropological history.  相似文献   

    Autour du thème de l'éducation aux images, cet article tente d'articuler une approche généraliste et une évaluation de dispositifs d'auto-apprentissage de l'image par les images. La première partie interroge les résistances du système éducatif À l'implantation d'une éducation iconique et médiatique explicite et volontaire. La seconde partie compare et évalue les performances de trois modes d'accès aux images dans des situations proches de l'auto-apprentissage. À cette occasion, l'étude montre les faiblesses d'un dispositif audiovisuel et propose une e remédiation f par les fonctionnalités des multimédias interactifs. Around the topic of visual education, this article tries to describe a generalist approach and an evaluation of schemes of self-training in images by the use of images. The first part questions resistance of the education system to the establishment of an explicit and voluntary iconic and mediated education. The second part compares and evaluates the performance of three access modes to images in situations close to the self-training. On this point, the study shows the weaknesses of an audiovisual scheme and proposes "remédiation" by the management of interactive multimedia. Dieser Artikel versucht eine allgemeine Methode, die die Autodidaktik durch Bilder zum Thema hat, und deren Bewertung zu beschreiben. Der erste Teil analysiert den Widerstand- ausgehend vom Bildungssystems- eine illustrative, explizit mediatische, freiwillige Ausbildungsform einzuführen. Der zweite Teil vergleicht und bewertet die Leistungsfähigkeit von drei Methoden, die nahe der Autodidaktik angesiedelt sind. Zu dieser Gelegenheit zeigt die Studie die Schwächen der audiovisuellen Konzepte auf, und schlägt eine Aufarbeitung mittels der Funktionalität von interaktiven Multimedien vor.  相似文献   

    This article concentrates on some considerations concerning the schooling process in Brazil during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Taking as reference the research carried out in the state of Minas Gerais, it particularly focuses on elementary/primary education there. First, it looks at the different schooling models in Brazil during that period of time and argues that educational statistics are one of the most interesting ways to study the representations about this phenomenon. It then looks at the sociocultural consequences of schooling and stresses the importance of educational institutions as a socialisation model for children, young people and society as a whole.  相似文献   

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