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Despite being invasive within surrounding brain tissues and the central nervous system, little is known about the mechanical properties of brain tumor cells in comparison with benign cells. Here, we present the first measurements of the peak pressure drop due to the passage of benign and cancerous brain cells through confined microchannels in a “microfluidic cell squeezer” device, as well as the elongation, speed, and entry time of the cells in confined channels. We find that cancerous and benign brain cells cannot be differentiated based on speeds or elongation. We have found that the entry time into a narrow constriction is a more sensitive indicator of the differences between malignant and healthy glial cells than pressure drops. Importantly, we also find that brain tumor cells take a longer time to squeeze through a constriction and migrate more slowly than benign cells in two dimensional wound healing assays. Based on these observations, we arrive at the surprising conclusion that the prevailing notion of extraneural cancer cells being more mechanically compliant than benign cells may not apply to brain cancer cells.  相似文献   

This paper presents a microfluidic device for simultaneous mechanical and electrical characterization of single cells. The device performs two types of cellular characterization (impedance spectroscopy and micropipette aspiration) on a single chip to enable cell electrical and mechanical characterization. To investigate the performance of the device design, electrical and mechanical properties of MC-3T3 osteoblast cells were measured. Based on electrical models, membrane capacitance of MC-3T3 cells was determined to be 3.39±1.23 and 2.99±0.82 pF at the aspiration pressure of 50 and 100 Pa, respectively. Cytoplasm resistance values were 110.1±37.7 kΩ (50 Pa) and 145.2±44.3 kΩ (100 Pa). Aspiration length of cells was found to be 0.813±0.351 μm at 50 Pa and 1.771±0.623 μm at 100 Pa. Quantified Young's modulus values were 377±189 Pa at 50 Pa and 344±156 Pa at 100 Pa. Experimental results demonstrate the device's capability for characterizing both electrical and mechanical properties of single cells.  相似文献   

The introduction of surface acoustic wave (SAW) technology on microfluidics has shown its powerfully controlling and actuating fluid and particle capability in a micro-nano scale, such as fluid mixing, fluid translation, microfluidic pumping, microfluidic rotational motor, microfluidic atomization, particle or cell concentration, droplet or cell sorting, reorientation of nano-objects, focusing and separation of particles, and droplet jetting. The SAW-driven droplet jetting technology enjoys the advantages of simple structure to fabricate with little hindrance, compact size to integrate with other components, high biocompatibility with biological cells or other molecule samples, large force in realizing fast fluidic actuation, and contact-free manipulation with fluid. The realization of this technology can effectively overcome some bottleneck problems in the current micro-injection technology, such as mechanical swear, complicated and bulky structure, and strict limitation of requirements on fluidic characteristics. This article reviews and reorganizes SAW-microfluidic jetting technology from decades of years, referring to the interaction mechanism theory of SAW and fluid, experimental methods of SAW-microfluidic jetting, effects of related parameters on objected pinch-off droplets, and applications of individual structures. Finally, we made a summary of the research results of the current literature and look forward and appraise where this discipline of SAW-microfluidic jetting could go in the future.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of red blood cells (RBCs) are critical to the rheological and hemodynamic behavior of blood. Although measurements of the mechanical properties of RBCs have been studied for many years, the existing methods, such as ektacytometry, micropipette aspiration, and microfluidic approaches, still have limitations. Mechanical changes to RBCs during storage play an important role in transfusions, and so need to be evaluated pre-transfusion, which demands a convenient and rapid detection method. We present a microfluidic approach that focuses on the mechanical properties of single cell under physiological shear flow and does not require any high-end equipment, like a high-speed camera. Using this method, the images of stretched RBCs under physical shear can be obtained. The subsequent analysis, combined with mathematic models, gives the deformability distribution, the morphology distribution, the normalized curvature, and the Young''s modulus (E) of the stored RBCs. The deformability index and the morphology distribution show that the deformability of RBCs decreases significantly with storage time. The normalized curvature, which is defined as the curvature of the cell tail during stretching in flow, suggests that the surface charge of the stored RBCs decreases significantly. According to the mathematic model, which derives from the relation between shear stress and the adherent cells'' extension ratio, the Young''s moduli of the stored RBCs are also calculated and show significant increase with storage. Therefore, the present method is capable of representing the mechanical properties and can distinguish the mechanical changes of the RBCs during storage. The advantages of this method are the small sample needed, high-throughput, and easy-use, which make it promising for the quality monitoring of RBCs.  相似文献   

This review article presents how microfluidic technologies and biological materials are paired to assist in the development of low cost, green energy fuel cell systems. Miniaturized biological fuel cells, employing enzymes or microorganisms as biocatalysts in an environmentally benign configuration, can become an attractive candidate for small-scale power source applications such as biological sensors, implantable medical devices, and portable electronics. State-of-the-art biofuel cell technologies are reviewed with emphasis on microfabrication compatibility and microfluidic fuel cell designs. Integrated microfluidic biofuel cell prototypes are examined with comparisons of their performance achievements and fabrication methods. The technical challenges for further developments and the potential research opportunities for practical cell designs are discussed.  相似文献   

Simon MG  Lin R  Fisher JS  Lee AP 《Biomicrofluidics》2012,6(1):14110-1411013
Here, we present a microfluidic droplet trap that takes advantage of the net Laplace pressure force generated when a droplet is differentially constricted. Mathematical simulations were first used to understand the working range of the component; followed by finite element modeling using the CFD software package to further characterize the behavior of the system. Controlled release of the trapped droplets is also demonstrated through both a mechanical method and a chemical method that manipulates the total pressure exerted on the trapped droplet. The unique design of this trapping device also provides the capability for selection of a single droplet from a train, as well as droplet fusion.  相似文献   

In this paper, we review the recent progress in the development of low-cost microfluidic devices based on multifilament threads and textiles for semi-quantitative diagnostic and environmental assays. Hydrophilic multifilament threads are capable of transporting aqueous and non-aqueous fluids via capillary action and possess desirable properties for building fluid transport pathways in microfluidic devices. Thread can be sewn onto various support materials to form fluid transport channels without the need for the patterned hydrophobic barriers essential for paper-based microfluidic devices. Thread can also be used to manufacture fabrics which can be patterned to achieve suitable hydrophilic-hydrophobic contrast, creating hydrophilic channels which allow the control of fluids flow. Furthermore, well established textile patterning methods and combination of hydrophilic and hydrophobic threads can be applied to fabricate low-cost microfluidic devices that meet the low-cost and low-volume requirements. In this paper, we review the current limitations and shortcomings of multifilament thread and textile-based microfluidics, and the research efforts to date on the development of fluid flow control concepts and fabrication methods. We also present a summary of different methods for modelling the fluid capillary flow in microfluidic thread and textile-based systems. Finally, we summarized the published works of thread surface treatment methods and the potential of combining multifilament thread with other materials to construct devices with greater functionality. We believe these will be important research focuses of thread- and textile-based microfluidics in future.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a microfluidic chip that is capable of measuring electrical conductance through gap junction channels in a 2-dimensional cell sheet. The chip utilizes a tri-stream laminar flow to create a non-conductive sucrose gap between the two conducting solutions so that electrical current can pass across the sucrose gap only through the cells. Using the chip, we tested the effect of a gap junction inhibitor, 2-APB, on the electrical coupling of connexin 43 (Cx43) gap junction channels in NRK-49F cells. We found that 2-APB reversibly blocks the conductivity in a dose-dependent manner. The tri-stream chip further allows us to simultaneously follow the conductance changes and dye diffusion in real time. We show that 2-APB affects both conductance and diffusion, supporting the interpretation that both sets of data reflect the same gap junction activity. The chip provides a generic platform to investigate gap junction properties and to screen drugs that may inhibit or potentiate gap junction transmission.  相似文献   

Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are the principal vehicle for the spread of non-hematologic cancer disease from a primary tumor, involving extravasation of CTCs across blood vessel walls, to form secondary tumors in remote organs. Herein, a polydimethylsiloxane-based microfluidic system is developed and characterized for in vitro systematic studies of organ-specific extravasation of CTCs. The system recapitulates the two major aspects of the in vivo extravasation microenvironment: local signaling chemokine gradients in a vessel with an endothelial monolayer. The parameters controlling the locally stable chemokine gradients, flow rate, and initial chemokine concentration are investigated experimentally and numerically. The microchannel surface treatment effect on the confluency and adhesion of the endothelial monolayer under applied shear flow has also been characterized experimentally. Further, the conditions for driving a suspension of CTCs through the microfluidic system are discussed while simultaneously maintaining both the local chemokine gradients and the confluent endothelial monolayer. Finally, the microfluidic system is utilized to demonstrate extravasation of MDA-MB-231 cancer cells in the presence of CXCL12 chemokine gradients. Consistent with the hypothesis of organ-specific extravasation, control experiments are presented to substantiate the observation that the MDA-MB-231 cell migration is attributed to chemotaxis rather than a random process.  相似文献   

We present a novel 3D hybrid assembly of a polymer microfluidic chip with polycarbonate track-etched membrane (PCTEM) enabling membrane-supported cell culture. Two chip designs have been developed to establish either diffusive or convective reagent delivery using the integrated PCTEM. While it is well suited to a range of cell-based assays, we specifically employ this platform for the screening of a common antitumor chemotoxic agent (mitomycin C – MMC) on the HL60 myeloid leukemia cell line. The toxic activity of MMC is based on the generation of severe DNA damage in the cells. Using either mode of operation, the HL60 cells were cultured on-chip before, during, and after exposure to MMC at concentrations ranging from 0 to 50 μM. Cell viability was analysed off-chip by the trypan blue dye exclusion assay. The results of the on-chip viability assay were found to be consistent with those obtained off-chip and indicated ca. 40% cell survival at MMC concentration of 50 μM. The catalogue of capabilities of the here described cell assay platform comprises of (i) the culturing of cells either under shear-free conditions or under induced through-membrane flows, (ii) the tight time control of the reagent exposure, (iii) the straightforward assembly of devices, (iv) the flexibility on the choice of the membrane, and, prospectively, (v) the amenability for large-scale parallelization.  相似文献   

Systematic screening of algal cells is getting huge interest due to their capability of producing lipid-based biodiesel. Here, we introduce a new microfluidic platform composed of an array of perfusion chambers designed for long-term cultivation and preliminary screening of motile microalgal cells through loading and releasing of cells to and from the chambers. The chemical environment in each perfusion chamber was independently controlled for 5 days. The effect of nitrogen-depletion on the lipid production, phototaxis behavior in the absence of Ca2+, and cytotoxic effect of herbicide on microalgal cells was successfully monitored and compared with simultaneous control experiments on the platform. The present methodology could be extended to effective screening of algal cells and various cell lines for the production of biodiesel and other useful chemicals.  相似文献   

The present work demonstrates the use of a dielectrophoretic lab-on-a-chip device in effectively separating different cancer cells of epithelial origin for application in circulating tumor cell (CTC) identification. This study uses dielectrophoresis (DEP) to distinguish and separate MCF-7 human breast cancer cells from HCT-116 colorectal cancer cells. The DEP responses for each cell type were measured against AC electrical frequency changes in solutions of varying conductivities. Increasing the conductivity of the suspension directly correlated with an increasing frequency value for the first cross-over (no DEP force) point in the DEP spectra. Differences in the cross-over frequency for each cell type were leveraged to determine a frequency at which the two types of cell could be separated through DEP forces. Under a particular medium conductivity, different types of cells could have different DEP behaviors in a very narrow AC frequency band, demonstrating a high specificity of DEP. Using a microfluidic DEP sorter with optically transparent electrodes, MCF-7 and HCT-116 cells were successfully separated from each other under a 3.2 MHz frequency in a 0.1X PBS solution. Further experiments were conducted to characterize the separation efficiency (enrichment factor) by changing experimental parameters (AC frequency, voltage, and flow rate). This work has shown the high specificity of the described DEP cell sorter for distinguishing cells with similar characteristics for potential diagnostic applications through CTC enrichment.  相似文献   

结合资源基础理论、社会网络理论和生命周期理论,深入分析在初创期和成长期,资源识取与新创企业绩效的动态匹配机制。研究结果表明,互补性资源和相似性地位以及二者的交互作用均对新创企业绩效有正向影响,新创企业年龄对这些影响关系有不同的调节作用。在初创期,互补性资源对新创企业绩效的影响更明显;在成长期,相似性地位对新创企业绩效的影响更明显,而且在成长期相似性地位会有效促进互补性资源对新创企业绩效的影响效应。研究结论对新创企业如何根据不同发展阶段特点有目的和有针对性的去识别和获取资源有重要的实践启示,并丰富和深化了资源整合理论与新创企业成长决定因素理论。  相似文献   

Biomicrofluidics is an emerging field at the cross roads of microfluidics and life sciences which requires intensive research efforts in terms of introducing appropriate designs, production techniques, and analysis. The ultimate goal is to deliver innovative and cost-effective microfluidic devices to biotech, biomedical, and pharmaceutical industries. Therefore, creating an in-depth understanding of the transport phenomena of cells and biomolecules becomes vital and concurrently poses significant challenges. The present article outlines the recent advancements in diffusion phenomena of cells and biomolecules by highlighting transport principles from an engineering perspective, cell responses in microfluidic devices with emphases on diffusion- and flow-based microfluidic gradient platforms, macroscopic and microscopic approaches for investigating the diffusion phenomena of biomolecules, microfluidic platforms for the delivery of these molecules, as well as the state of the art in biological applications of mammalian cell responses and diffusion of biomolecules.  相似文献   

Mineral–microbe interactions play important roles in environmental change, biogeochemical cycling of elements and formation of ore deposits. Minerals provide both beneficial (physical and chemical protection, nutrients, and energy) and detrimental (toxic substances and oxidative pressure) effects to microbes, resulting in mineral-specific microbial colonization. Microbes impact dissolution, transformation and precipitation of minerals through their activity, resulting in either genetically controlled or metabolism-induced biomineralization. Through these interactions, minerals and microbes co-evolve through Earth history. Mineral–microbe interactions typically occur at microscopic scale but the effect is often manifested at global scale. Despite advances achieved through decades of research, major questions remain. Four areas are identified for future research: integrating mineral and microbial ecology, establishing mineral biosignatures, linking laboratory mechanistic investigation to field observation, and manipulating mineral–microbe interactions for the benefit of humankind.  相似文献   

Malaria-infected red blood cells (iRBCs) become less deformable with the progression of infection and tend to occlude microcapillaries. This process has been investigated in vitro using microfluidic channels. The objective of this paper is to provide a quantitative basis for interpreting the experimental observations of iRBC occlusion of microfluidic channels. Using a particle-based model for the iRBC, we simulate the traverse of iRBCs through a converging microfluidic channel and explore the progressive loss of cell deformability due to three factors: the stiffening of the membrane, the reduction of the cell''s surface-volume ratio, and the growing solid parasites inside the cell. When examined individually, each factor tends to hinder the passage of the iRBC and lengthen the transit time. Moreover, at sufficient magnitude, each may lead to obstruction of narrow microfluidic channels. We then integrate the three factors into a series of simulations that mimic the development of malaria infection through the ring, trophozoite, and schizont stages. These simulations successfully reproduce the experimental observation that with progression of infection, the iRBC transitions from passage to blockage in larger and larger channels. The numerical results suggest a scheme for quantifying iRBC rigidification through microfluidic measurements of the critical pressure required for passage.  相似文献   

Blood cell sorting is critical to sample preparation for both clinical diagnosis and therapeutic research. The spiral inertial microfluidic devices can achieve label-free, continuous separation of cell mixtures with high throughput and efficiency. The devices utilize hydrodynamic forces acting on cells within laminar flow, coupled with rotational Dean drag due to curvilinear microchannel geometry. Here, we report on optimized Archimedean spiral devices to achieve cell separation in less than 8 cm of downstream focusing length. These improved devices are small in size (<1 in.2), exhibit high separation efficiency (∼95%), and high throughput with rates up to 1 × 106 cells per minute. These device concepts offer a path towards possible development of a lab-on-chip for point-of-care blood analysis with high efficiency, low cost, and reduced analysis time.  相似文献   

Blood analysis plays a major role in medical and science applications and white blood cells (WBCs) are an important target of analysis. We proposed an integrated microfluidic chip for direct and rapid trapping WBCs from whole blood. The microfluidic chip consists of two basic functional units: a winding channel to mix and arrays of two-layer trapping structures to trap WBCs. Red blood cells (RBCs) were eliminated through moving the winding channel and then WBCs were trapped by the arrays of trapping structures. We fabricated the PDMS (polydimethylsiloxane) chip using soft lithography and determined the critical flow velocities of tartrazine and brilliant blue water mixing and whole blood and red blood cell lysis buffer mixing in the winding channel. They are 0.25 μl/min and 0.05 μl/min, respectively. The critical flow velocity of the whole blood and red blood cell lysis buffer is lower due to larger volume of the RBCs and higher kinematic viscosity of the whole blood. The time taken for complete lysis of whole blood was about 85 s under the flow velocity 0.05 μl/min. The RBCs were lysed completely by mixing and the WBCs were trapped by the trapping structures. The chip trapped about 2.0 × 103 from 3.3 × 103 WBCs.  相似文献   

For the diagnosis of biochemical reactions, the investigation of microflow behavior, and the confirmation of simulation results in microfluidics, experimentally quantitative measurements are indispensable. To characterize the mixing and reaction of fluids in microchannel devices, we propose a mixing quality index (Mqi) to quantify the cross-sectional patterns (also called mixing patterns) of fluids, captured with a confocal-fluorescence microscope (CFM). The operating parameters of the CFM for quantification were carefully tested. We analyzed mixing patterns, flow advection, and mass exchange of fluids in the devices with overlapping channels of two kinds. The mixing length of the two devices derived from the analysis of Mqi is demonstrated to be more precise than that estimated with a commonly applied method of blending dye liquors. By means of fluorescence resonance-energy transfer (FRET), we monitored the hybridization of two complementary oligonucleotides (a FRET pair) in the devices. The captured patterns reveal that hybridization is a progressive process along the downstream channel. The FRET reaction and the hybridization period were characterized through quantification of the reaction patterns. This analytical approach is a promising diagnostic tool that is applicable to the real-time analysis of biochemical and chemical reactions such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR), catalytic, or synthetic processes in microfluidic devices.  相似文献   

王雷  朱莹  王圣君 《科研管理》2021,42(1):156-167
本文从知识复杂度出发,探索代工专用性投资类型(资产类专用性投资和人力资本类专用性投资)与治理机制的匹配关系对海外知识获取的影响。应用AMOS17.0和SPSS16.0对229个中国代工企业样本数据进行实证检验,结论显示:(1)不同治理机制对不同类型专用性投资与海外知识获取关系具有不同的调节效应。具体来看,合同治理与资产类专用性投资的交互作用对海外知识获取有积极影响,关系治理与人力资本类专用性投资的交互作用对海外知识获取有积极影响,而不合理的匹配关系(即合同治理VS人力资本类专用性投资;关系治理VS资产类专用性投资)对海外知识获取的影响是不显著的。(2)专用性投资类型与治理机制的匹配效应随知识复杂度的变化而变化。具体来看,在知识复杂度较低的情况下,合同治理与资产类专用性投资的交互作用对海外知识获取的促进作用更显著。在知识复杂度较高的情况下关系治理与人力资本类专用性投资的交互作用对海外知识获取的促进作用更显著。上述研究阐明了代工专用性资产类型、治理机制和知识复杂度的匹配关系对海外知识获取的影响,有助于指导代工企业依据专用性资产类型和知识复杂度选择适宜的治理机制,进而获取更好的海外知识获取绩...  相似文献   

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