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25.at the same time同时;一齐1)Don’t all speak at the same time.大家不要同时说话。2)They went different ways,but arrived at the same time.他们走的不是一条路,却同时到达了。[注]at the same time也可作“然而;但是”解。例如:This is a difficult problem;at the same time,it is extremely interesting.这个问题很难,但很有趣。 26.at times有时;不时;偶尔  相似文献   

1.天一直在下雨,我们不得不再在这儿呆一个星期。【误】It' s raining all the time. We must stay here for another week.【正】It' s raining all the time. We' ll have to stay here for another week.【析】have to与must都有“必须”、“不得不”的意思。其主要区别是:have to强调客观因素使之“不得不”,而must表示主观要求“必须”。此外,have to有多种时态的变化,而 must没有。2.他想在这儿找份工作。  相似文献   

At The Tuckshop     
Recess is a busy time in our school. I believe it is the same in all schools. Soon after the bell for recess rings, all the pupils come out of their classrooms. However, we do not run as our teachers have told us to be orderly at all times. Almost all the children go to the tuckshop which sells a variety of food and drinks. We line up in front of the different stalls and wait patiently for our turn. Nobody tries to jump the queue or push others. Our prefects make sure that discipline is observed by all.  相似文献   

I can honestly say it was the best of times and the worst of times. I was joyfully expecting my first child at the same time that my once-energetic, zestful mother was losing her battle with a brain tumor.  相似文献   

1.我和李梅在同一个班级。【误】Li Mei and I are in a same class.【正】Li Mei and I are in the same class.【析】same无论作形容词或作名词,其前都要加定冠词the或 this/that/these/those等,而不能加a。2.我能看一看你的照片吗?【误】Can I have look at your photos?【正】Can I have a look at your photos?  相似文献   

先做以下2002年全国中考试题: 1.The parents take their child to see animals at times.B.all the time  相似文献   

【词语过关】finallyfinally是副词,意思是“最后;最终”,不带任何感情色彩。与finally意思相同的词语还有in theend或at last。in the end表示经过许多变化或周折,某事才发生,虽可与finally换用,但in the end常用于句首或句尾,finally常用于动词前;at last有时可与finally互换,但含期待的感情色彩更强烈。例如:He tried many times and finally succeed-ed.他试了很多次,最后成功了。(陈述此事)Did they get married in the end?(在经历变数与周折后)他们最后结婚了吗?James has passed his exam at last.詹姆斯终于通过了考试。(好不容易终于通过)【中考链接】(根据句意及汉语提示,填写所缺的单词)We could hardly believe that they couldfinish the work,but they______(最后地)didit.(2004佛山市)【解析】填finally。【短语突破】turn onturn on是由“动词...  相似文献   

1.AT OTHER TIMES / AT TIMES “at other times”出现在大学英语精读第一册第三单元,意思是“平时”、“平常”、“在另外一些场合中”。如: If you study hard at other times,you Won't have to sit up all nightbefore the exam. 如果你平时努力学习,就不会考前熬夜。 He sleeps at the factory at other times and goes home only on Satur-day. 他平时住在厂里,星期六才回家。“at times”译为“有时”、“常常”、“不时”,相当于sometimes, oc-  相似文献   

Audrey Hepburn.1954 Thanks to Givenchy,this classic beauty managed toappear innocent and sexy at the same time. Givenchy garbed(装扮)Audrey Hepburn for all ofher many Oscar appearances,but this fresh,flower-bedeckedevening gown best captured the star’s essence at the time:innocent,yet striking and sexy.The dress caught the eyeof many because of the way it showed off Hepburn’sdelicate shoulders.  相似文献   

请分析以下段落,找出与主题无关的句子。Much of present day big city architecture violates all principles of beauty,but is at the same time highly functional.  相似文献   

1.【课本原句】I usually get up at fiveo’clock.(P65)我通常在五点钟起床。【中考链接】1)—What time did you find the tigerescape from the zoo?—_______eight o’clock_______the morning.(2006江苏扬州)A.In;in B.At;onC.On;in D.At;in2)Wake up,Nick.It’s time to_  相似文献   

Heads or tails? Place some coins on a tabie(as many as youlike).Turn your back and ask a friend to turnover one coin at a time,saying“turn”wheneverhe does so.He can do it as often as he wantsand turn over the same coin several times if hewants.He then covers one coin with his thumb.When turning round,you will tell him if thecovered coin is heads or tails.  相似文献   

1.【原句】Would you mind giving me a smaller one? [讲解]本句中的。ne是代词,代替前文提到的名词。hirt,以避免重复,其复数形式为。nes。我们常用‘,a/an十形容词比较级 。ne”来表示“一个较……的”。【真题!一We sPent all our money beeause we stayed at the moot expe拙Ive hotel in town.一砚飞y击dn’t you stayat_ one?(2005江西省) A .a eheaP B.a eheaper C。the ehe即D.the ehea声r【点拨J选B。由句意可知,空白处应当是与“城里最贵的旅馆”进行比较,表达“较便宜的一间(旅馆)”。答案为Bo 2.{原句】Pethaps in…  相似文献   

1.【原句】Basketball is popular allover the world.【讲解】all over是固定结构,相当于everywhere,意为“遍及”,可单独使用,也可跟名词。【真题】我们的朋友遍天下。(汉译英)(2005湖南省岳阳市)W e have friends.【点拨】由汉语提示可知答案应填:allover the world。2.【原句】I w ould like to be afam ous m ovie star。【讲解】w ould like/love表示“想要(做某事)”,后接名词、代词或动词不定式,其疑问句形式W ould you like/love...?常用来提出建议或邀请。【真题】W ho do you think you’d likewith you,a boy or a girl?(2005…  相似文献   

A famous 85-year-old millionaire(百万富翁) once gave a speech at an American university. "I'm going to tell you how to get very rich at the same time," he said. "The secret is very simple. What all of you have to do is to avoid(避免) bad habits like drink  相似文献   

Who Am I     
1 Two children have the same parents and are born(出生)at the same time.2 It shows the time.3 Small bag you put money in.4 The mother of your parents.  相似文献   

徐伟 《中学生英语》2002,(21):20-20
1.我的书在桌上。【误】There is my book on the desk.【正】My book is on the desk.【析】there be句型表示“某地有某物”,它只表示“存在”,是泛指,而不强调某物属于某人所有。因此,there be句型中的主语不能用the,my,this,these等表示特指的词修饰。  相似文献   

One World     
In another 250 million years, Americans will be able to drive to Africa. By that time, Earth's seven continents will have merged(?) into one supercontinent, predicts Christopher Scotese, a geologist at the University of Texas at Arlington. It won't be the first time the continents have gotten-together; about the same amount of time  相似文献   

1.at times=sometimes,表示“偶尔,有时”。如: He borrows books from me at times. 他有时向我借书。2.The radio says the snow will stop later inthe day. 收音机报道说雪将于白天晚些时候停。say一词常用于新闻媒体传播,作“报道”、  相似文献   

Our eating habits are very important forgood health. There are times when most of uswould rather eat sweets and ice cream than meatand rice. Sweets and ice cream are not bad forthe stomach if we eat them at the end of a meal.But if we eat them before a meal, they may takeaway our appetite. It is important for us to eatour meals at the same time every day. When wefeel hungry, it is said that our body needs food.When we feel angry or excited, we may notwant to eat.A long time ago, in England, …  相似文献   

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